from collections import defaultdict from markupsafe import Markup from odoo import _, api, models, modules, tools from odoo.exceptions import UserError class AccountMoveSend(models.AbstractModel): """ Shared class between the two sending wizards. See 'account.move.send.batch.wizard' for multiple invoices sending wizard (async) and 'account.move.send.wizard' for single invoice sending wizard (sync). """ _name = 'account.move.send' _description = "Account Move Send" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFAULTS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @api.model def _get_default_sending_method(self, move) -> set: """ By default, we use the sending method set on the partner or email. """ return move.partner_id.with_company(move.company_id).invoice_sending_method or 'email' @api.model def _get_all_extra_edis(self) -> dict: """ Returns a dict representing EDI data such as: { 'edi_key': {'label': 'EDI label', 'is_applicable': function, 'help': 'optional help'} } """ return {} @api.model def _get_default_extra_edis(self, move) -> set: """ By default, we use all applicable extra EDIs. """ extra_edis = self._get_all_extra_edis() return {edi_key for edi_key, edi_vals in extra_edis.items() if edi_vals['is_applicable'](move)} @api.model def _get_default_invoice_edi_format(self, move) -> str: """ By default, we generate the EDI format set on partner. """ return move.partner_id.with_company(move.company_id).invoice_edi_format @api.model def _get_default_pdf_report_id(self, move): return move.partner_id.with_company(move.company_id).invoice_template_pdf_report_id or self.env.ref('account.account_invoices') @api.model def _get_default_mail_template_id(self, move): return move._get_mail_template() @api.model def _get_default_sending_settings(self, move, from_cron=False, **custom_settings): """ Returns a dict with all the necessary data to generate and send invoices. Either takes the provided custom_settings, or the default value. """ def get_setting(key, from_cron=False, default_value=None): return custom_settings.get(key) if key in custom_settings else move.sending_data.get(key) if from_cron else default_value vals = { 'sending_methods': get_setting('sending_methods', default_value={self._get_default_sending_method(move)}) or {}, 'invoice_edi_format': get_setting('invoice_edi_format', default_value=self._get_default_invoice_edi_format(move)), 'extra_edis': get_setting('extra_edis', default_value=self._get_default_extra_edis(move)) or {}, 'pdf_report': get_setting('pdf_report') or self._get_default_pdf_report_id(move), 'author_user_id': get_setting('author_user_id', from_cron=from_cron) or, 'author_partner_id': get_setting('author_partner_id', from_cron=from_cron) or, } if 'email' in vals['sending_methods']: mail_template = get_setting('mail_template') or self._get_default_mail_template_id(move) mail_lang = get_setting('mail_lang') or self._get_default_mail_lang(move, mail_template) vals.update({ 'mail_template': mail_template, 'mail_lang': mail_lang, 'mail_body': get_setting('mail_body', default_value=self._get_default_mail_body(move, mail_template, mail_lang)), 'mail_subject': get_setting('mail_subject', default_value=self._get_default_mail_subject(move, mail_template, mail_lang)), 'mail_partner_ids': get_setting('mail_partner_ids', default_value=self._get_default_mail_partner_ids(move, mail_template, mail_lang).ids), 'mail_attachments_widget': get_setting('mail_attachments_widget', default_value=self._get_default_mail_attachments_widget(move, mail_template, extra_edis=vals['extra_edis'], pdf_report=vals['pdf_report'])), }) return vals # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ALERTS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @api.model def _get_alerts(self, moves, moves_data): """ Returns a dict of all alerts corresponding to moves with the given context (sending method, edi format to generate, extra_edi to generate). An alert can have some information: - level (danger, info, warning, ...) (! danger alerts are considered blocking and will be raised) - message to display - action_text for the text to show on the clickable link - action the action to run when the link is clicked """ alerts = {} if len(moves) > 1 and (partners_without_mail := moves.filtered( lambda m: 'email' in moves_data[m]['sending_methods'] and