# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import itertools import logging import random import re import psycopg2 from ast import literal_eval from collections import defaultdict from collections.abc import Mapping from operator import itemgetter from psycopg2.extras import Json from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, Command from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, UserError, ValidationError from odoo.osv import expression from odoo.tools import format_list, lazy_property, sql, unique, OrderedSet, SQL from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval, datetime, dateutil, time from odoo.tools.translate import _, LazyTranslate _lt = LazyTranslate(__name__) _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Messages are declared in extenso so they are properly exported in translation terms ACCESS_ERROR_HEADER = { 'read': _lt("You are not allowed to access '%(document_kind)s' (%(document_model)s) records."), 'write': _lt("You are not allowed to modify '%(document_kind)s' (%(document_model)s) records."), 'create': _lt("You are not allowed to create '%(document_kind)s' (%(document_model)s) records."), 'unlink': _lt("You are not allowed to delete '%(document_kind)s' (%(document_model)s) records."), } ACCESS_ERROR_GROUPS = _lt("This operation is allowed for the following groups:\n%(groups_list)s") ACCESS_ERROR_NOGROUP = _lt("No group currently allows this operation.") ACCESS_ERROR_RESOLUTION = _lt("Contact your administrator to request access if necessary.") MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG = '_force_unlink' RE_ORDER_FIELDS = re.compile(r'"?(\w+)"?\s*(?:asc|desc)?', flags=re.I) # base environment for doing a safe_eval SAFE_EVAL_BASE = { 'datetime': datetime, 'dateutil': dateutil, 'time': time, } def make_compute(text, deps): """ Return a compute function from its code body and dependencies. """ func = lambda self: safe_eval(text, SAFE_EVAL_BASE, {'self': self}, mode="exec") deps = [arg.strip() for arg in deps.split(",")] if deps else [] return api.depends(*deps)(func) def mark_modified(records, fnames): """ Mark the given fields as modified on records. """ # protect all modified fields, to avoid them being recomputed fields = [records._fields[fname] for fname in fnames] with records.env.protecting(fields, records): records.modified(fnames) def model_xmlid(module, model_name): """ Return the XML id of the given model. """ return '%s.model_%s' % (module, model_name.replace('.', '_')) def field_xmlid(module, model_name, field_name): """ Return the XML id of the given field. """ return '%s.field_%s__%s' % (module, model_name.replace('.', '_'), field_name) def selection_xmlid(module, model_name, field_name, value): """ Return the XML id of the given selection. """ xmodel = model_name.replace('.', '_') xvalue = value.replace('.', '_').replace(' ', '_').lower() return '%s.selection__%s__%s__%s' % (module, xmodel, field_name, xvalue) def query_insert(cr, table, rows): """ Insert rows in a table. ``rows`` is a list of dicts, all with the same set of keys. Return the ids of the new rows. """ if isinstance(rows, Mapping): rows = [rows] cols = list(rows[0]) query = SQL( "INSERT INTO %s (%s)", SQL.identifier(table), SQL(",").join(map(SQL.identifier, cols)), ) assert not query.params str_query = query.code + " VALUES %s RETURNING id" params = [tuple(row[col] for col in cols) for row in rows] cr.execute_values(str_query, params) return [row[0] for row in cr.fetchall()] def query_update(cr, table, values, selectors): """ Update the table with the given values (dict), and use the columns in ``selectors`` to select the rows to update. """ query = SQL( "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s RETURNING id", SQL.identifier(table), SQL(",").join( SQL("%s = %s", SQL.identifier(key), val) for key, val in values.items() if key not in selectors ), SQL(" AND ").join( SQL("%s = %s", SQL.identifier(key), values[key]) for key in selectors ), ) cr.execute(query) return [row[0] for row in cr.fetchall()] def select_en(model, fnames, model_names): """ Select the given columns from the given model's table, with the given WHERE clause. Translated fields are returned in 'en_US'. """ if not model_names: return [] cols = SQL(", ").join( SQL("%s->>'en_US'", SQL.identifier(fname)) if model._fields[fname].translate else SQL.identifier(fname) for fname in fnames ) query = SQL( "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE model IN %s", cols, SQL.identifier(model._table), tuple(model_names), ) return model.env.execute_query(query) def upsert_en(model, fnames, rows, conflict): """ Insert or update the table with the given rows. :param model: recordset of the model to query :param fnames: list of column names :param rows: list of tuples, where each tuple value corresponds to a column name :param conflict: list of column names to put into the ON CONFLICT clause :return: the ids of the inserted or updated rows """ # for translated fields, we can actually erase the json value, as # translations will be reloaded after this def identity(val): return val def jsonify(val): return Json({'en_US': val}) if val is not None else val wrappers = [(jsonify if model._fields[fname].translate else identity) for fname in fnames] values = [ tuple(func(val) for func, val in zip(wrappers, row)) for row in rows ] comma = SQL(", ").join query = SQL(""" INSERT INTO %(table)s (%(cols)s) VALUES %(values)s ON CONFLICT (%(conflict)s) DO UPDATE SET (%(cols)s) = (%(excluded)s) RETURNING id """, table=SQL.identifier(model._table), cols=comma(SQL.identifier(fname) for fname in fnames), values=comma(values), conflict=comma(SQL.identifier(fname) for fname in conflict), excluded=comma( ( SQL( "COALESCE(%s, '{}'::jsonb) || EXCLUDED.%s", SQL.identifier(model._table, fname), SQL.identifier(fname), ) if model._fields[fname].translate is True else SQL("EXCLUDED.%s", SQL.identifier(fname)) ) for fname in fnames ), ) return [id_ for id_, in model.env.execute_query(query)] # # IMPORTANT: this must be the first model declared in the module # class Base(models.AbstractModel): """ The base model, which is implicitly inherited by all models. """ _name = 'base' _description = 'Base' class Unknown(models.AbstractModel): """ Abstract model used as a substitute for relational fields with an unknown comodel. """ _name = '_unknown' _description = 'Unknown' class IrModel(models.Model): _name = 'ir.model' _description = "Models" _order = 'model' _rec_names_search = ['name', 'model'] _allow_sudo_commands = False def _default_field_id(self): if self.env.context.get('install_mode'): return [] # no default field when importing return [Command.create({'name': 'x_name', 'field_description': 'Name', 'ttype': 'char', 'copied': True})] name = fields.Char(string='Model Description', translate=True, required=True) model = fields.Char(default='x_', required=True) order = fields.Char(string='Order', default='id', required=True, help='SQL expression for ordering records in the model; e.g. "x_sequence asc, id desc"') info = fields.Text(string='Information') field_id = fields.One2many('ir.model.fields', 'model_id', string='Fields', required=True, copy=True, default=_default_field_id) inherited_model_ids = fields.Many2many('ir.model', compute='_inherited_models', string="Inherited models", help="The list of models that extends the current model.") state = fields.Selection([('manual', 'Custom Object'), ('base', 'Base Object')], string='Type', default='manual', readonly=True) access_ids = fields.One2many('ir.model.access', 'model_id', string='Access') rule_ids = fields.One2many('ir.rule', 'model_id', string='Record Rules') transient = fields.Boolean(string="Transient Model") modules = fields.Char(compute='_in_modules', string='In Apps', help='List of modules in which the object is defined or inherited') view_ids = fields.One2many('ir.ui.view', compute='_view_ids', string='Views') count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_count', string="Count (Incl. Archived)", help="Total number of records in this model") @api.depends() def _inherited_models(self): self.inherited_model_ids = False for model in self: parent_names = list(self.env[model.model]._inherits) if parent_names: model.inherited_model_ids = self.search([('model', 'in', parent_names)]) else: model.inherited_model_ids = False @api.depends() def _in_modules(self): installed_modules = self.env['ir.module.module'].search([('state', '=', 'installed')]) installed_names = set(installed_modules.mapped('name')) xml_ids = models.Model._get_external_ids(self) for model in self: module_names = set(xml_id.split('.')[0] for xml_id in xml_ids[model.id]) model.modules = ", ".join(sorted(installed_names & module_names)) @api.depends() def _view_ids(self): for model in self: model.view_ids = self.env['ir.ui.view'].search([('model', '=', model.model)]) @api.depends() def _compute_count(self): self.count = 0 for model in self: records = self.env[model.model] if not records._abstract and records._auto: [[count]] = self.env.execute_query(SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s", SQL.identifier(records._table))) model.count = count @api.constrains('model') def _check_model_name(self): for model in self: if model.state == 'manual': self._check_manual_name(model.model) if not models.check_object_name(model.model): raise ValidationError(_("The model name can only contain lowercase characters, digits, underscores and dots.")) @api.constrains('order', 'field_id') def _check_order(self): for model in self: try: model._check_qorder(model.order) # regex check for the whole clause ('is it valid sql?') except UserError as e: raise ValidationError(str(e)) # add MAGIC_COLUMNS to 'stored_fields' in case 'model' has not been # initialized yet, or 'field_id' is not up-to-date in cache stored_fields = set( model.field_id.filtered('store').mapped('name') + models.MAGIC_COLUMNS ) if model.model in self.env: # add fields inherited from models specified via code if they are already loaded stored_fields.update( fname for fname, fval in self.env[model.model]._fields.items() if fval.inherited and fval.base_field.store ) order_fields = RE_ORDER_FIELDS.findall(model.order) for field in order_fields: if field not in stored_fields: raise ValidationError(_("Unable to order by %s: fields used for ordering must be present on the model and stored.", field)) _sql_constraints = [ ('obj_name_uniq', 'unique (model)', 'Each model must have a unique name.'), ] def _get(self, name): """ Return the (sudoed) `ir.model` record with the given name. The result may be an empty recordset if the model is not found. """ model_id = self._get_id(name) if name else False return self.sudo().browse(model_id) @tools.ormcache('name') def _get_id(self, name): self.env.cr.execute("SELECT id FROM ir_model WHERE model=%s", (name,)) result = self.env.cr.fetchone() return result and result[0] def _drop_table(self): for model in self: current_model = self.env.get(model.model) if current_model is not None: if current_model._abstract: continue table = current_model._table kind = sql.table_kind(self._cr, table) if kind == sql.TableKind.View: self._cr.execute(SQL('DROP VIEW %s', SQL.identifier(table))) elif kind == sql.TableKind.Regular: self._cr.execute(SQL('DROP TABLE %s CASCADE', SQL.identifier(table))) elif kind is not None: _logger.warning( "Unable to drop table %r of model %r: unmanaged or unknown tabe type %r", table, model.model, kind ) else: _logger.runbot('The model %s could not be dropped because it did not exist in the registry.', model.model) return True @api.ondelete(at_uninstall=False) def _unlink_if_manual(self): # Prevent manual deletion of module tables for model in self: if model.state != 'manual': raise UserError(_("Model “%s” contains module data and cannot be removed.", model.name)) def unlink(self): # prevent screwing up fields that