# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, fields, models, _, Command from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError from odoo.osv.expression import AND, OR from odoo.tools import float_round from odoo.tools.misc import clean_context from collections import defaultdict class MrpBom(models.Model): """ Defines bills of material for a product or a product template """ _name = 'mrp.bom' _description = 'Bill of Material' _inherit = ['mail.thread', 'product.catalog.mixin'] _rec_name = 'product_tmpl_id' _rec_names_search = ['product_tmpl_id', 'code'] _order = "sequence, id" _check_company_auto = True def _get_default_product_uom_id(self): return self.env['uom.uom'].search([], limit=1, order='id').id code = fields.Char('Reference') active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True) type = fields.Selection([ ('normal', 'Manufacture this product'), ('phantom', 'Kit')], 'BoM Type', default='normal', required=True) product_tmpl_id = fields.Many2one( 'product.template', 'Product', check_company=True, index=True, domain="[('type', '=', 'consu')]", required=True) product_id = fields.Many2one( 'product.product', 'Product Variant', check_company=True, index=True, domain="['&', ('product_tmpl_id', '=', product_tmpl_id), ('type', '=', 'consu')]", help="If a product variant is defined the BOM is available only for this product.") bom_line_ids = fields.One2many('mrp.bom.line', 'bom_id', 'BoM Lines', copy=True) byproduct_ids = fields.One2many('mrp.bom.byproduct', 'bom_id', 'By-products', copy=True) product_qty = fields.Float( 'Quantity', default=1.0, digits='Product Unit of Measure', required=True, help="This should be the smallest quantity that this product can be produced in. If the BOM contains operations, make sure the work center capacity is accurate.") product_uom_id = fields.Many2one( 'uom.uom', 'Unit of Measure', default=_get_default_product_uom_id, required=True, help="Unit of Measure (Unit of Measure) is the unit of measurement for the inventory control", domain="[('category_id', '=', product_uom_category_id)]") product_uom_category_id = fields.Many2one(related='product_tmpl_id.uom_id.category_id') sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence') operation_ids = fields.One2many('mrp.routing.workcenter', 'bom_id', 'Operations', copy=True) ready_to_produce = fields.Selection([ ('all_available', ' When all components are available'), ('asap', 'When components for 1st operation are available')], string='Manufacturing Readiness', default='all_available', required=True) picking_type_id = fields.Many2one( 'stock.picking.type', 'Operation Type', domain="[('code', '=', 'mrp_operation')]", check_company=True, help=u"When a procurement has a ‘produce’ route with a operation type set, it will try to create " "a Manufacturing Order for that product using a BoM of the same operation type. That allows " "to define stock rules which trigger different manufacturing orders with different BoMs.") company_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.company', 'Company', index=True, default=lambda self: self.env.company) consumption = fields.Selection([ ('flexible', 'Allowed'), ('warning', 'Allowed with warning'), ('strict', 'Blocked')], help="Defines if you can consume more or less components than the quantity defined on the BoM:\n" " * Allowed: allowed for all manufacturing users.\n" " * Allowed with warning: allowed for all manufacturing users with summary of consumption differences when closing the manufacturing order.\n" " Note that in the case of component Highlight Consumption, where consumption is registered manually exclusively, consumption warnings will still be issued when appropriate also.\n" " * Blocked: only a manager can close a manufacturing order when the BoM consumption is not respected.", default='warning', string='Flexible Consumption', required=True ) possible_product_template_attribute_value_ids = fields.Many2many( 'product.template.attribute.value', compute='_compute_possible_product_template_attribute_value_ids') allow_operation_dependencies = fields.Boolean('Operation Dependencies', help="Create operation level dependencies that will influence both planning and the status of work orders upon MO confirmation. If this feature is ticked, and nothing is specified, Odoo will assume that all operations can be started simultaneously." ) produce_delay = fields.Integer( 'Manufacturing Lead Time', default=0, help="Average lead time in days to manufacture this product. In the case of multi-level BOM, the manufacturing lead times of the components will be added. In case the product is subcontracted, this can be used to determine the date at which components should be sent to the subcontractor.") days_to_prepare_mo = fields.Integer( string="Days to prepare Manufacturing Order", default=0, help="Create and confirm Manufacturing Orders this many days in advance, to have enough time to replenish components or manufacture semi-finished products.