# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class ServerActions(models.Model): """ Add SMS option in server actions. """ _name = 'ir.actions.server' _inherit = ['ir.actions.server'] state = fields.Selection(selection_add=[ ('sms', 'Send SMS'), ('followers',), ], ondelete={'sms': 'cascade'}) # SMS sms_template_id = fields.Many2one( 'sms.template', 'SMS Template', compute='_compute_sms_template_id', ondelete='set null', readonly=False, store=True, domain="[('model_id', '=', model_id)]", ) sms_method = fields.Selection( selection=[('sms', 'SMS (without note)'), ('comment', 'SMS (with note)'), ('note', 'Note only')], string='Send SMS As', compute='_compute_sms_method', readonly=False, store=True) @api.depends('state') def _compute_available_model_ids(self): mail_thread_based = self.filtered(lambda action: action.state == 'sms') if mail_thread_based: mail_models = self.env['ir.model'].search([('is_mail_thread', '=', True), ('transient', '=', False)]) for action in mail_thread_based: action.available_model_ids = mail_models.ids super(ServerActions, self - mail_thread_based)._compute_available_model_ids() @api.depends('model_id', 'state') def _compute_sms_template_id(self): to_reset = self.filtered( lambda act: act.state != 'sms' or \ (act.model_id != act.sms_template_id.model_id) ) if to_reset: to_reset.sms_template_id = False @api.depends('state') def _compute_sms_method(self): to_reset = self.filtered(lambda act: act.state != 'sms') if to_reset: to_reset.sms_method = False other = self - to_reset if other: other.sms_method = 'sms' @api.constrains('state', 'model_id') def _check_sms_model_coherency(self): for action in self: if action.state == 'sms' and (action.model_id.transient or not action.model_id.is_mail_thread): raise ValidationError(_("Sending SMS can only be done on a mail.thread or a transient model")) @api.constrains('model_id', 'template_id') def _check_sms_template_model(self): for action in self.filtered(lambda action: action.state == 'sms'): if action.sms_template_id and action.sms_template_id.model_id != action.model_id: raise ValidationError( _('SMS template model of %(action_name)s does not match action model.', action_name=action.name ) ) def _run_action_sms_multi(self, eval_context=None): # TDE CLEANME: when going to new api with server action, remove action if not self.sms_template_id or self._is_recompute(): return False records = eval_context.get('records') or eval_context.get('record') if not records: return False composer = self.env['sms.composer'].with_context( default_res_model=records._name, default_res_ids=records.ids, default_composition_mode='comment' if self.sms_method == 'comment' else 'mass', default_template_id=self.sms_template_id.id, default_mass_keep_log=self.sms_method == 'note', ).create({}) composer.action_send_sms() return False