import logging import re from . import lint_case from odoo import tools _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestI18n(lint_case.LintCase): PROPS_RE = re.compile( r""" ( <[A-Z] # Match the opening tag of a component node. We assume that tags starting with an uppercase letter refer to a component ( [^>]+ # Match anything that is not a closing tag `>`. In other words, the rest of the component name and any prop that doesn't match the heuristics that follow ) ) \s (?!t-) # exclude directives (attributes starting with t-) ( [a-zA-Z-]+ # Match prop name = "' # Make sure that the value is a static string literal. Only static string literals are eligible for translation. We determine that the value is a string literal if the value begins and ends with a ' [A-Z](\'|[^'"])*? # Assumption: Text starting with an uppercase letter is probably supposed to be translated. [a-z] # Arbitrary constraint to avoid matching certain technical constants (e.g. ROW, COL) (\'|[^'"])*? # Match the content of the string '" # Value ends with the closing of a string literal ) """, re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL, ) def test_directives_regex(self): """ Checks that the regex: - Catches components that are spread across multiple lines. - Does not catch directives. - Does not catch props that use `.translate`. - Does not catch strings that do not start with a capital letter. """ test_cases = [ # Multi-line test case ( """ """, [ ("customProp=\"'Custom String'\""), ], ), # Exclude directives starting with t- ( """ """, [], ), # Doesn't catch .translate props ( """ """, [], ), # Include valid cases ( """ """, [ ("title=\"'Another String'\""), ("description=\"'Description here'\""), ("title=\"'String with an escaped single quote ' inside'\""), ], ), # Exclude attributes starting with t- in between valid attributes ( """ """, [ ("customProp=\"'Valid Prop'\""), ], ), # Ensure it catches strings starting with capital letter and exclude others ( """ """, [ ("title=\"'SingleWord'\""), ], ), ] error_count = 0 for i, (file_content, expected_matches) in enumerate(test_cases): matches = [( for m in self.PROPS_RE.finditer(file_content)] if matches != expected_matches: _logger.error("Test case %s failed: expected %s, got %s", i + 1, expected_matches, matches) error_count += 1 self.assertEqual(error_count, 0) def test_user_content_as_prop_is_translatable(self): """ Checks if there are any props that does not use `.translate` and reports it. """ error_count = 0 for file_path in self.iter_module_files("**/static/**/*.xml"): with tools.file_open(file_path, "r") as f: file_content = for m in self.PROPS_RE.finditer(file_content): lineno = file_content[: m.start()].count("\n") + 1 _logger.error( """The prop ā€œ%sā€ in file ā€œ%sā€ in the component node starting at line %s contains what looks like human-readable text. If the content of this prop is intended for display to the end user, add the .translate suffix to make the prop translatable. If this is a false positive, please contact the i18n team.""",, file_path, lineno, ) error_count += 1 self.assertEqual(error_count, 0)