# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, ValidationError from odoo import Command class TestHasGroup(TransactionCase): def setUp(self): super(TestHasGroup, self).setUp() self.group0 = 'test_user_has_group.group0' self.group1 = 'test_user_has_group.group1' group0, group1 = self.env['res.groups']._load_records([ dict(xml_id=self.group0, values={'name': 'group0'}), dict(xml_id=self.group1, values={'name': 'group1'}), ]) self.test_user = self.env['res.users'].create({ 'login': 'testuser', 'partner_id': self.env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': "Strawman Test User" }).id, 'groups_id': [Command.set([group0.id])] }) self.grp_internal_xml_id = 'base.group_user' self.grp_internal = self.env.ref(self.grp_internal_xml_id) self.grp_portal_xml_id = 'base.group_portal' self.grp_portal = self.env.ref(self.grp_portal_xml_id) self.grp_public_xml_id = 'base.group_public' self.grp_public = self.env.ref(self.grp_public_xml_id) def test_env_uid(self): Partner = self.env['res.partner'].with_user(self.test_user) self.assertTrue( Partner.env.user.has_group(self.group0), "the test user should belong to group0" ) self.assertFalse( Partner.env.user.has_group(self.group1), "the test user should *not* belong to group1" ) def test_record(self): self.assertTrue( self.test_user.has_group(self.group0), "the test user should belong to group0", ) self.assertFalse( self.test_user.has_group(self.group1), "the test user shoudl not belong to group1" ) def test_other_user(self): internal_user = self.test_user.copy({'groups_id': self.grp_internal}) internal_user = internal_user.with_user(internal_user) test_user = self.env['res.users'].with_user(self.test_user).browse(self.test_user.id) test_user.has_group(self.group0) with self.assertRaises(AccessError): test_user.browse(internal_user.id).has_group(self.group0) test_user.sudo().browse(internal_user.id).has_group(self.group0) internal_user.has_group(self.group0) internal_user.browse(test_user.id).has_group(self.group0) def test_portal_creation(self): """Here we check that portal user creation fails if it tries to create a user who would also have group_user by implied_group. Otherwise, it succeeds with the groups we asked for. """ grp_public = self.env.ref('base.group_public') grp_test_portal_xml_id = 'test_user_has_group.portal_implied_group' grp_test_portal = self.env['res.groups']._load_records([ dict(xml_id=grp_test_portal_xml_id, values={'name': 'Test Group Portal'}) ]) grp_test_internal1 = self.env['res.groups']._load_records([ dict(xml_id='test_user_has_group.internal_implied_group1', values={'name': 'Test Group Itnernal 1'}) ]) grp_test_internal2_xml_id = 'test_user_has_group.internal_implied_group2' grp_test_internal2 = self.env['res.groups']._load_records([ dict(xml_id=grp_test_internal2_xml_id, values={'name': 'Test Group Internal 2'}) ]) self.grp_portal.implied_ids = grp_test_portal grp_test_internal1.implied_ids = False grp_test_internal2.implied_ids = False portal_user = self.env['res.users'].create({ 'login': 'portalTest', 'name': 'Portal test', 'sel_groups_%s_%s_%s' % (self.grp_internal.id, self.grp_portal.id, grp_public.id): self.grp_portal.id, 'sel_groups_%s_%s' % (grp_test_internal1.id, grp_test_internal2.id): grp_test_internal2.id, }) self.assertTrue( portal_user.has_group(self.grp_portal_xml_id), "The portal user should belong to '%s'" % self.grp_portal_xml_id, ) self.assertTrue( portal_user.has_group(grp_test_portal_xml_id), "The portal user should belong to '%s'" % grp_test_portal_xml_id, ) self.assertTrue( portal_user.has_group(grp_test_internal2_xml_id), "The portal user should belong to '%s'" % grp_test_internal2_xml_id ) self.assertFalse( portal_user.has_group(self.grp_internal_xml_id), "The portal user should not belong to '%s'" % self.grp_internal_xml_id ) portal_user.unlink() # otherwise, badly modifying the implication would raise grp_test_internal1.implied_ids = self.grp_internal grp_test_internal2.implied_ids = self.grp_internal with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): # current group implications forbid to create a portal user portal_user = self.env['res.users'].create({ 'login': 'portalFail', 'name': 'Portal fail', 'sel_groups_%s_%s_%s' % (self.grp_internal.id, self.grp_portal.id, grp_public.id): self.grp_portal.id, 'sel_groups_%s_%s' % (grp_test_internal1.id, grp_test_internal2.id): grp_test_internal2.id, }) def