depend on these models' fields manual_models = self.filtered(lambda model: model.state == 'manual') manual_models.field_id.filtered(lambda f: f.state == 'manual')._prepare_update() (self - manual_models).field_id._prepare_update() # delete fields whose comodel is being removed self.env['ir.model.fields'].search([('relation', 'in', self.mapped('model'))]).unlink() # delete ir_crons created by user crons = self.env['ir.cron'].with_context(active_test=False).search([('model_id', 'in', self.ids)]) if crons: crons.unlink() self._drop_table() res = super(IrModel, self).unlink() # Reload registry for normal unlink only. For module uninstall, the # reload is done independently in odoo.modules.loading. if not self._context.get(MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG): # setup models; this automatically removes model from registry self.env.flush_all() self.pool.setup_models(self._cr) return res def write(self, vals): if 'model' in vals and any(rec.model != vals['model'] for rec in self): raise UserError(_('Field "Model" cannot be modified on models.')) if 'state' in vals and any(rec.state != vals['state'] for rec in self): raise UserError(_('Field "Type" cannot be modified on models.')) if 'transient' in vals and any(rec.transient != vals['transient'] for rec in self): raise UserError(_('Field "Transient Model" cannot be modified on models.')) # Filter out operations 4 from field id, because the web client always # writes (4,id,False) even for non dirty items. if 'field_id' in vals: vals['field_id'] = [op for op in vals['field_id'] if op[0] != 4] res = super(IrModel, self).write(vals) # ordering has been changed, reload registry to reflect update + signaling if 'order' in vals: self.env.flush_all() # setup_models need to fetch the updated values from the db self.pool.setup_models(self._cr) return res @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): res = super(IrModel, self).create(vals_list) manual_models = [ vals['model'] for vals in vals_list if vals.get('state', 'manual') == 'manual' ] if manual_models: # setup models; this automatically adds model in registry self.env.flush_all() self.pool.setup_models(self._cr) # update database schema self.pool.init_models(self._cr, manual_models, dict(self._context, update_custom_fields=True)) return res @api.model def name_create(self, name): """ Infer the model from the name. E.g.: 'My New Model' should become 'x_my_new_model'. """ ir_model = self.create({ 'name': name, 'model': 'x_' + '_'.join(name.lower().split(' ')), }) return ir_model.id, ir_model.display_name def _reflect_model_params(self, model): """ Return the values to write to the database for the given model. """ return { 'model': model._name, 'name': model._description, 'order': model._order, 'info': next(cls.__doc__ for cls in self.env.registry[model._name].mro() if cls.__doc__), 'state': 'manual' if model._custom else 'base', 'transient': model._transient, } def _reflect_models(self, model_names): """ Reflect the given models. """ # determine expected and existing rows rows = [ self._reflect_model_params(self.env[model_name]) for model_name in model_names ] cols = list(unique(['model'] + list(rows[0]))) expected = [tuple(row[col] for col in cols) for row in rows] model_ids = {} existing = {} for row in select_en(self, ['id'] + cols, model_names): model_ids[row[1]] = row[0] existing[row[1]] = row[1:] # create or update rows rows = [row for row in expected if existing.get(row[0]) != row] if rows: ids = upsert_en(self, cols, rows, ['model']) for row, id_ in zip(rows, ids): model_ids[row[0]] = id_ self.pool.post_init(mark_modified, self.browse(ids), cols[1:]) # update their XML id module = self._context.get('module') if not module: return data_list = [] for model_name, model_id in model_ids.items(): model = self.env[model_name] if model._module == module: # model._module is the name of the module that last extended model xml_id = model_xmlid(module, model_name) record = self.browse(model_id) data_list.append({'xml_id': xml_id, 'record': record}) self.env['ir.model.data']._update_xmlids(data_list) @api.model def _instanciate(self, model_data): """ Return a class for the custom model given by parameters ``model_data``. """ models.check_pg_name(model_data["model"].replace(".", "_")) class CustomModel(models.Model): _name = model_data['model'] _description = model_data['name'] _module = False _custom = True _transient = bool(model_data['transient']) _order = model_data['order'] __doc__ = model_data['info'] return CustomModel @api.model def _is_manual_name(self, name): return name.startswith('x_') @api.model def _check_manual_name(self, name): if not self._is_manual_name(name): raise ValidationError(_("The model name must start with 'x_'.")) def _add_manual_models(self): """ Add extra models to the registry. """ # clean up registry first for name, Model in list(self.pool.items()): if Model._custom: del self.pool.models[name] # remove the model's name from its parents' _inherit_children for Parent in Model.__bases__: if hasattr(Parent, 'pool'): Parent._inherit_children.discard(name) # add manual models cr = self.env.cr # we cannot use self._fields to determine translated fields, as it has not been set up yet cr.execute("SELECT *, name->>'en_US' AS name FROM ir_model WHERE state = 'manual'") for model_data in cr.dictfetchall(): model_class = self._instanciate(model_data) Model = model_class._build_model(self.pool, cr) kind = sql.table_kind(cr, Model._table) if kind not in (sql.TableKind.Regular, None): _logger.info( "Model %r is backed by table %r which is not a regular table (%r), disabling automatic schema management", Model._name, Model._table, kind, ) Model._auto = False cr.execute( ''' SELECT a.attname FROM pg_attribute a JOIN pg_class t ON a.attrelid = t.oid AND t.relname = %s WHERE a.attnum > 0 -- skip system columns ''', [Model._table] ) columns = {colinfo[0] for colinfo in cr.fetchall()} Model._log_access = set(models.LOG_ACCESS_COLUMNS) <= columns # retrieve field types defined by the framework only (not extensions) FIELD_TYPES = [(key, key) for key in sorted(fields.Field.by_type)] class IrModelFields(models.Model): _name = 'ir.model.fields' _description = "Fields" _order = "name" _rec_name = 'field_description' _allow_sudo_commands = False name = fields.Char(string='Field Name', default='x_', required=True, index=True) complete_name = fields.Char(index=True) model = fields.Char(string='Model Name', required=True, index=True, help="The technical name of the model this field belongs to") relation = fields.Char(string='Related Model', help="For relationship fields, the technical name of the target model") relation_field = fields.Char(help="For one2many fields, the field on the target model that implement the opposite many2one relationship") relation_field_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model.fields', compute='_compute_relation_field_id', store=True, ondelete='cascade', string='Relation field') model_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model', string='Model', required=True, index=True, ondelete='cascade', help="The model this field belongs to") field_description = fields.Char(string='Field Label', default='', required=True, translate=True) help = fields.Text(string='Field Help', translate=True) ttype = fields.Selection(selection=FIELD_TYPES, string='Field Type', required=True) selection = fields.Char(string="Selection Options (Deprecated)", compute='_compute_selection', inverse='_inverse_selection') selection_ids = fields.One2many("ir.model.fields.selection", "field_id", string="Selection Options", copy=True) copied = fields.Boolean(string='Copied', compute='_compute_copied', store=True, readonly=False, help="Whether the value is copied when duplicating a record.") related = fields.Char(string='Related Field Definition', help="The corresponding related field, if any. This must be a dot-separated list of field names.") related_field_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model.fields', compute='_compute_related_field_id', store=True, string="Related Field", ondelete='cascade') required = fields.Boolean() readonly = fields.Boolean() index = fields.Boolean(string='Indexed') translate = fields.Boolean(string='Translatable', help="Whether values for this field can be translated (enables the translation mechanism for that field)") company_dependent = fields.Boolean(string='Company Dependent', help="Whether values for this field is company dependent", readonly=True) size = fields.Integer() state = fields.Selection([('manual', 'Custom Field'), ('base', 'Base Field')], string='Type', default='manual', required=True, readonly=True, index=True) on_delete = fields.Selection([('cascade', 'Cascade'), ('set null', 'Set NULL'), ('restrict', 'Restrict')], string='On Delete', default='set null', help='On delete property for many2one fields') domain = fields.Char(default="[]", help="The optional domain to restrict possible values for relationship fields, " "specified as a Python expression defining a list of triplets. " "For example: [('color','=','red')]") groups = fields.Many2many('res.groups', 'ir_model_fields_group_rel', 'field_id', 'group_id') # CLEANME unimplemented field (empty table) group_expand = fields.Boolean(string="Expand Groups", help="If checked, all the records of the target model will be included\n" "in a grouped result (e.g. 'Group By' filters, Kanban columns, etc.).\n" "Note that it can significantly reduce performance if the target model\n" "of the field contains a lot of records; usually used on models with\n" "few records (e.g. Stages, Job Positions, Event Types, etc.).") selectable = fields.Boolean(default=True) modules = fields.Char(compute='_in_modules', string='In Apps', help='List of modules in which the field is defined') relation_table = fields.Char(help="Used for custom many2many fields to define a custom relation table name") column1 = fields.Char(string='Column 1', help="Column referring to the record in the model table") column2 = fields.Char(string="Column 2", help="Column referring to the record in the comodel table") compute = fields.Text(help="Code to compute the value of the field.\n" "Iterate on the recordset 'self' and assign the field's value:\n\n" " for record in self:\n" " record['size'] = len(record.name)\n\n" "Modules time, datetime, dateutil are available.") depends = fields.Char(string='Dependencies', help="Dependencies of compute method; " "a list of comma-separated field names, like\n\n" " name, partner_id.name") store = fields.Boolean(string='Stored', default=True, help="Whether the value is stored in the database.") currency_field = fields.Char(string="Currency field", help="Name of the Many2one field holding the res.currency") # HTML sanitization reflection, useless for other kinds of fields sanitize = fields.Boolean(string='Sanitize HTML', default=True) sanitize_overridable = fields.Boolean(string='Sanitize HTML overridable', default=False) sanitize_tags = fields.Boolean(string='Sanitize HTML Tags', default=True) sanitize_attributes = fields.Boolean(string='Sanitize HTML Attributes', default=True) sanitize_style = fields.Boolean(string='Sanitize HTML Style', default=False) sanitize_form = fields.Boolean(string='Sanitize HTML Form', default=True) strip_style = fields.Boolean(string='Strip Style Attribute', default=False) strip_classes = fields.Boolean(string='Strip Class Attribute', default=False) @api.depends('relation', 'relation_field') def _compute_relation_field_id(self): for rec in self: if rec.state == 'manual' and rec.relation_field: rec.relation_field_id = self._get(rec.relation, rec.relation_field) else: rec.relation_field_id = False @api.depends('related') def _compute_related_field_id(self): for rec in self: if rec.state == 'manual' and rec.related: rec.related_field_id = rec._related_field() else: rec.related_field_id = False @api.depends('selection_ids') def _compute_selection(self): for rec in self: if rec.ttype in ('selection', 'reference'): rec.selection = str(self.env['ir.model.fields.selection']._get_selection(rec.id)) else: rec.selection = False def _inverse_selection(self): for rec in self: selection = literal_eval(rec.selection or "[]") self.env['ir.model.fields.selection']._update_selection(rec.model, rec.name, selection) @api.depends('ttype', 'related', 'compute') def _compute_copied(self): for rec in self: rec.copied = (rec.ttype != 'one2many') and not (rec.related or rec.compute) @api.depends() def _in_modules(self): installed_modules = self.env['ir.module.module'].search([('state', '=', 'installed')]) installed_names = set(installed_modules.mapped('name')) xml_ids = models.Model._get_external_ids(self) for field in self: module_names = set(xml_id.split('.')