# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import _, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_round from odoo.tools.misc import groupby from .delivery_request_objects import DeliveryCommodity, DeliveryPackage class DeliveryCarrier(models.Model): _inherit = 'delivery.carrier' # -------------------------------- # # Internals for shipping providers # # -------------------------------- # invoice_policy = fields.Selection( selection_add=[('real', 'Real cost')], ondelete={'real': 'set default'}, help="Estimated Cost: the customer will be invoiced the estimated cost of the shipping.\n" "Real Cost: the customer will be invoiced the real cost of the shipping, the cost of the" "shipping will be updated on the SO after the delivery." ) route_ids = fields.Many2many( 'stock.route', 'stock_route_shipping', 'shipping_id', 'route_id', 'Routes', domain=[('shipping_selectable', '=', True)]) # -------------------------- # # API for external providers # # -------------------------- # def send_shipping(self, pickings): ''' Send the package to the service provider :param pickings: A recordset of pickings :return list: A list of dictionaries (one per picking) containing of the form:: { 'exact_price': price, 'tracking_number': number } # TODO missing labels per package # TODO missing currency # TODO missing success, error, warnings ''' self.ensure_one() if hasattr(self, '%s_send_shipping' % self.delivery_type): return getattr(self, '%s_send_shipping' % self.delivery_type)(pickings) def get_return_label(self, pickings, tracking_number=None, origin_date=None): self.ensure_one() if self.can_generate_return: res = getattr(self, '%s_get_return_label' % self.delivery_type)( pickings, tracking_number, origin_date ) if self.get_return_label_from_portal: pickings.return_label_ids.generate_access_token() return res def get_return_label_prefix(self): return 'LabelReturn-%s' % self.delivery_type def _get_delivery_label_prefix(self): return 'LabelShipping-%s' % self.delivery_type def _get_delivery_doc_prefix(self): return 'ShippingDoc-%s' % self.delivery_type def get_tracking_link(self, picking): ''' Ask the tracking link to the service provider :param picking: record of stock.picking :return str: an URL containing the tracking link or False ''' self.ensure_one() if hasattr(self, '%s_get_tracking_link' % self.delivery_type): return getattr(self, '%s_get_tracking_link' % self.delivery_type)(picking) def cancel_shipment(self, pickings): ''' Cancel a shipment :param pickings: A recordset of pickings ''' self.ensure_one() if hasattr(self, '%s_cancel_shipment' % self.delivery_type): return getattr(self, '%s_cancel_shipment' % self.delivery_type)(pickings) def _get_default_custom_package_code(self): """ Some delivery carriers require a prefix to be sent in order to use custom packages (ie not official ones). This optional method will return it as a string. """ self.ensure_one() if hasattr(self, '_%s_get_default_custom_package_code' % self.delivery_type): return getattr(self, '_%s_get_default_custom_package_code' % self.delivery_type)() else: return False # -------------------------------- # # get default packages/commodities # # -------------------------------- # def _get_packages_from_order(self, order, default_package_type): packages = [] total_cost = 0 for line in order.order_line.filtered(lambda line: not line.is_delivery and not line.display_type): total_cost += self._product_price_to_company_currency(line.product_qty, line.product_id, order.company_id) total_weight = order._get_estimated_weight() + default_package_type.base_weight if total_weight == 0.0: weight_uom_name = self.env['product.template']._get_weight_uom_name_from_ir_config_parameter() raise UserError(_("The package cannot be created because the total weight of the products in the picking is 0.0 %s", weight_uom_name)) # If max weight == 0 => division by 0. If this happens, we want to have # more in the max weight than in the total weight, so that it only # creates ONE package with everything. max_weight = default_package_type.max_weight or total_weight + 1 total_full_packages = int(total_weight / max_weight) last_package_weight = total_weight % max_weight package_weights = [max_weight] * total_full_packages + ([last_package_weight] if last_package_weight else []) partial_cost = total_cost / len(package_weights) # separate the cost uniformly order_commodities = self._get_commodities_from_order(order) # Split the commodities value uniformly as well for commodity in order_commodities: commodity.monetary_value /= len(package_weights) commodity.qty = max(1, commodity.qty // len(package_weights)) for weight in package_weights: packages.append(DeliveryPackage( order_commodities, weight, default_package_type, total_cost=partial_cost, currency=order.company_id.currency_id, order=order, )) return