# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.

from odoo import models, _
from markupsafe import Markup

class EventRegistration(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'event.registration'

    def _get_lead_description_registration(self, line_suffix=''):
        """Add the questions and answers linked to the registrations into the description of the lead."""
        reg_description = super(EventRegistration, self)._get_lead_description_registration(line_suffix=line_suffix)
        if not self.registration_answer_ids:
            return reg_description

        answer_descriptions = []
        for answer in self.registration_answer_ids:
            answer_value = answer.value_answer_id.name if answer.question_type == "simple_choice" else answer.value_text_box
            answer_value = Markup("<br/>").join(["    %s" % line for line in answer_value.split('\n')])
            answer_descriptions.append(Markup("  - %s<br/>%s") % (answer.question_id.title, answer_value))
        return Markup("%s%s<br/>%s") % (reg_description, _("Questions"), Markup('<br/>').join(answer_descriptions))

    def _get_lead_description_fields(self):
        res = super(EventRegistration, self)._get_lead_description_fields()
        return res

    def _get_lead_values(self, rule):
        """Update lead values from Lead Generation rules to include the visitor and their language"""
        lead_values = super()._get_lead_values(rule)
        if self.visitor_id:
            lead_values['visitor_ids'] = self.visitor_id
        if self.visitor_id.lang_id:
            lead_values['lang_id'] = self.visitor_id.lang_id[0].id
        return lead_values