\n" "Note that security lead times will also be considered when appropriate.") _sql_constraints = [ ('qty_positive', 'check (product_qty > 0)', 'The quantity to produce must be positive!'), ] @api.depends( 'product_tmpl_id.attribute_line_ids.value_ids', 'product_tmpl_id.attribute_line_ids.attribute_id.create_variant', 'product_tmpl_id.attribute_line_ids.product_template_value_ids.ptav_active', ) def _compute_possible_product_template_attribute_value_ids(self): for bom in self: bom.possible_product_template_attribute_value_ids = bom.product_tmpl_id.valid_product_template_attribute_line_ids.product_template_value_ids._only_active() @api.onchange('product_id') def _onchange_product_id(self): if self.product_id: warning = ( self.bom_line_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids or self.operation_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids or self.byproduct_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids ) and { 'warning': { 'title': _("Warning"), 'message': _("Changing the product or variant will permanently reset all previously encoded variant-related data."), } } self.bom_line_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids = False self.operation_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids = False self.byproduct_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids = False if warning: return warning @api.constrains('active', 'product_id', 'product_tmpl_id', 'bom_line_ids') def _check_bom_cycle(self): subcomponents_dict = dict() def _check_cycle(components, finished_products): """ Check whether the components are part of the finished products (-> cycle). Then, if these components have a BoM, repeat the operation with the subcomponents (recursion). The method will return the list of product variants that creates the cycle """ products_to_find = self.env['product.product'] for component in components: if component in finished_products: names = finished_products.mapped('display_name') raise ValidationError(_( "The current configuration is incorrect because it would create a cycle between these products: %s.", ', '.join(names))) if component not in subcomponents_dict: products_to_find |= component bom_find_result = self._bom_find(products_to_find) for component in components: if component not in subcomponents_dict: bom = bom_find_result[component] subcomponents = bom.bom_line_ids.filtered(lambda l: not l._skip_bom_line(component)).product_id subcomponents_dict[component] = subcomponents subcomponents = subcomponents_dict[component] if subcomponents: _check_cycle(subcomponents, finished_products | component) boms_to_check = self if self.bom_line_ids.product_id: boms_to_check |= self.search(OR([ self._bom_find_domain(product) for product in self.bom_line_ids.product_id ])) for bom in boms_to_check: if not bom.active: continue finished_products = bom.product_id or bom.product_tmpl_id.product_variant_ids if bom.bom_line_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids: grouped_by_components = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['product.product']) for finished in finished_products: components = bom.bom_line_ids.filtered(lambda l: not l._skip_bom_line(finished)).product_id grouped_by_components[components] |= finished for components, finished in grouped_by_components.items(): _check_cycle(components, finished) else: _check_cycle(bom.bom_line_ids.product_id, finished_products) @api.constrains('product_id', 'product_tmpl_id', 'bom_line_ids', 'byproduct_ids', 'operation_ids') def _check_bom_lines(self): for bom in self: apply_variants = bom.bom_line_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids | bom.operation_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids | bom.byproduct_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids if bom.product_id and apply_variants: raise ValidationError(_("You cannot use the 'Apply on Variant' functionality and simultaneously create a BoM for a specific variant.")) for ptav