# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import logging import threading from odoo import api, fields, models _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ResUsersDeletion(models.Model): """User deletion requests. Those requests are logged in a different model to keep a trace of this action and the deletion is done in a CRON. Indeed, removing a user can be a heavy operation on large database (because of create_uid, write_uid on each model, which are not always indexed). This model just remove the users added in the deletion queue, remaining code must deal with other consideration (archiving, blacklist email...). """ _name = 'res.users.deletion' _description = 'Users Deletion Request' _rec_name = 'user_id' # Integer field because the related user might be deleted from the database user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='User', ondelete='set null') user_id_int = fields.Integer('User Id', compute='_compute_user_id_int', store=True) state = fields.Selection([('todo', 'To Do'), ('done', 'Done'), ('fail', 'Failed')], string='State', required=True, default='todo') @api.depends('user_id') def _compute_user_id_int(self): for user_deletion in self: if user_deletion.user_id: user_deletion.user_id_int = user_deletion.user_id.id @api.model def _gc_portal_users(self, batch_size=50): """Remove the portal users that asked to deactivate their account. (see ::_deactivate_portal_user) Removing a user can be an heavy operation on large database (because of create_uid, write_uid on each models, which are not always indexed). Because of that, this operation is done in a CRON. """ delete_requests = self.search([("state", "=", "todo")]) # filter the requests related to a deleted user done_requests = delete_requests.filtered(lambda request: not request.user_id) done_requests.state = "done" todo_requests = delete_requests - done_requests cron_done, cron_remaining = len(done_requests), len(todo_requests) self.env['ir.cron']._notify_progress(done=cron_done, remaining=cron_remaining) batch_requests = todo_requests[:batch_size] auto_commit = not getattr(threading.current_thread(), "testing", False) for delete_request in batch_requests: user = delete_request.user_id user_name = user.name requester_name = delete_request.create_uid.name # Step 1: Delete User try: self.env.cr.execute("SAVEPOINT delete_user") partner = user.partner_id user.unlink() _logger.info("User #%i %r, deleted. Original request from %r.", user.id, user_name, delete_request.create_uid.name) self.env.cr.execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT delete_user") delete_request.state = 'done' except Exception as e: _logger.error("User #%i %r could not be deleted. Original request from %r. Related error: %s", user.id, user_name, requester_name, e) self.env.cr.execute("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT delete_user") delete_request.state = "fail" # make sure we never rollback the work we've done, this can take a long time cron_done, cron_remaining = cron_done + 1, cron_remaining - 1 if auto_commit: self.env['ir.cron']._notify_progress(done=cron_done, remaining=cron_remaining) self.env.cr.commit() if delete_request.state == "fail": continue # Step 2: Delete Linked Partner # Could be impossible if the partner is linked to a SO for example try: self.env.cr.execute("SAVEPOINT delete_partner") partner.unlink() _logger.info("Partner #%i %r, deleted. Original request from %r.", partner.id, user_name, delete_request.create_uid.name) self.env.cr.execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT delete_partner") except Exception as e: _logger.warning("Partner #%i %r could not be deleted. Original request from %r. Related error: %s", partner.id, user_name, requester_name, e) self.env.cr.execute("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT delete_partner") # make sure we never rollback the work we've done, this can take a long time if auto_commit: self.env.cr.commit() self.env['ir.cron']._notify_progress(done=cron_done, remaining=cron_remaining)