not ): # should only appear in mass invoice sending alerts['account_missing_email'] = { 'level': 'warning', 'message': _("Partner(s) should have an email address."), 'action_text': _("View Partner(s)"), 'action': partners_without_mail._get_records_action(name=_("Check Partner(s) Email(s)")), } return alerts # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAIL # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @api.model def _get_mail_default_field_value_from_template(self, mail_template, lang, move, field, **kwargs): if not mail_template: return return mail_template\ .with_context(lang=lang)\ ._render_field(field, move.ids, **kwargs)[] @api.model def _get_default_mail_lang(self, move, mail_template): return mail_template._render_lang([]).get( @api.model def _get_default_mail_body(self, move, mail_template, mail_lang): return self._get_mail_default_field_value_from_template( mail_template, mail_lang, move, 'body_html', options={'post_process': True}, ) @api.model def _get_default_mail_subject(self, move, mail_template, mail_lang): return self._get_mail_default_field_value_from_template( mail_template, mail_lang, move, 'subject', ) @api.model def _get_default_mail_partner_ids(self, move, mail_template, mail_lang): partners = self.env['res.partner'].with_company(move.company_id) if mail_template.email_to: email_to = self._get_mail_default_field_value_from_template(mail_template, mail_lang, move, 'email_to') for mail_data in tools.email_split(email_to): partners |= partners.find_or_create(mail_data) if mail_template.email_cc: email_cc = self._get_mail_default_field_value_from_template(mail_template, mail_lang, move, 'email_cc') for mail_data in tools.email_split(email_cc): partners |= partners.find_or_create(mail_data) if mail_template.partner_to: partner_to = self._get_mail_default_field_value_from_template(mail_template, mail_lang, move, 'partner_to') partner_ids = mail_template._parse_partner_to(partner_to) partners |= self.env['res.partner'].sudo().browse(partner_ids).exists() return partners.filtered('email') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ATTACHMENTS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @api.model def _get_default_mail_attachments_widget(self, move, mail_template, extra_edis=None, pdf_report=None): return self._get_placeholder_mail_attachments_data(move, extra_edis=extra_edis) \ + self._get_placeholder_mail_template_dynamic_attachments_data(move, mail_template, pdf_report=pdf_report) \ + self._get_invoice_extra_attachments_data(move) \ + self._get_mail_template_attachments_data(mail_template) @api.model def _get_placeholder_mail_attachments_data(self, move, extra_edis=None): """ Returns all the placeholder data. Should be extended to add placeholder based on the sending method. :param: move: The current move. :returns: A list of dictionary for each placeholder. * id: str: The (fake) id of the attachment, this is needed in rendering in t-key. * name: str: The name of the attachment. * mimetype: str: The mimetype of the attachment. * placeholder bool: Should be true to prevent download / deletion. """ if move.invoice_pdf_report_id: return [] filename = move._get_invoice_report_filename() return [{ 'id': f'placeholder_{filename}', 'name': filename, 'mimetype': 'application/pdf', 'placeholder': True, }] @api.model def _get_placeholder_mail_template_dynamic_attachments_data(self, move, mail_template, pdf_report=None): invoice_template = pdf_report or self._get_default_pdf_report_id(move) extra_mail_templates = mail_template.report_template_ids - invoice_template filename = move._get_invoice_report_filename() return [ { 'id': f'placeholder_{}_{filename}', 'name': f'{}_{filename}', 'mimetype': 'application/pdf', 'placeholder': True, 'dynamic_report': extra_mail_template.report_name, } for extra_mail_template in extra_mail_templates ] @api.model def _get_invoice_extra_attachments(self, move): return move.invoice_pdf_report_id @api.model def _get_invoice_extra_attachments_data(self, move): return [ { 'id':, 'name':, 'mimetype': attachment.mimetype, 'placeholder': False, 'protect_from_deletion': True, } for attachment in self._get_invoice_extra_attachments(move) ] @api.model def _get_mail_template_attachments_data(self, mail_template): """ Returns all mail template data. """ return [ { 'id':, 