in apply_variants: if ptav.product_tmpl_id != bom.product_tmpl_id: raise ValidationError(_( "The attribute value %(attribute)s set on product %(product)s does not match the BoM product %(bom_product)s.", attribute=ptav.display_name, product=ptav.product_tmpl_id.display_name, bom_product=bom.product_tmpl_id.display_name )) for byproduct in bom.byproduct_ids: if bom.product_id: same_product = bom.product_id == byproduct.product_id else: same_product = bom.product_tmpl_id == byproduct.product_id.product_tmpl_id if same_product: raise ValidationError(_("By-product %s should not be the same as BoM product.", bom.display_name)) if byproduct.cost_share < 0: raise ValidationError(_("By-products cost shares must be positive.")) if sum(bom.byproduct_ids.mapped('cost_share')) > 100: raise ValidationError(_("The total cost share for a BoM's by-products cannot exceed 100.")) @api.onchange('bom_line_ids', 'product_qty') def onchange_bom_structure(self): if self.type == 'phantom' and self._origin and self.env['stock.move'].search_count([('bom_line_id', 'in', self._origin.bom_line_ids.ids)], limit=1): return { 'warning': { 'title': _('Warning'), 'message': _( 'The product has already been used at least once, editing its structure may lead to undesirable behaviours. ' 'You should rather archive the product and create a new one with a new bill of materials.'), } } @api.onchange('product_uom_id') def onchange_product_uom_id(self): res = {} if not self.product_uom_id or not self.product_tmpl_id: return if self.product_uom_id.category_id.id != self.product_tmpl_id.uom_id.category_id.id: self.product_uom_id = self.product_tmpl_id.uom_id.id res['warning'] = {'title': _('Warning'), 'message': _('The Product Unit of Measure you chose has a different category than in the product form.')} return res @api.onchange('product_tmpl_id') def onchange_product_tmpl_id(self): if self.product_tmpl_id: warning = ( self.bom_line_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids or self.operation_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids or self.byproduct_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids ) and { 'warning': { 'title': _("Warning"), 'message': _("Changing the product or variant will permanently reset all previously encoded variant-related data."), } } default_uom_id = self.env.context.get('default_product_uom_id') # Avoids updating the BoM's UoM in case a specific UoM was passed through as a default value. if self.product_uom_id.category_id != self.product_tmpl_id.uom_id.category_id or self.product_uom_id.id != default_uom_id: self.product_uom_id = self.product_tmpl_id.uom_id.id if self.product_id.product_tmpl_id != self.product_tmpl_id: self.product_id = False self.bom_line_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids = False self.operation_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids = False self.byproduct_ids.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids = False domain = [('product_tmpl_id', '=', self.product_tmpl_id.id)] if self.id.origin: domain.append(('id', '!=', self.id.origin)) number_of_bom_of_this_product = self.env['mrp.bom'].search_count(domain) if number_of_bom_of_this_product: # add a reference to the bom if there is already a bom for this product self.code = _("%(product_name)s (new) %(number_of_boms)s", product_name=self.product_tmpl_id.name, number_of_boms=number_of_bom_of_this_product) if warning: return warning @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): res = super().create(vals_list) # Checks if the BoM was created from a Manufacturing Order (through Generate BoM action). parent_production_id = self.env.context.get('parent_production_id') if parent_production_id: # In this case, assign the newly created BoM to the MO. # Clean context to avoid parasitic default values. self.env.context = clean_context(self.env.context) production = self.env['mrp.production'].browse(parent_production_id) production._link_bom(res[0]) return res def write(self, vals): res = super().write(vals) relevant_fields = ['bom_line_ids', 'byproduct_ids', 'product_tmpl_id', 'product_id', 'product_qty'] if any(field_name in vals for field_name in relevant_fields): self._set_outdated_bom_in_productions() if 'sequence' in vals and self and self[-1].id == list(self._prefetch_ids)[-1]: self.browse(self._prefetch_ids)._check_bom_cycle() return res def copy(self, default=None): new_boms = super().copy(default) for old_bom, new_bom in zip(self, new_boms): if