# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import psycopg2 from lxml import etree from odoo import Command from odoo.addons.project.tests.test_project_base import TestProjectCommon from odoo.tests import Form, tagged from odoo.tools import mute_logger from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError @tagged('-at_install', 'post_install') class TestProjectSubtasks(TestProjectCommon): def test_task_display_project_with_default_form(self): """ Create a task in the default task form should take the project set in the form or the default project in the context """ with Form(self.env['project.task'].with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) as task_form: task_form.name = 'Test Task 1' task_form.project_id = self.project_pigs task = task_form.save() self.assertEqual(task.project_id, self.project_pigs, "The project should be assigned.") with Form(self.env['project.task'].with_context({'tracking_disable': True, 'default_project_id': self.project_pigs.id})) as task_form: task_form.name = 'Test Task 2' task = task_form.save() self.assertEqual(task.project_id, self.project_pigs, "The project should be assigned from the default project.") def test_task_display_project_with_task_form2(self): """ Create a task in the task form 2 should take the project set in the form or the default project in the context """ with Form(self.env['project.task'].with_context({'tracking_disable': True}), view="project.view_task_form2") as task_form: task_form.name = 'Test Task 1' task_form.project_id = self.project_pigs task = task_form.save() self.assertEqual(task.project_id, self.project_pigs, "The project should be assigned.") with Form(self.env['project.task'].with_context({'tracking_disable': True, 'default_project_id': self.project_pigs.id}), view="project.view_task_form2") as task_form: task_form.name = 'Test Task 2' task = task_form.save() self.assertEqual(task.project_id, self.project_pigs, "The project should be assigned from the default project.") def test_task_display_project_with_quick_create_task_form(self): """ Create a task in the quick create form should take the default project in the context """ task_form = Form(self.env['project.task'].with_context({'tracking_disable': True, 'default_project_id': self.project_pigs.id}), view="project.quick_create_task_form") task_form.display_name = 'Test Task 2' task = task_form.save() self.assertEqual(task.project_id, self.project_pigs, "The project should be assigned from the default project.") def test_task_display_project_with_any_task_form(self): """ Create a task in any form should take the default project in the context """ form_views = self.env['ir.ui.view'].search([('model', '=', 'project.task'), ('type', '=', 'form')]) for form_view in form_views: task_form = Form(self.env['project.task'].with_context({'tracking_disable': True, 'default_project_id': self.project_pigs.id, 'default_name': 'Test Task 1', 'default_display_name': 'Test Task 1'}), view=form_view) # Some views have the `name` field invisible # As the goal is simply to test the default project field and not the name, we can skip setting the name # in the view and set it using `default_name` instead # Quick create form use display_name and for the same goal, we can add default_display_name for that form task = task_form.save() self.assertEqual(task.project_id, self.project_pigs, "The project should be assigned from the default project, form_view name : %s." % form_view.name) def test_subtask_project(self): """ 1) Create a subtask - Should have a project set - Shouldn't be displayed 2) Set project on subtask - Should not change parent project - Project should be correct - Should be displayed 3) Reset the project to False - Should raise an error 3bis) Reset the parent task project to False - Should raise an error 4) Set project on parent to same project as subtask - Project should be correct - Shouldn't change subtask's display 5) Set project on subtask and change parent task project - Project should be the one set by the user 6) Remove parent task: - The project id should remain unchanged 7) Remove project id then parent id: - Project should be removed - Parent should be removed """ # 1) with Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) as task_form: with task_form.child_ids.new() as child_task_form: child_task_form.name = 'Test Subtask 1' self.assertEqual(self.task_1.child_ids.project_id, self.task_1.project_id, "The project should be inheritted from parent.") self.assertFalse(self.task_1.child_ids.display_in_project, "By default, subtasks shouldn't be displayed in project.") # 2) with Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) as task_form: with task_form.child_ids.edit(0) as child_task_form: child_task_form.project_id = self.project_goats self.assertEqual(self.task_1.project_id, self.project_pigs, "Changing the project of a subtask should not change parent project") self.assertEqual(self.task_1.child_ids.project_id, self.project_goats, "Display Project of the task should be well assigned") self.assertTrue(self.task_1.child_ids.display_in_project, "As the subtask isn't in the same project as its parent, it should be displayed") # 3) task_form = Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) with