[0] for xml_id in xml_ids[field.id]) field.modules = ", ".join(sorted(installed_names & module_names)) @api.constrains('domain') def _check_domain(self): for field in self: safe_eval(field.domain or '[]') @api.constrains('name') def _check_name(self): for field in self: try: models.check_pg_name(field.name) except ValidationError: msg = _("Field names can only contain characters, digits and underscores (up to 63).") raise ValidationError(msg) _sql_constraints = [ ('name_unique', 'UNIQUE(model, name)', "Field names must be unique per model."), ('size_gt_zero', 'CHECK (size>=0)', 'Size of the field cannot be negative.'), ( "name_manual_field", "CHECK (state != 'manual' OR name LIKE 'x\\_%')", "Custom fields must have a name that starts with 'x_'!" ), ] def _related_field(self): """ Return the ``ir.model.fields`` record corresponding to ``self.related``. """ names = self.related.split(".") last = len(names) - 1 model_name = self.model or self.model_id.model for index, name in enumerate(names): field = self._get(model_name, name) if not field: raise UserError(_( 'Unknown field name "%(field_name)s" in related field "%(related_field)s"', field_name=name, related_field=self.related, )) model_name = field.relation if index < last and not field.relation: raise UserError(_( 'Non-relational field name "%(field_name)s" in related field "%(related_field)s"', field_name=name, related_field=self.related, )) return field @api.constrains('related') def _check_related(self): for rec in self: if rec.state == 'manual' and rec.related: field = rec._related_field() if field.ttype != rec.ttype: raise ValidationError(_( 'Related field "%(related_field)s" does not have type "%(type)s"', related_field=rec.related, type=rec.ttype, )) if field.relation != rec.relation: raise ValidationError(_( 'Related field "%(related_field)s" does not have comodel "%(comodel)s"', related_field=rec.related, comodel=rec.relation, )) @api.onchange('related') def _onchange_related(self): if self.related: try: field = self._related_field() except UserError as e: return {'warning': {'title': _("Warning"), 'message': e}} self.ttype = field.ttype self.relation = field.relation self.readonly = True @api.onchange('relation') def _onchange_relation(self): try: self._check_relation() except ValidationError as e: return {'warning': {'title': _("Model %s does not exist", self.relation), 'message': e}} @api.constrains('relation') def _check_relation(self): for rec in self: if rec.state == 'manual' and rec.relation and not rec.env['ir.model']._get_id(rec.relation): raise ValidationError(_("Unknown model name '%s' in Related Model", rec.relation)) @api.constrains('depends') def _check_depends(self): """ Check whether all fields in dependencies are valid. """ for record in self: if not record.depends: continue for seq in record.depends.split(","): if not seq.strip(): raise UserError(_("Empty dependency in “%s”", record.depends)) model = self.env[record.model] names = seq.strip().split(".") last = len(names) - 1 for index, name in enumerate(names): if name == 'id': raise UserError(_("Compute method cannot depend on field 'id'")) field = model._fields.get(name) if field is None: raise UserError(_( 'Unknown field “%(field)s” in dependency “%(dependency)s”', field=name, dependency=seq.strip(), )) if index < last and not field.relational: raise UserError(_( 'Non-relational field “%(field)s” in dependency “%(dependency)s”', field=name, dependency=seq.strip(), )) model = model[name] @api.onchange('compute') def _onchange_compute(self): if self.compute: self.readonly = True @api.constrains('relation_table') def _check_relation_table(self): for rec in self: if rec.relation_table: models.check_pg_name(rec.relation_table) @api.constrains('currency_field') def _check_currency_field(self): for rec in self: if rec.state == 'manual' and rec.ttype == 'monetary': if not rec.currency_field: currency_field = self._get(rec.model, 'currency_id') or self._get(rec.model, 'x_currency_id') if not currency_field: raise ValidationError(_("Currency field is empty and there is no fallback field in the model")) else: currency_field = self._get(rec.model, rec.currency_field) if not currency_field: raise ValidationError(_("Unknown field specified “%s” in currency_field", rec.currency_field)) if currency_field.ttype != 'many2one': raise ValidationError(_("Currency field does not have type many2one")) if currency_field.relation != 'res.currency': raise ValidationError(_("Currency field should have a res.currency relation")) @api.model def _custom_many2many_names(self, model_name, comodel_name): """ Return default names for the table and columns of a custom many2many field. """ rel1 = self.env[model_name]._table rel2 = self.env[comodel_name]._table table = 'x_%s_%s_rel' % tuple(sorted([rel1, rel2])) if rel1 == rel2: return (table, 'id1', 'id2') else: return (table, '%s_id' % rel1, '%s_id' % rel2) @api.onchange('ttype', 'model_id', 'relation') def _onchange_ttype(self): if self.ttype == 'many2many' and self.model_id and self.relation: if self.relation not in self.env: return names = self._custom_many2many_names(self.model_id.model, self.relation) self.relation_table, self.column1, self.column2 = names else: self.relation_table = False self.column1 = False self.column2 = False @api.onchange('relation_table') def _onchange_relation_table(self): if self.relation_table: # check whether other fields use the same table others = self.search([('ttype', '=', 'many2many'), ('relation_table', '=', self.relation_table), ('id', 'not in', self.ids)]) if others: for other in others: if (other.model, other.relation) == (self.relation, self.model): # other is a candidate inverse field self.column1 = other.column2 self.column2 = other.column1 return return {'warning': { 'title': _("Warning"), 'message': _("The table “%s” is used by another, possibly incompatible field(s).", self.relation_table), }} @api.constrains('required', 'ttype', 'on_delete') def _check_on_delete_required_m2o(self): for rec in self: if rec.ttype == 'many2one' and rec.required and rec.on_delete == 'set null': raise ValidationError(_( "The m2o field %s is required but declares its ondelete policy " "as being 'set null'. Only 'restrict' and 'cascade' make sense.", rec.name, )) def _get(self, model_name, name): """ Return the (sudoed) `ir.model.fields` record with the given model and name. The result may be an empty recordset if the model is not found. """ field_id = model_name and name and self._get_ids(model_name).get(name) return self.sudo().browse(field_id) @tools.ormcache('model_name') def _get_ids(self, model_name): cr = self.env.cr cr.execute("SELECT name, id FROM ir_model_fields WHERE model=%s", [model_name]) return dict(cr.fetchall()) def _drop_column(self): tables_to_drop = set() for field in self: if field.name in models.MAGIC_COLUMNS: continue model = self.env.get(field.model) is_model = model is not None if field.store: # TODO: Refactor this brol in master if is_model and sql.column_exists(self._cr, model._table, field.name) and \ sql.table_kind(self._cr, model._table) == sql.TableKind.Regular: self._cr.execute(SQL('ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN %s CASCADE', SQL.identifier(model._table), SQL.identifier(field.name), )) if field.state == 'manual' and field.ttype == 'many2many': rel_name = field.relation_table or (is_model and model._fields[field.name].relation) tables_to_drop.add(rel_name) if field.state == 'manual' and is_model: model._pop_field(field.name) if tables_to_drop: # drop the relation tables that are not used by other fields self._cr.execute("""SELECT relation_table FROM ir_model_fields WHERE relation_table IN %s AND id NOT IN %s""", (tuple(tables_to_drop), tuple(self.ids))) tables_to_keep = set(row[0] for row in self._cr.fetchall()) for rel_name in tables_to_drop - tables_to_keep: self._cr.execute(SQL('DROP TABLE %s', SQL.identifier(rel_name))) return True def _prepare_update(self): """ Check whether the fields in ``self`` may be modified or removed. This method prevents the modification/deletion of many2one fields that have an inverse one2many, for instance. """ uninstalling = self._context.get(MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG) if not uninstalling and any(record.state != 'manual' for record in self): raise UserError(_("This column contains module data and cannot be removed!")) records = self # all the records to delete fields_ = OrderedSet() # all the fields corresponding to 'records' failed_dependencies = [] # list of broken (field, dependent_field) for record in self: model = self.env.get(record.model) if model is None: continue field = model._fields.get(record.name) if field is None: continue fields_.add(field) for dep in self.pool.get_dependent_fields(field): if dep.manual: failed_dependencies.append((field, dep)) elif dep.inherited: fields_.add(dep) records |= self._get(dep.model_name, dep.name) for field in fields_: for inverse in model.pool.field_inverses[field]: if inverse.manual and inverse.type == 'one2many': failed_dependencies.append((field, inverse)) self = records if failed_dependencies: if not uninstalling: field, dep = failed_dependencies[0] raise UserError(_( "The field '%(field)s' cannot be removed because the field '%(other_field)s' depends on it.", field=field, other_field=dep, )) else: self = self.union(*[ self._get(dep.model_name, dep.name) for field, dep in failed_dependencies ]) records = self.filtered(lambda record: record.state == 'manual') if not records: return self # remove pending write of this field # DLE P16: if there are pending updates of the field we currently try to unlink, pop them out from the cache # test `test_unlink_with_dependant` for record in records: model = self.env.get(record.model) field = model and model._fields.get(record.name) if field: self.env.cache.clear_dirty_field(field) # remove fields from registry, and check that views are not broken fields = [self.env[record.model]._pop_field(record.name) for record in records] domain = expression.OR([('arch_db', 'like', record.name)] for record in records) views = self.env['ir.ui.view'].search(domain) try: for view in views: view._check_xml() except Exception: if not uninstalling: raise UserError(_( "Cannot rename/delete fields that are still present in views:\nFields: %(fields)s\nView: %(view)s", fields=format_list(self.env, [str(f) for f in fields]), view=view.name, )) else: # uninstall mode _logger.warning( "The following fields were force-deleted to prevent a registry crash %s the following view might be broken %s", ", ".join(str(f) for f in fields), view.name) finally: if not uninstalling: # the registry has been modified, restore it self.pool.setup_models(self._cr) return self def unlink(self): if not self: return True # prevent screwing up fields that depend on these fields self = self._prepare_update() # determine registry fields corresponding to self fields = OrderedSet() for record in self: try: fields.add(self.pool[record.model]._fields[record.name]) except KeyError: pass # clean the registry from the fields to remove self.pool.registry_invalidated = True self.pool._discard_fields(fields) # discard the removed fields from fields to compute for field in fields: self.env.transaction.tocompute.pop(field, None) model_names = self.mapped('model') self._drop_column() res = super(IrModelFields, self).unlink() # The field we just deleted might be inherited, and the registry is # inconsistent in this case; therefore we reload the registry. if not self._context.get(MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG): # setup models; this re-initializes models in registry self.env.flush_all() self.pool.setup_models(self._cr) # update database schema of model and its descendant models models = self.pool.descendants(model_names, '_inherits') self.pool.init_models(self._cr, models, dict(self._context, update_custom_fields=True)) return res @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): IrModel = self.env['ir.model'] models = set() for vals in vals_list: if 'model_id' in vals: vals['model'] = IrModel.browse(vals['model_id']).model # for self._get_ids() in _update_selection() self.env.registry.clear_cache() res = super(IrModelFields, self).create(vals_list) models = set(res.mapped('model')) for vals in vals_list: if vals.get('state', 'manual') == 'manual': relation = vals.get('relation') if relation and not IrModel._get_id(relation): raise UserError(_("Model %s does not exist!", vals['relation'])) if vals.get('ttype') == 'one2many' and not self.search_count([ ('ttype', '=', 'many2one'), ('model', '=', vals['relation']), ('name', '=', vals['relation_field']), ]): raise UserError(_("Many2one %(field)s on model %(model)s does not exist!", field=vals['relation_field'], model=vals['relation'])) if any(model in self.pool for model in models): # setup models; this re-initializes model in registry self.env.flush_all() self.pool.setup_models(self._cr) # update database schema of models and their descendants models = self.pool.descendants(models, '_inherits') self.pool.init_models(self._cr, models, dict(self._context, update_custom_fields=True)) return res def write(self, vals): if not self: return True # if set, *one* column can be renamed here column_rename = None # names of the models to patch patched_models = set() translate_only = all(self._fields[field_name].translate for field_name in vals) if vals and self and not translate_only: for item in self: if item.state != 'manual': raise UserError(_('Properties of base fields cannot be altered in this manner! ' 'Please modify them through Python code, ' 'preferably through a custom addon!')) if vals.get('model_id', item.model_id.id) != item.model_id.id: raise UserError(_("Changing the model of a field is forbidden!")) if vals.get('ttype', item.ttype) != item.ttype: raise UserError(_("Changing the type of a field is not yet supported. " "Please drop it and create it again!")) obj = self.pool.get(item.model) field = getattr(obj, '_fields', {}).get(item.name) if vals.get('name', item.name) != item.name: # We need to rename the field item._prepare_update() if item.ttype in ('one2many', 'many2many', 'binary'): # those field names are not explicit in the database! pass else: if column_rename: raise UserError(_('Can only rename one field at a time!')) column_rename = (obj._table, item.name, vals['name'], item.index, item.store) # We don't check the 'state', because it might come from the context # (thus be set for multiple fields) and will be ignored anyway. if obj is not None and field is not None: patched_models.add(obj._name) # These shall never be written (modified) for column_name in ('model_id', 'model', 'state'): if column_name in vals: del vals[column_name] res = super(IrModelFields, self).write(vals) self.env.flush_all() if column_rename: # rename column in database, and its corresponding index if present table, oldname, newname, index, stored = column_rename if stored: self._cr.execute(SQL( 'ALTER TABLE %s RENAME COLUMN %s TO %s', SQL.identifier(table), SQL.identifier(oldname), SQL.identifier(newname) )) if index: self._cr.execute(SQL( 'ALTER INDEX %s RENAME TO %s', SQL.identifier(f'{table}_{oldname}_index'), SQL.identifier(f'{table}_{newname}_index'), )) if column_rename or patched_models or translate_only: # setup models, this will reload all manual fields in registry self.env.flush_all() self.pool.setup_models(self._cr) if patched_models: # update the database schema of the models to patch models = self.pool.descendants(patched_models, '_inherits') self.pool.init_models(self._cr, models, dict(self._context, update_custom_fields=True)) return res @api.depends('field_description', 'model') def _compute_display_name(self): IrModel = self.env["ir.model"] for field in self: if self.env.context.get('hide_model'): field.display_name = field.field_description continue model_string = IrModel._get(field.model).name field.display_name = f'{field.field_description} ({model_string})' def _reflect_field_params(self, field, model_id): """ Return the values to write to the database for the given field. """ return { 'model_id': model_id, 'model': field.model_name, 'name': field.name, 'field_description': field.string, 'help': field.help or None, 'ttype': field.type, 'state': 'manual' if field.manual else 'base', 'relation': field.comodel_name or None, 'index': bool(field.index), 'store': bool(field.store), 'copied': bool(field.copy), 'on_delete': field.ondelete if field.type == 'many2one' else None, 'related': field.related or None, 'readonly': bool(field.readonly), 'required': bool(field.required), 'selectable': bool(field.search or field.store), 'size': getattr(field, 'size', None), 'translate': bool(field.translate), 'company_dependent': bool(field.company_dependent), 'relation_field': field.inverse_name if field.type == 'one2many' else None, 'relation_table': field.relation if field.type == 'many2many' else None, 'column1': field.column1 if field.type == 'many2many' else None, 'column2': field.column2 if field.type == 'many2many' else None, 'currency_field': field.currency_field if field.type == 'monetary' else None, # html sanitization attributes (useless for other fields) 'sanitize': field.sanitize if field.type == 'html' else None, 'sanitize_overridable': field.sanitize_overridable if field.type == 'html' else None, 'sanitize_tags': field.sanitize_tags if field.type == 'html' else None, 'sanitize_attributes': field.sanitize_attributes if field.type == 'html' else None, 'sanitize_style': field.sanitize_style if field.type == 'html' else None, 'sanitize_form': field.sanitize_form if field.type == 'html' else None, 'strip_style': field.strip_style if field.type == 'html' else None, 'strip_classes': field.strip_classes if field.type == 'html' else None, } def _reflect_fields(self, model_names): """ Reflect the fields of the given models. """ cr = self.env.cr for model_name in model_names: model = self.env[model_name] by_label = {} for field in model._fields.values(): if field.string in by_label: other = by_label[field.string] _logger.warning('Two fields (%s, %s) of %s have the same label: %s. [Modules: %s and %s]', field.name, other.name, model, field.string, field._module, other._module) else: by_label[field.string] = field # determine expected and existing rows rows = [] for model_name in model_names: model_id = self.env['ir.model']._get_id(model_name) for field in self.env[model_name]._fields.values(): rows.append(self._reflect_field_params(field, model_id)) if not rows: return cols = list(unique(['model', 'name'] + list(rows[0]))) expected = [tuple(row[col] for col in cols) for row in rows] field_ids = {} existing = {} for row in select_en(self, ['id'] + cols, model_names): field_ids[row[1:3]] = row[0] existing[row[1:3]] = row[1:] # create or update rows rows = [row for row in expected if existing.get(row[:2]) != row] if rows: ids = upsert_en(self, cols, rows, ['model', 'name']) for row, id_ in zip(rows, ids): field_ids[row[:2]] = id_ self.pool.post_init(mark_modified, self.browse(ids), cols[2:]) # update their XML id module = self._context.get('module') if not module: return data_list = [] for (field_model, field_name), field_id in field_ids.items(): model = self.env[field_model] field = model._fields.get(field_name) if field and ( module == model._original_module or module in field._modules or any( # module introduced field on model by inheritance field_name in self.env[parent]._fields for parent, parent_module in model._inherit_module.items() if module == parent_module ) ): xml_id = field_xmlid(module, field_model, field_name) record = self.browse(field_id) data_list.append({'xml_id': xml_id, 'record': record}) self.env['ir.model.data']._update_xmlids(data_list) @tools.ormcache() def _all_manual_field_data(self): cr = self._cr # we cannot use self._fields to determine translated fields, as it has not been set up yet cr.execute(""" SELECT *, field_description->>'en_US' AS field_description, help->>'en_US' AS help FROM ir_model_fields WHERE state = 'manual' """) result = defaultdict(dict) for row in cr.dictfetchall(): result[row['model']][row['name']] = row return result def _get_manual_field_data(self, model_name): """ Return the given model's manual field data. """ return self._all_manual_field_data().get(model_name, {}) def _instanciate_attrs(self, field_data): """ Return the parameters for a field instance for ``field_data``. """ attrs = { 'manual': True, 'string': field_data['field_description'], 'help': field_data['help'], 'index': bool(field_data['index']), 'copy': bool(field_data['copied']), 'related': field_data['related'], 'required': bool(field_data['required']), 'readonly': bool(field_data['readonly']), 'store': bool(field_data['store']), } if field_data['ttype'] in ('char', 'text', 'html'): attrs['translate'] = bool(field_data['translate']) if field_data['ttype'] == 'char': attrs['size'] = field_data['size'] or None elif field_data['ttype'] == 'html': attrs['sanitize'] = field_data['sanitize'] attrs['sanitize_overridable'] = field_data['sanitize_overridable'] attrs['sanitize_tags'] = field_data['sanitize_tags'] attrs['sanitize_attributes'] = field_data['sanitize_attributes'] attrs['sanitize_style'] = field_data['sanitize_style'] attrs['sanitize_form'] = field_data['sanitize_form'] attrs['strip_style'] = field_data['strip_style'] attrs['strip_classes'] = field_data['strip_classes'] elif field_data['ttype'] in ('selection', 'reference'): attrs['selection'] = self.env['ir.model.fields.selection']._get_selection_data(field_data['id']) if field_data['ttype'] == 'selection': attrs['group_expand'] = field_data['group_expand'] elif field_data['ttype'] == 'many2one': if not self.pool.loaded and field_data['relation'] not in self.env: return attrs['comodel_name'] = field_data['relation'] attrs['ondelete'] = field_data['on_delete'] attrs['domain'] = safe_eval(field_data['domain'] or '[]') attrs['group_expand'] = '_read_group_expand_full' if field_data['group_expand'] else None elif field_data['ttype'] == 'one2many': if not self.pool.loaded and not ( field_data['relation'] in self.env and ( field_data['relation_field'] in self.env[field_data['relation']]._fields or field_data['relation_field'] in self._get_manual_field_data(field_data['relation']) )): return attrs['comodel_name'] = field_data['relation'] attrs['inverse_name'] = field_data['relation_field'] attrs['domain'] = safe_eval(field_data['domain'] or '[]') elif field_data['ttype'] == 'many2many': if not self.pool.loaded and field_data['relation'] not in self.env: return attrs['comodel_name'] = field_data['relation'] rel, col1, col2 = self._custom_many2many_names(field_data['model'], field_data['relation']) attrs['relation'] = field_data['relation_table'] or rel attrs['column1'] = field_data['column1'] or col1 attrs['column2'] = field_data['column2'] or col2 attrs['domain'] = safe_eval(field_data['domain'] or '[]') elif field_data['ttype'] == 'monetary': # be sure that custom monetary field are always instanciated if not self.pool.loaded and \ field_data['currency_field'] and not self._is_manual_name(field_data['currency_field']): return attrs['currency_field'] = field_data['currency_field'] # add compute function if given if field_data['compute']: attrs['compute'] = make_compute(field_data['compute'], field_data['depends']) return attrs def _instanciate(self, field_data): """ Return a field instance corresponding to parameters ``field_data``. """ attrs = self._instanciate_attrs(field_data) if attrs: return fields.Field.by_type[field_data['ttype']](**attrs) @api.model def _is_manual_name(self, name): return name.startswith('x_') def _add_manual_fields(self, model): """ Add extra fields on model. """ fields_data = self._get_manual_field_data(model._name) for name, field_data in fields_data.items(): if name not in model._fields and field_data['state'] == 'manual': try: field = self._instanciate(field_data) if field: model._add_field(name, field) except Exception: _logger.exception("Failed to load field %s.