# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo.tests import common class ChatbotCase(common.HttpCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(ChatbotCase, cls).setUpClass() cls.chatbot_script = cls.env['chatbot.script'].create({ 'title': 'Testing Bot', }) ChatbotScriptStep = cls.env['chatbot.script.step'].sudo() [ cls.step_hello, cls.step_welcome, cls.step_dispatch, ] = ChatbotScriptStep.create([{ 'step_type': 'text', 'message': "Hello! I'm a bot!", 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }, { 'step_type': 'text', 'message': "I help lost visitors find their way.", 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }, { 'step_type': 'question_selection', 'message': "How can I help you?", 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }]) [ cls.step_dispatch_buy_software, cls.step_dispatch_pricing, cls.step_dispatch_operator, cls.step_dispatch_documentation, ] = cls.env['chatbot.script.answer'].sudo().create([{ 'name': 'I\'d like to buy the software', 'script_step_id': cls.step_dispatch.id, }, { 'name': 'Pricing Question', 'script_step_id': cls.step_dispatch.id, }, { 'name': "I want to speak with an operator", 'script_step_id': cls.step_dispatch.id, }, { 'name': "Other & Documentation", 'script_step_id': cls.step_dispatch.id, }]) [ cls.step_pricing_contact_us, cls.step_email, cls.step_email_validated, cls.step_forward_operator, cls.step_no_one_available, cls.step_no_operator_dispatch, cls.step_documentation_validated, ] = ChatbotScriptStep.create([{ 'step_type': 'text', 'message': 'For any pricing question, feel free ton contact us at pricing@mycompany.com', 'triggering_answer_ids': [(4, cls.step_dispatch_pricing.id)], 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }, { 'step_type': 'question_email', 'message': 'Can you give us your email please?', 'triggering_answer_ids': [(4, cls.step_dispatch_buy_software.id)], 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }, { 'step_type': 'text', 'message': 'Your email is validated, thank you!', 'triggering_answer_ids': [(4, cls.step_dispatch_buy_software.id)], 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }, { 'step_type': 'forward_operator', 'message': 'I will transfer you to a human.', 'triggering_answer_ids': [(4, cls.step_dispatch_operator.id)], 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }, { 'step_type': 'text', 'message': 'Sorry, you will have to stay with me for a while', 'triggering_answer_ids': [(4, cls.step_dispatch_operator.id)], 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }, { 'step_type': 'question_selection', 'message': 'So... What can I do to help you?', 'triggering_answer_ids': [(4, cls.step_dispatch_operator.id)], 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }, { 'step_type': 'text', 'message': 'Please find documentation at https://www.odoo.com/documentation/18.0/', 'triggering_answer_ids': [(4, cls.step_dispatch_documentation.id)], 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }]) cls.step_no_operator_just_leaving = cls.env['chatbot.script.answer'].sudo().create({ 'name': 'I will be leaving then', 'script_step_id': cls.step_no_operator_dispatch.id, }) [ cls.step_just_leaving, cls.step_pricing_thank_you, cls.step_ask_website, cls.step_ask_feedback, cls.step_goodbye, ] = ChatbotScriptStep.create([{ 'step_type': 'text', 'message': "Ok, I'm sorry I was not able to help you", 'triggering_answer_ids': [(4, cls.step_no_operator_just_leaving.id)], 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }, { 'step_type': 'text', 'message': 'We will reach back to you as soon as we can!', 'triggering_answer_ids': [(4, cls.step_dispatch_pricing.id)], 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }, { 'step_type': 'free_input_single', 'message': 'Would you mind providing your website address?', 'sequence': 97, # makes it easier for other modules to add steps before this one 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }, { 'step_type': 'free_input_multi', 'message': 'Great, do you want to leave any feedback for us to improve?', 'sequence': 98, # makes it easier for other modules to add steps before this one 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }, { 'step_type': 'text', 'message': "Ok bye!", 'sequence': 99, # makes it easier for other modules to add steps before this one 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, }]) cls.livechat_channel = cls.env['im_livechat.channel'].create({ 'name': 'Test Channel', 'rule_ids': [(0, 0, { 'chatbot_script_id': cls.chatbot_script.id, })] }) @classmethod def _post_answer_and_trigger_next_step(cls, discuss_channel, answer, chatbot_script_answer=False): mail_message = discuss_channel.message_post(body=answer) if chatbot_script_answer: cls.env['chatbot.message'].search([ ('mail_message_id', '=', mail_message.id) ], limit=1).user_script_answer_id = chatbot_script_answer.id # sudo: chatbot.script.step - members of a channel can access the current chatbot step next_step = discuss_channel.chatbot_current_step_id.sudo()._process_answer(discuss_channel, mail_message.body) next_step._process_step(discuss_channel)