import unittest import odoo from odoo.tests import TransactionCase from import file_path, file_open, file_open_temporary_directory from import conf, configmanager, _get_default_datadir IS_POSIX = 'workers' in ROOT_PATH =['root_path'].removesuffix('/odoo') class TestConfigManager(TransactionCase): maxDiff = None def setUp(self): super().setUp() # _parse_config() as the side-effect of changing those two # values, make sure the original value is restored at the end. self.patch(conf, 'addons_paths', odoo.conf.addons_paths) self.patch(conf, 'server_wide_modules', odoo.conf.server_wide_modules) def test_01_default_config(self): config = configmanager(fname=file_path('base/tests/config/empty.conf')) default_values = { # options not exposed on the command line 'admin_passwd': 'admin', 'csv_internal_sep': ',', 'publisher_warranty_url': '', 'reportgz': False, 'root_path': f'{ROOT_PATH}/odoo', 'websocket_rate_limit_burst': 10, 'websocket_rate_limit_delay': 0.2, 'websocket_keep_alive_timeout': 3600, # common 'config': None, 'save': None, 'init': {}, 'update': {}, 'without_demo': False, 'demo': {}, 'import_partial': '', 'pidfile': '', 'addons_path': f'{ROOT_PATH}/odoo/addons,{ROOT_PATH}/addons', 'upgrade_path': '', 'server_wide_modules': 'base,web', 'data_dir': _get_default_datadir(), # HTTP 'http_interface': '', 'http_port': 8069, 'gevent_port': 8072, 'http_enable': True, 'proxy_mode': False, 'x_sendfile': False, # web 'dbfilter': '', # testing 'test_file': '', 'test_enable': False, 'test_tags': None, 'screencasts': '', 'screenshots': '/tmp/odoo_tests', # logging 'logfile': '', 'syslog': False, 'log_handler': [':INFO'], 'log_db': False, 'log_db_level': 'warning', 'log_level': 'info', # SMTP 'email_from': False, 'from_filter': False, 'smtp_server': 'localhost', 'smtp_port': 25, 'smtp_ssl': False, 'smtp_user': False, 'smtp_password': False, 'smtp_ssl_certificate_filename': False, 'smtp_ssl_private_key_filename': False, # database 'db_name': False, 'db_user': False, 'db_password': False, 'pg_path': '', 'db_host': False, 'db_port': False, 'db_sslmode': 'prefer', 'db_maxconn': 64, 'db_maxconn_gevent': False, 'db_template': 'template0', 'db_replica_host': False, 'db_replica_port': False, # i18n 'load_language': None, 'language': None, 'translate_out': '', 'translate_in': '', 'overwrite_existing_translations': False, 'translate_modules': ['all'], # security 'list_db': True, # advanced 'dev_mode': [], 'shell_interface': None, 'stop_after_init': False, 'osv_memory_count_limit': 0, 'transient_age_limit': 1.0, 'max_cron_threads': 2, 'unaccent': False, 'geoip_city_db': '/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb', 'geoip_country_db': '/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb', } if IS_POSIX: # multiprocessing default_values.update( { 'workers': 0, 'limit_memory_soft': 2048 * 1024 * 1024, 'limit_memory_soft_gevent': False, 'limit_memory_hard': 2560 * 1024 * 1024, 'limit_memory_hard_gevent': False, 'limit_time_cpu': 60, 'limit_time_real': 120, 'limit_time_real_cron': -1, 'limit_request': 2**16, } ) config._parse_config() self.assertEqual(config.options, default_values, "Options don't match") def test_02_config_file(self): values = { # options not exposed on the command line 'admin_passwd': 'Tigrou007', 'csv_internal_sep': '@', 'publisher_warranty_url': '', # blacklist for save, read from the config file 'reportgz': True, 'root_path': f'{ROOT_PATH}/odoo', # blacklist for save, ignored from the config file 'websocket_rate_limit_burst': '1', 'websocket_rate_limit_delay': '2', 'websocket_keep_alive_timeout': '600', # common 'config': '/tmp/config', # blacklist for save, read from the config file 'save': True, # blacklist for save, read from the config file 'init': {}, # blacklist for save, ignored from the config file 'update': {}, # blacklist for save, ignored from the config file 'without_demo': True, 'demo': {}, # blacklist for save, ignored from the config file 'import_partial': '/tmp/import-partial', 'pidfile': '/tmp/pidfile', 'addons_path': '/tmp/odoo', 'upgrade_path': '/tmp/upgrade', 'server_wide_modules': 'base,mail', 'data_dir': '/tmp/data-dir', # HTTP 'http_interface': '', 'http_port': 6942, 'gevent_port': 8012, 'http_enable': False, 'proxy_mode': True, 'x_sendfile': True, # web 'dbfilter': '.