'name':, 'mimetype': attachment.mimetype, 'placeholder': False, 'mail_template_id':, 'protect_from_deletion': True, } for attachment in mail_template.attachment_ids ] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HELPERS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @api.model def _raise_danger_alerts(self, alerts): danger_alert_messages = [alert['message'] for _key, alert in alerts.items() if alert.get('level') == 'danger'] if danger_alert_messages: raise UserError('\n'.join(danger_alert_messages)) @api.model def _check_move_constrains(self, moves): if any(move.state != 'posted' for move in moves): raise UserError(_("You can't generate invoices that are not posted.")) if any(not move.is_sale_document(include_receipts=True) for move in moves): raise UserError(_("You can only generate sales documents.")) @api.model def _check_invoice_report(self, moves, **custom_settings): if (( custom_settings.get('pdf_report') and not custom_settings['pdf_report'].is_invoice_report ) or any(not self._get_default_pdf_report_id(move).is_invoice_report for move in moves) ): raise UserError(_("The sending of invoices is not set up properly, make sure the report used is set for invoices.")) @api.model def _format_error_text(self, error): """ Format the error that can be either a dict (complex format needed) or a string (simple format) into a regular string. :param error: the error to format. :return: a text formatted error. """ if isinstance(error, dict): errors = '\n- '.join(error['errors']) return f"{error['error_title']}\n- {errors}" if errors else error['error_title'] else: return error @api.model def _format_error_html(self, error): """ Format the error that can be either a dict (complex format needed) or a string (simple format) into a valid html format. :param error: the error to format. :return: a html formatted error. """ if isinstance(error, dict): errors = Markup().join(Markup("
  • %s
  • ") % error for error in error['errors']) return Markup("%s") % (error['error_title'], errors) else: return error # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SENDING METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @api.model def _is_applicable_to_company(self, method, company): """ TO OVERRIDE - used to determine if we should display the sending method in the selection.""" return True @api.model def _is_applicable_to_move(self, method, move): """ TO OVERRIDE - """ return True @api.model def _hook_invoice_document_before_pdf_report_render(self, invoice, invoice_data): """ Hook allowing to add some extra data for the invoice passed as parameter before the rendering of the pdf report. :param invoice: An account.move record. :param invoice_data: The collected data for the invoice so far. """ return @api.model def _prepare_invoice_pdf_report(self, invoices_data): """ Prepare the pdf report for the invoice passed as parameter. :param invoice: An account.move record. :param invoice_data: The collected data for the invoice so far. """ company_id = next(iter(invoices_data)).company_id grouped_invoices_by_report = defaultdict(dict) for invoice, invoice_data in invoices_data.items(): grouped_invoices_by_report[invoice_data['pdf_report']][invoice] = invoice_data for pdf_report, group_invoices_data in grouped_invoices_by_report.items(): ids = [ for inv in group_invoices_data] content, report_type = self.env[''].with_company(company_id)._pre_render_qweb_pdf(pdf_report.report_name, res_ids=ids) content_by_id = self.env['']._get_splitted_report(pdf_report.report_name, content, report_type) for invoice, invoice_data in group_invoices_data.items(): invoice_data['pdf_attachment_values'] = { 'name': invoice._get_invoice_report_filename(), 'raw': content_by_id[], 'mimetype': 'application/pdf', 'res_model': invoice._name, 'res_id':, 'res_field': 'invoice_pdf_report_file', # Binary field } @api.model def _prepare_invoice_proforma_pdf_report(self, invoice, invoice_data): """ Prepare the proforma pdf report for the invoice passed as parameter. :param invoice: An account.move record. :param invoice_data: The collected data for the invoice so far. """ pdf_report = invoice_data['pdf_report'] content, report_type = self.env[''].with_company(invoice.company_id)._pre_render_qweb_pdf(pdf_report.report_name, invoice.ids, data={'proforma': True}) content_by_id = self.env['']._get_splitted_report(pdf_report.report_name, content, report_type) invoice_data['proforma_pdf_attachment_values'] = { 'raw': content_by_id[], 'name': invoice._get_invoice_proforma_pdf_report_filename(), 'mimetype': 'application/pdf', 'res_model': invoice._name, 'res_id':, } @api.model def _hook_invoice_document_after_pdf_report_render(self, invoice, invoice_data): """ Hook allowing to add some extra data for the invoice passed as parameter after the rendering of the (proforma) pdf report. :param invoice: An account.move record. :param invoice_data: The collected data for the invoice so far. """ return @api.model def _link_invoice_documents(self, invoices_data): """ Create the attachments containing the pdf/electronic documents for the invoice passed as parameter. :param invoice: An account.move record. :param invoice_data: The collected data for the invoice so far. """ # create an attachment that will become 'invoice_pdf_report_file' # note: Binary is used for security reason attachment_to_create = [invoice_data['pdf_attachment_values'] for invoice_data in invoices_data.values() if invoice_data.get('pdf_attachment_values')] if not attachment_to_create: return attachments = self.env['ir.attachment'].create(attachment_to_create) res_id_to_attachment = {attachment.res_id: attachment for attachment in attachments} for invoice, invoice_date in invoices_data.items(): if attachment := res_id_to_attachment.get( invoice.message_main_attachment_id = attachment invoice.invalidate_recordset(fnames=['invoice_pdf_report_id', 'invoice_pdf_report_file']) invoice.is_move_sent = True @api.model def _hook_if_errors(self, moves_data, allow_raising=True): """ Process errors found so far when generating the documents. :param from_cron: Flag indicating if the method is called from a cron. In that case, we avoid raising any error. :param allow_fallback_pdf: In case of error when generating the documents for invoices, generate a proforma PDF report instead. """ for move, move_data in moves_data.items(): error = move_data['error'] if allow_raising: raise UserError(self._format_error_text(error)) move.with_context(no_new_invoice=True).message_post(body=self._format_error_html(error)) @api.model def _hook_if_success(self, moves_data): """ Process (typically send) successful documents.""" to_send_mail = { move: move_data for move, move_data in moves_data.items() if 'email' in move_data['sending_methods'] and self._is_applicable_to_move('email', move) } self._send_mails(to_send_mail) @api.model def _send_mail(self, move, mail_template, **kwargs): """ Send the journal entry passed as parameter by mail. """ partner_ids = kwargs.get('partner_ids', []) author_id = kwargs.pop('author_id') new_message = move\ .with_context( no_new_invoice=True, mail_notify_author=author_id in partner_ids, email_notification_allow_footer=True, ).message_post( message_type='comment', **kwargs, **{ # noqa: PIE804 'email_layout_xmlid': self._get_mail_layout(), 'email_add_signature': not mail_template, 'mail_auto_delete': mail_template.auto_delete, 'mail_server_id':, 'reply_to_force_new': False, } ) # Prevent duplicated attachments linked to the invoice. new_message.attachment_ids.invalidate_recordset(['res_id', 'res_model'], flush=False) if new_message.attachment_ids.ids:"UPDATE ir_attachment SET res_id = NULL WHERE id IN %s", [tuple(new_message.attachment_ids.ids)]) new_message.attachment_ids.write({ 'res_model': new_message._name, 'res_id':, }) @api.model def _get_mail_layout(self): return 'mail.mail_notification_layout_with_responsible_signature' @api.model def _get_mail_params(self, move, move_data): # We must ensure the newly created PDF are added. At this point, the PDF has been generated but not added # to 'mail_attachments_widget'. mail_attachments_widget = move_data.get('mail_attachments_widget') seen_attachment_ids = set() to_exclude = {x['name'] for x in mail_attachments_widget if x.get('skip')} for attachment_data in self._get_invoice_extra_attachments_data(move) + mail_attachments_widget: if attachment_data['name'] in to_exclude and not attachment_data.get('manual'): continue try: attachment_id = int(attachment_data['id']) except ValueError: continue seen_attachment_ids.add(attachment_id) mail_attachments = [ (, attachment.raw) for attachment in