""" View validation code (using assertions, not the RNG schema). """ import ast import collections import logging import os import re from lxml import etree from odoo import tools from odoo.osv.expression import DOMAIN_OPERATORS _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _validators = collections.defaultdict(list) _relaxng_cache = {} READONLY = re.compile(r"\breadonly\b") # predefined symbols for evaluating attributes (invisible, readonly...) IGNORED_IN_EXPRESSION = { 'True', 'False', 'None', # those are identifiers in Python 2.7 'self', 'uid', 'context', 'context_today', 'allowed_company_ids', 'current_company_id', 'time', 'datetime', 'relativedelta', 'current_date', 'today', 'now', 'abs', 'len', 'bool', 'float', 'str', 'unicode', 'set', } def get_domain_value_names(domain): """ Return all field name used by this domain eg: [ ('id', 'in', [1, 2, 3]), ('field_a', 'in', parent.truc), ('field_b', 'in', context.get('b')), (1, '=', 1), bool(context.get('c')), ] returns {'id', 'field_a', 'field_b'}, {'parent', 'parent.truc', 'context'} :param domain: list(tuple) or str :return: set(str), set(str) """ contextual_values = set() field_names = set() try: if isinstance(domain, list): for leaf in domain: if leaf in DOMAIN_OPERATORS or leaf in (True, False): # "&", "|", "!", True, False continue left, _operator, _right = leaf if isinstance(left, str): field_names.add(left) elif left not in (1, 0): # deprecate: True leaf and False leaf raise ValueError() elif isinstance(domain, str): def extract_from_domain(ast_domain): if isinstance(ast_domain, ast.IfExp): # [] if condition else [] extract_from_domain(ast_domain.body) extract_from_domain(ast_domain.orelse) return if isinstance(ast_domain, ast.BoolOp): # condition and [] # this formating don't check returned domain syntax for value in ast_domain.values: if isinstance(value, (ast.List, ast.IfExp, ast.BoolOp, ast.BinOp)): extract_from_domain(value) else: contextual_values.update(_get_expression_contextual_values(value)) return if isinstance(ast_domain, ast.BinOp): # [] + [] # this formating don't check returned domain syntax if isinstance(ast_domain.left, (ast.List, ast.IfExp, ast.BoolOp, ast.BinOp)): extract_from_domain(ast_domain.left) else: contextual_values.update(_get_expression_contextual_values(ast_domain.left)) if isinstance(ast_domain.right, (ast.List, ast.IfExp, ast.BoolOp, ast.BinOp)): extract_from_domain(ast_domain.right) else: contextual_values.update(_get_expression_contextual_values(ast_domain.right)) return for ast_item in ast_domain.elts: if isinstance(ast_item, ast.Constant): # "&", "|", "!", True, False if ast_item.value not in DOMAIN_OPERATORS and ast_item.value not in (True, False): raise ValueError() elif isinstance(ast_item, (ast.List, ast.Tuple)): left, _operator, right = ast_item.elts contextual_values.update(_get_expression_contextual_values(right)) if isinstance(left, ast.Constant) and isinstance(left.value, str): field_names.add(left.value) elif isinstance(left, ast.Constant) and left.value in (1, 0): # deprecate: True leaf (1, '=', 1) and False leaf (0, '=', 1) pass elif isinstance(right, ast.Constant) and right.value == 1: # deprecate: True/False leaf (py expression, '=', 1) contextual_values.update(_get_expression_contextual_values(left)) else: raise ValueError() else: raise ValueError() expr = domain.strip() item_ast = ast.parse(f"({expr})", mode='eval').body if isinstance(item_ast, ast.Name): # domain="other_field_domain" contextual_values.update(_get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast)) else: extract_from_domain(item_ast) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Wrong domain formatting.") from None value_names = set() for name in contextual_values: if name == 'parent': continue root = name.split('.')[0] if root not in IGNORED_IN_EXPRESSION: value_names.add(name if root == 'parent' else root) return field_names, value_names def _get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast): """ Return all contextual value this ast eg: ast from '''( id in [1, 2, 3] and field_a in parent.truc and field_b in context.get('b') or ( True and bool(context.get('c')) ) ) returns {'parent', 'parent.truc', 'context', 'bool'} :param item_ast: ast :return: set(str) """ if isinstance(item_ast, ast.Constant): return set() if isinstance(item_ast, (ast.List, ast.Tuple)): values = set() for item in item_ast.elts: values |= _get_expression_contextual_values(item) return values if isinstance(item_ast, ast.Name): return {item_ast.id} if isinstance(item_ast, ast.Attribute): values = _get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast.value) if len(values) == 1: path = sorted(list(values)).pop() values = {f"{path}.