old_bom.operation_ids: operations_mapping = {} for original, copied in zip(old_bom.operation_ids, new_bom.operation_ids.sorted()): operations_mapping[original] = copied for bom_line in new_bom.bom_line_ids: if bom_line.operation_id: bom_line.operation_id = operations_mapping[bom_line.operation_id] for operation in old_bom.operation_ids: if operation.blocked_by_operation_ids: copied_operation = operations_mapping[operation] dependencies = [] for dependency in operation.blocked_by_operation_ids: dependencies.append(Command.link(operations_mapping[dependency].id)) copied_operation.blocked_by_operation_ids = dependencies return new_boms @api.model def name_create(self, name): # prevent to use string as product_tmpl_id if isinstance(name, str): key = 'default_' + self._rec_name if key in self.env.context: result = super().name_create(self.env.context[key]) self.browse(result[0]).code = name return result raise UserError(_("You cannot create a new Bill of Material from here.")) return super(MrpBom, self).name_create(name) def toggle_active(self): self.with_context({'active_test': False}).operation_ids.toggle_active() return super().toggle_active() @api.depends('code') def _compute_display_name(self): for bom in self: bom.display_name = f"{bom.code + ': ' if bom.code else ''}{bom.product_tmpl_id.display_name}" def action_compute_bom_days(self): company_id = self.env.context.get('default_company_id', self.env.company.id) warehouse = self.env['stock.warehouse'].search([('company_id', '=', company_id)], limit=1) for bom in self: bom_data = self.env['report.mrp.report_bom_structure'].with_context(minimized=True)._get_bom_data(bom, warehouse, bom.product_id, ignore_stock=True) bom.days_to_prepare_mo = self.env['report.mrp.report_bom_structure']._get_max_component_delay(bom_data['components']) if bom_data.get('availability_state') == 'unavailable' and not bom_data.get('components_available', True): return { 'type': 'ir.actions.client', 'tag': 'display_notification', 'params': { 'title': _('Cannot compute days to prepare due to missing route info for at least 1 component or for the final product.'), 'sticky': False, } } @api.constrains('product_tmpl_id', 'product_id', 'type') def check_kit_has_not_orderpoint(self): product_ids = [pid for bom in self.filtered(lambda bom: bom.type == "phantom") for pid in (bom.product_id.ids or bom.product_tmpl_id.product_variant_ids.ids)] if self.env['stock.warehouse.orderpoint'].search_count([('product_id', 'in', product_ids)], limit=1): raise ValidationError(_("You can not create a kit-type bill of materials for products that have at least one reordering rule.")) @api.ondelete(at_uninstall=False) def _unlink_except_running_mo(self): if self.env['mrp.production'].search_count([('bom_id', 'in', self.ids), ('state', 'not in', ['done', 'cancel'])], limit=1): raise UserError(_('You can not delete a Bill of Material with running manufacturing orders.\nPlease close or cancel it first.')) @api.model def _bom_find_domain(self, products, picking_type=None, company_id=False, bom_type=False): domain = ['&', '|', ('product_id', 'in', products.ids), '&', ('product_id', '=', False), ('product_tmpl_id', 'in', products.product_tmpl_id.ids), ('active', '=', True)] if company_id or self.env.context.get('company_id'): domain = AND([domain, ['|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id or self.env.context.get('company_id'))]]) if picking_type: domain = AND([domain, ['|', ('picking_type_id', '=', picking_type.id), ('picking_type_id', '=', False)]]) if bom_type: domain = AND([domain, [('type', '=', bom_type)]]) return domain @api.model def _bom_find(self, products, picking_type=None, company_id=False, bom_type=False): """ Find the first BoM for each products :param products: `product.product` recordset :return: One bom (or empty recordset `mrp.bom` if none find) by product (`product.product` record) :rtype: defaultdict(`lambda: self.env['mrp.bom']`) """ bom_by_product = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['mrp.bom']) products = products.filtered(lambda p: p.type != 'service') if not products: return bom_by_product domain = self._bom_find_domain(products, picking_type=picking_type, company_id=company_id, bom_type=bom_type) # Performance optimization, allow usage of limit and avoid the for loop `bom.product_tmpl_id.product_variant_ids` if len(products) == 1: bom = self.search(domain, order='sequence, product_id, id', limit=1) if bom: bom_by_product[products] = bom