self.env['ir.attachment'].browse(list(seen_attachment_ids)).exists() ] return { 'author_id': move_data['author_partner_id'], 'body': move_data['mail_body'], 'subject': move_data['mail_subject'], 'partner_ids': move_data['mail_partner_ids'], 'attachments': mail_attachments, } @api.model def _generate_dynamic_reports(self, moves_data): for move, move_data in moves_data.items(): mail_attachments_widget = move_data.get('mail_attachments_widget', []) dynamic_reports = [ attachment_widget for attachment_widget in mail_attachments_widget if attachment_widget.get('dynamic_report') and not attachment_widget.get('skip') ] attachments_to_create = [] for dynamic_report in dynamic_reports: content, _report_format = self.env['']\ .with_company(move.company_id)\ .with_context(from_account_move_send=True)\ ._render(dynamic_report['dynamic_report'], move.ids) attachments_to_create.append({ 'raw': content, 'name': dynamic_report['name'], 'mimetype': 'application/pdf', 'res_model': move._name, 'res_id':, }) attachments = self.env['ir.attachment'].create(attachments_to_create) mail_attachments_widget += [{ 'id':, 'name':, 'mimetype': 'application/pdf', 'placeholder': False, 'protect_from_deletion': True, } for attachment in attachments] @api.model def _send_mails(self, moves_data): subtype = self.env.ref('mail.mt_comment') self._generate_dynamic_reports(moves_data) for move, move_data in [(move, move_data) for move, move_data in moves_data.items() if]: mail_template = move_data['mail_template'] mail_lang = move_data['mail_lang'] mail_params = self._get_mail_params(move, move_data) if not mail_params: continue if move_data.get('proforma_pdf_attachment'): attachment = move_data['proforma_pdf_attachment'] mail_params['attachments'].append((, attachment.raw)) email_from = self._get_mail_default_field_value_from_template(mail_template, mail_lang, move, 'email_from') model_description = move.with_context(lang=mail_lang).type_name self._send_mail( move, mail_template,, model_description=model_description, email_from=email_from, **mail_params, ) @api.model def _can_commit(self): """ Helper to know if we can commit the current transaction or not. :return: True if commit is accepted, False otherwise. """ return not modules.module.current_test @api.model def _call_web_service_before_invoice_pdf_render(self, invoices_data): # TO OVERRIDE # call a web service before the pdfs are rendered return @api.model def _call_web_service_after_invoice_pdf_render(self, invoices_data): # TO OVERRIDE # call a web service after the pdfs are rendered return @api.model def _generate_invoice_documents(self, invoices_data, allow_fallback_pdf=False): """ Generate the invoice PDF and electronic documents. :param invoices_data: The collected data for invoices so far. :param allow_fallback_pdf: In case of error when generating the documents for invoices, generate a proforma PDF report instead. """ for invoice, invoice_data in invoices_data.items(): self._hook_invoice_document_before_pdf_report_render(invoice, invoice_data) invoice_data['blocking_error'] = invoice_data.get('error') \ and not (allow_fallback_pdf and invoice_data.get('error_but_continue')) invoice_data['error_but_continue'] = allow_fallback_pdf and invoice_data.get('error_but_continue') invoices_data_web_service = { invoice: invoice_data for invoice, invoice_data in invoices_data.items() if not invoice_data.get('error') } if invoices_data_web_service: self._call_web_service_before_invoice_pdf_render(invoices_data_web_service) invoices_data_pdf = { invoice: invoice_data for invoice, invoice_data in invoices_data.items() if not invoice_data.get('error') or invoice_data.get('error_but_continue') } # Use batch to avoid memory error batch_size = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('account.pdf_generation_batch', '80') batches = [] pdf_to_generate = {} for invoice, invoice_data in invoices_data_pdf.items(): if not invoice_data.get('error') and not invoice.invoice_pdf_report_id: # we don't regenerate pdf if it already exists pdf_to_generate[invoice] = invoice_data if (len(pdf_to_generate) > int(batch_size)): batches.append(pdf_to_generate) pdf_to_generate = {} if pdf_to_generate: batches.append(pdf_to_generate) for batch in batches: self._prepare_invoice_pdf_report(batch) for invoice, invoice_data in invoices_data_pdf.items(): if not