# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from hashlib import sha256 import copy import unittest from unittest.mock import patch from itertools import zip_longest from lxml import etree as ET, html from lxml.html import builder as h from odoo.modules.module import _DEFAULT_MANIFEST from odoo.tests import common, HttpCase, tagged def attrs(**kwargs): return {'data-oe-%s' % key: str(value) for key, value in kwargs.items()} class TestViewSavingCommon(common.TransactionCase): def _create_imd(self, view): xml_id = view.key.split('.') return self.env['ir.model.data'].create({ 'module': xml_id[0], 'name': xml_id[1], 'model': view._name, 'res_id': view.id, }) class TestViewSaving(TestViewSavingCommon): def eq(self, a, b): self.assertEqual(a.tag, b.tag) self.assertEqual(a.attrib, b.attrib) self.assertEqual((a.text or '').strip(), (b.text or '').strip()) self.assertEqual((a.tail or '').strip(), (b.tail or '').strip()) for ca, cb in zip_longest(a, b): self.eq(ca, cb) def setUp(self): super(TestViewSaving, self).setUp() self.arch = h.DIV( h.DIV( h.H3("Column 1"), h.UL( h.LI("Item 1"), h.LI("Item 2"), h.LI("Item 3"))), h.DIV( h.H3("Column 2"), h.UL( h.LI("Item 1"), h.LI(h.SPAN("My Company", attrs(model='res.company', id=1, field='name', type='char'))), h.LI(h.SPAN("+00 00 000 00 0 000", attrs(model='res.company', id=1, field='phone', type='char'))) )) ) self.view_id = self.env['ir.ui.view'].create({ 'name': "Test View", 'type': 'qweb', 'key': 'website.test_view', 'arch': ET.tostring(self.arch, encoding='unicode') }) def test_embedded_extraction(self): fields = self.env['ir.ui.view'].extract_embedded_fields(self.arch) expect = [ h.SPAN("My Company", attrs(model='res.company', id=1, field='name', type='char')), h.SPAN("+00 00 000 00 0 000", attrs(model='res.company', id=1, field='phone', type='char')), ] for actual, expected in zip_longest(fields, expect): self.eq(actual, expected) def test_embedded_save(self): embedded = h.SPAN("+00 00 000 00 0 000", attrs( model='res.company', id=1, field='phone', type='char')) self.env['ir.ui.view'].save_embedded_field(embedded) company = self.env['res.company'].browse(1) self.assertEqual(company.phone, "+00 00 000 00 0 000") @unittest.skip("save conflict for embedded (saved by third party or previous version in page) not implemented") def test_embedded_conflict(self): e1 = h.SPAN("My Company", attrs(model='res.company', id=1, field='name')) e2 = h.SPAN("Leeroy Jenkins", attrs(model='res.company', id=1, field='name')) View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] View.save_embedded_field(e1) # FIXME: more precise exception with self.assertRaises(Exception): View.save_embedded_field(e2) def test_embedded_to_field_ref(self): View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] embedded = h.SPAN("My Company", attrs(expression="bob")) self.eq( View.to_field_ref(embedded), h.SPAN({'t-field': 'bob'}) ) def test_to_field_ref_keep_attributes(self): View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] att = attrs(expression="bob", model="res.company", id=1, field="name") att['id'] = "whop" att['class'] = "foo bar" embedded = h.SPAN("My Company", att) self.eq(View.to_field_ref(embedded), h.SPAN({'t-field': 'bob', 'class': 'foo bar', 'id': 'whop'})) def test_replace_arch(self): replacement = h.P("Wheee") result = self.view_id.replace_arch_section(None, replacement) self.eq(result, h.DIV("Wheee")) def test_replace_arch_2(self): replacement = h.DIV(h.P("Wheee")) result = self.view_id.replace_arch_section(None, replacement) self.eq(result, replacement) def test_fixup_arch(self): replacement = h.H1("I am the greatest title alive!") result = self.view_id.replace_arch_section('/div/div[1]/h3', replacement) self.eq(result, h.DIV( h.DIV( h.H3("I am the greatest title alive!"), h.UL( h.LI("Item 1"), h.LI("Item 2"), h.LI("Item 3"))), h.DIV( h.H3("Column 2"), h.UL( h.LI("Item 1"), h.LI(h.SPAN("My Company", attrs(model='res.company', id=1, field='name', type='char'))), h.LI(h.SPAN("+00 00 000 00 0 000", attrs(model='res.company', id=1, field='phone', type='char'))) )) )) def test_multiple_xpath_matches(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.view_id.replace_arch_section('/div/div/h3', h.H6("Lol nope")) def test_save(self): Company = self.env['res.company'] # create an xmlid for the view imd = self._create_imd(self.view_id) self.assertEqual(self.view_id.model_data_id, imd) self.assertFalse(imd.noupdate) replacement = ET.tostring(h.DIV( h.H3("Column 2"), h.UL( h.LI("wob wob wob"), h.LI(h.SPAN("Acme Corporation", attrs(model='res.company', id=1, field='name', expression="bob", type='char'))), h.LI(h.SPAN("+12 3456789", attrs(model='res.company', id=1, field='phone', expression="edmund", type='char'))), ) ), encoding='unicode') self.view_id.with_context(website_id=1).save(value=replacement, xpath='/div/div[2]') self.assertFalse(imd.noupdate, "view's xml_id shouldn't be set to 'noupdate' in a website context as `save` method will COW") # remove newly created COW view so next `save()`` wont be redirected to COW view self.env['website'].with_context(website_id=1).viewref(self.view_id.key).unlink() self.view_id.save(value=replacement, xpath='/div/div[2]') # the xml_id of the view should be flagged as 'noupdate' self.assertTrue(imd.noupdate) company = Company.browse(1) self.assertEqual(company.name, "Acme Corporation") self.assertEqual(company.phone, "+12 3456789") self.eq( ET.fromstring(self.view_id.arch), h.DIV( h.DIV( h.H3("Column 1"), h.UL( h.LI("Item 1"), h.LI("Item 2"), h.LI("Item 3"))), h.DIV( h.H3("Column 2"), h.UL( h.LI("wob wob wob"), h.LI(h.SPAN({'t-field': "bob"})), h.LI(h.SPAN({'t-field': "edmund"})) )) ) ) def test_save_escaped_text(self): """ Test saving html special chars in text nodes """ view = self.env['ir.ui.view'].create({ 'arch': u'

hello world

', 'type': 'qweb' }) # script and style text nodes should not escaped client side replacement = u'' view.save(replacement, xpath='/t/p/h1') self.assertIn( replacement.replace(u'&', u'&'), view.arch, 'inline script should be escaped server side' ) self.assertIn( replacement, self.env['ir.qweb']._render(view.id), 'inline script should not be escaped when rendering' ) # common text nodes should be be escaped client side replacement = u'world & <b>cie' view.save(replacement, xpath='/t/p') self.assertIn(replacement, view.arch, 'common text node should not be escaped server side') self.assertIn( replacement, str(self.env['ir.qweb']._render(view.id)).replace(u'&', u'&'), 'text node characters wrongly unescaped when rendering' ) def test_save_oe_structure_with_attr(self): """ Test saving oe_structure with attributes """ view = self.env['ir.ui.view'].create({ 'arch': u'
', 'type': 'qweb' }).with_context(website_id=1, load_all_views=True) replacement = u'
' view.save(replacement, xpath='/t/div') # branding data-oe-* should be stripped self.assertIn( '
', view.get_combined_arch(), 'saved element attributes are saved excluding branding ones' ) def test_save_only_embedded(self): Company = self.env['res.company'] company_id = 1 company = Company.browse(company_id) company.write({'name': "Foo Corporation"}) node = html.tostring(h.SPAN( "Acme Corporation", attrs(model='res.company', id=company_id, field="name", expression='bob', type='char')), encoding='unicode') View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] View.browse(company_id).save(value=node) self.assertEqual(company.name, "Acme Corporation") def test_field_tail(self): replacement = ET.tostring( h.LI(h.SPAN("+12 3456789", attrs( model='res.company', id=1, type='char', field='phone', expression="edmund")), "whop whop" ), encoding="utf-8") self.view_id.save(value=replacement, xpath='/div/div[2]/ul/li[3]') self.eq( ET.fromstring(self.view_id.arch.encode('utf-8')), h.DIV( h.DIV( h.H3("Column 1"), h.UL( h.LI("Item 1"), h.LI("Item 2"), h.LI("Item 3"))), h.DIV( h.H3("Column 2"), h.UL( h.LI("Item 1"), h.LI(h.SPAN("My Company", attrs(model='res.company', id=1, field='name', type='char'))), h.LI(h.SPAN({'t-field': "edmund"}), "whop whop"), )) ) ) @tagged('-at_install', 'post_install') class TestCowViewSaving(TestViewSavingCommon): def setUp(self): super(TestCowViewSaving, self).setUp() View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] self.base_view = View.create({ 'name': 'Base', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': '