return bom_by_product boms = self.search(domain, order='sequence, product_id, id') products_ids = set(products.ids) for bom in boms: products_implies = bom.product_id or bom.product_tmpl_id.product_variant_ids for product in products_implies: if product.id in products_ids and product not in bom_by_product: bom_by_product[product] = bom return bom_by_product def explode(self, product, quantity, picking_type=False, never_attribute_values=False): """ Explodes the BoM and creates two lists with all the information you need: bom_done and line_done Quantity describes the number of times you need the BoM: so the quantity divided by the number created by the BoM and converted into its UoM """ product_ids = set() product_boms = {} def update_product_boms(): products = self.env['product.product'].browse(product_ids) product_boms.update(self._bom_find(products, picking_type=picking_type or self.picking_type_id, company_id=self.company_id.id, bom_type='phantom')) # Set missing keys to default value for product in products: product_boms.setdefault(product, self.env['mrp.bom']) boms_done = [(self, {'qty': quantity, 'product': product, 'original_qty': quantity, 'parent_line': False})] lines_done = [] bom_lines = [] for bom_line in self.bom_line_ids: product_id = bom_line.product_id bom_lines.append((bom_line, product, quantity, False)) product_ids.add(product_id.id) update_product_boms() product_ids.clear() while bom_lines: current_line, current_product, current_qty, parent_line = bom_lines[0] bom_lines = bom_lines[1:] if current_line._skip_bom_line(current_product, never_attribute_values): continue line_quantity = current_qty * current_line.product_qty if current_line.product_id not in product_boms: update_product_boms() product_ids.clear() bom = product_boms.get(current_line.product_id) if bom: converted_line_quantity = current_line.product_uom_id._compute_quantity(line_quantity / bom.product_qty, bom.product_uom_id) bom_lines += [(line, current_line.product_id, converted_line_quantity, current_line) for line in bom.bom_line_ids] for bom_line in bom.bom_line_ids: if bom_line.product_id not in product_boms: product_ids.add(bom_line.product_id.id) boms_done.append((bom, {'qty': converted_line_quantity, 'product': current_product, 'original_qty': quantity, 'parent_line': current_line})) else: # We round up here because the user expects that if he has to consume a little more, the whole UOM unit # should be consumed. rounding = current_line.product_uom_id.rounding line_quantity = float_round(line_quantity, precision_rounding=rounding, rounding_method='UP') lines_done.append((current_line, {'qty': line_quantity, 'product': current_product, 'original_qty': quantity, 'parent_line': parent_line})) return boms_done, lines_done @api.model def get_import_templates(self): return [{ 'label': _('Import Template for Bills of Materials'), 'template': '/mrp/static/xls/mrp_bom.xls' }] def _set_outdated_bom_in_productions(self): # Searches for MOs using these BoMs to notify them that their BoM has been updated. list_of_domain_by_bom = [] for bom in self: domain_by_products = [('product_id', 'in', bom.product_tmpl_id.product_variant_ids.ids)] if bom.product_id: domain_by_products = [('product_id', '=', bom.product_id.id)] domain_for_confirmed_mo = AND([[('state', '=', 'confirmed')], domain_by_products]) # Avoid confirmed MOs if the BoM's product was changed. domain_by_states = OR([[('state', '=', 'draft')], domain_for_confirmed_mo]) list_of_domain_by_bom.append(AND([[('bom_id', '=', bom.id)], domain_by_states])) if list_of_domain_by_bom: domain = OR(list_of_domain_by_bom) productions = self.env['mrp.production'].search(domain) if productions: productions.is_outdated_bom = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CATALOG # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _default_order_line_values(self, child_field=False): default_data = super()._default_order_line_values(child_field) new_default_data = self[child_field]._get_product_catalog_lines_data(default=True) return {**default_data, **new_default_data} def _get_product_catalog_order_data(self, products, **kwargs): product_catalog = super()._get_product_catalog_order_data(products, **kwargs) for product in products: product_catalog[product.id] |= self._get_product_price_and_data(product) return product_catalog def _get_product_price_and_data(self, product): self.ensure_one() return {'price': product.standard_price} def _get_product_catalog_record_lines(self, product_ids, child_field=False, **kwargs): if not child_field: return {} lines = self[child_field].filtered(lambda line: line.product_id.id in product_ids) return lines.grouped('product_id') def _update_order_line_info(self, product_id, quantity, child_field=False, **kwargs): if not child_field: return 0 entity = self[child_field].filtered(lambda line: line.product_id.id == product_id) if entity: if quantity != 0: entity.product_qty = quantity else: entity.unlink() elif quantity > 0: command = Command.create({ 'product_qty': quantity, 'product_id': product_id, }) self.write({child_field: [command]}) return self.env['product.product'].browse(product_id).standard_price # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DOCUMENT # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_mail_thread_data_attachments(self): res = super()._get_mail_thread_data_attachments() return res | self._get_extra_attachments() def _get_extra_attachments(self): final_domain = [] bom_domain = [('attached_on_mrp', '=', 'bom')] is_byproduct = self.env.user.has_group('mrp.group_mrp_byproducts') for bom in self: product_subdomain = ['|', '&', ('res_model', '=', 'product.product'), ('res_id', '=', bom.product_id.id), '&', ('res_model', '=', 'product.template'), ('res_id', '=', bom.product_tmpl_id.id)] if is_byproduct: product_domain = OR([product_subdomain, [ '|', '&', ('res_model', '=', 'product.product'), ('res_id', 'in', bom.byproduct_ids.product_id.ids), '&', ('res_model', '=', 'product.template'), ('res_id', 'in', bom.byproduct_ids.product_id.product_tmpl_id.ids)]]) else: product_domain = product_subdomain prod_final_domain = AND([bom_domain, product_domain]) final_domain = OR([final_domain, prod_final_domain]) if final_domain else prod_final_domain attachements = self.env['product.document'].search(final_domain).ir_attachment_id return attachements class MrpBomLine(models.Model): _name = 'mrp.bom.line' _order = "sequence, id" _rec_name = "product_id" _description = 'Bill of Material Line' _check_company_auto = True def _get_default_product_uom_id(self): return self.env['uom.uom'].search([], limit=1, order='id').id product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', 'Component', required=True, check_company=True) product_tmpl_id = fields.Many2one('product.template', 'Product Template', related='product_id.product_tmpl_id', store=True, index=True) company_id = fields.Many2one( related='bom_id.company_id', store=True, index=True, readonly=True) product_qty = fields.Float( 'Quantity', default=1.0, digits='Product Unit of Measure', required=True) product_uom_id = fields.Many2one( 'uom.uom', 'Product Unit of Measure', default=_get_default_product_uom_id, required=True, help="Unit of Measure (Unit of Measure) is the unit of measurement for the inventory control", domain="[('category_id', '=', product_uom_category_id)]") product_uom_category_id = fields.Many2one(related='product_id.uom_id.category_id') sequence = fields.Integer( 'Sequence', default=1, help="Gives the sequence order when displaying.") bom_id = fields.Many2one( 'mrp.bom', 'Parent BoM', index=True, ondelete='cascade', required=True) parent_product_tmpl_id = fields.Many2one('product.template', 'Parent Product Template', related='bom_id.product_tmpl_id') possible_bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids = fields.Many2many(related='bom_id.possible_product_template_attribute_value_ids') bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids = fields.Many2many( 'product.template.attribute.value', string="Apply on Variants", ondelete='restrict', domain="[('id', 'in', possible_bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids)]", help="BOM Product Variants needed to apply this line.") allowed_operation_ids = fields.One2many('mrp.routing.workcenter', related='bom_id.operation_ids') operation_id = fields.Many2one( 'mrp.routing.workcenter', 'Consumed in Operation', check_company=True, domain="[('id', 'in', allowed_operation_ids)]", help="The operation where the components are consumed, or the finished products created.") child_bom_id = fields.Many2one( 'mrp.bom', 'Sub BoM', compute='_compute_child_bom_id') child_line_ids = fields.One2many( 'mrp.bom.line', string="BOM lines of the referred bom", compute='_compute_child_line_ids') attachments_count = fields.Integer('Attachments Count', compute='_compute_attachments_count') tracking = fields.Selection(related='product_id.tracking') manual_consumption = fields.Boolean( 'Highlight Consumption', default=False, readonly=False, store=True, copy=True, help="When activated, then the registration of consumption for that component is recorded manually exclusively.