test_portal_write(self): """Check that adding a new group to a portal user works as expected, except if it implies group_user/public, in chich case it should raise. """ grp_test_portal = self.env["res.groups"].create({"name": "implied by portal"}) self.grp_portal.implied_ids = grp_test_portal portal_user = self.env['res.users'].create({ 'login': 'portalTest2', 'name': 'Portal test 2', 'groups_id': [Command.set([self.grp_portal.id])], }) self.assertEqual( portal_user.groups_id, (self.grp_portal + grp_test_portal), "The portal user should have the implied group.", ) grp_fail = self.env["res.groups"].create( {"name": "fail", "implied_ids": [Command.set([self.grp_internal.id])]}) with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): portal_user.write({'groups_id': [Command.link(grp_fail.id)]}) def test_two_user_types(self): #Create a user with two groups of user types kind (Internal and Portal) grp_test = self.env['res.groups']._load_records([ dict(xml_id='test_two_user_types.implied_groups', values={'name': 'Test Group'}) ]) grp_test.implied_ids += self.grp_internal grp_test.implied_ids += self.grp_portal with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): self.env['res.users'].create({ 'login': 'test_two_user_types', 'name': "Test User with two user types", 'groups_id': [Command.set([grp_test.id])] }) #Add a user with portal to the group Internal test_user = self.env['res.users'].create({ 'login': 'test_user_portal', 'name': "Test User with two user types", 'groups_id': [Command.set([self.grp_portal.id])] }) with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): self.grp_internal.users = [Command.link(test_user.id)] def test_two_user_types_implied_groups(self): """Contrarily to test_two_user_types, we simply add an implied_id to a group. This will trigger the addition of the relevant users to the relevant groups; if, say, this was done in SQL and thus bypassing the ORM, it would bypass the constraints and field recomputations, and thus give us a case uncovered by the aforementioned test. """ grp_test = self.env["res.groups"].create( {"name": "test", "implied_ids": [Command.set([self.grp_internal.id])]}) test_user = self.env['res.users'].create({ 'login': 'test_user_portal', 'name': "Test User with one user types", 'groups_id': [Command.set([grp_test.id])] }) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValidationError, "The user cannot have more than one user types"), self.env.cr.savepoint(): grp_test.write({'implied_ids': [Command.link(self.grp_portal.id)]}) self.env["ir.model.fields"].create( { "name": "x_group_names", "model_id": self.env.ref("base.model_res_users").id, "state": "manual", "field_description": "A computed field that depends on groups_id", "compute": "for r in self: r['x_group_names'] = ', '.join(r.groups_id.mapped('name'))", "depends": "groups_id", "store": True, "ttype": "char", } ) self.env["ir.model.fields"].create( { "name": "x_user_names", "model_id": self.env.ref("base.model_res_groups").id, "state": "manual", "field_description": "A computed field that depends on users", "compute": "for r in self: r['x_user_names'] = ', '.join(r.users.mapped('name'))", "depends": "users", "store": True, "ttype": "char", } ) grp_additional = self.env["res.groups"].create({"name": "additional"}) grp_test.write({'implied_ids': [Command.link(grp_additional.id)]}) self.assertIn(grp_additional.name, test_user.x_group_names) self.assertIn(test_user.name, grp_additional.x_user_names) def test_demote_user(self): """When a user is demoted to the status of portal/public, we should strip him of all his (previous) rights """ group_0 = self.env.ref(self.group0) # the group to which test_user already belongs group_U = self.env["res.groups"].create({"name": "U", "implied_ids": [Command.set([self.grp_internal.id])]}) self.grp_internal.implied_ids = False # only there to simplify the test by not having to care about its trans_implied_ids self.test_user.write({'groups_id': [Command.link(group_U.id)]}) self.assertEqual( self.test_user.groups_id, (group_0 + group_U + self.grp_internal), "We should have our 2 groups and the implied user group", ) # Now we demote him. The JS framework sends 3 and 4 commands, # which is what we write here, but it should work even with a 5 command or whatever. self.test_user.write({'groups_id': [ Command.unlink(self.grp_internal.id), Command.unlink(self.grp_public.id), Command.link(self.grp_portal.id), ]}) # if we screw up the removing groups/adding the implied ids, we could end up in two situations: # 1. we have a portal user with way too much rights (e.g. 