/** @odoo-module **/ import { changeOption, clickOnEditAndWaitEditMode, clickOnSave, clickOnSnippet, insertSnippet, registerWebsitePreviewTour, } from "@website/js/tours/tour_utils"; const coverSnippet = {id: "s_cover", name: "Cover", groupName: "Intro"}; registerWebsitePreviewTour("test_parallax", { url: "/", edition: true, checkDelay: 500, }, () => [ ...insertSnippet(coverSnippet), ...clickOnSnippet(coverSnippet), changeOption("BackgroundOptimize", "we-toggler"), changeOption("BackgroundOptimize", 'we-button[data-gl-filter="blur"]'), { content: "Check that the Cover snippet has the Blur filter on its background image", trigger: ":iframe .s_cover span[data-gl-filter='blur']", }, changeOption("Parallax", "we-toggler"), changeOption("Parallax", 'we-button[data-select-data-attribute="0"]'), { content: "Check that the data related to the filter have been transferred to the new target", trigger: ":iframe .s_cover[data-gl-filter='blur']", }, { content: "Check that the 'o_modified_image_to_save' class has been transferred to the new target", trigger: ":iframe .s_cover.o_modified_image_to_save", }, changeOption("Parallax", "we-toggler"), changeOption("Parallax", 'we-button[data-select-data-attribute="1"]'), { content: "Check that the 'o_modified_image_to_save' class has been deleted from the old target", trigger: ":iframe .s_cover:not(.o_modified_image_to_save)", }, { content: "Check that the 'o_modified_image_to_save' class has been transferred to the new target", trigger: ":iframe span.s_parallax_bg.o_modified_image_to_save", }, { content: "Check that the data related to the filter have been transferred to the new target", trigger: ":iframe span.s_parallax_bg[data-gl-filter='blur']", }, changeOption("Parallax", "we-toggler"), changeOption("Parallax", 'we-button[data-select-data-attribute="1.5"]'), { content: "Check that the option was correctly applied", trigger: ':iframe span.s_parallax_bg[style*=top][style*=bottom][style*=transform]', }, ...clickOnSave(), ...clickOnEditAndWaitEditMode(), { content: "The parallax should not add o_dirty when entering edit mode", trigger: ':iframe #wrap:not(.o_dirty)', }, ]);