%s: skipped", model._name, field_data['name']) @api.model @tools.ormcache_context('model_name', keys=('lang',)) def get_field_string(self, model_name): """ Return the translation of fields strings in the context's language. Note that the result contains the available translations only. :param model_name: the name of a model :return: the model's fields' strings as a dictionary `{field_name: field_string}` """ fields = self.sudo().search([('model', '=', model_name)]) return {field.name: field.field_description for field in fields} @api.model @tools.ormcache_context('model_name', keys=('lang',)) def get_field_help(self, model_name): """ Return the translation of fields help in the context's language. Note that the result contains the available translations only. :param model_name: the name of a model :return: the model's fields' help as a dictionary `{field_name: field_help}` """ fields = self.sudo().search([('model', '=', model_name)]) return {field.name: field.help for field in fields} @api.model @tools.ormcache_context('model_name', 'field_name', keys=('lang',)) def get_field_selection(self, model_name, field_name): """ Return the translation of a field's selection in the context's language. Note that the result contains the available translations only. :param model_name: the name of the field's model :param field_name: the name of the field :return: the fields' selection as a list """ field = self._get(model_name, field_name) return [(sel.value, sel.name) for sel in field.selection_ids] class ModelInherit(models.Model): _name = "ir.model.inherit" _description = "Model Inheritance Tree" _log_access = False model_id = fields.Many2one("ir.model", required=True, ondelete="cascade") parent_id = fields.Many2one("ir.model", required=True, ondelete="cascade") parent_field_id = fields.Many2one("ir.model.fields", ondelete="cascade") # in case of inherits _sql_constraints = [ ("uniq", "UNIQUE(model_id, parent_id)", "Models inherits from another only once") ] def _reflect_inherits(self, model_names): """ Reflect the given models' inherits (_inherit and _inherits). """ IrModel = self.env["ir.model"] get_model_id = IrModel._get_id module_mapping = defaultdict(list) for model_name in model_names: get_field_id = self.env["ir.model.fields"]._get_ids(model_name).get model_id = get_model_id(model_name) model = self.env[model_name] for cls in reversed(type(model).mro()): if not models.is_definition_class(cls): continue items = [ (model_id, get_model_id(parent_name), None) for parent_name in cls._inherit if parent_name not in ("base", model_name) ] + [ (model_id, get_model_id(parent_name), get_field_id(field)) for parent_name, field in cls._inherits.items() ] for item in items: module_mapping[item].append(cls._module) if not module_mapping: return cr = self.env.cr cr.execute( """ SELECT i.id, i.model_id, i.parent_id, i.parent_field_id FROM ir_model_inherit i JOIN ir_model m ON m.id = i.model_id WHERE m.model IN %s """, [tuple(model_names)] ) existing = {} inh_ids = {} for iid, model_id, parent_id, parent_field_id in cr.fetchall(): inh_ids[(model_id, parent_id, parent_field_id)] = iid existing[(model_id, parent_id)] = parent_field_id sentinel = object() cols = ["model_id", "parent_id", "parent_field_id"] rows = [item for item in module_mapping if existing.get(item[:2], sentinel) != item[2]] if rows: ids = upsert_en(self, cols, rows, ["model_id", "parent_id"]) for row, id_ in zip(rows, ids): inh_ids[row] = id_ self.pool.post_init(mark_modified, self.browse(ids), cols[1:]) # update their XML id IrModel.browse(id_ for item in module_mapping for id_ in item[:2]).fetch(['model']) data_list = [] for (model_id, parent_id, parent_field_id), modules in module_mapping.items(): model_name = IrModel.browse(model_id).model.replace(".", "_") parent_name = IrModel.browse(parent_id).model.replace(".", "_") record_id = inh_ids[(model_id, parent_id, parent_field_id)] data_list += [ { "xml_id": f"{module}.model_inherit__{model_name}__{parent_name}", "record": self.browse(record_id), } for module in modules ] self.env["ir.model.data"]._update_xmlids(data_list) class IrModelSelection(models.Model): _name = 'ir.model.fields.selection' _order = 'sequence, id' _description = "Fields Selection" _allow_sudo_commands = False field_id = fields.Many2one("ir.model.fields", required=True, ondelete="cascade", index=True, domain=[('ttype', 'in', ['selection', 'reference'])]) value = fields.Char(required=True) name = fields.Char(translate=True, required=True) sequence = fields.Integer(default=1000) _sql_constraints = [ ('selection_field_uniq', 'unique(field_id, value)', 'Selections values must be unique per field'), ] def _get_selection(self, field_id): """ Return the given field's selection as a list of pairs (value, string). """ self.flush_model(['value', 'name', 'field_id', 'sequence']) return self._get_selection_data(field_id) def _get_selection_data(self, field_id): # return selection as expected on registry (no translations) self._cr.execute(""" SELECT value, name->>'en_US' FROM ir_model_fields_selection WHERE field_id=%s ORDER BY sequence, id """, (field_id,)) return self._cr.fetchall() def _reflect_selections(self, model_names): """ Reflect the selections of the fields of the given models. """ fields = [ field for model_name in model_names for field_name, field in self.env[model_name]._fields.items() if field.type in ('selection', 'reference') if isinstance(field.selection, list) ] if not fields: return if invalid_fields := OrderedSet( field for field in fields for selection in field.selection for value_label in selection if not isinstance(value_label, str) ): raise ValidationError(_("Fields %s contain a non-str value/label in selection", invalid_fields)) # determine expected and existing rows IMF = self.env['ir.model.fields'] expected = { (field_id, value): (label, index) for field in fields for field_id in [IMF._get_ids(field.model_name)[field.name]] for index, (value, label) in enumerate(field.selection) } cr = self.env.cr query = """ SELECT s.field_id, s.value, s.name->>'en_US', s.sequence FROM ir_model_fields_selection s, ir_model_fields f WHERE s.field_id = f.id AND f.model IN %s """ cr.execute(query, [tuple(model_names)]) existing = {row[:2]: row[2:] for row in cr.fetchall()} # create or update rows cols = ['field_id', 'value', 'name', 'sequence'] rows = [key + val for key, val in expected.items() if existing.get(key) != val] if rows: ids = upsert_en(self, cols, rows, ['field_id', 'value']) self.pool.post_init(mark_modified, self.browse(ids), cols[2:]) # update their XML ids module = self._context.get('module') if not module: return query = """ SELECT f.model, f.name, s.value, s.id FROM ir_model_fields_selection s, ir_model_fields f WHERE s.field_id = f.id AND f.model IN %s """ cr.execute(query, [tuple(model_names)]) selection_ids = {row[:3]: row[3] for row in cr.fetchall()} data_list = [] for field in fields: model = self.env[field.model_name] for value, modules in field._selection_modules(model).items(): for m in modules: xml_id = selection_xmlid(m, field.model_name, field.name, value) record = self.browse(selection_ids[field.model_name, field.name, value]) data_list.append({'xml_id': xml_id, 'record': record}) self.env['ir.model.data']._update_xmlids(data_list) def _update_selection(self, model_name, field_name, selection): """ Set the selection of a field to the given list, and return the row values of the given selection records. """ field_id = self.env['ir.model.fields']._get_ids(model_name)[field_name] # selection rows {value: row} cur_rows = self._existing_selection_data(model_name, field_name) new_rows = { value: dict(value=value, name=label, sequence=index) for index, (value, label) in enumerate(selection) } rows_to_insert = [] rows_to_update = [] rows_to_remove = [] for value in new_rows.keys() | cur_rows.keys(): new_row, cur_row = new_rows.get(value), cur_rows.get(value) if new_row is None: if self.pool.ready: # removing a selection in the new list, at your own risks _logger.warning("Removing selection value %s on %s.%s", cur_row['value'], model_name, field_name) rows_to_remove.append(cur_row['id']) elif cur_row is None: new_row['name'] = Json({'en_US': new_row['name']}) rows_to_insert.append(dict(new_row, field_id=field_id)) elif any(new_row[key] != cur_row[key] for key in new_row): new_row['name'] = Json({'en_US': new_row['name']}) rows_to_update.append(dict(new_row, id=cur_row['id'])) if rows_to_insert: row_ids = query_insert(self.env.cr, self._table, rows_to_insert) # update cur_rows for output for row, row_id in zip(rows_to_insert, row_ids): cur_rows[row['value']] = dict(row, id=row_id) for row in rows_to_update: query_update(self.env.cr, self._table, row, ['id']) if rows_to_remove: self.browse(rows_to_remove).unlink() return cur_rows def _existing_selection_data(self, model_name, field_name): """ Return the selection data of the given model, by field and value, as a dict {field_name: {value: row_values}}. """ query = """ SELECT s.*, s.name->>'en_US' AS name FROM ir_model_fields_selection s JOIN ir_model_fields f ON s.field_id=f.id WHERE f.model=%s and f.name=%s """ self._cr.execute(query, [model_name, field_name]) return {row['value']: row for row in self._cr.dictfetchall()} @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): field_ids = {vals['field_id'] for vals in vals_list} field_names = set() for field in self.env['ir.model.fields'].browse(field_ids): field_names.add((field.model, field.name)) if field.state != 'manual': raise UserError(_('Properties of base fields cannot be altered in this manner! ' 'Please modify them through Python code, ' 'preferably through a custom addon!')) recs = super().create(vals_list) if any( model in self.pool and name in self.pool[model]._fields for model, name in field_names ): # setup models; this re-initializes model in registry self.env.flush_all() self.pool.setup_models(self._cr) return recs def write(self, vals): if not self: return True if ( not self.env.user._is_admin() and any(record.field_id.state != 'manual' for record in self) ): raise UserError(_('Properties of base fields cannot be altered in this manner! ' 'Please modify them through Python code, ' 'preferably through a custom addon!')) if 'value' in vals: for selection in self: if selection.value == vals['value']: continue if selection.field_id.store: # in order to keep the cache consistent, flush the # corresponding field, and invalidate it from cache model = self.env[selection.field_id.model] fname = selection.field_id.name model.invalidate_model([fname]) # replace the value by the new one in the field's corresponding column query = f'UPDATE "{model._table}" SET "{fname}"=%s WHERE "{fname}"=%s' self.env.cr.execute(query, [vals['value'], selection.value]) result = super().write(vals) # setup models; this re-initializes model in registry self.env.flush_all() self.pool.setup_models(self._cr) return result @api.ondelete(at_uninstall=False) def _unlink_if_manual(self): # Prevent manual deletion of module columns if ( self.pool.ready and any(selection.field_id.state != 'manual' for selection in self) ): raise UserError(_('Properties of base fields cannot be altered in this manner! ' 'Please modify them through Python code, ' 'preferably through a custom addon!')) def unlink(self): self._process_ondelete() result = super().unlink() # Reload registry for normal unlink only. For module uninstall, the # reload is done independently in odoo.modules.loading. if not self._context.get(MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG): # setup models; this re-initializes model in registry self.env.flush_all() self.pool.setup_models(self._cr) return result def _process_ondelete(self): """ Process the 'ondelete' of the given selection values. """ def safe_write(records, fname, value): if not records: return try: with self.env.cr.savepoint(): records.write({fname: value}) except Exception: # going through the ORM failed, probably because of an exception # in an override or possibly a constraint. _logger.runbot( "Could not fulfill ondelete action for field %s.