base content
', 'key': 'website.base_view', }).with_context(load_all_views=True) self.inherit_view = View.create({ 'name': 'Extension', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': self.base_view.id, 'arch': '
, extended content
', 'key': 'website.extension_view', }) def test_cow_on_base_after_extension(self): View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] self.inherit_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'name': 'Extension Specific'}) v1 = self.base_view v2 = self.inherit_view v3 = View.search([('website_id', '=', 1), ('name', '=', 'Extension Specific')]) v4 = self.inherit_view.copy({'name': 'Second Extension'}) v5 = self.inherit_view.copy({'name': 'Third Extension (Specific)'}) v5.write({'website_id': 1}) # id | name | website_id | inherit | key # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 1 | Base | / | / | website.base_view # 2 | Extension | / | 1 | website.extension_view # 3 | Extension Specific | 1 | 1 | website.extension_view # 4 | Second Extension | / | 1 | website.extension_view_a5f579d5 (generated hash) # 5 | Third Extension (Specific) | 1 | 1 | website.extension_view_5gr87e6c (another generated hash) self.assertEqual(v2.key == v3.key, True, "Making specific a generic inherited view should copy it's key (just change the website_id)") self.assertEqual(v3.key != v4.key != v5.key, True, "Copying a view should generate a new key for the new view (not the case when triggering COW)") self.assertEqual('website.extension_view' in v3.key and 'website.extension_view' in v4.key and 'website.extension_view' in v5.key, True, "The copied views should have the key from the view it was copied from but with an unique suffix") total_views = View.search_count([]) v1.with_context(website_id=1).write({'name': 'Base Specific'}) # id | name | website_id | inherit | key # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 1 | Base | / | / | website.base_view # 2 | Extension | / | 1 | website.extension_view # 3 - DELETED # 4 | Second Extension | / | 1 | website.extension_view_a5f579d5 # 5 - DELETED # 6 | Base Specific | 1 | / | website.base_view # 7 | Extension Specific | 1 | 6 | website.extension_view # 8 | Second Extension | 1 | 6 | website.extension_view_a5f579d5 # 9 | Third Extension (Specific) | 1 | 6 | website.extension_view_5gr87e6c v6 = View.search([('website_id', '=', 1), ('name', '=', 'Base Specific')]) v7 = View.search([('website_id', '=', 1), ('name', '=', 'Extension Specific')]) v8 = View.search([('website_id', '=', 1), ('name', '=', 'Second Extension')]) v9 = View.search([('website_id', '=', 1), ('name', '=', 'Third Extension (Specific)')]) self.assertEqual(total_views + 4 - 2, View.search_count([]), "It should have duplicated the view tree with a website_id, taking only most specific (only specific `b` key), and removing website_specific from generic tree") self.assertEqual(len((v3 + v5).exists()), 0, "v3 and v5 should have been deleted as they were already specific and copied to the new specific base") # Check generic tree self.assertEqual((v1 + v2 + v4).mapped('website_id').ids, []) self.assertEqual((v2 + v4).mapped('inherit_id'), v1) # Check specific tree self.assertEqual((v6 + v7 + v8 + v9).mapped('website_id').ids, [1]) self.assertEqual((v7 + v8 + v9).mapped('inherit_id'), v6) # Check key self.assertEqual(v6.key == v1.key, True) self.assertEqual(v7.key == v2.key, True) self.assertEqual(v4.key == v8.key, True) self.assertEqual(View.search_count([('key', '=', v9.key)]), 1) def test_cow_leaf(self): View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] # edit on backend, regular write self.inherit_view.write({'arch': '
modified content
'}) self.assertEqual(View.search_count([('key', '=', 'website.base_view')]), 1) self.assertEqual(View.search_count([('key', '=', 'website.extension_view')]), 1) arch = self.base_view.get_combined_arch() self.assertEqual(arch, '
modified content
') # edit on frontend, copy just the leaf self.inherit_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'arch': '
website 1 content
'}) inherit_views = View.search([('key', '=', 'website.extension_view')]) self.assertEqual(View.search_count([('key', '=', 'website.base_view')]), 1) self.assertEqual(len(inherit_views), 2) self.assertEqual(len(inherit_views.filtered(lambda v: v.website_id.id == 1)), 1) # read in backend should be unaffected arch = self.base_view.get_combined_arch() self.assertEqual(arch, '
modified content
') # read on website should reflect change arch = self.base_view.with_context(website_id=1).get_combined_arch() self.assertEqual(arch, '
website 1 content
') # website-specific inactive view should take preference over active generic one when viewing the website # this is necessary to make customize_show=True templates work correctly inherit_views.filtered(lambda v: v.website_id.id == 1).write({'active': False}) arch = self.base_view.with_context(website_id=1).get_combined_arch() self.assertEqual(arch, '
base content
') def test_cow_root(self): View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] # edit on backend, regular write self.base_view.write({'arch': '
modified base content
'}) self.assertEqual(View.search_count([('key', '=', 'website.base_view')]), 1) self.assertEqual(View.search_count([('key', '=', 'website.extension_view')]), 1) # edit on frontend, copy the entire tree self.base_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'arch': '
website 1 content
'}) generic_base_view = View.search([('key', '=', 'website.base_view'), ('website_id', '=', False)]) website_specific_base_view = View.search([('key', '=', 'website.base_view'), ('website_id', '=', 1)]) self.assertEqual(len(generic_base_view), 1) self.assertEqual(len(website_specific_base_view), 1) inherit_views = View.search([('key', '=', 'website.extension_view')]) self.assertEqual(len(inherit_views), 2) self.assertEqual(len(inherit_views.filtered(lambda v: v.website_id.id == 1)), 1) arch = generic_base_view.with_context(load_all_views=True).get_combined_arch() self.assertEqual(arch, '
modified base content, extended content
') arch = website_specific_base_view.with_context(load_all_views=True, website_id=1).get_combined_arch() self.assertEqual(arch, '
website 1 content, extended content
') # # As there is a new SQL constraint that prevent QWeb views to have an empty `key`, this test won't work # def test_cow_view_without_key(self): # # Remove key for this test # self.base_view.key = False # # View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] # # # edit on backend, regular write # self.base_view.write({'arch': '
modified base content
'}) # self.assertEqual(self.base_view.key, False, "Writing on a keyless view should not set a key on it if there is no website in context") # # # edit on frontend, copy just the leaf # self.base_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'arch': '
website 1 content
'}) # self.assertEqual('website.key_' in self.base_view.key, True, "Writing on a keyless view should set a key on it if there is a website in context") # total_views_with_key = View.search_count([('key', '=', self.base_view.key)]) # self.assertEqual(total_views_with_key, 2, "It should have set the key on generic view then copy to specific view (with they key)") def test_cow_generic_view_with_already_existing_specific(self): """ Writing on a generic view should check if a website specific view already exists (The flow of this test will happen when editing a generic view in the front end and changing more than one element) """ # 1. Test with calling write directly View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] base_view = View.create({ 'name': 'Base', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': '