invoice_data.get('error') and not invoice.invoice_pdf_report_id: self._hook_invoice_document_after_pdf_report_render(invoice, invoice_data) # Cleanup the error if we don't want to block the regular pdf generation. if allow_fallback_pdf: invoices_data_pdf_error = { invoice: invoice_data for invoice, invoice_data in invoices_data.items() if invoice_data.get('pdf_attachment_values') and invoice_data.get('error') } if invoices_data_pdf_error: self._hook_if_errors(invoices_data_pdf_error, allow_raising=not allow_fallback_pdf) # Web-service after the PDF generation. invoices_data_web_service = { invoice: invoice_data for invoice, invoice_data in invoices_data.items() if not invoice_data.get('error') } if invoices_data_web_service: self._call_web_service_after_invoice_pdf_render(invoices_data_web_service) # Create and link the generated documents to the invoice if the web-service didn't failed. invoices_to_link = { invoice: invoice_data for invoice, invoice_data in invoices_data_web_service.items() if not invoice_data.get('error') or allow_fallback_pdf } self._link_invoice_documents(invoices_to_link) @api.model def _generate_invoice_fallback_documents(self, invoices_data): """ Generate the invoice PDF and electronic documents. :param invoices_data: The collected data for invoices so far. """ for invoice, invoice_data in invoices_data.items(): if not invoice.invoice_pdf_report_id and invoice_data.get('error'): invoice_data.pop('error') self._prepare_invoice_proforma_pdf_report(invoice, invoice_data) self._hook_invoice_document_after_pdf_report_render(invoice, invoice_data) invoice_data['proforma_pdf_attachment'] = self.env['ir.attachment']\ .create(invoice_data.pop('proforma_pdf_attachment_values')) def _check_sending_data(self, moves, **custom_settings): """Assert the data provided to _generate_and_send_invoices are correct. This is a security in case the method is called directly without going through the wizards. """ self._check_move_constrains(moves) self._check_invoice_report(moves, **custom_settings) assert all( sending_method in dict(self.env['res.partner']._fields['invoice_sending_method'].selection) for sending_method in custom_settings.get('sending_methods', []) ) if 'sending_methods' in custom_settings else True @api.model def _generate_and_send_invoices(self, moves, from_cron=False, allow_raising=True, allow_fallback_pdf=False, **custom_settings): """ Generate and send the moves given custom_settings if provided, else their default configuration set on related partner/company. :param moves: account.move to process :param from_cron: whether the processing comes from a cron. :param allow_raising: whether the process can raise errors, or should log them on the move's chatter. :param allow_fallback_pdf: In case of error when generating the documents for invoices, generate a proforma PDF report instead. :param custom_settings: settings to apply instead of related partner's defaults settings. """ self._check_sending_data(moves, **custom_settings) moves_data = { move: { **self._get_default_sending_settings(move, from_cron=from_cron, **custom_settings), } for move in moves } # Generate all invoice documents (PDF and electronic documents if relevant). self._generate_invoice_documents(moves_data, allow_fallback_pdf=allow_fallback_pdf) # Manage errors. errors = {move: move_data for move, move_data in moves_data.items() if move_data.get('error')} if errors: self._hook_if_errors(errors, allow_raising=not from_cron and not allow_fallback_pdf and allow_raising) # Fallback in case of error. errors = {move: move_data for move, move_data in moves_data.items() if move_data.get('error')} if allow_fallback_pdf and errors: self._generate_invoice_fallback_documents(errors) # Successfully generated a PDF - Process sending. success = {move: move_data for move, move_data in moves_data.items() if not move_data.get('error')} if success: self._hook_if_success(success) # Update sending data of moves for move, move_data in moves_data.items(): if from_cron and move_data.get('error'): move.sending_data = {'error': True} else: move.sending_data = False # Return generated attachments. attachments = self.env['ir.attachment'] for move, move_data in success.items(): attachments += self._get_invoice_extra_attachments(move) or move_data['proforma_pdf_attachment'] return attachments