{item_ast.attr}"} return values return values if isinstance(item_ast, ast.Index): # deprecated python ast class for Subscript key return _get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast.value) if isinstance(item_ast, ast.Subscript): values = _get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast.value) values |= _get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast.slice) return values if isinstance(item_ast, ast.Compare): values = _get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast.left) for sub_ast in item_ast.comparators: values |= _get_expression_contextual_values(sub_ast) return values if isinstance(item_ast, ast.BinOp): values = _get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast.left) values |= _get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast.right) return values if isinstance(item_ast, ast.BoolOp): values = set() for ast_value in item_ast.values: values |= _get_expression_contextual_values(ast_value) return values if isinstance(item_ast, ast.UnaryOp): return _get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast.operand) if isinstance(item_ast, ast.Call): values = _get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast.func) for ast_arg in item_ast.args: values |= _get_expression_contextual_values(ast_arg) return values if isinstance(item_ast, ast.IfExp): values = _get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast.test) values |= _get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast.body) values |= _get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast.orelse) return values if isinstance(item_ast, ast.Dict): values = set() for item in item_ast.keys: values |= _get_expression_contextual_values(item) for item in item_ast.values: values |= _get_expression_contextual_values(item) return values raise ValueError(f"Undefined item {item_ast!r}.") def get_expression_field_names(expression): """ Return all field name used by this expression eg: expression = '''( id in [1, 2, 3] and field_a in parent.truc.id and field_b in context.get('b') or (True and bool(context.get('c'))) ) returns {'parent', 'parent.truc', 'parent.truc.id', 'context', 'context.get'} :param expression: str :param ignored: set contains the value name to ignore. Add '.' to ignore attributes (eg: {'parent.'} will ignore 'parent.truc' and 'parent.truc.id') :return: set(str) """ item_ast = ast.parse(expression.strip(), mode='eval').body contextual_values = _get_expression_contextual_values(item_ast) value_names = set() for name in contextual_values: if name == 'parent': continue root = name.split('.')[0] if root not in IGNORED_IN_EXPRESSION: value_names.add(name if root == 'parent' else root) return value_names def get_dict_asts(expr): """ Check that the given string or AST node represents a dict expression where all keys are string literals, and return it as a dict mapping string keys to the AST of values. """ if isinstance(expr, str): expr = ast.parse(expr.strip(), mode='eval').body if not isinstance(expr, ast.Dict): raise ValueError("Non-dict expression") if not all((isinstance(key, ast.Constant) and isinstance(key.value, str)) for key in expr.keys): raise ValueError("Non-string literal dict key") return {key.value: val for key, val in zip(expr.keys, expr.values)} def _check(condition, explanation): if not condition: raise ValueError("Expression is not a valid domain: %s" % explanation) def valid_view(arch, **kwargs): for pred in _validators[arch.tag]: check = pred(arch, **kwargs) if not check: _logger.warning("Invalid XML: %s", pred.__doc__) return False return True def validate(*view_types): """ Registers a view-validation function for the specific view types """ def decorator(fn): for arch in view_types: _validators[arch].append(fn) return fn return decorator def relaxng(view_type): """ Return a validator for the given view type, or None. """ if view_type not in _relaxng_cache: with tools.file_open(os.path.join('base', 'rng', '%s_view.rng' % view_type)) as frng: try: relaxng_doc = etree.parse(frng) _relaxng_cache[view_type] = etree.RelaxNG(relaxng_doc) except Exception: _logger.exception('Failed to load RelaxNG XML schema for views validation') _relaxng_cache[view_type] = None return _relaxng_cache[view_type] @validate('calendar', 'graph', 'pivot', 'search', 'list', 'activity') def schema_valid(arch, **kwargs): """ Get RNG validator and validate RNG file.""" validator = relaxng(arch.tag) if validator and not validator.validate(arch): for error in validator.error_log: _logger.warning("%s", error) return False return True