', }) total_views = View.with_context(active_test=False).search_count([]) base_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'name': 'New Name'}) # This will not write on `base_view` but will copy it to a specific view on which the `name` change will be applied specific_view = View.search([['name', '=', 'New Name'], ['website_id', '=', 1]]) base_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'name': 'Another New Name'}) specific_view.active = False base_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'name': 'Yet Another New Name'}) self.assertEqual(total_views + 1, View.with_context(active_test=False).search_count([]), "Subsequent writes should have written on the view copied during first write") # 2. Test with calling save() from ir.ui.view view_arch = '''

Second View

''' second_view = View.create({ 'name': 'Base', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': view_arch, }) total_views = View.with_context(active_test=False).search_count([]) second_view.with_context(website_id=1).save('
First editable_part
' % second_view.id, "/t[1]/t[1]/div[1]/div[1]") second_view.with_context(website_id=1).save('
Second editable_part
' % second_view.id, "/t[1]/t[1]/div[1]/div[3]") self.assertEqual(total_views + 1, View.with_context(active_test=False).search_count([]), "Second save should have written on the view copied during first save") total_specific_view = View.with_context(active_test=False).search_count([('arch_db', 'like', 'First editable_part'), ('arch_db', 'like', 'Second editable_part')]) self.assertEqual(total_specific_view, 1, "both editable_part should have been replaced on a created specific view") def test_cow_complete_flow(self): View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] total_views = View.search_count([]) self.base_view.write({'arch': '
'}) self.inherit_view.write({'arch': '
'}) # id | name | content | website_id | inherit | key # ------------------------------------------------------- # 1 | Base | Hi | / | / | website.base_view # 2 | Extension | World | / | 1 | website.extension_view arch = self.base_view.with_context(website_id=1).get_combined_arch() self.assertIn('Hi World', arch) self.base_view.write({'arch': '
'}) # id | name | content | website_id | inherit | key # ------------------------------------------------------- # 1 | Base | Hello | / | / | website.base_view # 2 | Extension | World | / | 1 | website.extension_view arch = self.base_view.with_context(website_id=1).get_combined_arch() self.assertIn('Hello World', arch) self.base_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'arch': '
'}) # id | name | content | website_id | inherit | key # ------------------------------------------------------- # 1 | Base | Hello | / | / | website.base_view # 3 | Base | Bye | 1 | / | website.base_view # 2 | Extension | World | / | 1 | website.extension_view # 4 | Extension | World | 1 | 3 | website.extension_view base_specific = View.search([('key', '=', self.base_view.key), ('website_id', '=', 1)]).with_context(load_all_views=True) extend_specific = View.search([('key', '=', self.inherit_view.key), ('website_id', '=', 1)]) self.assertEqual(total_views + 2, View.search_count([]), "Should have copied Base & Extension with a website_id") self.assertEqual(self.base_view.key, base_specific.key) self.assertEqual(self.inherit_view.key, extend_specific.key) extend_specific.write({'arch': '
'}) # id | name | content | website_id | inherit | key # ------------------------------------------------------- # 1 | Base | Hello | / | / | website.base_view # 3 | Base | Bye | 1 | / | website.base_view # 2 | Extension | World | / | 1 | website.extension_view # 4 | Extension | All | 1 | 3 | website.extension_view arch = base_specific.with_context(website_id=1).get_combined_arch() self.assertEqual('Bye All' in arch, True) self.inherit_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'arch': '
'}) # id | name | content | website_id | inherit | key # ------------------------------------------------------- # 1 | Base | Hello | / | / | website.base_view # 3 | Base | Bye | 1 | / | website.base_view # 2 | Extension | World | / | 1 | website.extension_view # 4 | Extension | Nobody | 1 | 3 | website.extension_view arch = base_specific.with_context(website_id=1).get_combined_arch() self.assertEqual('Bye Nobody' in arch, True, "Write on generic `inherit_view` should have been diverted to already existing specific view") base_arch = self.base_view.get_combined_arch() base_arch_w1 = self.base_view.with_context(website_id=1).get_combined_arch() self.assertEqual('Hello World' in base_arch, True) self.assertEqual(base_arch, base_arch_w1, "Reading a top level view with or without a website_id in the context should render that exact view..") # ..even if there is a specific view for that one, as get_combined_arch is supposed to render specific inherited view over generic but not specific top level instead of generic top level def test_cow_cross_inherit(self): View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] total_views = View.search_count([]) main_view = View.create({ 'name': 'Main View', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': 'GENERIC
', 'key': 'website.main_view', }).with_context(load_all_views=True) View.create({ 'name': 'Child View', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': main_view.id, 'arch': '


', 'key': 'website.child_view', }) child_view_2 = View.with_context(load_all_views=True).create({ 'name': 'Child View 2', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': main_view.id, 'arch': 'C', 'key': 'website.child_view_2', }) # These line doing `write()` are the real tests, it should not be changed and should not crash on xpath. child_view_2.with_context(website_id=1).write({'arch': 'D'}) self.assertEqual(total_views + 3 + 1, View.search_count([]), "It should have created the 3 initial generic views and created a child_view_2 specific view") main_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'arch': 'SPECIFIC
'}) self.assertEqual(total_views + 3 + 3, View.search_count([]), "It should have duplicated the Main View tree as a specific tree and then removed the specific view from the generic tree as no more needed") generic_view = View.with_context(website_id=None)._get_view_id('website.main_view') specific_view = View.with_context(website_id=1)._get_view_id('website.main_view') generic_view_arch = View.browse(generic_view).with_context(load_all_views=True).get_combined_arch() specific_view_arch = View.browse(specific_view).with_context(load_all_views=True, website_id=1).get_combined_arch() self.assertEqual(generic_view_arch, 'GENERIC
') self.assertEqual(specific_view_arch, 'SPECIFIC
', "Writing on top level view hierarchy with a website in context should write on the view and clone it's inherited views") def test_multi_website_view_obj_active(self): ''' With the following structure: * A generic active parent view * A generic active child view, that is inactive on website 1 The methods to retrieve views should return the specific inactive child over the generic active one. ''' View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] self.inherit_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'active': False}) # Test _view_obj() return the inactive specific over active generic inherit_view = View._view_obj(self.inherit_view.key) self.assertEqual(inherit_view.active, True, "_view_obj should return the generic one") inherit_view = View.with_context(website_id=1)._view_obj(self.inherit_view.key) self.assertEqual(inherit_view.active, False, "_view_obj should return the specific one") # Test get_related_views() return the inactive specific over active generic # Note that we cannot test get_related_views without a website in context as it will fallback on a website with get_current_website() views = View.with_context(website_id=1).get_related_views(self.base_view.key) self.assertEqual(views.mapped('active'), [True, False], "get_related_views should return the specific child") # Test filter_duplicate() return the inactive specific over active generic view = View.with_context(active_test=False).search([('key', '=', self.inherit_view.key)]).filter_duplicate() self.assertEqual(view.active, True, "filter_duplicate should return the generic one") view = View.with_context(active_test=False, website_id=1).search([('key', '=', self.inherit_view.key)]).filter_duplicate() self.assertEqual(view.active, False, "filter_duplicate should return the specific one") def test_get_related_views_tree(self): View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] self.base_view.write({'name': 'B', 'key': 'B'}) self.inherit_view.write({'name': 'I', 'key': 'I'}) View.create({ 'name': 'II', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': self.inherit_view.id, 'arch': '