*', # testing 'test_file': '/tmp/file-file', 'test_enable': True, 'test_tags': ':TestMantra.test_is_extra_mile_done', 'screencasts': '/tmp/screencasts', 'screenshots': '/tmp/screenshots', # logging 'logfile': '/tmp/odoo.log', 'syslog': False, 'log_handler': [':DEBUG'], 'log_db': 'logdb', 'log_db_level': 'debug', 'log_level': 'debug', # SMTP 'email_from': '', 'from_filter': '.*', 'smtp_server': 'smtp.localhost', 'smtp_port': 1299, 'smtp_ssl': True, 'smtp_user': 'spongebob', 'smtp_password': 'Tigrou0072', 'smtp_ssl_certificate_filename': '/tmp/tlscert', 'smtp_ssl_private_key_filename': '/tmp/tlskey', # database 'db_name': 'horizon', 'db_user': 'kiwi', 'db_password': 'Tigrou0073', 'pg_path': '/tmp/pg_path', 'db_host': 'db.localhost', 'db_port': 4269, 'db_sslmode': 'verify-full', 'db_maxconn': 42, 'db_maxconn_gevent': 100, 'db_template': 'backup1706', 'db_replica_host': 'db2.localhost', 'db_replica_port': 2038, # i18n 'load_language': 'fr_FR', # blacklist for save, read from the config file 'language': 'fr_FR', # blacklist for save, read from the config file 'translate_out': '/tmp/translate_out.csv', # blacklist for save, read from the config file 'translate_in': '/tmp/translate_in.csv', # blacklist for save, read from the config file 'overwrite_existing_translations': True, # blacklist for save, read from the config file 'translate_modules': ['all'], # ignored from the config file # security 'list_db': False, # advanced 'dev_mode': [], # blacklist for save, ignored from the config file 'shell_interface': 'ipython', # blacklist for save, read from the config file 'stop_after_init': True, # blacklist for save, read from the config file 'osv_memory_count_limit': 71, 'transient_age_limit': 4.0, 'max_cron_threads': 4, 'unaccent': True, 'geoip_city_db': '/tmp/city.db', 'geoip_country_db': '/tmp/country.db', } if IS_POSIX: # multiprocessing values.update( { 'workers': 92, 'limit_memory_soft': 1048576, 'limit_memory_soft_gevent': 1048577, 'limit_memory_hard': 1048578, 'limit_memory_hard_gevent': 1048579, 'limit_time_cpu': 60, 'limit_time_real': 61, 'limit_time_real_cron': 62, 'limit_request': 100, } ) config_path = file_path('base/tests/config/non_default.conf') config = configmanager(fname=config_path) self.assertEqual(config.rcfile, config_path, "Config file path doesn't match") config._parse_config() self.assertEqual(config.options, values, "Options don't match") self.assertEqual(config.rcfile, config_path) self.assertNotEqual(config.rcfile, config['config']) # funny @unittest.skipIf(not IS_POSIX, 'this test is POSIX only') def test_03_save_default_options(self): with file_open_temporary_directory(self.env) as temp_dir: config_path = f'{temp_dir}/save.conf' config = configmanager(fname=config_path) config._parse_config(['--config', config_path, '--save']) with (file_open(config_path, env=self.env) as config_file, file_open('base/tests/config/save_posix.conf', env=self.env) as save_file): config_content = save_content = root_path=ROOT_PATH, homedir=config._normalize('~'), empty_dict=r'{}', ) self.assertEqual(config_content.splitlines(), save_content.splitlines()) def test_04_odoo16_config_file(self): # test that loading the Odoo 16.0 generated default config works # with a modern version config = configmanager(fname=file_path('base/tests/config/16.0.conf')) assert_options = { # options taken from the configuration file 'admin_passwd': 'admin', 'csv_internal_sep': ',', 'db_host': False, 'db_maxconn': 64, 'db_name': False, 'db_password': False, 'db_port': False, 'db_sslmode': 'prefer', 'db_template': 'template0', 'db_user': False, 'dbfilter': '', 'demo': {}, 'email_from': False, 'geoip_city_db': '/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb', 'http_enable': True, 'http_interface': '', 'http_port': 8069, 'import_partial': '', 'list_db': True, 'load_language': None, 'log_db': False, 'log_db_level': 'warning', 'log_handler': [':INFO'], 'log_level': 'info', 'logfile': '', 'max_cron_threads': 2, 'osv_memory_count_limit': 0, 'overwrite_existing_translations': False, 'pg_path': '', 'pidfile': '', 'proxy_mode': False, 'reportgz': False, 'screencasts': '', 'screenshots': '/tmp/odoo_tests', 'server_wide_modules': 'base,web', 'smtp_password': False, 'smtp_port': 25, 'smtp_server': 'localhost', 'smtp_ssl': False, 'smtp_user': False, 'syslog': False, 'test_enable': False, 'test_file': '', 'test_tags': None, 'transient_age_limit': 1.0, 'translate_modules': ['all'], 'unaccent': False, 'update': {}, 'upgrade_path': '', 