# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import requests from odoo import http from odoo.http import request from odoo.tools import html2plaintext import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) FIELDS_MAPPING = { 'country': ['country'], 'street_number': ['number'], 'locality': ['city'], # If locality exists, use it instead of the more general administrative area 'route': ['street'], 'postal_code': ['zip'], 'administrative_area_level_1': ['state', 'city'], 'administrative_area_level_2': ['state', 'country'] } # If a google fields may correspond to multiple standard fields, the first occurrence in the list will overwrite following entries. FIELDS_PRIORITY = ['country', 'street_number', 'neighborhood', 'locality', 'route', 'postal_code', 'administrative_area_level_1', 'administrative_area_level_2'] GOOGLE_PLACES_ENDPOINT = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place' TIMEOUT = 2.5 class AutoCompleteController(http.Controller): def _translate_google_to_standard(self, google_fields): standard_data = {} for google_field in google_fields: fields_standard = FIELDS_MAPPING[google_field['type']] if google_field['type'] in FIELDS_MAPPING else [] for field_standard in fields_standard: if field_standard in standard_data: # if a value is already assigned, do not overwrite it. continue # Convert state and countries to odoo ids if field_standard == 'country': standard_data[field_standard] = request.env['res.country'].search( [('code', '=', google_field['short_name'].upper())])[0].id elif field_standard == 'state': state = request.env['res.country.state'].search( [('code', '=', google_field['short_name'].upper()), ('country_id', '=', standard_data['country'])]) if len(state) == 1: standard_data[field_standard] = state.id else: standard_data[field_standard] = google_field['long_name'] return standard_data def _guess_number_from_input(self, source_input, standard_address): """ Google might not send the house number in case the address does not exist in their database. We try to guess the number from the user's input to avoid losing the info. """ # Remove other parts from address to make better guesses guessed_house_number = source_input \ .replace(standard_address.get('zip', ''), '') \ .replace(standard_address.get('street', ''), '') \ .replace(standard_address.get('city', ''), '') guessed_house_number = guessed_house_number.split(',')[0].strip() return guessed_house_number def _perform_place_search(self, partial_address, api_key=None, session_id=None, language_code=None, country_code=None): if len(partial_address) <= 5: return { 'results': [], 'session_id': session_id } params = { 'key': api_key, 'fields': 'formatted_address,name', 'inputtype': 'textquery', 'types': 'address', 'input': partial_address } if country_code: params['components'] = f'country:{country_code}' if language_code: params['language'] = language_code if session_id: params['sessiontoken'] = session_id try: results = requests.get(f'{GOOGLE_PLACES_ENDPOINT}/autocomplete/json', params=params, timeout=TIMEOUT).json() except (TimeoutError, ValueError) as e: _logger.error(e) return { 'results': [], 'session_id': session_id } if results.get('error_message'): _logger.error(results['error_message']) results = results.get('predictions', []) # Convert google specific format to standard format. return { 'results': [{ 'formatted_address': result['description'], 'google_place_id': result['place_id'], } for result in results], 'session_id': session_id } def _perform_complete_place_search(self, address, api_key=None, google_place_id=None, language_code=None, session_id=None): params = { 'key': api_key, 'place_id': google_place_id, 'fields': 'address_component,adr_address' } if language_code: params['language'] = language_code if session_id: params['sessiontoken'] = session_id try: results = requests.get(f'{GOOGLE_PLACES_ENDPOINT}/details/json', params=params, timeout=TIMEOUT).json() except (TimeoutError, ValueError) as e: _logger.error(e) return {'address': None} if results.get('error_message'): _logger.error(results['error_message']) try: html_address = results['result']['adr_address'] results = results['result']['address_components'] # Get rid of useless extra data except KeyError: return {'address': None} # Keep only the first type from the list of types for res in results: res['type'] = res.pop('types')[0] # Sort the result by their priority. results.sort(key=lambda r: FIELDS_PRIORITY.index(r['type']) if r['type'] in FIELDS_PRIORITY else 100) standard_address = self._translate_google_to_standard(results) if 'number' not in standard_address: standard_address['number'] = self._guess_number_from_input(address, standard_address) standard_address['formatted_street_number'] = f'{standard_address["number"]} {standard_address.get("street", "")}' else: formatted_from_html = html2plaintext(html_address.split(',')[0]) formatted_manually = f'{standard_address["number"]} {standard_address.get("street", "")}' # Sometimes, the google api sends back abbreviated data : # "52 High Road Street" becomes "52 HR St" for example. We usually take the result from google, but if it's an abbreviation, take our guess instead. if len(formatted_from_html) >= len(formatted_manually): standard_address['formatted_street_number'] = formatted_from_html else: standard_address['formatted_street_number'] = formatted_manually return standard_address @http.route('/autocomplete/address', methods=['POST'], type='json', auth='public', website=True) def _autocomplete_address(self, partial_address, session_id=None): api_key = request.env['website'].get_current_website().sudo().google_places_api_key return self._perform_place_search(partial_address, session_id=session_id, api_key=api_key) @http.route('/autocomplete/address_full', methods=['POST'], type='json', auth='public', website=True) def _autocomplete_address_full(self, address, session_id=None, google_place_id=None, **kwargs): api_key = request.env['website'].get_current_website().sudo().google_places_api_key return self._perform_complete_place_search(address, google_place_id=google_place_id, session_id=session_id, api_key=api_key, **kwargs)