# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from collections import defaultdict from datetime import timedelta from odoo import api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.http import request from odoo.osv import expression class SaleOrder(models.Model): _inherit = 'sale.order' # List of disabled rewards for automatic claim disabled_auto_rewards = fields.Many2many("loyalty.reward", relation="sale_order_disabled_auto_rewards_rel") def _get_program_domain(self): res = super()._get_program_domain() # Replace `sale_ok` leaf with `ecommerce_ok` if order is linked to a website if self.website_id: for idx, leaf in enumerate(res): if leaf[0] != 'sale_ok': continue res[idx] = ('ecommerce_ok', '=', True) return expression.AND([res, [('website_id', 'in', (self.website_id.id, False))]]) return res def _get_trigger_domain(self): res = super()._get_trigger_domain() # Replace `sale_ok` leaf with `ecommerce_ok` if order is linked to a website if self.website_id: for idx, leaf in enumerate(res): if leaf[0] != 'program_id.sale_ok': continue res[idx] = ('program_id.ecommerce_ok', '=', True) return expression.AND([res, [('program_id.website_id', 'in', (self.website_id.id, False))]]) return res def _try_pending_coupon(self): if not request: return False pending_coupon_code = request.session.get('pending_coupon_code') if pending_coupon_code: status = self._try_apply_code(pending_coupon_code) if 'error' not in status: # Returns an array if everything went right request.session.pop('pending_coupon_code') if len(status) == 1: coupon, rewards = next(iter(status.items())) if len(rewards) == 1 and not rewards.multi_product: self._apply_program_reward(rewards, coupon) return status return True def _update_programs_and_rewards(self): for order in self: order._try_pending_coupon() return super()._update_programs_and_rewards() def _auto_apply_rewards(self): """ Tries to auto apply claimable rewards. It must answer to the following rules: - Must not be from a nominative program - The reward must be the only reward of the program - The reward may not be a multi product reward Returns True if any reward was claimed else False """ self.ensure_one() claimed_reward_count = 0 claimable_rewards = self._get_claimable_rewards() for coupon, rewards in claimable_rewards.items(): if ( len(coupon.program_id.reward_ids) != 1 or coupon.program_id.is_nominative or (rewards.reward_type == 'product' and rewards.multi_product) or rewards in self.disabled_auto_rewards or rewards in self.order_line.reward_id ): continue try: res = self._apply_program_reward(rewards, coupon) if 'error' not in res: claimed_reward_count += 1 except UserError: pass return bool(claimed_reward_count) def _compute_website_order_line(self): """ This method will merge multiple discount lines generated by a same program into a single one (temporary line with `new()`). This case will only occur when the program is a discount applied on multiple products with different taxes. In this case, each taxes will have their own discount line. This is required to have correct amount of taxes according to the discount. But we wan't these lines to be `visually` merged into a single one in the e-commerce since the end user should only see one discount line. This is only possible since we don't show taxes in cart. eg: line 1: 10% discount on product with tax `A` - $15 line 2: 10% discount on product with tax `B` - $11.5 line 3: 10% discount on product with tax `C` - $10 would be `hidden` and `replaced` by line 1: 10% discount - $36.5 Note: The line will be created without tax(es) and the amount will be computed depending if B2B or B2C is enabled. """ super()._compute_website_order_line() for order in self: grouped_order_lines = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['sale.order.line']) for line in order.order_line: if line.reward_id and line.coupon_id: grouped_order_lines[(line.reward_id, line.coupon_id, line.reward_identifier_code)] |= line new_lines = self.env['sale.order.line'] for lines in grouped_order_lines.values(): if lines.reward_id.reward_type != 'discount': continue new_lines += self.env['sale.order.line'].new({ 'product_id': lines[0].product_id.id, 'tax_id': False, 'price_unit': sum(lines.mapped('price_unit')), 