'without_demo': False, # options that are not taken from the file (also in 14.0) 'addons_path': f'{ROOT_PATH}/odoo/addons,{ROOT_PATH}/addons', 'config': None, 'data_dir': _get_default_datadir(), 'dev_mode': [], 'init': {}, 'language': None, 'publisher_warranty_url': '', 'save': None, 'shell_interface': None, 'stop_after_init': False, 'root_path': f'{ROOT_PATH}/odoo', 'translate_in': '', 'translate_out': '', # new options since 14.0 'db_maxconn_gevent': False, 'db_replica_host': False, 'db_replica_port': False, 'geoip_country_db': '/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb', 'from_filter': False, 'gevent_port': 8072, 'smtp_ssl_certificate_filename': False, 'smtp_ssl_private_key_filename': False, 'websocket_keep_alive_timeout': '3600', 'websocket_rate_limit_burst': '10', 'websocket_rate_limit_delay': '0.2', 'x_sendfile': False, } if IS_POSIX: # multiprocessing assert_options.update( { 'workers': 0, 'limit_memory_soft': 2048 * 1024 * 1024, 'limit_memory_soft_gevent': False, 'limit_memory_hard': 2560 * 1024 * 1024, 'limit_memory_hard_gevent': False, 'limit_time_cpu': 60, 'limit_time_real': 120, 'limit_time_real_cron': -1, 'limit_request': 1 << 16, } ) config._parse_config() with self.assertNoLogs('py.warnings'): config._warn_deprecated_options() self.assertEqual(config.options, assert_options, "Options don't match") def test_05_repeat_parse_config(self): """Emulate multiple calls to parse_config()""" config = configmanager() config._parse_config() config._warn_deprecated_options() config._parse_config() config._warn_deprecated_options() def test_06_cli(self): config = configmanager(fname=file_path('base/tests/config/empty.conf')) with file_open('base/tests/config/cli') as file: config._parse_config( values = { # options not exposed on the command line 'admin_passwd': 'admin', 'csv_internal_sep': ',', 'publisher_warranty_url': '', 'reportgz': False, 'root_path': f'{ROOT_PATH}/odoo', 'websocket_rate_limit_burst': 10, 'websocket_rate_limit_delay': .2, 'websocket_keep_alive_timeout': 3600, # common 'config': None, 'save': None, 'init': {'hr': 1, 'stock': 1}, 'update': {'account': 1, 'website': 1}, 'without_demo': 'rigolo', 'demo': {}, 'import_partial': '/tmp/import-partial', 'pidfile': '/tmp/pidfile', 'addons_path': f'{ROOT_PATH}/odoo/addons,{ROOT_PATH}/addons', 'upgrade_path': '', 'server_wide_modules': 'base,mail', 'data_dir': '/tmp/data-dir', # HTTP 'http_interface': '', 'http_port': 6942, 'gevent_port': 8012, 'http_enable': False, 'proxy_mode': True, 'x_sendfile': True, # web 'dbfilter': '.*', # testing 'test_file': '/tmp/file-file', 'test_enable': True, 'test_tags': ':TestMantra.test_is_extra_mile_done', 'screencasts': '/tmp/screencasts', 'screenshots': '/tmp/screenshots', # logging 'logfile': '/tmp/odoo.log', 'syslog': False, 'log_handler': [ ':INFO', '', ':WARNING', 'odoo.http:DEBUG', 'odoo.sql_db:DEBUG', ], 'log_db': 'logdb', 'log_db_level': 'debug', 'log_level': 'debug', # SMTP 'email_from': '', 'from_filter': '.*', 'smtp_server': 'smtp.localhost', 'smtp_port': 1299, 'smtp_ssl': True, 'smtp_user': 'spongebob', 'smtp_password': 'Tigrou0072', 'smtp_ssl_certificate_filename': '/tmp/tlscert', 'smtp_ssl_private_key_filename': '/tmp/tlskey', # database 'db_name': 'horizon', 'db_user': 'kiwi', 'db_password': 'Tigrou0073', 'pg_path': '/tmp/pg_path', 'db_host': 'db.localhost', 'db_port': 4269, 'db_sslmode': 'verify-full', 'db_maxconn': 42, 'db_maxconn_gevent': 100, 'db_template': 'backup1706', 'db_replica_host': 'db2.localhost', 'db_replica_port': 2038, # i18n 'load_language': 'fr_FR', 'language': 'fr_FR', 'translate_out': '/tmp/translate_out.csv', 'translate_in': '/tmp/translate_in.csv', 'overwrite_existing_translations': True, 'translate_modules': ['hr', 'mail', 'stock'], # security 'list_db': False, # advanced 'dev_mode': ['xml', 'reload'], 'shell_interface': 'ipython', 'stop_after_init': True, 'osv_memory_count_limit': 71, 'transient_age_limit': 4.0, 'max_cron_threads': 4, 'unaccent': True, 'geoip_city_db': '/tmp/city.db', 'geoip_country_db': '/tmp/country.db', } if IS_POSIX: # multiprocessing values.update( { 'workers': 92, 'limit_memory_soft': 1048576, 'limit_memory_soft_gevent': 1048577, 'limit_memory_hard': 1048578, 'limit_memory_hard_gevent': 1048579, 'limit_time_cpu': 60, 'limit_time_real': 61, 'limit_time_real_cron': 62, 'limit_request': 100, } ) self.assertEqual(config.options, values)