'Contact Creation', which does not imply any other group) # 2. because a group may be (transitively) implying group_user, then it would raise an exception # so as a compromise we remove all groups when demoting a user # (even technical display groups, e.g. TaxB2B, which could be re-added later) self.assertEqual( self.test_user.groups_id, (self.grp_portal), "Here the portal group does not imply any other group, so we should only have this group.", ) def test_implied_groups(self): """ We check that the adding of implied ids works correctly for normal users and portal users. In the second case, working normally means raising if a group implies to give 'group_user' rights to a portal user. """ U = self.env["res.users"] G = self.env["res.groups"] group_user = self.env.ref('base.group_user') group_portal = self.env.ref('base.group_portal') group_no_one = self.env.ref('base.group_no_one') group_A = G.create({"name": "A"}) group_AA = G.create({"name": "AA", "implied_ids": [Command.set([group_A.id])]}) group_B = G.create({"name": "B"}) group_BB = G.create({"name": "BB", "implied_ids": [Command.set([group_B.id])]}) # user_a is a normal user, so we expect groups to be added when we add them, # as well as 'implied_groups'; otherwise nothing else should happen. # By contrast, for a portal user we want implied groups not to be added # if and only if it would not give group_user (or group_public) privileges user_a = U.create({"name": "a", "login": "a", "groups_id": [Command.set([group_AA.id, group_user.id])]}) self.assertEqual(user_a.groups_id, (group_AA + group_A + group_user + group_no_one)) user_b = U.create({"name": "b", "login": "b", "groups_id": [Command.set([group_portal.id, group_AA.id])]}) self.assertEqual(user_b.groups_id, (group_AA + group_A + group_portal)) # user_b is not an internal user, but giving it a new group just added a new group (user_a + user_b).write({"groups_id": [Command.link(group_BB.id)]}) self.assertEqual(user_a.groups_id, (group_AA + group_A + group_BB + group_B + group_user + group_no_one)) self.assertEqual(user_b.groups_id, (group_AA + group_A + group_BB + group_B + group_portal)) # now we create a group that implies the group_user # adding it to a user should work normally, whereas adding it to a portal user should raise group_C = G.create({"name": "C", "implied_ids": [Command.set([group_user.id])]}) user_a.write({"groups_id": [Command.link(group_C.id)]}) self.assertEqual(user_a.groups_id, (group_AA + group_A + group_BB + group_B + group_C + group_user + group_no_one)) with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): user_b.write({"groups_id": [Command.link(group_C.id)]}) def test_has_group_cleared_cache_on_write(self): self.env.registry.clear_cache() self.assertFalse(self.registry._Registry__caches['default'], "Ensure ormcache is empty") def populate_cache(): self.test_user.has_group('test_user_has_group.group0') self.assertTrue(self.registry._Registry__caches['default'], "user._has_group cache must be populated") populate_cache() self.env.ref(self.group0).write({"share": True}) self.assertFalse(self.registry._Registry__caches['default'], "Writing on group must invalidate user._has_group cache") populate_cache() # call_cache_clearing_methods is called in res.groups.write to invalidate # cache before calling its parent class method (`odoo.models.Model.write`) # as explain in the `res.group.write` comment. # This verifies that calling `call_cache_clearing_methods()` invalidates # the ormcache of method `user._has_group()` self.env['ir.model.access'].call_cache_clearing_methods() self.assertFalse( self.registry._Registry__caches['default'], "call_cache_clearing_methods() must invalidate user._has_group cache" ) def test_has_group_with_new_id(self): user = self.env['res.users'].new({'partner_id': self.test_user.partner_id.id}) self.assertEqual(user.has_group(self.group0), False) self.assertEqual(user.has_group(self.group1), False) user2 = self.env['res.users'].new({'partner_id': self.test_user.partner_id.id}, origin=self.test_user) self.assertEqual(user2.has_group(self.group0), True) self.assertEqual(user2.has_group(self.group1), False)