# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase, tagged from odoo._monkeypatches.stdnum import new_get_soap_client from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError from unittest.mock import patch import stdnum.eu.vat from lxml import etree from zeep import Client, Transport from zeep.wsdl import Document class TestStructure(TransactionCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): def check_vies(vat_number): return {'valid': vat_number == 'BE0477472701'} super().setUpClass() cls.env.user.company_id.vat_check_vies = False cls._vies_check_func = check_vies def test_peru_ruc_format(self): """Only values that has the length of 11 will be checked as RUC, that's what we are proving. The second part will check for a valid ruc and there will be no problem at all. """ partner = self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': "Dummy partner", 'country_id': self.env.ref('base.pe').id}) with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): partner.vat = '11111111111' partner.vat = '20507822470' def test_vat_country_difference(self): """Test the validation when country code is different from vat code""" partner = self.env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': "Test", 'country_id': self.env.ref('base.mx').id, 'vat': 'RORO790707I47', }) self.assertEqual(partner.vat, 'RORO790707I47', "Partner VAT should not be altered") def test_parent_validation(self): """Test the validation with company and contact""" # set an invalid vat number self.env.user.company_id.vat_check_vies = False company = self.env["res.partner"].create({ "name": "World Company", "country_id": self.env.ref("base.be").id, "vat": "ATU12345675", "company_type": "company", }) # reactivate it and correct the vat number with patch('odoo.addons.base_vat.models.res_partner.check_vies', type(self)._vies_check_func): self.env.user.company_id.vat_check_vies = True with self.assertRaises(ValidationError), self.env.cr.savepoint(): company.vat = "BE0987654321" # VIES refused, don't fallback on other check company.vat = "BE0477472701" def test_vat_syntactic_validation(self): """ Tests VAT validation (both successes and failures), with the different country detection cases possible. """ test_partner = self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': "John Dex"}) # VAT starting with country code: use the starting country code test_partner.write({'vat': 'BE0477472701', 'country_id': self.env.ref('base.fr').id}) test_partner.write({'vat': 'BE0477472701', 'country_id': None}) with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): test_partner.write({'vat': 'BE42', 'country_id': self.env.ref('base.fr').id}) with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): test_partner.write({'vat': 'BE42', 'country_id': None}) # No country code in VAT: use the partner's country test_partner.write({'vat': '0477472701', 'country_id': self.env.ref('base.be').id}) with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): test_partner.write({'vat': '42', 'country_id': self.env.ref('base.be').id}) # If no country can be guessed: VAT number should always be considered valid # (for technical reasons due to ORM and res.company making related fields towards res.partner for country_id and vat) test_partner.write({'vat': '0477472701', 'country_id': None}) def test_vat_eu(self): """ Foreign companies that trade with non-enterprises in the EU may have a VATIN starting with "EU" instead of a country code. """ test_partner = self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': "Turlututu", 'country_id': self.env.ref('base.fr').id}) test_partner.write({'vat': "EU528003646", 'country_id': None}) test_partner.write({'vat': "EU528003646", 'country_id': self.env.ref('base.ca').id}) with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): test_partner.write({'vat': 'EU528003646', 'country_id': self.env.ref('base.be').id}) def test_nif_de(self): test_partner = self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': "Mein Company", 'country_id': self.env.ref('base.de').id}) # Set a valid VAT test_partner.write({'vat': "DE123456788"}) # Set a valid German tax ID (steuernummer) test_partner.write({'vat': "201/123/12340"}) # Test invalid VAT (should raise a ValidationError) with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): test_partner.write({'vat': "136695978"}) def test_soap_client_for_vies_loads(self): # Test of stdnum get_soap_client monkeypatch. This test is mostly to # see that no unexpected import errors are thrown and not caught. with patch.object(Document, '_get_xml_document', return_value=etree.Element("root")), \ patch.object(Client, 'service', return_value=None): doc = Document(location=None, transport=Transport()) new_get_soap_client(doc, 30) def test_rut_uy(self): test_partner = self.env["res.partner"].create({"name": "UY Company", "country_id": self.env.ref("base.uy").id}) # Set a valid Number test_partner.write({"vat": "215521750017"}) test_partner.write({"vat": "220018800014"}) test_partner.write({"vat": "21-55217500-17"}) test_partner.write({"vat": "21 55217500 17"}) test_partner.write({"vat": "UY215521750017"}) # Test invalid VAT (should raise a ValidationError) msg = "The VAT number.*does not seem to be valid" with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValidationError, msg): test_partner.vat = "215521750018" with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValidationError, msg): test_partner.vat = "21.55217500.17" with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValidationError, msg): test_partner.vat = "2155 ABC 21750017" @tagged('-standard', 'external') class TestStructureVIES(TestStructure): allow_inherited_tests_method = True @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.env.user.company_id.vat_check_vies = True cls._vies_check_func = stdnum.eu.vat.check_vies