%s, " "attempting ORM bypass...", records._name, fname, ) # if this fails then we're shit out of luck and there's nothing # we can do except fix on a case-by-case basis self.env.execute_query(SQL( "UPDATE %s SET %s=%s WHERE id IN %s", SQL.identifier(records._table), SQL.identifier(fname), field.convert_to_column_insert(value, records), records._ids, )) records.invalidate_recordset([fname]) for selection in self: # The field may exist in database but not in registry. In this case # we allow the field to be skipped, but for production this should # be handled through a migration script. The ORM will take care of # the orphaned 'ir.model.fields' down the stack, and will log a # warning prompting the developer to write a migration script. Model = self.env.get(selection.field_id.model) if Model is None: continue field = Model._fields.get(selection.field_id.name) if not field or not field.store or not Model._auto: continue ondelete = (field.ondelete or {}).get(selection.value) # special case for custom fields if ondelete is None and field.manual and not field.required: ondelete = 'set null' if ondelete is None: # nothing to do, the selection does not come from a field extension continue elif callable(ondelete): ondelete(selection._get_records()) elif ondelete == 'set null': safe_write(selection._get_records(), field.name, False) elif ondelete == 'set default': value = field.convert_to_write(field.default(Model), Model) safe_write(selection._get_records(), field.name, value) elif ondelete.startswith('set '): safe_write(selection._get_records(), field.name, ondelete[4:]) elif ondelete == 'cascade': selection._get_records().unlink() else: # this shouldn't happen... simply a sanity check raise ValueError(_( 'The ondelete policy "%(policy)s" is not valid for field "%(field)s"', policy=ondelete, field=selection, )) def _get_records(self): """ Return the records having 'self' as a value. """ self.ensure_one() Model = self.env[self.field_id.model] Model.flush_model([self.field_id.name]) query = 'SELECT id FROM "{table}" WHERE "{field}"=%s'.format( table=Model._table, field=self.field_id.name, ) self.env.cr.execute(query, [self.value]) return Model.browse(r[0] for r in self.env.cr.fetchall()) class IrModelConstraint(models.Model): """ This model tracks PostgreSQL foreign keys and constraints used by Odoo models. """ _name = 'ir.model.constraint' _description = 'Model Constraint' _allow_sudo_commands = False name = fields.Char(string='Constraint', required=True, index=True, help="PostgreSQL constraint or foreign key name.") definition = fields.Char(help="PostgreSQL constraint definition") message = fields.Char(help="Error message returned when the constraint is violated.", translate=True) model = fields.Many2one('ir.model', required=True, ondelete="cascade", index=True) module = fields.Many2one('ir.module.module', required=True, index=True, ondelete='cascade') type = fields.Char(string='Constraint Type', required=True, size=1, index=True, help="Type of the constraint: `f` for a foreign key, " "`u` for other constraints.") write_date = fields.Datetime() create_date = fields.Datetime() _sql_constraints = [ ('module_name_uniq', 'unique(name, module)', 'Constraints with the same name are unique per module.'), ] def unlink(self): self.check_access('unlink') ids_set = set(self.ids) for data in self.sorted(key='id', reverse=True): name = data.name if data.model.model in self.env: table = self.env[data.model.model]._table else: table = data.model.model.replace('.', '_') # double-check we are really going to delete all the owners of this schema element self._cr.execute("""SELECT id from ir_model_constraint where name=%s""", [name]) external_ids = set(x[0] for x in self._cr.fetchall()) if external_ids - ids_set: # as installed modules have defined this element we must not delete it! continue typ = data.type if typ == 'f': # test if FK exists on this table (it could be on a related m2m table, in which case we ignore it) self._cr.execute("""SELECT 1 from pg_constraint cs JOIN pg_class cl ON (cs.conrelid = cl.oid) WHERE cs.contype=%s and cs.conname=%s and cl.relname=%s""", ('f', name, table)) if self._cr.fetchone(): self._cr.execute(SQL( 'ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s', SQL.identifier(table), SQL.identifier(name[:63]), )) _logger.info('Dropped FK CONSTRAINT %s@%s', name, data.model.model) if typ == 'u': hname = sql.make_identifier(name) # test if constraint exists # Since type='u' means any "other" constraint, to avoid issues we limit to # 'c' -> check, 'u' -> unique, 'x' -> exclude constraints, effective leaving # out 'p' -> primary key and 'f' -> foreign key, constraints. # See: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/catalog-pg-constraint.html self._cr.execute("""SELECT 1 from pg_constraint cs JOIN pg_class cl ON (cs.conrelid = cl.oid) WHERE cs.contype in ('c', 'u', 'x') and cs.conname=%s and cl.relname=%s""", (hname, table)) if self._cr.fetchone(): self._cr.execute(SQL( 'ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s', SQL.identifier(table), SQL.identifier(hname), )) _logger.info('Dropped CONSTRAINT %s@%s', name, data.model.model) return super().unlink() def copy_data(self, default=None): vals_list = super().copy_data(default=default) return [dict(vals, name=constraint.name + '_copy') for constraint, vals in zip(self, vals_list)] def _reflect_constraint(self, model, conname, type, definition, module, message=None): """ Reflect the given constraint, and return its corresponding record if a record is created or modified; returns ``None`` otherwise. The reflection makes it possible to remove a constraint when its corresponding module is uninstalled. ``type`` is either 'f' or 'u' depending on the constraint being a foreign key or not. """ if not module: # no need to save constraints for custom models as they're not part # of any module return assert type in ('f', 'u') cr = self._cr query = """ SELECT c.id, type, definition, message->>'en_US' as message FROM ir_model_constraint c, ir_module_module m WHERE c.module=m.id AND c.name=%s AND m.name=%s """ cr.execute(query, (conname, module)) cons = cr.dictfetchone() if not cons: query = """ INSERT INTO ir_model_constraint (name, create_date, write_date, create_uid, write_uid, module, model, type, definition, message) VALUES (%s, now() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC', now() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC', %s, %s, (SELECT id FROM ir_module_module WHERE name=%s), (SELECT id FROM ir_model WHERE model=%s), %s, %s, %s) RETURNING id""" cr.execute(query, (conname, self.env.uid, self.env.uid, module, model._name, type, definition, Json({'en_US': message}))) return self.browse(cr.fetchone()[0]) cons_id = cons.pop('id') if cons != dict(type=type, definition=definition, message=message): query = """ UPDATE ir_model_constraint SET write_date=now() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC', write_uid=%s, type=%s, definition=%s, message=%s WHERE id=%s""" cr.execute(query, (self.env.uid, type, definition, Json({'en_US': message}), cons_id)) return self.browse(cons_id) def _reflect_constraints(self, model_names): """ Reflect the SQL constraints of the given models. """ for model_name in model_names: self._reflect_model(self.env[model_name]) def _reflect_model(self, model): """ Reflect the _sql_constraints of the given model. """ def cons_text(txt): return txt.lower().replace(', ',',').replace(' (','(') # map each constraint on the name of the module where it is defined constraint_module = { constraint[0]: cls._module for cls in reversed(self.env.registry[model._name].mro()) if models.is_definition_class(cls) for constraint in getattr(cls, '_local_sql_constraints', ()) } data_list = [] for (key, definition, message) in model._sql_constraints: conname = '%s_%s' % (model._table, key) module = constraint_module.get(key) record = self._reflect_constraint(model, conname, 'u', cons_text(definition), module, message) xml_id = '%s.constraint_%s' % (module, conname) if record: data_list.append(dict(xml_id=xml_id, record=record)) else: self.env['ir.model.data']._load_xmlid(xml_id) if data_list: self.env['ir.model.data']._update_xmlids(data_list) class IrModelRelation(models.Model): """ This model tracks PostgreSQL tables used to implement Odoo many2many relations. """ _name = 'ir.model.relation' _description = 'Relation Model' _allow_sudo_commands = False name = fields.Char(string='Relation Name', required=True, index=True, help="PostgreSQL table name implementing a many2many relation.") model = fields.Many2one('ir.model', required=True, index=True, ondelete='cascade') module = fields.Many2one('ir.module.module', required=True, index=True, ondelete='cascade') write_date = fields.Datetime() create_date = fields.Datetime() def _module_data_uninstall(self): """ Delete PostgreSQL many2many relations tracked by this model. """ if not self.env.is_system(): raise AccessError(_('Administrator access is required to uninstall a module')) ids_set = set(self.ids) to_drop = tools.OrderedSet() for data in self.sorted(key='id', reverse=True): name = data.name # double-check we are really going to delete all the owners of this schema element self._cr.execute("""SELECT id from ir_model_relation where name = %s""", [name]) external_ids = {x[0] for x in self._cr.fetchall()} if not external_ids.issubset(ids_set): # as installed modules have defined this element we must not delete it! continue if sql.table_exists(self._cr, name): to_drop.add(name) self.unlink() # drop m2m relation tables for table in to_drop: self._cr.execute(SQL('DROP TABLE %s CASCADE', SQL.identifier(table))) _logger.info('Dropped table %s', table) def _reflect_relation(self, model, table, module): """ Reflect the table of a many2many field for the given model, to make it possible to delete it later when the module is uninstalled. """ self.env.invalidate_all() cr = self._cr query = """ SELECT 1 FROM ir_model_relation r, ir_module_module m WHERE r.module=m.id AND r.name=%s AND m.name=%s """ cr.execute(query, (table, module)) if not cr.rowcount: query = """ INSERT INTO ir_model_relation (name, create_date, write_date, create_uid, write_uid, module, model) VALUES (%s, now() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC', now() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC', %s, %s, (SELECT id FROM ir_module_module WHERE name=%s), (SELECT id FROM ir_model WHERE model=%s)) """ cr.execute(query, (table, self.env.uid, self.env.uid, module, model._name)) class IrModelAccess(models.Model): _name = 'ir.model.access' _description = 'Model Access' _order = 'model_id,group_id,name,id' _allow_sudo_commands = False name = fields.Char(required=True, index=True) active = fields.Boolean(default=True, help='If you uncheck the active field, it will disable the ACL without deleting it (if you delete a native ACL, it will be re-created when you reload the module).') model_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model', string='Model', required=True, index=True, ondelete='cascade') group_id = fields.Many2one('res.groups', string='Group', ondelete='restrict', index=True) perm_read = fields.Boolean(string='Read Access') perm_write = fields.Boolean(string='Write Access') perm_create = fields.Boolean(string='Create Access') perm_unlink = fields.Boolean(string='Delete Access') @api.model def group_names_with_access(self, model_name, access_mode): """ Return the names of visible groups which have been granted ``access_mode`` on the model ``model_name``. :rtype: list """ assert access_mode in ('read', 'write', 'create', 'unlink'), 'Invalid access mode' lang = self.env.lang or 'en_US' self._cr.execute(f""" SELECT COALESCE(c.name->>%s, c.name->>'en_US'), COALESCE(g.name->>%s, g.name->>'en_US') FROM ir_model_access a JOIN ir_model m ON (a.model_id = m.id) JOIN res_groups g ON (a.group_id = g.id) LEFT JOIN ir_module_category c ON (c.id = g.category_id) WHERE m.model = %s AND a.active = TRUE AND a.perm_{access_mode} = TRUE ORDER BY c.name, g.name NULLS LAST """, [lang, lang, model_name]) return [('%s/%s' % x) if x[0] else x[1] for x in self._cr.fetchall()] @api.model @tools.ormcache('model_name', 'access_mode') def _get_access_groups(self, model_name, access_mode='read'): """ Return the group expression object that represents the users who have ``access_mode`` to the model ``model_name``. """ assert access_mode in ('read', 'write', 'create', 'unlink'), 'Invalid access mode' model = self.env['ir.model']._get(model_name) accesses = self.sudo().search([ (f'perm_{access_mode}', '=', True), ('model_id', '=', model.id), ]) group_definitions = self.env['res.groups']._get_group_definitions() if not accesses: return group_definitions.empty if not all(access.group_id for access in accesses): # there is some global access return group_definitions.universe return group_definitions.from_ids(accesses.group_id.ids) # The context parameter is useful when the method translates error messages. # But as the method raises an exception in that case, the key 'lang' might # not be really necessary as a cache key, unless the `ormcache_context` # decorator catches the exception (it does not at the moment.) @tools.ormcache('self.env.uid', 'mode') def _get_allowed_models(self, mode='read'): assert mode in ('read', 'write', 'create', 'unlink'), 'Invalid access mode' group_ids = self.env.user._get_group_ids() self.flush_model() rows = self.env.execute_query(SQL(""" SELECT m.model FROM ir_model_access a JOIN ir_model m ON (m.id = a.model_id) WHERE a.perm_%s AND a.active AND ( a.group_id IS NULL OR a.group_id IN %s ) GROUP BY m.model """, SQL(mode), tuple(group_ids) or (None,))) return frozenset(v[0] for v in rows) @api.model def check(self, model, mode='read', raise_exception=True): if self.env.su: # User root have all accesses return True assert isinstance(model, str), 'Not a model name: %s' % (model,) if model not in self.env: _logger.error('Missing model %s', model) has_access = model in self._get_allowed_models(mode) if not has_access and raise_exception: raise self._make_access_error(model, mode) from None return has_access def _make_access_error(self, model: str, mode: str): """ Return the exception corresponding to an access error. """ _logger.info('Access Denied by ACLs for operation: %s, uid: %s, model: %s', mode, self._uid, model) operation_error = str(ACCESS_ERROR_HEADER[mode]) % { 'document_kind': self.env['ir.model']._get(model).name or model, 'document_model': model, } groups = "\n".join(f"\t- {g}" for g in self.group_names_with_access(model, mode)) if groups: group_info = str(ACCESS_ERROR_GROUPS) % {'groups_list': groups} else: group_info = str(ACCESS_ERROR_NOGROUP) resolution_info = str(ACCESS_ERROR_RESOLUTION) return AccessError(f"{operation_error}\n\n{group_info}\n\n{resolution_info}") @api.model def call_cache_clearing_methods(self): self.env.invalidate_all() self.env.registry.clear_cache() # mainly _get_allowed_models # # Check rights on actions # @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): self.call_cache_clearing_methods() for ima in vals_list: if "group_id" in ima and not ima["group_id"] and any([ ima.get("perm_read"), ima.get("perm_write"), ima.get("perm_create"), ima.get("perm_unlink")]): _logger.warning("Rule %s has no group, this is a deprecated feature. Every access-granting rule should specify a group.", ima['name']) return super(IrModelAccess, self).create(vals_list) def write(self, values): self.call_cache_clearing_methods() return super(IrModelAccess, self).write(values) def unlink(self): self.call_cache_clearing_methods() return super(IrModelAccess, self).unlink() class IrModelData(models.Model): """Holds external identifier keys for records in the database. This has two main uses: * allows easy data integration with third-party systems, making import/export/sync of data possible, as records can be uniquely identified across multiple systems * allows tracking the origin of data installed by Odoo modules themselves, thus making it possible to later update them seamlessly. """ _name = 'ir.model.data' _description = 'Model Data' _order = 'module, model, name' _allow_sudo_commands = False name = fields.Char(string='External Identifier', required=True, help="External Key/Identifier that can be used for " "data integration with third-party systems") complete_name = fields.Char(compute='_compute_complete_name', string='Complete ID') model = fields.Char(string='Model Name', required=True) module = fields.Char(default='', required=True) res_id = fields.Many2oneReference(string='Record ID', help="ID of the target record in the database", model_field='model') noupdate = fields.Boolean(string='Non Updatable', default=False) reference = fields.Char(string='Reference', compute='_compute_reference', readonly=True, store=False) _sql_constraints = [ ('name_nospaces', "CHECK(name NOT LIKE '% %')", "External IDs cannot contain spaces"), ] @api.depends('module', 'name') def _compute_complete_name(self): for res in self: res.complete_name = ".".join(n for n in [res.module, res.name] if n) @api.depends('model', 'res_id') def _compute_reference(self): for res in self: res.reference = "%s,%s" % (res.model, res.res_id) def _auto_init(self): res = super(IrModelData, self)._auto_init() sql.create_unique_index( self._cr, 'ir_model_data_module_name_uniq_index', self._table, ['module', 'name']) sql.create_index( self._cr, 'ir_model_data_model_res_id_index', self._table, ['model', 'res_id']) return res @api.depends('res_id', 'model', 'complete_name') def _compute_display_name(self): invalid_records = self.filtered(lambda r: not r.res_id or r.model not in self.env) for invalid_record in invalid_records: invalid_record.display_name = invalid_record.complete_name for model, model_data_records in (self - invalid_records).grouped('model').items(): records = self.env[model].browse(model_data_records.mapped('res_id')) for xid, target_record in zip(model_data_records, records): try: xid.display_name = target_record.display_name or xid.complete_name except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except xid.display_name = xid.complete_name # NEW V8 API @api.model @tools.ormcache('xmlid') def _xmlid_lookup(self, xmlid: str) -> tuple: """Low level xmlid lookup Return (id, res_model, res_id) or raise ValueError if not found """ module, name = xmlid.split('.', 1) query = "SELECT model, res_id FROM ir_model_data WHERE module=%s AND name=%s" self.env.cr.execute(query, [module, name]) result = self.env.cr.fetchone() if not (result and result[1]): raise ValueError('External ID not found in the system: %s' % xmlid) return result @api.model def _xmlid_to_res_model_res_id(self, xmlid, raise_if_not_found=False): """ Return (res_model, res_id)""" try: return self._xmlid_lookup(xmlid) except ValueError: if raise_if_not_found: raise return (False, False) @api.model def _xmlid_to_res_id(self, xmlid, raise_if_not_found=False): """ Returns res_id """ return self._xmlid_to_res_model_res_id(xmlid, raise_if_not_found)[1] @api.model def check_object_reference(self, module, xml_id, raise_on_access_error=False): """Returns (model, res_id) corresponding to a given module and xml_id (cached), if and only if the user has the necessary access rights to see that object, otherwise raise a ValueError if raise_on_access_error is True or returns a tuple (model found, False)""" model, res_id = self._xmlid_lookup("%s.%s" % (module, xml_id)) #search on id found in result to check if current user has read access right if self.env[model].search([('id', '=', res_id)]): return model, res_id if raise_on_access_error: raise AccessError(_('Not enough access rights on the external ID "%(module)s.%(xml_id)s"', module=module, xml_id=xml_id)) return model, False def copy_data(self, default=None): vals_list = super().copy_data(default=default) for model, vals in zip(self, vals_list): rand = "%04x" % random.getrandbits(16) vals['name'] = "%s_%s" % (model.name, rand) return vals_list @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): res = super().create(vals_list) if any(vals.get('model') == 'res.groups' for vals in vals_list): self.env.registry.clear_cache('groups') return res def write(self, values): self.env.registry.clear_cache() # _xmlid_lookup res = super().write(values) if values.get('model') == 'res.groups': self.env.registry.clear_cache('groups') return res def unlink(self): """ Regular unlink method, but make sure to clear the caches. """ self.env.registry.clear_cache() # _xmlid_lookup if self and any(data.model == 'res.groups' for data in self.exists()): self.env.registry.clear_cache('groups') return super(IrModelData, self).unlink() def _lookup_xmlids(self, xml_ids, model): """ Look up the given XML ids of the given model. """ if not xml_ids: return [] # group xml_ids by prefix bymodule = defaultdict(set) for xml_id in xml_ids: prefix, suffix = xml_id.split('.', 1) bymodule[prefix].add(suffix) # query xml_ids by prefix result = [] cr = self.env.cr for prefix, suffixes in bymodule.items(): query = """ SELECT d.id, d.module, d.name, d.model, d.res_id, d.noupdate, r.id FROM ir_model_data d LEFT JOIN "{}" r on d.res_id=r.id WHERE d.module=%s AND d.name IN %s """.format(model._table) for subsuffixes in cr.split_for_in_conditions(suffixes): cr.execute(query, (prefix, subsuffixes)) result.extend(cr.fetchall()) return result @api.model def _update_xmlids(self, data_list, update=False): """ Create or update the given XML ids. :param data_list: list of dicts with keys `xml_id` (XMLID to assign), `noupdate` (flag on XMLID), `record` (target record). :param update: should be ``True`` when upgrading a module """ if not data_list: return rows = tools.OrderedSet() for data in data_list: prefix, suffix = data['xml_id'].split('.', 1) record = data['record'] noupdate = bool(data.get('noupdate')) rows.add((prefix, suffix, record._name, record.id, noupdate)) for sub_rows in self.env.cr.split_for_in_conditions(rows): # insert rows or update them query = self._build_update_xmlids_query(sub_rows, update) try: self.env.cr.execute(query, [arg for row in sub_rows for arg in row]) result = self.env.cr.fetchall() if result: for module, name, model, res_id, create_date, write_date in result: # small optimisation: during install a lot of xmlid are created/updated. # Instead of clearing the cache, set the correct value in the cache to avoid a bunch of query self._xmlid_lookup.__cache__.add_value(self, f"{module}.