, sub ext
', 'key': 'II', }) # B # | # I # | # II # First, test that children of inactive children are not returned (not multiwebsite related) self.inherit_view.active = False views = View.get_related_views('B') self.assertEqual(views.mapped('key'), ['B', 'I'], "As 'I' is inactive, 'II' (its own child) should not be returned.") self.inherit_view.active = True # Second, test multi-website self.inherit_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'name': 'Extension'}) # Trigger cow on hierarchy View.create({ 'name': 'II2', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': self.inherit_view.id, 'arch': '
, sub sibling specific
', 'key': 'II2', }) # B # / \ # / \ # I I' # / \ | # II II2 II' views = View.with_context(website_id=1).get_related_views('B') self.assertEqual(views.mapped('key'), ['B', 'I', 'II'], "Should only return the specific tree") def test_get_related_views_tree_recursive_t_call_and_inherit_inactive(self): """ If a view A was doing a t-call on a view B and view B had view C as child. And view A had view D as child. And view D also t-call view B (that as mentionned above has view C as child). And view D was inactive (`d` in bellow schema). Then COWing C to set it as inactive would make `get_related_views()` on A to return both generic active C and COW inactive C. (Typically the case for Customize show on /shop for Wishlist, compare..) See commit message for detailed explanation. """ # A -> B # | ^ \ # | | C # d ___| View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] Website = self.env['website'] products = View.create({ 'name': 'Products', 'type': 'qweb', 'key': '_website_sale.products', 'arch': '''
''', }) products_item = View.create({ 'name': 'Products item', 'type': 'qweb', 'key': '_website_sale.products_item', 'arch': '''
''', }) add_to_wishlist = View.create({ 'name': 'Wishlist', 'active': True, 'customize_show': True, 'inherit_id': products_item.id, 'key': '_website_sale_wishlist.add_to_wishlist', 'arch': ''' ''', }) products_list_view = View.create({ 'name': 'List View', 'active': False, # <- That's the reason of why this behavior needed a fix 'customize_show': True, 'inherit_id': products.id, 'key': '_website_sale.products_list_view', 'arch': '''
''', }) views = View.with_context(website_id=1).get_related_views('_website_sale.products') self.assertEqual(views, products + products_item + add_to_wishlist + products_list_view, "The four views should be returned.") add_to_wishlist.with_context(website_id=1).write({'active': False}) # Trigger cow on hierarchy add_to_wishlist_cow = Website.with_context(website_id=1).viewref(add_to_wishlist.key) views = View.with_context(website_id=1).get_related_views('_website_sale.products') self.assertEqual(views, products + products_item + add_to_wishlist_cow + products_list_view, "The generic wishlist view should have been replaced by the COW one.") def test_cow_inherit_children_order(self): """ COW method should loop on inherit_children_ids in correct order when copying them on the new specific tree. Correct order is the same as the one when applying view arch: PRIORITY, ID And not the default one from ir.ui.view (NAME, PRIORITY, ID). """ self.inherit_view.copy({ 'name': 'alphabetically before "Extension"', 'key': '_test.alphabetically_first', 'arch': '


', }) # Next line should not crash, COW loop on inherit_children_ids should be sorted correctly self.base_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'name': 'Product (W1)'}) def test_write_order_vs_cow_inherit_children_order(self): """ When both a specific inheriting view and a non-specific base view are written simultaneously, the specific inheriting base view must be updated even though its id will change during the COW of the base view. """ View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] self.inherit_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'name': 'Specific Inherited View Changed First'}) specific_view = View.search([('name', '=', 'Specific Inherited View Changed First')]) views = View.browse([self.base_view.id, specific_view.id]) views.with_context(website_id=1).write({'active': False}) new_specific_view = View.search([('name', '=', 'Specific Inherited View Changed First')]) self.assertTrue(specific_view.id != new_specific_view.id, "Should have a new id") self.assertFalse(new_specific_view.active, "Should have been deactivated") def test_write_order_vs_cow_inherit_children_order_alt(self): """ Same as the previous test, but requesting the update in the opposite order. """ View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] self.inherit_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'name': 'Specific Inherited View Changed First'}) specific_view = View.search([('name', '=', 'Specific Inherited View Changed First')]) views = View.browse([specific_view.id, self.base_view.id]) views.with_context(website_id=1).write({'active': False}) new_specific_view = View.search([('name', '=', 'Specific Inherited View Changed First')]) self.assertTrue(specific_view.id != new_specific_view.id, "Should have a new id") self.assertFalse(new_specific_view.active, "Should have been deactivated") def test_module_new_inherit_view_on_parent_already_forked(self): """ If a generic parent view is copied (COW) and that another module creates a child view for that generic parent, all the COW views should also get a copy of that new child view. Typically, a parent view (website_sale.product) is copied (COW) and then wishlist module is installed. Wishlist views inhering from website_sale.product are added to the generic `website_sale.product`. But it should also be added to the COW `website_sale.product` to activate the module views for that website. """ Website = self.env['website'] View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] # Simulate website_sale product view self.base_view.write({'name': 'Product', 'key': '_website_sale.product'}) # Trigger cow on website_sale hierarchy for website 1 self.base_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'name': 'Product (W1)'}) # Simulate website_sale_comparison install View._load_records([dict(xml_id='_website_sale_comparison.product_add_to_compare', values={ 'name': 'Add to comparison in product page', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': self.base_view.id, 'arch': '


', 'key': '_website_sale_comparison.product_add_to_compare', })]) View.invalidate_model() # Simulate end of installation/update View._create_all_specific_views(['_website_sale_comparison']) specific_view = Website.with_context(load_all_views=True, website_id=1).viewref('_website_sale.product') self.assertEqual(self.base_view.key, specific_view.key, "Ensure it is equal as it should be for the rest of the test so we test the expected behaviors") specific_view_arch = specific_view.get_combined_arch() self.assertEqual(specific_view.website_id.id, 1, "Ensure we got specific view to perform the checks against") self.assertEqual(specific_view_arch, '


