/** @odoo-module **/ import { MockServer } from "@web/../tests/helpers/mock_server"; import testUtils from "@web/../tests/legacy_tests/helpers/test_utils"; import { patch } from "@web/core/utils/patch"; import * as OdooEditorLib from "@web_editor/js/editor/odoo-editor/src/OdooEditor"; import { Wysiwyg } from '@web_editor/js/wysiwyg/wysiwyg'; import options from "@web_editor/js/editor/snippets.options"; import { TABLE_ATTRIBUTES, TABLE_STYLES } from '@web_editor/js/backend/convert_inline'; export const COLOR_PICKER_TEMPLATE = `



Background Image
Top Middle Bottom Equal height
`; patch(MockServer.prototype, { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @override * @private * @returns {Promise} */ async _performRPC(route, args) { if (args.model === "ir.ui.view" && args.method === 'render_public_asset') { if (args.args[0] === "web_editor.colorpicker") { return COLOR_PICKER_TEMPLATE; } if (args.args[0] === "web_editor.snippets") { return SNIPPETS_TEMPLATE; } } if (args.model === "res.lang" && args.method === "get_installed") { return [["en_US", "English"]]; } return super._performRPC(...arguments); }, }); /** * Options with animation and edition for test. */ options.registry.option_test = options.Class.extend({ cleanForSave: function () { this.$target.addClass('cleanForSave'); }, onBuilt: function () { this.$target.addClass('built'); }, onBlur: function () { this.$target.removeClass('focus'); }, onClone: function () { this.$target.addClass('clone'); this.$target.removeClass('focus'); }, onFocus: function () { this.$target.addClass('focus'); }, onMove: function () { this.$target.addClass('move'); }, onRemove: function () { this.$target.closest('.note-editable').addClass('snippet_has_removed'); }, }); /** * @param {object} data * @returns {object} */ export function wysiwygData(data) { return Object.assign({ 'ir.ui.view': { fields: { display_name: { string: "Displayed name", type: "char", }, }, records: [], render_template(args) { if (args[0] === 'web_editor.colorpicker') { return COLOR_PICKER_TEMPLATE; } if (args[0] === 'web_editor.snippets') { return SNIPPETS_TEMPLATE; } }, }, 'ir.attachment': { fields: { display_name: { string: "display_name", type: 'char', }, description: { string: "description", type: 'char', }, mimetype: { string: "mimetype", type: 'char', }, checksum: { string: "checksum", type: 'char', }, url: { string: "url", type: 'char', }, type: { string: "type", type: 'char', }, res_id: { string: "res_id", type: 'integer', }, res_model: { string: "res_model", type: 'char', }, public: { string: "public", type: 'boolean', }, access_token: { string: "access_token", type: 'char', }, image_src: { string: "image_src", type: 'char', }, image_width: { string: "image_width", type: 'integer', }, image_height: { string: "image_height", type: 'integer', }, original_id: { string: "original_id", type: 'many2one', relation: 'ir.attachment', }, }, records: [{ id: 1, name: 'image', description: '', mimetype: 'image/png', checksum: false, url: '/web/image/123/transparent.png', type: 'url', res_id: 0, res_model: false, public: true, access_token: false, image_src: '/web/image/123/transparent.png', image_width: 256, image_height: 256, }], generate_access_token: function () { return; }, }, }, data); } /** * Perform a series of tests (`keyboardTests`) for using keyboard inputs. * * @see wysiwyg_keyboard_tests.js * @see wysiwyg_tests.js * * @param {jQuery} $editable * @param {object} assert * @param {object[]} keyboardTests * @param {string} keyboardTests.name * @param {string} keyboardTests.content * @param {object[]} keyboardTests.steps * @param {string} keyboardTests.steps.start * @param {string} [keyboardTests.steps.end] default: steps.start * @param {string} keyboardTests.steps.key * @param {object} keyboardTests.test * @param {string} [keyboardTests.test.content] * @param {string} [keyboardTests.test.start] * @param {string} [keyboardTests.test.end] default: steps.start * @param {function($editable, assert)} [keyboardTests.test.check] * @param {Number} addTests */ var testKeyboard = function ($editable, assert, keyboardTests, addTests) { var tests = keyboardTests.map((k) => k.test).map((x) => !!x); var testNumber = tests.map((test) => test.start).map((x) => !!x).length + tests.map((test) => test.content).map((x) => !!x).length + tests.map((test) => test.check.map((x) => !!x)).length + (addTests | 0); assert.expect(testNumber); function keydown(target, keypress) { var $target = $(target.tagName ? target : target.parentNode); var event = $.Event("keydown", keypress); $target.trigger(event); if (!event.defaultPrevented) { if (keypress.key.length === 1) { textInput($target[0], keypress.key); } else { console.warn('Native "' + keypress.key + '" is not supported in test'); } } $target.trigger($.Event("keyup", keypress)); return $target; } function _select(selector) { // eg: ".class:contents()[0]->1" selects the first contents of the 'class' class, with an offset of 1 var reDOMSelection = /^(.+?)(:contents(\(\)\[|\()([0-9]+)[\]|\)])?(->([0-9]+))?$/; var sel = selector.match(reDOMSelection); var $node = $editable.find(sel[1]); var point = { node: sel[3] ? $node.contents()[+sel[4]] : $node[0], offset: sel[5] ? +sel[6] : 0, }; if (!point.node || point.offset > (point.node.tagName ? point.node.childNodes : point.node.textContent).length) { assert.notOk("Node not found: '" + selector + "' " + (point.node ? "(container: '" + (point.node.outerHTML || point.node.textContent) + "')" : "")); } return point; } function selectText(start, end) { start = _select(start); var target = start.node; $(target.tagName ? target : target.parentNode).trigger("mousedown"); if (end) { end = _select(end); Wysiwyg.setRange(start.node, start.offset, end.node, end.offset); } else { Wysiwyg.setRange(start.node, start.offset); } target = end ? end.node : start.node; $(target.tagName ? target : target.parentNode).trigger('mouseup'); } function nextPoint(point) { var node, offset; if (OdooEditorLib.nodeSize(point.node) === point.offset) { node = point.node.parentNode; offset = OdooEditorLib.childNodeIndex(point.node) + 1; } else if (point.node.hasChildNodes()) { node = point.node.childNodes[point.offset]; offset = 0; } else { node = point.node; offset = point.offset + 1; } return { node: node, offset: offset }; } function endOfAreaBetweenTwoNodes(point) { // move the position because some browser make the caret on the end of the previous area after normalize if ( !point.node.tagName && point.offset === point.node.textContent.length && !/\S|\u00A0/.test(point.node.textContent) ) { point = nextPoint(nextPoint(point)); while (point.node.tagName && point.node.textContent.length) { point = nextPoint(point); } } return point; } var defPollTest = Promise.resolve(); function pollTest(test) { var def = Promise.resolve(); $editable.data('wysiwyg').setValue(test.content); function poll(step) { var def = testUtils.makeTestPromise(); if (step.start) { selectText(step.start, step.end); if (!Wysiwyg.getRange()) { throw 'Wrong range! \n' + 'Test: ' + test.name + '\n' + 'Selection: ' + step.start + '" to "' + step.end + '"\n' + 'DOM: ' + $editable.html(); } } setTimeout(function () { if (step.key) { var target = Wysiwyg.getRange().ec; if (window.location.search.indexOf('notrycatch') !== -1) { keydown(target, { key: step.key, ctrlKey: !!step.ctrlKey, shiftKey: !!step.shiftKey, altKey: !!step.altKey, metaKey: !!step.metaKey, }); } else { try { keydown(target, { key: step.key, ctrlKey: !!step.ctrlKey, shiftKey: !!step.shiftKey, altKey: !!step.altKey, metaKey: !!step.metaKey, }); } catch (e) { assert.notOk(e.name + '\n\n' + e.stack, test.name); } } } setTimeout(function () { if (step.key) { var $target = $(target.tagName ? target : target.parentNode); $target.trigger($.Event('keyup', { key: step.key, ctrlKey: !!step.ctrlKey, shiftKey: !!step.shiftKey, altKey: !!step.altKey, metaKey: !!step.metaKey, })); } setTimeout(def.resolve.bind(def)); }); }); return def; } while (test.steps.length) { def = def.then(poll.bind(null, test.steps.shift())); } return def.then(function () { if (!test.test) { return; } if (test.test.check) { test.test.check($editable, assert); } // test content if (test.test.content) { var value = $editable.data('wysiwyg').getValue({ keepPopover: true, }); var allInvisible = /\u200B/g; value = value.replace(allInvisible, '​'); var result = test.test.content.replace(allInvisible, '​'); assert.strictEqual(value, result, test.name); if (test.test.start && value !