import re from itertools import zip_longest from stdnum import iso11649, luhn from stdnum.iso7064 import mod_97_10 def sanitize_structured_reference(reference): """Removes whitespace and specific characters from Belgian structured references: Example: ` RF18 1234 5678 9 ` -> `RF18123456789` `+++020/3430/57642+++` -> `020343057642` `***020/3430/57642***` -> `020343057642` """ ref = re.sub(r'\s', '', reference) if re.match(r'(\+{3}|\*{3})\d{3}/\d{4}/\d{5}(\+{3}|\*{3})', ref): return re.sub(r'[+*/]', '', ref) return ref def format_structured_reference_iso(number): """Format a string into a Structured Creditor Reference. The Creditor Reference is an international standard (ISO 11649). Example: `123456789` -> `RF18 1234 5678 9` """ check_digits = mod_97_10.calc_check_digits('{}RF'.format(number)) return 'RF{} {}'.format( check_digits, ' '.join(''.join(x) for x in zip_longest(*[iter(str(number))]*4, fillvalue='')) ) def is_valid_structured_reference_iso(reference): """Check whether the provided reference is a valid Structured Creditor Reference (ISO). :param reference: the reference to check """ ref = sanitize_structured_reference(reference) return iso11649.is_valid(ref) def is_valid_structured_reference_be(reference): """Check whether the provided reference is a valid structured reference for Belgium. :param reference: the reference to check """ ref = sanitize_structured_reference(reference) be_ref = re.fullmatch(r'(\d{10})(\d{2})', ref) return be_ref and int( % 97 == int( % 97 def is_valid_structured_reference_fi(reference): """Check whether the provided reference is a valid structured reference for Finland. :param reference: the reference to check """ ref = sanitize_structured_reference(reference) fi_ref = re.fullmatch(r'(\d{1,19})(\d)', ref) if not fi_ref: return False total = sum((7, 3, 1)[idx % 3] * int(val) for idx, val in enumerate([::-1])) check_digit = (10 - (total % 10)) % 10 return check_digit == int( def is_valid_structured_reference_no_se(reference): """Check whether the provided reference is a valid structured reference for Norway or Sweden. :param reference: the reference to check """ ref = sanitize_structured_reference(reference) no_se_ref = re.fullmatch(r'\d+', ref) return no_se_ref and luhn.is_valid(ref) def is_valid_structured_reference(reference): """Check whether the provided reference is a valid structured reference. This is currently supporting SEPA enabled countries. More specifically countries covered by functions in this file. :param reference: the reference to check """ reference = sanitize_structured_reference(reference or '') return ( is_valid_structured_reference_be(reference) or is_valid_structured_reference_fi(reference) or is_valid_structured_reference_no_se(reference) or is_valid_structured_reference_iso(reference) )