', "When a module creates an inherited view (on a generic tree), it should also create that view in the specific COW'd tree.") # Simulate website_sale_comparison update View._load_records([dict(xml_id='_website_sale_comparison.product_add_to_compare', values={ 'arch': '


', })]) specific_view_arch = Website.with_context(load_all_views=True, website_id=1).viewref('_website_sale.product').get_combined_arch() self.assertEqual(specific_view_arch, '


', "When a module updates an inherited view (on a generic tree), it should also update the copies of that view (COW).") # Test fields that should not be COW'd random_views = View.search([('key', '!=', None)], limit=2) View._load_records([dict(xml_id='_website_sale_comparison.product_add_to_compare', values={ 'website_id': None, 'inherit_id': random_views[0].id, })]) w1_specific_child_view = Website.with_context(load_all_views=True, website_id=1).viewref('_website_sale_comparison.product_add_to_compare') generic_child_view = Website.with_context(load_all_views=True).viewref('_website_sale_comparison.product_add_to_compare') self.assertEqual(w1_specific_child_view.website_id.id, 1, "website_id is a prohibited field when COWing views during _load_records") self.assertEqual(generic_child_view.inherit_id, random_views[0], "prohibited fields only concerned write on COW'd view. Generic should still considere these fields") self.assertEqual(w1_specific_child_view.inherit_id, random_views[0], "inherit_id update should be repliacated on cow views during _load_records") # Set back the generic view as parent for the rest of the test generic_child_view.inherit_id = self.base_view w1_specific_child_view.inherit_id = specific_view # Don't update inherit_id if it was anually updated w1_specific_child_view.inherit_id = random_views[1].id View._load_records([dict(xml_id='_website_sale_comparison.product_add_to_compare', values={ 'inherit_id': random_views[0].id, })]) self.assertEqual(w1_specific_child_view.inherit_id, random_views[1], "inherit_id update should not be repliacated on cow views during _load_records if it was manually updated before") # Set back the generic view as parent for the rest of the test generic_child_view.inherit_id = self.base_view w1_specific_child_view.inherit_id = specific_view # Don't update fields from COW'd view if these fields have been modified from original view new_website = Website.create({'name': 'New Website'}) self.base_view.with_context(website_id=new_website.id).write({'name': 'Product (new_website)'}) new_website_specific_child_view = Website.with_context(load_all_views=True, website_id=new_website.id).viewref('_website_sale_comparison.product_add_to_compare') new_website_specific_child_view.priority = 6 View._load_records([dict(xml_id='_website_sale_comparison.product_add_to_compare', values={ 'priority': 3, })]) self.assertEqual(generic_child_view.priority, 3, "XML update should be written on the Generic View") self.assertEqual(w1_specific_child_view.priority, 3, "XML update should be written on the specific view if the fields have not been modified on that specific view") self.assertEqual(new_website_specific_child_view.priority, 6, "XML update should NOT be written on the specific view if the fields have been modified on that specific view") # Simulate website_sale update on top level view self._create_imd(self.base_view) self.base_view.invalidate_model() View._load_records([dict(xml_id='_website_sale.product', values={ 'website_meta_title': 'A bug got fixed by updating this field', })]) all_title_updated = specific_view.website_meta_title == self.base_view.website_meta_title == "A bug got fixed by updating this field" self.assertEqual(all_title_updated, True, "Update on top level generic views should also be applied on specific views") def test_module_new_inherit_view_on_parent_already_forked_xpath_replace(self): """ Deeper, more specific test of above behavior. A module install should add/update the COW view (if allowed fields, eg not modified or prohibited (website_id, inherit_id..)). This test ensure it does not crash if the child view is a primary view. """ View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] # Simulate layout views base_view = View.create({ 'name': 'Main Frontend Layout', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': '', 'key': '_portal.frontend_layout', }).with_context(load_all_views=True) inherit_view = View.create({ 'name': 'Main layout', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': base_view.id, 'arch': '', 'key': '_website.layout', }) # Trigger cow on website_sale hierarchy for website 1 base_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'name': 'Main Frontend Layout (W1)'}) # Simulate website_sale_comparison install, that's the real test, it # should not crash. View._load_records([dict(xml_id='_website_forum.layout', values={ 'name': 'Forum Layout', 'mode': 'primary', 'inherit_id': inherit_view.id, 'arch': '', 'key': '_website_forum.layout', })]) def test_multiple_inherit_level(self): """ Test multi-level inheritance: Base | ---> Extension (Website-specific) | ---> Extension 2 (Website-specific) """ View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] self.inherit_view.website_id = 1 inherit_view_2 = View.create({ 'name': 'Extension 2', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': self.inherit_view.id, 'arch': '
, extended content 2
', 'key': 'website.extension_view_2', 'website_id': 1, }) total_views = View.search_count([]) # id | name | content | website_id | inherit | key # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1 | Base | base content | / | / | website.base_view # 2 | Extension | , extended content | 1 | 1 | website.extension_view # 3 | Extension 2 | , extended content 2 | 1 | 2 | website.extension_view_2 self.base_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'arch': '
modified content
'}) # 2 views are created, one is deleted self.assertEqual(View.search_count([]), total_views + 1) self.assertFalse(self.inherit_view.exists()) self.assertTrue(inherit_view_2.exists()) # Verify the inheritance base_specific = View.search([('key', '=', self.base_view.key), ('website_id', '=', 1)]).with_context(load_all_views=True) extend_specific = View.search([('key', '=', 'website.extension_view'), ('website_id', '=', 1)]) self.assertEqual(extend_specific.inherit_id, base_specific) self.assertEqual(inherit_view_2.inherit_id, extend_specific) # id | name | content | website_id | inherit | key # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1 | Base | base content | / | / | website.base_view # 4 | Base | modified content | 1 | / | website.base_view # 5 | Extension | , extended content | 1 | 4 | website.extension_view # 3 | Extension 2 | , extended content 2 | 1 | 5 | website.extension_view_2 def test_cow_extension_with_install(self): View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] # Base v1 = View.create({ 'name': 'Base', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': '
base content
', 'key': 'website.base_view_v1', }).with_context(load_all_views=True) self._create_imd(v1) # Extension v2 = View.create({ 'name': 'Extension', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': v1.id, 'arch': '
extended content
', 'key': 'website.extension_view_v2', }) self._create_imd(v2) # multiwebsite specific v1.with_context(website_id=1).write({'name': 'Extension Specific'}) original_pool_init = View.pool._init View.pool._init = True try: # Simulate module install View._load_records([dict(xml_id='website.extension2_view', values={ 'name': ' ---', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': v1.id, 'arch': '


', 'key': 'website.extension2_view', })]) finally: View.pool._init = original_pool_init def test_specific_view_translation(self): self.env['res.lang']._activate_lang('fr_BE') self.base_view.with_context(lang='en_US').arch_db = '
' self.base_view.update_field_translations('arch_db', {'fr_BE': {'hello': 'bonjour'}}) self.assertEqual(self.base_view.with_context(lang='fr_BE').arch, '