packages def _get_packages_from_picking(self, picking, default_package_type): packages = [] if picking.is_return_picking: commodities = self._get_commodities_from_stock_move_lines(picking.move_line_ids) weight = picking._get_estimated_weight() + default_package_type.base_weight packages.append(DeliveryPackage( commodities, weight, default_package_type, currency=picking.company_id.currency_id, picking=picking, )) return packages # Create all packages. for package in picking.move_line_ids.result_package_id: move_lines = picking.move_line_ids.filtered(lambda ml: ml.result_package_id == package) commodities = self._get_commodities_from_stock_move_lines(move_lines) package_total_cost = 0.0 for quant in package.quant_ids: package_total_cost += self._product_price_to_company_currency( quant.quantity, quant.product_id, picking.company_id ) packages.append(DeliveryPackage( commodities, package.shipping_weight or package.weight, package.package_type_id, name=package.name, total_cost=package_total_cost, currency=picking.company_id.currency_id, picking=picking, )) # Create one package: either everything is in pack or nothing is. if picking.weight_bulk: commodities = self._get_commodities_from_stock_move_lines(picking.move_line_ids) package_total_cost = 0.0 for move_line in picking.move_line_ids: package_total_cost += self._product_price_to_company_currency( move_line.quantity, move_line.product_id, picking.company_id ) packages.append(DeliveryPackage( commodities, picking.weight_bulk, default_package_type, name='Bulk Content', total_cost=package_total_cost, currency=picking.company_id.currency_id, picking=picking, )) elif not packages: raise UserError(_( "The package cannot be created because the total weight of the " "products in the picking is 0.0 %s", picking.weight_uom_name )) return packages def _get_commodities_from_order(self, order): commodities = [] for line in order.order_line.filtered(lambda line: not line.is_delivery and not line.display_type and line.product_id.type == 'consu'): unit_quantity = line.product_uom._compute_quantity(line.product_uom_qty, line.product_id.uom_id) rounded_qty = max(1, float_round(unit_quantity, precision_digits=0)) country_of_origin = line.product_id.country_of_origin.code or order.warehouse_id.partner_id.country_id.code commodities.append(DeliveryCommodity( line.product_id, amount=rounded_qty, monetary_value=line.price_reduce_taxinc, country_of_origin=country_of_origin, )) return commodities def _get_commodities_from_stock_move_lines(self, move_lines): commodities = [] product_lines = move_lines.filtered(lambda line: line.product_id.type == 'consu') for product, lines in groupby(product_lines, lambda x: x.product_id): unit_quantity = sum( line.product_uom_id._compute_quantity( line.quantity, product.uom_id) for line in lines) rounded_qty = max(1, float_round(unit_quantity, precision_digits=0)) country_of_origin = product.country_of_origin.code or lines[0].picking_id.picking_type_id.warehouse_id.partner_id.country_id.code unit_price = sum(line.sale_price for line in lines) / rounded_qty commodities.append(DeliveryCommodity(product, amount=rounded_qty, monetary_value=unit_price, country_of_origin=country_of_origin)) return commodities def _product_price_to_company_currency(self, quantity, product, company): return company.currency_id._convert(quantity * product.standard_price, product.currency_id, company, fields.Date.today()) # ------------------------------------------------ # # Fixed price shipping, aka a very simple provider # # ------------------------------------------------ # def fixed_send_shipping(self, pickings): res = [] for p in pickings: res = res + [{'exact_price': p.carrier_id.fixed_price, 'tracking_number': False}] return res def fixed_get_tracking_link(self, picking): if self.tracking_url and picking.carrier_tracking_ref: return self.tracking_url.replace("", picking.carrier_tracking_ref) return False def fixed_cancel_shipment(self, pickings): raise NotImplementedError() # ----------------------------------- # # Based on rule delivery type methods # # ----------------------------------- # def base_on_rule_send_shipping(self, pickings): res = [] for p in pickings: carrier = self._match_address(p.partner_id) if not carrier: raise ValidationError(_('There is no matching delivery rule.')) res = res + [{'exact_price': p.carrier_id._get_price_available(p.sale_id) if p.sale_id else 0.0, # TODO cleanme 'tracking_number': False}] return res def base_on_rule_get_tracking_link(self, picking): if self.tracking_url and picking.carrier_tracking_ref: return self.tracking_url.replace("", picking.carrier_tracking_ref) return False def base_on_rule_cancel_shipment(self, pickings): raise NotImplementedError()