# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import fields, models, _, Command from odoo.addons.mail.models.discuss.mail_guest import add_guest_to_context class Website(models.Model): _inherit = "website" channel_id = fields.Many2one('im_livechat.channel', string='Website Live Chat Channel') @add_guest_to_context def _get_livechat_channel_info(self): """ Get the livechat info dict (button text, channel name, ...) for the livechat channel of the current website. """ self.ensure_one() if self.channel_id: livechat_info = self.channel_id.sudo().get_livechat_info() if livechat_info['available']: livechat_request_session = self._get_livechat_request_session() if livechat_request_session: livechat_info['options']['force_thread'] = livechat_request_session return livechat_info return {} def _get_livechat_request_session(self): """ Check if there is an opened chat request for the website livechat channel and the current visitor (from request). If so, prepare the livechat session information that will be stored in visitor's cookies and used by livechat widget to directly open this session instead of allowing the visitor to initiate a new livechat session. :param {int} channel_id: channel :return: {dict} livechat request session information """ visitor = self.env['website.visitor']._get_visitor_from_request() chat_request_session = {} if visitor: # get active chat_request linked to visitor chat_request_channel = self.env['discuss.channel'].sudo().search([ ("channel_type", "=", "livechat"), ('livechat_visitor_id', '=', visitor.id), ('livechat_channel_id', '=', self.channel_id.id), ('livechat_active', '=', True), ('has_message', '=', True) ], order='create_date desc', limit=1) if chat_request_channel: if not visitor.partner_id: current_guest = self.env['mail.guest']._get_guest_from_context() channel_guest_member = chat_request_channel.channel_member_ids.filtered(lambda m: m.guest_id) if current_guest and current_guest != channel_guest_member.guest_id: # Channel was created with a guest but the visitor was # linked to another guest in the meantime. We need to # update the channel to link it to the current guest. chat_request_channel.write({'channel_member_ids': [ Command.unlink(channel_guest_member.id), Command.create({'guest_id': current_guest.id, 'fold_state': 'open'}) ]}) if not current_guest and channel_guest_member: channel_guest_member.guest_id._set_auth_cookie() chat_request_channel = chat_request_channel.with_context(guest=channel_guest_member.guest_id.sudo(False)) if chat_request_channel.is_member: chat_request_session = { "id": chat_request_channel.id, "model": "discuss.channel", } return chat_request_session def get_suggested_controllers(self): suggested_controllers = super(Website, self).get_suggested_controllers() suggested_controllers.append((_('Live Support'), self.env['ir.http']._url_for('/livechat'), 'website_livechat')) return suggested_controllers