{name}", cache_value=(model, res_id)) if create_date != write_date: # something was updated, notify other workers # it is possible that create_date and write_date # have the same value after an update if it was # created in the same transaction, no need to invalidate other worker cache # cache in this case. self.env.registry.cache_invalidated.add('default') except Exception: _logger.error("Failed to insert ir_model_data\n%s", "\n".join(str(row) for row in sub_rows)) raise # update loaded_xmlids self.pool.loaded_xmlids.update("%s.%s" % row[:2] for row in rows) if any(row[2] == 'res.groups' for row in rows): self.env.registry.clear_cache('groups') # NOTE: this method is overriden in web_studio; if you need to make another # override, make sure it is compatible with the one that is there. def _build_insert_xmlids_values(self): return { 'module': '%s', 'name': '%s', 'model': '%s', 'res_id': '%s', 'noupdate': '%s', } def _build_update_xmlids_query(self, sub_rows, update): rows = self._build_insert_xmlids_values() row_names = f"({','.join(rows.keys())})" row_placeholders = f"({','.join(rows.values())})" row_placeholders = ", ".join([row_placeholders] * len(sub_rows)) return """ INSERT INTO ir_model_data {row_names} VALUES {row_placeholder} ON CONFLICT (module, name) DO UPDATE SET (model, res_id, write_date) = (EXCLUDED.model, EXCLUDED.res_id, now() at time zone 'UTC') WHERE (ir_model_data.res_id != EXCLUDED.res_id OR ir_model_data.model != EXCLUDED.model) {and_where} RETURNING module, name, model, res_id, create_date, write_date """.format( row_names=row_names, row_placeholder=row_placeholders, and_where="AND NOT ir_model_data.noupdate" if update else "", ) @api.model def _load_xmlid(self, xml_id): """ Simply mark the given XML id as being loaded, and return the corresponding record. """ record = self.env.ref(xml_id, raise_if_not_found=False) if record: self.pool.loaded_xmlids.add(xml_id) return record @api.model def _module_data_uninstall(self, modules_to_remove): """Deletes all the records referenced by the ir.model.data entries ``ids`` along with their corresponding database backed (including dropping tables, columns, FKs, etc, as long as there is no other ir.model.data entry holding a reference to them (which indicates that they are still owned by another module). Attempts to perform the deletion in an appropriate order to maximize the chance of gracefully deleting all records. This step is performed as part of the full uninstallation of a module. """ if not self.env.is_system(): raise AccessError(_('Administrator access is required to uninstall a module')) # enable model/field deletion # we deactivate prefetching to not try to read a column that has been deleted self = self.with_context(**{MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG: True, 'prefetch_fields': False}) # determine records to unlink records_items = [] # [(model, id)] model_ids = [] field_ids = [] selection_ids = [] constraint_ids = [] module_data = self.search([('module', 'in', modules_to_remove)], order='id DESC') for data in module_data: if data.model == 'ir.model': model_ids.append(data.res_id) elif data.model == 'ir.model.fields': field_ids.append(data.res_id) elif data.model == 'ir.model.fields.selection': selection_ids.append(data.res_id) elif data.model == 'ir.model.constraint': constraint_ids.append(data.res_id) else: records_items.append((data.model, data.res_id)) # avoid prefetching fields that are going to be deleted: during uninstall, it is # possible to perform a recompute (via flush) after the database columns have been # deleted but before the new registry has been created, meaning the recompute will # be executed on a stale registry, and if some of the data for executing the compute # methods is not in cache it will be fetched, and fields that exist in the registry but not # in the database will be prefetched, this will of course fail and prevent the uninstall. has_shared_field = False for ir_field in self.env['ir.model.fields'].browse(field_ids): model = self.pool.get(ir_field.model) if model is not None: field = model._fields.get(ir_field.name) if field is not None and field.prefetch: if field._toplevel: # the field is specific to this registry field.prefetch = False else: # the field is shared across registries; don't modify it Field = type(field) field_ = Field(_base_fields=[field, Field(prefetch=False)]) self.env[ir_field.model]._add_field(ir_field.name, field_) field_.setup(model) has_shared_field = True if has_shared_field: lazy_property.reset_all(self.env.registry) # to collect external ids of records that cannot be deleted undeletable_ids = [] def delete(records): # do not delete records that have other external ids (and thus do # not belong to the modules being installed) ref_data = self.search([ ('model', '=', records._name), ('res_id', 'in', records.ids), ]) records -= records.browse((ref_data - module_data).mapped('res_id')) if not records: return # special case for ir.model.fields if records._name == 'ir.model.fields': missing = records - records.exists() if missing: # delete orphan external ids right now; # an orphan ir.model.data can happen if the ir.model.field is deleted via # an ONDELETE CASCADE, in which case we must verify that the records we're # processing exist in the database otherwise a MissingError will be raised orphans = ref_data.filtered(lambda r: r.res_id in missing._ids) _logger.info('Deleting orphan ir_model_data %s', orphans) orphans.unlink() # /!\ this must go before any field accesses on `records` records -= missing # do not remove LOG_ACCESS_COLUMNS unless _log_access is False # on the model records -= records.filtered(lambda f: f.name == 'id' or ( f.name in models.LOG_ACCESS_COLUMNS and f.model in self.env and self.env[f.model]._log_access )) # now delete the records _logger.info('Deleting %s', records) try: with self._cr.savepoint(): records.unlink() except Exception: if len(records) <= 1: undeletable_ids.extend(ref_data._ids) else: # divide the batch in two, and recursively delete them half_size = len(records) // 2 delete(records[:half_size]) delete(records[half_size:]) # remove non-model records first, grouped by batches of the same model for model, items in itertools.groupby(unique(records_items), itemgetter(0)): delete(self.env[model].browse(item[1] for item in items)) # Remove copied views. This must happen after removing all records from # the modules to remove, otherwise ondelete='restrict' may prevent the # deletion of some view. This must also happen before cleaning up the # database schema, otherwise some dependent fields may no longer exist # in database. modules = self.env['ir.module.module'].search([('name', 'in', modules_to_remove)]) modules._remove_copied_views() # remove constraints delete(self.env['ir.model.constraint'].browse(unique(constraint_ids))) # If we delete a selection field, and some of its values have ondelete='cascade', # we expect the records with that value to be deleted. If we delete the field first, # the column is dropped and the selection is gone, and thus the records above will not # be deleted. delete(self.env['ir.model.fields.selection'].browse(unique(selection_ids)).exists()) delete(self.env['ir.model.fields'].browse(unique(field_ids))) relations = self.env['ir.model.relation'].search([('module', 'in', modules.ids)]) relations._module_data_uninstall() # remove models delete(self.env['ir.model'].browse(unique(model_ids))) # log undeletable ids _logger.info("ir.model.data could not be deleted (%s)", undeletable_ids) # sort out which undeletable model data may have become deletable again because # of records being cascade-deleted or tables being dropped just above for data in self.browse(undeletable_ids).exists(): record = self.env[data.model].browse(data.res_id) try: with self.env.cr.savepoint(): if record.exists(): # record exists therefore the data is still undeletable, # remove it from module_data module_data -= data continue except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: # This most likely means that the record does not exist, since record.exists() # is rougly equivalent to `SELECT id FROM table WHERE id=record.id` and it may raise # a ProgrammingError because the table no longer exists (and so does the # record), also applies to ir.model.fields, constraints, etc. pass # remove remaining module data records module_data.unlink() @api.model def _process_end_unlink_record(self, record): record.unlink() @api.model def _process_end(self, modules): """ Clear records removed from updated module data. This method is called at the end of the module loading process. It is meant to removed records that are no longer present in the updated data. Such records are recognised as the one with an xml id and a module in ir_model_data and noupdate set to false, but not present in self.pool.loaded_xmlids. """ if not modules or tools.config.get('import_partial'): return True bad_imd_ids = [] self = self.with_context({MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG: True}) loaded_xmlids = self.pool.loaded_xmlids query = """ SELECT id, module || '.' || name, model, res_id FROM ir_model_data WHERE module IN %s AND res_id IS NOT NULL AND COALESCE(noupdate, false) != %s ORDER BY id DESC """ self._cr.execute(query, (tuple(modules), True)) for (id, xmlid, model, res_id) in self._cr.fetchall(): if xmlid in loaded_xmlids: continue Model = self.env.get(model) if Model is None: continue # when _inherits parents are implicitly created we give them an # external id (if their descendant has one) in order to e.g. # properly remove them when the module is deleted, however this # generated id is *not* provided during update yet we don't want to # try and remove either the xid or the record, so check if the # record has a child we've just updated keep = False for inheriting in (self.env[m] for m in Model._inherits_children): # ignore mixins if inheriting._abstract: continue parent_field = inheriting._inherits[model] children = inheriting.with_context(active_test=False).search([(parent_field, '=', res_id)]) children_xids = { xid for xids in (children and children._get_external_ids().values()) for xid in xids } if children_xids & loaded_xmlids: # at least one child was loaded keep = True break if keep: continue # if the record has other associated xids, only remove the xid if self.search_count([ ("model", "=", model), ("res_id", "=", res_id), ("id", "!=", id), ("id", "not in", bad_imd_ids), ]): bad_imd_ids.append(id) continue _logger.info('Deleting %s@%s (%s)', res_id, model, xmlid) record = Model.browse(res_id) if record.exists(): module = xmlid.split('.', 1)[0] record = record.with_context(module=module) self._process_end_unlink_record(record) else: bad_imd_ids.append(id) if bad_imd_ids: self.browse(bad_imd_ids).unlink() # Once all views are created create specific ones self.env['ir.ui.view']._create_all_specific_views(modules) loaded_xmlids.clear() @api.model def toggle_noupdate(self, model, res_id): """ Toggle the noupdate flag on the external id of the record """ self.env[model].browse(res_id).check_access('write') for xid in self.search([('model', '=', model), ('res_id', '=', res_id)]): xid.noupdate = not xid.noupdate class WizardModelMenu(models.TransientModel): _name = 'wizard.ir.model.menu.create' _description = 'Create Menu Wizard' menu_id = fields.Many2one('ir.ui.menu', string='Parent Menu', required=True, ondelete='cascade') name = fields.Char(string='Menu Name', required=True) def menu_create(self): for menu in self: model = self.env['ir.model'].browse(self._context.get('model_id')) vals = { 'name': menu.name, 'res_model': model.model, 'view_mode': 'list,form', } action_id = self.env['ir.actions.act_window'].create(vals) self.env['ir.ui.menu'].create({ 'name': menu.name, 'parent_id': menu.menu_id.id, 'action': 'ir.actions.act_window,%d' % (action_id,) }) return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}