task_form.child_ids.edit(0) as child_task_form: child_task_form.project_id = self.env['project.project'] with self.assertRaises(psycopg2.errors.CheckViolation), mute_logger('odoo.sql_db'): task_form.save() # 3bis) task_form = Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) task_form.project_id = self.env['project.project'] with self.assertRaises(ValidationError), self.cr.savepoint(): task_form.save() # 4) with Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) as task_form: task_form.project_id = self.task_1.child_ids.project_id self.assertEqual(self.task_1.project_id, self.project_goats, "Parent project should change.") self.assertEqual(self.task_1.child_ids.project_id, self.project_goats, "Parent project should change.") self.assertTrue(self.task_1.child_ids.display_in_project, "Changing the project of the task shouldn't change de value of display_in_project of its subtask") # 5) with Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) as task_form: with task_form.child_ids.edit(0) as child_task_form: child_task_form.project_id = self.project_goats task_form.project_id = self.project_pigs self.assertEqual(self.task_1.project_id, self.project_pigs, "Parent project should change back.") self.assertEqual(self.task_1.child_ids.project_id, self.project_goats, "The project of the subtask should have the one set by the user") # Debug mode required for `parent_id` to be visible in the view with self.debug_mode(): # 6) with Form(self.task_1.child_ids.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) as subtask_form: subtask_form.parent_id = self.env['project.task'] orphan_subtask = subtask_form.save() self.assertEqual(orphan_subtask.project_id, self.project_goats, "The project of the orphan task should stay the same even if it no longer has a parent task") self.assertFalse(orphan_subtask.parent_id, "Parent should be false") # 7) with Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) as task_form: with task_form.child_ids.new() as child_task_form: child_task_form.name = 'Test Subtask 1' child_task_form.project_id = self.project_goats with Form(self.task_1.child_ids.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) as subtask_form: subtask_form.project_id = self.env['project.project'] subtask_form.parent_id = self.env['project.task'] orphan_subtask = subtask_form.save() self.assertFalse(orphan_subtask.project_id, "The project should be removed as expected.") self.assertFalse(orphan_subtask.project_id, "The Parent should be removed as expected.") def test_subtask_stage(self): """ The stage of the new child must be the default one of the project """ stage_a = self.env['project.task.type'].create({'name': 'a', 'sequence': 1}) stage_b = self.env['project.task.type'].create({'name': 'b', 'sequence': 10}) self.project_pigs.type_ids |= stage_a self.project_pigs.type_ids |= stage_b with Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) as task_form: with task_form.child_ids.new() as child_task_form: child_task_form.name = 'Test Subtask 1' self.assertEqual(self.task_1.child_ids.stage_id, stage_a, "Stage should be set on the subtask since it inheritted the project of its parent.") with Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) as task_form: with task_form.child_ids.edit(0) as subtask_form: subtask_form.project_id = task_form.project_id self.assertEqual(self.task_1.child_ids.stage_id, stage_a, "The stage of the child task should be the default one of the project.") with Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) as task_form: task_form.stage_id = stage_b self.assertEqual(self.task_1.child_ids.stage_id, stage_a, "The stage of the child task should remain the same while changing parent task stage.") with Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) as task_form: task_form.child_ids.remove(index=0) with task_form.child_ids.new() as child_task_form: child_task_form.name = 'Test Subtask 2' child_task_form.project_id = task_form.project_id self.assertEqual(self.task_1.child_ids.stage_id, stage_a, "The stage of the child task should be the default one of the project even if parent stage id is different.") with Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) as task_form: with task_form.child_ids.edit(0) as child_task_form: child_task_form.project_id = self.project_goats self.assertEqual(self.task_1.child_ids.stage_id.name, "New", "The stage of the child task should be the default one of the display project id, once set.") def test_copy_project_with_subtasks(self): self.env['project.task'].with_context({'mail_create_nolog': True}).create({ 'name': 'Parent Task', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'child_ids': [ Command.create({'name': 'child 1', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id}), Command.create({'name': 'child 2', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'display_in_project': True}), Command.create({'name': 'child 3', 'project_id': self.project_pigs.id, 'display_in_project': True}), Command.create({ 'name': 'child 4 with subtask', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'child_ids': [ Command.create({'name': 'child 5', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id}), Command.create({'name': 