\n" "If not activated, and any of the components consumption is edited manually on the manufacturing order, Odoo assumes manual consumption also.") _sql_constraints = [ ('bom_qty_zero', 'CHECK (product_qty>=0)', 'All product quantities must be greater or equal to 0.\n' 'Lines with 0 quantities can be used as optional lines. \n' 'You should install the mrp_byproduct module if you want to manage extra products on BoMs!'), ] @api.depends('product_id', 'bom_id') def _compute_child_bom_id(self): products = self.product_id bom_by_product = self.env['mrp.bom']._bom_find(products) for line in self: if not line.product_id: line.child_bom_id = False else: line.child_bom_id = bom_by_product.get(line.product_id, False) @api.depends('product_id') def _compute_attachments_count(self): for line in self: nbr_attach = self.env['product.document'].search_count([ '&', '&', ('attached_on_mrp', '=', 'bom'), ('active', '=', 't'), '|', '&', ('res_model', '=', 'product.product'), ('res_id', '=', line.product_id.id), '&', ('res_model', '=', 'product.template'), ('res_id', '=', line.product_tmpl_id.id)]) line.attachments_count = nbr_attach @api.depends('child_bom_id') def _compute_child_line_ids(self): """ If the BOM line refers to a BOM, return the ids of the child BOM lines """ for line in self: line.child_line_ids = line.child_bom_id.bom_line_ids.ids or False @api.onchange('product_uom_id') def onchange_product_uom_id(self): res = {} if not self.product_uom_id or not self.product_id: return res if self.product_uom_id.category_id != self.product_id.uom_id.category_id: self.product_uom_id = self.product_id.uom_id.id res['warning'] = {'title': _('Warning'), 'message': _('The Product Unit of Measure you chose has a different category than in the product form.')} return res @api.onchange('product_id') def onchange_product_id(self): if self.product_id: self.product_uom_id = self.product_id.uom_id.id @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): for values in vals_list: if 'product_id' in values and 'product_uom_id' not in values: values['product_uom_id'] = self.env['product.product'].browse(values['product_id']).uom_id.id return super(MrpBomLine, self).create(vals_list) def _skip_bom_line(self, product, never_attribute_values=False): """ Control if a BoM line should be produced, can be inherited to add custom control. cases: - no_variant: 1. attribute present on the line => need to be at least one attribute value matching between the one passed as args and the ones one the line 2. attribute not present on the line => valid if the line has no attribute value selected for that attribute - always and dynamic: match_all_variant_values() """ self.ensure_one() if not product or product._name == 'product.template': return False # attributes create_variant 'always' and 'dynamic' other_attribute_valid = product._match_all_variant_values(self.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids.filtered(lambda a: a.attribute_id.create_variant != 'no_variant')) # if there are no never attribute values on the bom line => always and dynamic if not self.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids.filtered(lambda a: a.attribute_id.create_variant == 'no_variant'): return not other_attribute_valid # or if there are never attribute on the line values but no value is passed => impossible to match if not never_attribute_values: return True bom_values_by_attribute = self.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids.filtered( lambda a: a.attribute_id.create_variant == 'no_variant' ).grouped('attribute_id') never_values_by_attribute = never_attribute_values.grouped('attribute_id') for a_id, a_values in bom_values_by_attribute.items(): if any(a.id in never_values_by_attribute[a_id].ids for a in a_values): continue return True return not other_attribute_valid def action_see_attachments(self): domain = [ '&', ('attached_on_mrp', '=', 'bom'), '|', '&', ('res_model', '=', 'product.product'), ('res_id', '=', self.product_id.id), '&', ('res_model', '=', 'product.template'), ('res_id', '=', self.product_id.product_tmpl_id.id)] attachments = self.env['product.document'].search(domain) nbr_product_attach = len(attachments.filtered(lambda a: a.res_model == 'product.product')) nbr_template_attach = len(attachments.filtered(lambda a: a.res_model == 'product.template')) context = {'default_res_model': 'product.product', 'default_res_id': self.product_id.id, 'default_company_id': self.company_id.id, 'attached_on_bom': True, 'search_default_context_variant': not (nbr_product_attach == 0 and nbr_template_attach > 0) if self.env.user.has_group('product.group_product_variant') else False } return { 'name': _('Attachments'), 'domain': domain, 'res_model': 'product.document', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_mode': 'kanban,list,form', 'target': 'current', 'help': _('''