') self.base_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'active': True}) specific_view = self.base_view._get_specific_views() - self.base_view self.assertEqual(specific_view.with_context(lang='fr_BE').arch, '
', "copy on write (COW) also copy existing translations") self.base_view.update_field_translations('arch_db', {'fr_BE': {'hello': 'salut'}}) self.assertEqual(self.base_view.with_context(lang='fr_BE').arch, '
') self.assertEqual(specific_view.with_context(lang='fr_BE').arch, '
', "updating translation of base view doesn't update specific view") self.env['res.lang']._activate_lang('es_ES') # Translate specific 'arch_db' while the generic value has no content for the # translation language. specific_view.update_field_translations('arch_db', {'es_ES': {'hello': 'hola'}}) self.assertEqual(specific_view.with_context(lang='es_ES').arch, '
') self.env['ir.module.module']._load_module_terms(['website'], ['en_US', 'fr_BE', 'es_ES'], overwrite=True) specific_view.invalidate_model(['arch_db', 'arch']) self.assertEqual(specific_view.with_context(lang='fr_BE').arch, '
', "loading module translation copy translation from base to specific view") self.assertEqual(specific_view.with_context(lang='es_ES').arch, '
', "loading module translation should not remove specific translations that are not available on base view") # Make sure updating a short list of languages does not destroy existing translations. self.env['res.lang']._activate_lang('nl_NL') self.env['ir.module.module']._load_module_terms(['website'], ['nl_NL'], overwrite=True) specific_view.invalidate_model(['arch_db', 'arch']) self.assertEqual(specific_view.with_context(lang='fr_BE').arch, '
', "loading module translation for a specific language should not remove existing translations for other languages") self.assertEqual(specific_view.with_context(lang='es_ES').arch, '
', "loading module translation for a specific language should not remove existing translations for other languages") def test_view_to_translate_tag(self): fr_BE = self.env['res.lang']._activate_lang('fr_BE') self.base_view.with_context(lang='en_US').arch_db = '
' self.assertFalse(self.base_view.website_id) website = self.env['website'].browse(1) website.default_lang_id = fr_BE self.base_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'active': True}) specific_view = self.base_view._get_specific_views() - self.base_view # generic view without website_id but with website for request with patch('odoo.addons.website.models.ir_http.get_request_website', lambda: website): self.base_view.invalidate_recordset() self.assertIn('to_translate', self.base_view.with_context(lang='en_US', edit_translations=True).arch) self.assertIn('translated', self.base_view.with_context(lang='fr_BE', edit_translations=True).arch) self.base_view.invalidate_recordset() # generic view without website_id self.assertIn('translated', self.base_view.with_context(lang='en_US', edit_translations=True).arch) self.assertIn('to_translate', self.base_view.with_context(lang='fr_BE', edit_translations=True).arch) self.base_view.update_field_translations('arch_db', {'fr_BE': {'hello': 'bonjour'}}) self.assertIn('translated', self.base_view.with_context(lang='en_US', edit_translations=True).arch) self.assertIn('translated', self.base_view.with_context(lang='fr_BE', edit_translations=True).arch) # specific view with website_id self.assertIn('to_translate', specific_view.with_context(lang='en_US', edit_translations=True).arch) self.assertIn('translated', specific_view.with_context(lang='fr_BE', edit_translations=True).arch) def test_soc_complete_flow(self): """ Check the creation of views from specific-website environments. """ View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] View.with_context(website_id=1).create({ 'name': 'Name', 'key': 'website.no_website_id', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': '', }) # Get created views by searching to consider potential unwanted COW created_views = View.search([('key', '=', 'website.no_website_id')]) self.assertEqual(len(created_views), 1, "Should only have created one view") self.assertEqual(created_views.website_id.id, 1, "The created view should be specific to website 1") with self.assertRaises(ValueError, msg="Should not allow to create generic view explicitely from website 1 specific context"): View.with_context(website_id=1).create({ 'name': 'Name', 'key': 'website.explicit_no_website_id', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': '', 'website_id': False, }) with self.assertRaises(ValueError, msg="Should not allow to create specific view for website 2 from website 1 specific context"): View.with_context(website_id=1).create({ 'name': 'Name', 'key': 'website.different_website_id', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': '', 'website_id': 2, }) def test_specific_view_module_update_inherit_change(self): """ During a module update, if inherit_id is changed, we need to replicate the change for cow views. """ # If D.inherit_id becomes B instead of A, after module update, we expect: # CASE 1 # A A' B A A' B # | | => / \ # D D' D D' # # CASE 2 # A A' B B' A A' B B' # | | => | | # D D' D D' # # CASE 3 # A B A B # / \ => / \ # D D' D D' # # CASE 4 # A B B' A B B' # / \ => | | # D D' D D' # 1. Setup following view trees # A A' B # | | # D D' View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] Website = self.env['website'] self._create_imd(self.inherit_view) # invalidate cache to recompute xml_id, or it will still be empty self.inherit_view.invalidate_model() base_view_2 = self.base_view.copy({'key': 'website.base_view2', 'arch': '
base2 content
'}) self.base_view.with_context(website_id=1).write({'arch': '
website 1 content
'}) specific_view = Website.with_context(load_all_views=True, website_id=1).viewref(self.base_view.key) specific_view.inherit_children_ids.with_context(website_id=1).write({'arch': '
, extended content website 1
'}) specific_child_view = Website.with_context(load_all_views=True, website_id=1).viewref(self.inherit_view.key) # 2. Ensure view trees are as expected self.assertEqual(self.base_view.inherit_children_ids, self.inherit_view, "D should be under A") self.assertEqual(specific_view.inherit_children_ids, specific_child_view, "D' should be under A'") self.assertFalse(base_view_2.inherit_children_ids, "B should have no child") # 3. Simulate module update, D.inherit_id is now B instead of A View._load_records([dict(xml_id=self.inherit_view.key, values={ 'inherit_id': base_view_2.id, })]) # 4. Ensure view trees is now # A A' B # / \ # D D' self.assertTrue(len(self.base_view.inherit_children_ids) == len(specific_view.inherit_children_ids) == 0, "Child views should now be under view B") self.assertEqual(len(base_view_2.inherit_children_ids), 2, "D and D' should be under B") self.assertTrue(self.inherit_view in base_view_2.inherit_children_ids, "D should be under B") self.assertTrue(specific_child_view in base_view_2.inherit_children_ids, "D' should be under B") def test_no_cow_on_translate(self): french = self.env['res.lang']._activate_lang('fr_FR') self.env['ir.module.module']._load_module_terms(['website'], [french.code]) # Make sure res.lang.get_installed is recomputed self.env.registry.clear_cache() View = self.env['ir.ui.view'].with_context(lang=french.code, website_id=1) old_specific_views = View.search([('website_id', '!=', None)]) view = self.base_view.with_context(lang=french.code, website_id=1) root = html.fromstring(self.base_view.arch, parser=html.HTMLParser(encoding="utf-8")) to_translate = root.text_content() sha = sha256(to_translate.encode()).hexdigest() view.web_update_field_translations('arch_db', {french.code: {sha: 'contenu de base'}}) new_specific_views = View.search([('website_id', '!=', None)]) self.assertEqual(len(old_specific_views), len(new_specific_views), "No additional specific view must have been created") self.assertTrue(view.arch.index('contenu de base') > 0, "New translation must appear in view") @tagged('-at_install', 'post_install') class Crawler(HttpCase): def setUp(self): super(Crawler, self).setUp() View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] self.base_view = View.create({ 'name': 'Base', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': '