== result) { assert.notOk("Wrong DOM (see previous assert)", test.name + " (carret position)"); return; } } $editable[0].normalize(); // test carret position if (test.test.start) { var start = _select(test.test.start); var range = Wysiwyg.getRange(); if ((range.sc !== range.ec || range.so !== range.eo) && !test.test.end) { assert.ok(false, test.name + ": the carret is not colapsed and the 'end' selector in test is missing"); return; } var end = test.test.end ? _select(test.test.end) : start; if (start.node && end.node) { range = Wysiwyg.getRange(); var startPoint = endOfAreaBetweenTwoNodes({ node: range.sc, offset: range.so, }); var endPoint = endOfAreaBetweenTwoNodes({ node: range.ec, offset: range.eo, }); var sameDOM = (startPoint.node.outerHTML || startPoint.node.textContent) === (start.node.outerHTML || start.node.textContent); var stringify = function (obj) { if (!sameDOM) { delete obj.sameDOMsameNode; } return JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2) .replace(/"([^"\s-]+)":/g, "\$1:") .replace(/([^\\])"/g, "\$1'") .replace(/\\"/g, '"'); }; assert.deepEqual(stringify({ startNode: startPoint.node.outerHTML || startPoint.node.textContent, startOffset: startPoint.offset, endPoint: endPoint.node.outerHTML || endPoint.node.textContent, endOffset: endPoint.offset, sameDOMsameNode: sameDOM && startPoint.node === start.node, }), stringify({ startNode: start.node.outerHTML || start.node.textContent, startOffset: start.offset, endPoint: end.node.outerHTML || end.node.textContent, endOffset: end.offset, sameDOMsameNode: true, }), test.name + " (carret position)"); } } }); } while (keyboardTests.length) { defPollTest = defPollTest.then(pollTest.bind(null, keyboardTests.shift())); } return defPollTest; }; /** * Select a node in the dom with is offset. * * @param {String} startSelector * @param {String} endSelector * @param {jQuery} $editable * @returns {Object} {sc, so, ec, eo} */ var select = (function () { var __select = function (selector, $editable) { var sel = selector.match(/^(.+?)(:contents\(\)\[([0-9]+)\]|:contents\(([0-9]+)\))?(->([0-9]+))?$/); var $node = $editable.find(sel[1]); return { node: sel[2] ? $node.contents()[sel[3] ? +sel[3] : +sel[4]] : $node[0], offset: sel[5] ? +sel[6] : 0, }; }; return function (startSelector, endSelector, $editable) { var start = __select(startSelector, $editable); var end = endSelector ? __select(endSelector, $editable) : start; return { sc: start.node, so: start.offset, ec: end.node, eo: end.offset, }; }; })(); /** * Trigger a keydown event. * * @param {String or Number} key (name or code) * @param {jQuery} $editable * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Boolean} [options.firstDeselect] (default: false) true to deselect before pressing */ var keydown = function (key, $editable, options) { var keyPress = {}; keyPress.key = key; var range = Wysiwyg.getRange(); if (!range) { console.error("Editor have not any range"); return; } if (options && options.firstDeselect) { range.sc = range.ec; range.so = range.eo; Wysiwyg.setRange(range.sc, range.so, range.ec, range.eo); } var target = range.ec; var $target = $(target.tagName ? target : target.parentNode); var event = $.Event("keydown", keyPress); $target.trigger(event); if (!event.defaultPrevented) { if (keyPress.key.length === 1) { textInput($target[0], keyPress.key); } else { console.warn('Native "' + keyPress.key + '" is not supported in test'); } } }; var textInput = function (target, char) { var ev = new CustomEvent('textInput', { bubbles: true, cancelBubble: false, cancelable: true, composed: true, data: char, defaultPrevented: false, detail: 0, eventPhase: 3, isTrusted: true, returnValue: true, sourceCapabilities: null, type: "textInput", which: 0, }); ev.data = char; target.dispatchEvent(ev); if (!ev.defaultPrevented) { document.execCommand("insertText", 0, ev.data); } }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Convert Inline //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- const tableAttributesString = Object.keys(TABLE_ATTRIBUTES).map(key => `${key}="${TABLE_ATTRIBUTES[key]}"`).join(' '); const tableStylesString = Object.keys(TABLE_STYLES).map(key => `${key}: ${TABLE_STYLES[key]};`).join(' '); /** * Take a matrix representing a grid and return an HTML string of the Bootstrap * grid. The matrix is an array of rows, with each row being an array of cells. * Each cell can be represented either by a 0 < number < 13 (col-#) or a falsy * value (col). Each cell has its coordinates `(row index, column index)` as * text content. * Eg: [ //
