import { beforeEach, describe, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { setupEditor } from "./_helpers/editor"; import { EMBEDDED_COMPONENT_PLUGINS, MAIN_PLUGINS } from "@html_editor/plugin_sets"; import { insertText } from "./_helpers/user_actions"; import { onRpc, patchWithCleanup } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers"; import { animationFrame, click, press, queryOne, waitFor } from "@odoo/hoot-dom"; import { execCommand } from "./_helpers/userCommands"; import { MAIN_EMBEDDINGS } from "@html_editor/others/embedded_components/embedding_sets"; import { getContent } from "./_helpers/selection"; import { isZwnbsp } from "@html_editor/utils/dom_info"; import { EmbeddedFilePlugin } from "@html_editor/others/embedded_components/plugins/embedded_file_plugin/embedded_file_plugin"; const configWithEmbeddedFile = { Plugins: [ ...MAIN_PLUGINS.filter((P) => !== "file"), EmbeddedFilePlugin, ...EMBEDDED_COMPONENT_PLUGINS, ], resources: { embedded_components: MAIN_EMBEDDINGS }, }; const patchUpload = (editor) => { const mockedUploadPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { patchWithCleanup(, { async upload() { resolve(); return [{ id: 1, name: "file.txt" }]; }, }); }); return mockedUploadPromise; }; describe("file command", () => { test("/file uploads a file via the system's selector, skipping the media dialog", async () => { const { editor } = await setupEditor("


"); const mockedUpload = patchUpload(editor); // Open powerbox. await insertText(editor, "/file"); await animationFrame(); // Select first command ("Upload a file") await press("Enter"); await animationFrame(); // Check that there's no media dialog. expect(".o_select_media_dialog").toHaveCount(0); await mockedUpload; // Check that file card (embedded component) was inserted in the editable. expect(".odoo-editor-editable .o_file_box").toHaveCount(1); }); test("file card should have inline display, BS alert-info style and no download button", async () => { const { editor } = await setupEditor("


"); patchUpload(editor); execCommand(editor, "uploadFile"); // wait for the embedded component to be mounted await waitFor('.o_file_box .o_file_name_container:contains("file.txt")'); // Check that file card has inline display, with alert style. const fileCard = queryOne(".o_file_box"); expect(fileCard).toHaveStyle({ display: "inline-block" }); expect(fileCard.firstElementChild).toHaveClass(["alert", "alert-info"]); // No download button in file card. expect(".o_file_box .fa-download").toHaveCount(0); }); }); describe("document tab in media dialog", () => { beforeEach(() => onRpc("/web/dataset/call_kw/ir.attachment/search_read", () => [ { id: 1, name: "file.txt", mimetype: "text/plain", public: true, image_src: "", }, ]) ); describe("without File nor EmbeddedFile plugin", () => { test("Document tab is not available by default", async () => { const { editor } = await setupEditor("


", { config: { Plugins: MAIN_PLUGINS.filter((p) => !== "file") }, }); execCommand(editor, "insertMedia"); await animationFrame(); expect(".nav-link:contains('Documents')").toHaveCount(0); }); }); describe("with EmbeddedFile plugin", () => { test("file upload via media dialog inserts a file card in the editable", async () => { const { editor } = await setupEditor("


", { config: configWithEmbeddedFile, }); execCommand(editor, "insertMedia"); await animationFrame(); await click(".nav-link:contains('Documents')"); await animationFrame(); await click(".o_we_attachment_highlight"); // wait for the embedded component to be mounted await waitFor('[data-embedded="file"] .o_file_name:contains("file.txt")'); expect('[data-embedded="file"]').toHaveCount(1); }); }); describe("with File plugin (no embedded component)", () => { test("file upload via media dialog inserts a link in the editable", async () => { const { editor } = await setupEditor("


"); execCommand(editor, "insertMedia"); await animationFrame(); await click(".nav-link:contains('Documents')"); await animationFrame(); await click(".o_we_attachment_highlight"); expect(".odoo-editor-editable .o_file_box a:contains('file.txt')").toHaveCount(1); }); }); }); describe("powerbutton", () => { test("file powerbutton uploads a file directly via the system's selector", async () => { const { editor } = await setupEditor("


"); const mockedUpload = patchUpload(editor); // Click on the upload powerbutton. await click(".power_button.fa-upload"); await animationFrame(); // Check that there's no media dialog. expect(".o_select_media_dialog").toHaveCount(0); await mockedUpload; // Check that file card (embedded component) was inserted in the editable. expect(".odoo-editor-editable .o_file_box").toHaveCount(1); }); test("file powerbutton uploads a file directly via the system's selector (embedded component)", async () => { const { editor } = await setupEditor("


", { config: configWithEmbeddedFile }); const mockedUpload = patchUpload(editor); // Click on the upload powerbutton. await click(".power_button.fa-upload"); await animationFrame(); // Check that there's no media dialog. expect(".o_select_media_dialog").toHaveCount(0); await mockedUpload; // Check that file card (embedded component) was inserted in the editable. expect('.odoo-editor-editable [data-embedded="file"]').toHaveCount(1); }); }); describe("zero width no-break space", () => { test("file card should be padded with zero-width no-break spaces", async () => { const { editor } = await setupEditor("


"); patchUpload(editor); execCommand(editor, "uploadFile"); // wait for the the file to be uploaded and the card rendered await waitFor('.o_file_box a:contains("file.txt")'); // Check that file card is padded with ZWNBSP on both sides. const fileCard = queryOne(".o_file_box"); expect(isZwnbsp(fileCard.previousSibling)).toBe(true); expect(isZwnbsp(fileCard.nextSibling)).toBe(true); }); test("should not add two contiguous ZWNBSP between two file cards", async () => { const { editor, el } = await setupEditor("


", { config: { ...configWithEmbeddedFile, resources: {} }, // disable embedded component rendering }); let mockUpload = patchUpload(editor); execCommand(editor, "uploadFile"); await mockUpload; // patch again to get new Promise mockUpload = patchUpload(editor); execCommand(editor, "uploadFile"); await mockUpload; let content = getContent(el); // replace embedded component root with a placeholder for readability content = content.replace(//g, ""); expect(content).toBe("


"); }); test("should not add two contiguous ZWNBSP between two file cards (2)", async () => { const { el } = await setupEditor( '


', { config: { ...configWithEmbeddedFile, resources: {} } } // disable embedded component rendering ); expect(getContent(el)).toBe( '


' ); press("Backspace"); expect(getContent(el)).toBe( '


' ); }); });