'price_subtotal': sum(lines.mapped('price_subtotal')), 'price_total': sum(lines.mapped('price_total')), 'discount': 0.0, 'name': lines[0].name_short if lines.reward_id.reward_type != 'product' else lines[0].name, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'product_uom': lines[0].product_uom.id, 'order_id': order.id, 'is_reward_line': True, 'coupon_id': lines.coupon_id, 'reward_id': lines.reward_id, }) if new_lines: order.website_order_line += new_lines def _compute_cart_info(self): super(SaleOrder, self)._compute_cart_info() for order in self: reward_lines = order.website_order_line.filtered(lambda line: line.is_reward_line) order.cart_quantity -= int(sum(reward_lines.mapped('product_uom_qty'))) def get_promo_code_error(self, delete=True): error = request.session.get('error_promo_code') if error and delete: request.session.pop('error_promo_code') return error def get_promo_code_success_message(self, delete=True): if not request.session.get('successful_code'): return False code = request.session.get('successful_code') if delete: request.session.pop('successful_code') return code def _set_delivery_method(self, *args, **kwargs): super()._set_delivery_method(*args, **kwargs) self._update_programs_and_rewards() def _remove_delivery_line(self): super()._remove_delivery_line() self._update_programs_and_rewards() def _cart_update(self, product_id, line_id=None, add_qty=0, set_qty=0, **kwargs): line = self.order_line.filtered(lambda sol: sol.product_id.id == product_id)[:1] reward_id = line.reward_id if set_qty == 0 and line.coupon_id and reward_id and reward_id.reward_type == 'discount': # Force the deletion of the line even if it's a temporary record created by new() line_id = line.id res = super()._cart_update(product_id, line_id, add_qty, set_qty, **kwargs) self._update_programs_and_rewards() self._auto_apply_rewards() return res def _get_free_shipping_lines(self): self.ensure_one() return self.order_line.filtered(lambda l: l.reward_id.reward_type == 'shipping') def _allow_nominative_programs(self): if not request or not hasattr(request, 'website'): return super()._allow_nominative_programs() return not request.website.is_public_user() and super()._allow_nominative_programs() @api.autovacuum def _gc_abandoned_coupons(self, *args, **kwargs): """Remove coupons from abandonned ecommerce order.""" ICP = self.env['ir.config_parameter'] validity = ICP.get_param('website_sale_coupon.abandonned_coupon_validity', 4) validity = fields.Datetime.to_string(fields.datetime.now() - timedelta(days=int(validity))) so_to_reset = self.env['sale.order'].search([ ('state', '=', 'draft'), ('write_date', '<', validity), ('website_id', '!=', False), ('applied_coupon_ids', '!=', False), ]) so_to_reset.applied_coupon_ids = False for so in so_to_reset: so._update_programs_and_rewards() def _get_claimable_and_showable_rewards(self): self.ensure_one() res = self._get_claimable_rewards() loyality_cards = self.env['loyalty.card'].search([ ('partner_id', '=', self.partner_id.id), ('program_id', 'any', self._get_program_domain()), '|', ('program_id.trigger', '=', 'with_code'), '&', ('program_id.trigger', '=', 'auto'), ('program_id.applies_on', '=', 'future'), ]) total_is_zero = self.currency_id.is_zero(self.amount_total) global_discount_reward = self._get_applied_global_discount() for coupon in loyality_cards: points = self._get_real_points_for_coupon(coupon) for reward in coupon.program_id.reward_ids: if ( reward.is_global_discount and global_discount_reward and self._best_global_discount_already_applied(global_discount_reward, reward) ): continue if reward.reward_type == 'discount' and total_is_zero: continue if coupon.expiration_date and coupon.expiration_date < fields.Date.today(): continue if points >= reward.required_points: if coupon in res: res[coupon] |= reward else: res[coupon] = reward return res def _cart_find_product_line(self, product_id, line_id=None, **kwargs): """ Override to filter out reward lines from the cart lines. These are handled by the _update_programs_and_rewards and _auto_apply_rewards methods. """ lines = super()._cart_find_product_line(product_id, line_id, **kwargs) lines = lines.filtered(lambda l: not l.is_reward_line) if not line_id else lines return lines