* [ //
* 1, //
(0, 0)
* 11, //
(0, 1)
* ], //
* [ //
* false, //
(1, 0)
* ], //
* ] //
* * @param {Array>} matrix * @returns {string} */ export function getGridHtml(matrix) { return ( `
` + matrix.map((row, iRow) => ( `
` + row.map((col, iCol) => ( `
(${iRow}, ${iCol})
` )).join('') + `
` )).join('') + `
` ); } export function getTdHtml(colspan, text, containerWidth) { return ( `` + text + `` ); } /** * Take a matrix representing a table and return an HTML string of the table. * The matrix is an array of rows, with each row being an array of cells. Each * cell is represented by a tuple of numbers [colspan, width (in percent)]. A * cell can have a string as third value to represent its text content. The * default text content of each cell is its coordinates `(row index, column * index)`. If the cell has a number as third value, it will be used as the * max-width of the cell (in pixels). * Eg: [ // (note: extra attrs and styles apply) * [ // * [1, 8], // * [11, 92] // * ], // * [ // * [2, 17, 'A'], // * [10, 83], // * ], // * ] //
(0, 0)(0, 1)
A(1, 1)
* * @param {Array>>} matrix * @param {Number} [containerWidth] * @returns {string} */ export function getTableHtml(matrix, containerWidth) { return ( `` + matrix.map((row, iRow) => ( `` + row.map((col, iCol) => ( getTdHtml(col[0], typeof col[2] === 'string' ? col[2] : `(${iRow}, ${iCol})`, containerWidth) )).join('') + `` )).join('') + `
` ); } /** * Take a number of rows and a number of columns (or number of columns per * individual row) and return an HTML string of the corresponding grid. Every * column is a regular Bootstrap "col" (no col-#). * Eg: [2, 3] <=> getGridHtml([[false, false, false], [false, false, false]]) * Eg: [2, [2, 1]] <=> getGridHtml([[false, false], [false]]) * * @see getGridHtml * @param {Number} nRows * @param {Number|Number[]} nCols * @returns {string} */ export function getRegularGridHtml(nRows, nCols) { const matrix = new Array(nRows).fill().map((_, iRow) => ( new Array(Array.isArray(nCols) ? nCols[iRow] : nCols).fill() )); return getGridHtml(matrix); }; /** * Take a number of rows, a number of columns (or number of columns per * individual row), a colspan (or colspan per individual row) and a width (or * width per individual row, in percent), and return an HTML string of the * corresponding table. Every cell in a row has the same colspan/width. * Eg: [2, 2, 6, 50] <=> getTableHtml([[[6, 50], [6, 50]], [[6, 50], [6, 50]]]) * Eg: [2, [2, 1], [6, 12], [50, 100]] <=> getTableHtml([[[6, 50], [6, 50]], [[12, 100]]]) * * @see getTableHtml * @param {Number} nRows * @param {Number|Number[]} nCols * @param {Number|Number[]} colspan * @param {Number|Number[]} width * @param {Number} containerWidth * @returns {string} */ export function getRegularTableHtml(nRows, nCols, colspan, width, containerWidth) { const matrix = new Array(nRows).fill().map((_, iRow) => ( new Array(Array.isArray(nCols) ? nCols[iRow] : nCols).fill().map(() => ([ Array.isArray(colspan) ? colspan[iRow] : colspan, Array.isArray(width) ? width[iRow] : width, ]))) ); return getTableHtml(matrix, containerWidth); } /** * Take an HTML string and returns that string stripped from any HTML comments. * By default, also removes the mso-hide class which is only there for outlook * to hide elements when we use mso conditional comments. * * @param {string} html * @param {boolean} [removeMsoHide=true] * @returns {string} */ export function removeComments(html, removeMsoHide=true) { const cleanHtml = html.replace(//g, ''); if (removeMsoHide) { return cleanHtml.replaceAll(' class="mso-hide"', '').replace(/\s*mso-hide/g, '').replace(/mso-hide\s*/g, ''); } else { return cleanHtml; } } export default { wysiwygData: wysiwygData, testKeyboard: testKeyboard, select: select, keydown: keydown, getGridHtml: getGridHtml, getTableHtml: getTableHtml, getRegularGridHtml: getRegularGridHtml, getRegularTableHtml: getRegularTableHtml, getTdHtml: getTdHtml, removeComments: removeComments, };