base content
', 'key': 'website.base_view', }).with_context(load_all_views=True) self.inherit_view = View.create({ 'name': 'Extension', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': self.base_view.id, 'arch': '
, extended content
', 'key': 'website.extension_view', }) def test_get_switchable_related_views(self): Website = self.env['website'] # Set up website_1 = Website.create({'name': 'Website 1'}) # will have specific views website_2 = Website.create({'name': 'Website 2'}) # will use generic views self.base_view.write({'name': 'Main Frontend Layout', 'key': '_portal.frontend_layout'}) event_main_view = self.base_view.copy({ 'name': 'Events', 'key': '_website_event.index', 'arch': '
Arch is not important in this test
', }) self.inherit_view.write({'name': 'Main layout', 'key': '_website.layout'}) self.inherit_view.copy({'name': 'Sign In', 'customize_show': True, 'key': '_portal.user_sign_in'}) view_logo = self.inherit_view.copy({ 'name': 'Show Logo', 'inherit_id': self.inherit_view.id, 'customize_show': True, 'key': '_website.layout_logo_show', }) view_logo.copy({'name': 'Affix Top Menu', 'key': '_website.affix_top_menu'}) event_child_view = self.inherit_view.copy({ 'name': 'Filters', 'customize_show': True, 'inherit_id': event_main_view.id, 'key': '_website_event.event_left_column', 'priority': 30, }) view_photos = event_child_view.copy({'name': 'Photos', 'key': '_website_event.event_right_photos'}) event_child_view.copy({'name': 'Quotes', 'key': '_website_event.event_right_quotes', 'priority': 30}) event_child_view.copy({'name': 'Filter by Category', 'inherit_id': event_child_view.id, 'key': '_website_event.event_category'}) event_child_view.copy({'name': 'Filter by Country', 'inherit_id': event_child_view.id, 'key': '_website_event.event_location'}) self.env.flush_all() # Customize # | Main Frontend Layout # | Show Sign In # | Main Layout # | Affix Top Menu # | Show Logo # | Events # | Filters # | Photos # | Quotes # | Filters # | Filter By Category # | Filter By Country self.authenticate("admin", "admin") base_url = website_1.get_base_url() # Simulate website 2 (that use only generic views) self.url_open(base_url + '/website/force/%s' % website_2.id) # Test controller url = base_url + '/website/get_switchable_related_views' json = {'params': {'key': '_website_event.index'}} response = self.opener.post(url=url, json=json) res = response.json()['result'] self.assertEqual( [v['name'] for v in res], ['Sign In', 'Affix Top Menu', 'Show Logo', 'Filters', 'Photos', 'Quotes', 'Filter by Category', 'Filter by Country'], "Sequence should not be taken into account for customize menu", ) self.assertEqual( [v['inherit_id'][1] for v in res], ['Main Frontend Layout', 'Main layout', 'Main layout', 'Events', 'Events', 'Events', 'Filters', 'Filters'], "Sequence should not be taken into account for customize menu (Checking Customize headers)", ) # Trigger COW view_logo.with_context(website_id=website_1.id).write({'arch': '
, trigger COW, arch is not relevant in this test
'}) # This would wrongly become: # Customize # | Main Frontend Layout # | Show Sign In # | Main Layout # | Affix Top Menu # | Show Logo <==== Was above "Affix Top Menu" # | Events # | Filters # | Photos # | Quotes # | Filters # | Filter By Category # | Filter By Country # Simulate website 1 (that has specific views) self.url_open(base_url + '/website/force/%s' % website_1.id) # Test controller url = base_url + '/website/get_switchable_related_views' json = {'params': {'key': '_website_event.index'}} response = self.opener.post(url=url, json=json) res = response.json()['result'] self.assertEqual( [v['name'] for v in res], ['Sign In', 'Affix Top Menu', 'Show Logo', 'Filters', 'Photos', 'Quotes', 'Filter by Category', 'Filter by Country'], "multi-website COW should not impact customize views order (COW view will have a bigger ID and should not be last)", ) self.assertEqual( [v['inherit_id'][1] for v in res], ['Main Frontend Layout', 'Main layout', 'Main layout', 'Events', 'Events', 'Events', 'Filters', 'Filters'], "multi-website COW should not impact customize views menu header position or split (COW view will have a bigger ID and should not be last)", ) # Trigger COW view_photos.with_context(website_id=website_1.id).write({'arch': '
, trigger COW, arch is not relevant in this test
'}) # This would wrongly become: # Customize # | Main Frontend Layout # | Show Sign In # | Main Layout # | Affix Top Menu # | Show Logo # | Events # | Filters # | Quotes # | Filters # | Filter By Category # | Filter By Country # | Events <==== JS code creates a new Events header as the Event's children views are not one after the other anymore.. # | Photos <==== .. since Photos got duplicated and now have a bigger ID that others # Test controller url = base_url + '/website/get_switchable_related_views' json = {'params': {'key': '_website_event.index'}} response = self.opener.post(url=url, json=json) res = response.json()['result'] self.assertEqual( [v['name'] for v in res], ['Sign In', 'Affix Top Menu', 'Show Logo', 'Filters', 'Photos', 'Quotes', 'Filter by Category', 'Filter by Country'], "multi-website COW should not impact customize views order (COW view will have a bigger ID and should not be last) (2)", ) self.assertEqual( [v['inherit_id'][1] for v in res], ['Main Frontend Layout', 'Main layout', 'Main layout', 'Events', 'Events', 'Events', 'Filters', 'Filters'], "multi-website COW should not impact customize views menu header position or split (COW view will have a bigger ID and should not be last) (2)", ) def test_multi_website_views_retrieving(self): View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] Website = self.env['website'] website_1 = Website.create({'name': 'Website 1'}) website_2 = Website.create({'name': 'Website 2'}) main_view = View.create({ 'name': 'Products', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': 'Arch is not relevant for this test', 'key': '_website_sale.products', }).with_context(load_all_views=True) View.with_context(load_all_views=True).create({ 'name': 'Child View W1', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': main_view.id, 'arch': 'It is really not relevant!', 'key': '_website_sale.child_view_w1', 'website_id': website_1.id, 'active': False, 'customize_show': True, }) # Simulate theme view instal + load on website theme_view = self.env['theme.ir.ui.view'].with_context(install_filename='/testviews').create({ 'name': 'Products Theme Kea', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': main_view, 'arch': 'C', 'key': '_theme_kea_sale.products', }) view_from_theme_view_on_w2 = View.with_context(load_all_views=True).create({ 'name': 'Products Theme Kea', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': main_view.id, 'arch': 'Really really not important for this test', 'key': '_theme_kea_sale.products', 'website_id': website_2.id, 'customize_show': True, }) self.env['ir.model.data'].create({ 'module': '_theme_kea_sale', 'name': 'products', 'model': 'theme.ir.ui.view', 'res_id': theme_view.id, }) # ##################################################### ir.ui.view ############################################### # id | name | website_id | inherit | key | xml_id | # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1 | Products | / | / | _website_sale.products | / | # 2 | Child View W1 | 1 | 1 | _website_sale.child_view_w1 | / | # 3 | Products Theme Kea | 2 | 1 | _theme_kea_sale.products | / | # ################################################# theme.ir.ui.view ############################################# # id | name | inherit | key | xml_id | # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1 | Products Theme Kea | 1 | _theme_kea_sale.products | _theme_kea_sale.products | with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # It should crash as it should not find a view on website 1 for '_theme_kea_sale.products', !!and certainly not a theme.ir.ui.view!!. view = View.with_context(website_id=website_1.id)._view_obj('_theme_kea_sale.products') view = View.with_context(website_id=website_2.id)._view_obj('_theme_kea_sale.products') self.assertEqual(len(view), 1, "It should find the ir.ui.view with key '_theme_kea_sale.products' on website 2..") self.assertEqual(view._name, 'ir.ui.view', "..and not a theme.ir.ui.view") views = View.with_context(website_id=website_1.id).get_related_views('_website_sale.products') self.assertEqual(len(views), 2, "It should not mix apples and oranges, only ir.ui.view ['_website_sale.products', '_website_sale.child_view_w1'] should be returned") views = View.with_context(website_id=website_2.id).get_related_views('_website_sale.products') self.assertEqual(len(views), 2, "It should not mix apples and oranges, only ir.ui.view ['_website_sale.products', '_theme_kea_sale.products'] should be returned") # Part 2 of the test, it test the same stuff but from a higher level (get_related_views ends up calling _view_obj) called_theme_view = self.env['theme.ir.ui.view'].with_context(install_filename='/testviews').create({ 'name': 'Called View Kea', 'arch': '
', 'key': '_theme_kea_sale.t_called_view', }) View.create({ 'name': 'Called View Kea', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': '
', 'key': '_theme_kea_sale.t_called_view', 'website_id': website_2.id, }).with_context(load_all_views=True) self.env['ir.model.data'].create({ 'module': '_theme_kea_sale', 'name': 't_called_view', 'model': 'theme.ir.ui.view', 'res_id': called_theme_view.id, }) view_from_theme_view_on_w2.write({'arch': ''}) # ##################################################### ir.ui.view ############################################### # id | name | website_id | inherit | key | xml_id | # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1 | Products | / | / | _website_sale.products | / | # 2 | Child View W1 | 1 | 1 | _website_sale.child_view_w1 | / | # 3 | Products Theme Kea | 2 | 1 | _theme_kea_sale.products | / | # 4 | Called View Kea | 2 | / | _theme_kea_sale.t_called_view | / | # ################################################# theme.ir.ui.view ############################################# # id | name | inherit | key | xml_id | # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1 | Products Theme Kea | 1 | _theme_kea_sale.products | _theme_kea_sale.products | # 1 | Called View Kea | / | _theme_kea_sale.t_called_view | _theme_kea_sale.t_called_view | # Next line should not crash (was mixing apples and oranges - ir.ui.view and theme.ir.ui.view) views = View.with_context(website_id=website_1.id).get_related_views('_website_sale.products') self.assertEqual(len(views), 2, "It should not mix apples and oranges, only ir.ui.view ['_website_sale.products', '_website_sale.child_view_w1'] should be returned (2)") views = View.with_context(website_id=website_2.id).get_related_views('_website_sale.products') self.assertEqual(len(views), 3, "It should not mix apples and oranges, only ir.ui.view ['_website_sale.products', '_theme_kea_sale.products', '_theme_kea_sale.t_called_view'] should be returned") # ######################################################## # Test the controller (which is calling get_related_views) self.authenticate("admin", "admin") base_url = website_1.get_base_url() # Simulate website 2 self.url_open(base_url + '/website/force/%s' % website_2.id) # Test controller url = base_url + '/website/get_switchable_related_views' json = {'params': {'key': '_website_sale.products'}} response = self.opener.post(url=url, json=json) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(len(response.json()['result']), 1, "Only '_theme_kea_sale.products' should be returned as it is the only customize_show related view in website 2 context") self.assertEqual(response.json()['result'][0]['key'], '_theme_kea_sale.products', "Only '_theme_kea_sale.products' should be returned") # Simulate website 1 self.url_open(base_url + '/website/force/%s' % website_1.id) # Test controller url = base_url + '/website/get_switchable_related_views' json = {'params': {'key': '_website_sale.products'}} response = self.opener.post(url=url, json=json) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(len(response.json()['result']), 1, "Only '_website_sale.child_view_w1' should be returned as it is the only customize_show related view in website 1 context") self.assertEqual(response.json()['result'][0]['key'], '_website_sale.child_view_w1', "Only '_website_sale.child_view_w1' should be returned") @tagged('post_install', '-at_install') class TestThemeViews(common.TransactionCase): def test_inherit_specific(self): View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] Website = self.env['website'] website_1 = Website.create({'name': 'Website 1'}) # 1. Simulate COW structure main_view = View.create({ 'name': 'Test Main View', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': 'Arch is not relevant for this test', 'key': '_test.main_view', }).with_context(load_all_views=True) # Trigger COW main_view.with_context(website_id=website_1.id).arch = 'specific' # 2. Simulate a theme install with a child view of `main_view` patcher = patch('odoo.modules.module._get_manifest_cached', return_value=copy.deepcopy(_DEFAULT_MANIFEST)) self.startPatcher(patcher) test_theme_module = self.env['ir.module.module'].create({'name': 'test_theme'}) self.env['ir.model.data'].create({ 'module': 'base', 'name': 'module_test_theme_module', 'model': 'ir.module.module', 'res_id': test_theme_module.id, }) theme_view = self.env['theme.ir.ui.view'].with_context(install_filename='/testviews').create({ 'name': 'Test Child View', 'mode': 'extension', 'inherit_id': 'ir.ui.view,%s' % main_view.id, 'arch': 'C', 'key': 'test_theme.test_child_view', }) self.env['ir.model.data'].create({ 'module': 'test_theme', 'name': 'products', 'model': 'theme.ir.ui.view', 'res_id': theme_view.id, }) test_theme_module.with_context(load_all_views=True)._theme_load(website_1) # 3. Ensure everything went correctly main_views = View.search([('key', '=', '_test.main_view')]) self.assertEqual(len(main_views), 2, "View should have been COWd when writing on its arch in a website context") specific_main_view = main_views.filtered(lambda v: v.website_id == website_1) specific_main_view_children = specific_main_view.inherit_children_ids self.assertEqual(specific_main_view_children.name, 'Test Child View', "Ensure theme.ir.ui.view has been loaded as an ir.ui.view into the website..") self.assertEqual(specific_main_view_children.website_id, website_1, "..and the website is the correct one.") # 4. Simulate theme update. Do it 2 time to make sure it was not interpreted as a user change the first time. new_arch = 'Odoo Change01' theme_view.arch = new_arch test_theme_module.with_context(load_all_views=True)._theme_load(website_1) self.assertEqual(specific_main_view_children.arch, new_arch, "First time: View arch should receive theme updates.") self.assertFalse(specific_main_view_children.arch_updated) new_arch = 'Odoo Change02' theme_view.arch = new_arch test_theme_module.with_context(load_all_views=True)._theme_load(website_1) self.assertEqual(specific_main_view_children.arch, new_arch, "Second time: View arch should still receive theme updates.") # 5. Keep User arch changes new_arch = 'Odoo' specific_main_view_children.arch = new_arch theme_view.name = 'Test Child View modified' test_theme_module.with_context(load_all_views=True)._theme_load(website_1) self.assertEqual(specific_main_view_children.arch, new_arch, "View arch shouldn't have been overrided on theme update as it was modified by user.") self.assertEqual(specific_main_view_children.name, 'Test Child View modified', "View should receive modification on theme update.")