Upload files to your product
Use this feature to store any files, like drawings or specifications.
'''), 'limit': 80, 'context': context, 'search_view_id': self.env.ref('product.product_document_search').ids } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CATALOG # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_add_from_catalog(self): bom = self.env['mrp.bom'].browse(self.env.context.get('order_id')) return bom.with_context(child_field='bom_line_ids').action_add_from_catalog() def _get_product_catalog_lines_data(self, default=False, **kwargs): if self and not default: self.product_id.ensure_one() return { **self[0].bom_id._get_product_price_and_data(self[0].product_id), 'quantity': sum( self.mapped( lambda line: line.product_uom_id._compute_quantity( qty=line.product_qty, to_unit=line.product_uom_id, ) ) ), 'readOnly': len(self) > 1, } return { 'quantity': 0, } class MrpByProduct(models.Model): _name = 'mrp.bom.byproduct' _description = 'Byproduct' _rec_name = "product_id" _check_company_auto = True _order = 'sequence, id' product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', 'By-product', required=True, check_company=True) company_id = fields.Many2one(related='bom_id.company_id', store=True, index=True, readonly=True) product_qty = fields.Float( 'Quantity', default=1.0, digits='Product Unit of Measure', required=True) product_uom_category_id = fields.Many2one(related='product_id.uom_id.category_id') product_uom_id = fields.Many2one('uom.uom', 'Unit of Measure', required=True, compute="_compute_product_uom_id", store=True, readonly=False, precompute=True, domain="[('category_id', '=', product_uom_category_id)]") bom_id = fields.Many2one('mrp.bom', 'BoM', ondelete='cascade', index=True) allowed_operation_ids = fields.One2many('mrp.routing.workcenter', related='bom_id.operation_ids') operation_id = fields.Many2one( 'mrp.routing.workcenter', 'Produced in Operation', check_company=True, domain="[('id', 'in', allowed_operation_ids)]") possible_bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids = fields.Many2many(related='bom_id.possible_product_template_attribute_value_ids') bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids = fields.Many2many( 'product.template.attribute.value', string="Apply on Variants", ondelete='restrict', domain="[('id', 'in', possible_bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids)]", help="BOM Product Variants needed to apply this line.") sequence = fields.Integer("Sequence") cost_share = fields.Float( "Cost Share (%)", digits=(5, 2), # decimal = 2 is important for rounding calculations!! help="The percentage of the final production cost for this by-product line (divided between the quantity produced)." "The total of all by-products' cost share must be less than or equal to 100.") @api.depends('product_id') def _compute_product_uom_id(self): """ Changes UoM if product_id changes. """ for record in self: record.product_uom_id = record.product_id.uom_id.id def _skip_byproduct_line(self, product): """ Control if a byproduct line should be produced, can be inherited to add custom control. """ self.ensure_one() if not product or product._name == 'product.template': return False return not product._match_all_variant_values(self.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CATALOG # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_add_from_catalog(self): bom = self.env['mrp.bom'].browse(self.env.context.get('order_id')) return bom.with_context(child_field='byproduct_ids').action_add_from_catalog() def _get_product_catalog_lines_data(self, default=False, **kwargs): if self and not default: self.product_id.ensure_one() return { **self[0].bom_id._get_product_price_and_data(self[0].product_id), 'quantity': sum( self.mapped( lambda line: line.product_uom_id._compute_quantity( qty=line.product_qty, to_unit=line.product_uom_id, ) ) ), 'readOnly': len(self) > 1 } return { 'quantity': 0, }