/** @odoo-module **/ import { setSelection } from "@web_editor/js/editor/odoo-editor/src/utils/utils"; import { makeView, setupViewRegistries } from "@web/../tests/views/helpers"; import { patchWithCleanup, nextTick, triggerHotkey } from "@web/../tests/helpers/utils"; import { Wysiwyg } from "@web_editor/js/wysiwyg/wysiwyg"; import { triggerEvent, insertText, insertParagraphBreak, } from "@web_editor/js/editor/odoo-editor/test/utils"; function onMount() { const editor = wysiwyg.odooEditor; const editable = editor.editable; editor.testMode = true; return { editor, editable }; } function inputText(selector, content) { const selectorElement = document.querySelector(selector); selectorElement.focus(); for (const char of content) { selectorElement.dispatchEvent(new window.KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: char })); document.execCommand("insertText", false, char); selectorElement.dispatchEvent(new window.KeyboardEvent("keyup", { key: char })); } } let serverData; let wysiwyg; QUnit.module( "Link Creation", { before: function () { serverData = { models: { note: { fields: { body: { string: "Editor", type: "html", }, }, records: [ { id: 1, display_name: "first record", body: "

", }, ], }, }, }; }, beforeEach: async function () { setupViewRegistries(); patchWithCleanup(Wysiwyg.prototype, { init() { super.init(...arguments); wysiwyg = this; }, }); await makeView({ type: "form", serverData, resModel: "note", arch: "
" + '' + "", resId: 1, }); }, }, function () { QUnit.module("HotKeys"); QUnit.test("should be able to create link with ctrl+k and typing Create link in command palette search", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); // Open command palette await triggerHotkey("control+k"); // Search Create link from command palette inputText(".o_command_palette_search input", "Create link"); await nextTick(); await triggerHotkey("Enter"); // Insert link url inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_url_input"]', "#"); // Click on Insert button editor.document.querySelector(".o_dialog footer button.btn-primary").click(); await nextTick(); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual( editable.innerHTML, `


` ); }); QUnit.test("should be able to create link with ctrl+k and ctrl+k", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); // Open command palette await triggerHotkey("control+k"); // Hot key for Create link await triggerHotkey("control+k") // Insert link url inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_url_input"]', "#"); // Click on Insert button editor.document.querySelector(".o_dialog footer button.btn-primary").click(); await nextTick(); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual( editable.innerHTML, `


` ); }); QUnit.test( "should be able to create link with ctrl+k , and should make link on two existing characters", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); insertText(editor, "Hello"); setSelection(node, 1, node, 3); // Open command palette await triggerHotkey("control+k"); // Hot key for Create link await triggerHotkey("control+k") // Insert link url inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_url_input"]', "#"); // Click on Insert button editor.document.querySelector(".o_dialog footer button.btn-primary").click(); await nextTick(); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual( editable.innerHTML, `


` ); } ); QUnit.module("Typing based"); QUnit.test("typing valid URL + space should convert to link", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); inputText(".odoo-editor-editable p", "http://google.co.in"); insertText(editor, " "); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual( editable.innerHTML, `


` ); } ); QUnit.test("typing invalid URL + space should not convert to link", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); inputText(".odoo-editor-editable p", "www.odoo"); insertText(editor, " "); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual(editable.innerHTML, "


"); }); QUnit.module("Toolbar based"); QUnit.test("should convert all selected text to link", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); insertText(editor, "Hello"); setSelection(node, 0, node, 5); await nextTick(); // Click on link button from floating toolbar editor.document.querySelector("#toolbar .fa-link").click(); await nextTick(); // Insert link url inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_url_input"]', "#"); // Click on Insert button editor.document.querySelector(".o_dialog footer button.btn-primary").click(); await nextTick(); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual( editable.innerHTML, `


` ); }); QUnit.test("should set the link on two existing characters", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); insertText(editor, "Hello"); setSelection(node, 1, node, 3); // Click on link button from floating toolbar editor.document.querySelector("#toolbar .fa-link").click(); await nextTick(); // Insert link url inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_url_input"]', "#"); // Click on Insert button editor.document.querySelector(".o_dialog footer button.btn-primary").click(); await nextTick(); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual( editable.innerHTML, `


` ); }); QUnit.module("PowerBox related"); QUnit.test("Should be able to insert link on empty p", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); triggerEvent(node, "input", { data: "/" }); // Click on link button from powerbox editor.document.querySelector(".oe-powerbox-commandWrapper .fa-link").click(); await nextTick(); // Insert link url inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_url_input"]', "#"); // Click on Insert button editor.document.querySelector(".o_dialog footer button.btn-primary").click(); await nextTick(); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual( editable.innerHTML, `


` ); }); QUnit.test("should insert a link and preserve spacing", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); insertText(editor, "ab"); setSelection(node.firstChild, 1, node.firstChild, 1); insertText(editor, " "); setSelection(node.firstChild, 2, node.firstChild, 2); insertText(editor, " "); setSelection(node.firstChild, 3, node.firstChild, 3); insertText(editor, " "); setSelection(node.firstChild, 2, node.firstChild, 2); triggerEvent(node, "input", { data: "/" }); // Click on link button from powerbox editor.document.querySelector(".oe-powerbox-commandWrapper .fa-link").click(); await nextTick(); // Insert link label inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_label_input"]', "link"); // Insert link url inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_url_input"]', "#"); // Click on Insert button editor.document.querySelector(".o_dialog footer button.btn-primary").click(); await nextTick(); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual( editable.innerHTML, `

a link  b

` ); }); QUnit.test( "should insert a link and write a character after the link is created", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); insertText(editor, "ab"); setSelection(node.firstChild, 1); triggerEvent(node, "input", { data: "/" }); // Click on link button from powerbox editor.document.querySelector(".oe-powerbox-commandWrapper .fa-link").click(); await nextTick(); // Insert link url inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_url_input"]', "#"); // Click on Insert button editor.document.querySelector(".o_dialog footer button.btn-primary").click(); await nextTick(); insertText(editor, "D"); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual( editable.innerHTML, `


` ); } ); QUnit.test( "should insert a link and write 2 character after the link is created", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); insertText(editor, "ab"); setSelection(node.firstChild, 1); triggerEvent(node, "input", { data: "/" }); // Click on link button from powerbox editor.document.querySelector(".oe-powerbox-commandWrapper .fa-link").click(); await nextTick(); await triggerHotkey("Enter"); // Insert link url inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_url_input"]', "#"); // Click on Insert button editor.document.querySelector(".o_dialog footer button.btn-primary").click(); await nextTick(); insertText(editor, "E"); insertText(editor, "D"); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual( editable.innerHTML, `


` ); } ); QUnit.test( "should insert a link and write a character after the link then create a new

", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); insertText(editor, "ab"); triggerEvent(node, "input", { data: "/" }); // Click on link button from powerbox editor.document.querySelector(".oe-powerbox-commandWrapper .fa-link").click(); await nextTick(); await triggerHotkey("Enter"); // Insert link label inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_label_input"]', "link"); // Insert link url inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_url_input"]', "#"); // Click on Insert button editor.document.querySelector(".o_dialog footer button.btn-primary").click(); await nextTick(); insertText(editor, "E"); await insertParagraphBreak(editor); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual( editable.innerHTML, `


` ); } ); QUnit.test( "should insert a link, write a character, a new

, and another character", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); insertText(editor, "ab"); setSelection(node.firstChild, 1); triggerEvent(node, "input", { data: "/" }); // Click on link button from powerbox editor.document.querySelector(".oe-powerbox-commandWrapper .fa-link").click(); await nextTick(); await triggerHotkey("Enter"); // Insert link label inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_label_input"]', "link"); // Insert link url inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_url_input"]', "#"); // Click on Insert button editor.document.querySelector(".o_dialog footer button.btn-primary").click(); await nextTick(); insertText(editor, "E"); await insertParagraphBreak(editor); insertText(editor, "D"); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual( editable.innerHTML, `



` ); } ); QUnit.test( "should insert a link and write a character at the end of the link then insert a
", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); insertText(editor, "ab"); setSelection(node.firstChild, 1); triggerEvent(node, "input", { data: "/" }); // Click on link button from powerbox editor.document.querySelector(".oe-powerbox-commandWrapper .fa-link").click(); await nextTick(); await triggerHotkey("Enter"); // Insert link label inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_label_input"]', "link"); // Insert link url inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_url_input"]', "#"); // Click on Insert button editor.document.querySelector(".o_dialog footer button.btn-primary").click(); await nextTick(); insertText(editor, "E"); triggerEvent(node, "input", { inputType: "insertLineBreak" }); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual( editable.innerHTML, `


` ); } ); QUnit.test( "should insert a link and write a character insert a
and another character", async function (assert) { const { editor, editable } = onMount(); const node = editable.querySelector("p"); setSelection(node, 0); insertText(editor, "ab"); setSelection(node.firstChild, 1); triggerEvent(node, "input", { data: "/" }); // Click on link button from powerbox editor.document.querySelector(".oe-powerbox-commandWrapper .fa-link").click(); await nextTick(); await triggerHotkey("Enter"); // Insert link label inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_label_input"]', "link"); // Insert link url inputText('input[id="o_link_dialog_url_input"]', "#"); // Click on Insert button editor.document.querySelector(".o_dialog footer button.btn-primary").click(); await nextTick(); insertText(editor, "E"); triggerEvent(node, "input", { inputType: "insertLineBreak" }); insertText(editor, "D"); editor.clean(); assert.strictEqual( editable.innerHTML, `


` ); } ); } );