'child 6 with project', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'display_in_project': True}) ]}), Command.create({'name': 'child archived', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'active': False}), ], }) task_count_with_subtasks_including_archived = 8 task_count_in_project_pigs = self.project_pigs.task_count self.project_goats._compute_task_count() # recompute without archived tasks and subtasks task_count_in_project_goats = self.project_goats.task_count project_goats_duplicated = self.project_goats.copy() self.project_pigs._compute_task_count() # retrigger since a new task should be added in the project after the duplication of Project Goats def dfs(task): # ABGH: i used dfs to avoid visiting a task 2 times as it can be a direct task for the project and a subtask for another task like child 6 visited[task.id] = True total_count = 1 for child_id in task.child_ids: if child_id.id not in visited: total_count += dfs(child_id) return total_count visited = {} tasks_copied_count = 0 for task in project_goats_duplicated.tasks: if not task.id in visited: tasks_copied_count += dfs(task) self.assertEqual( tasks_copied_count, task_count_with_subtasks_including_archived - 1, 'The number of duplicated tasks (subtasks included) should be equal to the number of all tasks (with active subtasks included) of both projects, ' 'that is only the active subtasks are duplicated.') self.assertEqual(self.project_goats.task_count, task_count_in_project_goats, 'The number of tasks should be the same before and after the duplication of this project.') self.assertEqual(self.project_pigs.task_count, task_count_in_project_pigs + 1, 'The project pigs should an additional task after the duplication of the project goats.') def test_subtask_creation_with_form(self): """ 1) test the creation of sub-tasks through the notebook 2) set a parent task on an existing task 3) test the creation of sub-sub-tasks 4) check the correct nb of sub-tasks is displayed in the 'sub-tasks' stat button and on the parent task kanban card 5) sub-tasks should be copied when the parent task is duplicated 6) verify if there is a copy in the subtask name. """ task_form = Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) with task_form.child_ids.new() as child_task_form: child_task_form.name = 'Test Subtask 1' child_task_form.project_id = task_form.project_id task = task_form.save() child_subtask = self.task_1.child_ids[0] with Form(child_subtask.with_context(tracking_disable=True)) as subtask_form: with subtask_form.child_ids.new() as child_subtask_form: child_subtask_form.name = 'Test Subtask 2' self.assertEqual(child_subtask_form.project_id, subtask_form.project_id) self.assertFalse(child_subtask_form.display_in_project) self.assertEqual(task.subtask_count, 1, "Parent task should have 1 children") task_2 = task.copy() self.assertEqual(task_2.subtask_count, 1, "If the parent task is duplicated then the sub task should be copied") self.assertEqual(task_2.child_ids[0].name, "Test Subtask 1 (copy)", "The name of the subtask should contain the word 'copy'.") def test_subtask_copy_display_in_project(self): """ Check if `display_in_project` of subtask is not set to `True` during copy """ project = self.env['project.project'].create({ 'name': 'Project', }) task_A, task_B = self.env['project.task'].create([ { 'name': 'Task A', 'project_id': project.id, 'display_in_project': True, }, { 'name': 'Task B', 'project_id': project.id, 'display_in_project': True, }, ]) self.env['project.task'].create([ { 'name': 'Subtask A 1', 'parent_id': task_A.id, 'project_id': project.id, }, { 'name': 'Subtask A 2', 'parent_id': task_A.id, 'project_id': project.id, }, { 'name': 'Subtask B 1', 'parent_id': task_B.id, 'project_id': project.id, }, { 'name': 'Subtask B 2', 'parent_id': task_B.id, 'project_id': project.id, } ]) subtask_not_display_in_project = project.task_ids.child_ids.filtered(lambda t: not t.display_in_project) self.assertEqual(len(subtask_not_display_in_project), 4, "No subtask should be displayed in the project") project_copy = project.copy() self.assertEqual(len(project_copy.task_ids.child_ids), 4) subtask_not_display_in_project_copy = project_copy.task_ids.child_ids.filtered(lambda t: not t.display_in_project) self.assertEqual(len(subtask_not_display_in_project_copy), 4, "No subtask should be displayed in the duplicate project") def test_subtask_copy_name(self): """ This test ensure that the name of task and project have the '(copy)' added to their name when needed. If a project is copied, the project's name should contain the 'copy' but the project's task should keep the same name as their original. If a task is copied (alone or in a recordset), its name as well as the name of its children should contain the 'copy'. """ project = self.env['project.project'].create({ 'name': 'Project', }) task_A = self.env['project.task'].create({ 'name': 'Task A', 'project_id': project.id, 'display_in_project': True, 'child_ids': [Command.create({ 'name': 'Subtask A 1', 'project_id': project.id, 'child_ids': [Command.create({ 'name': 'Sub Subtask A 1', 'project_id': project.id, })] }), Command.create({ 'name': 'Subtask A 2', 'project_id': project.id, })] }) project_copied = project.copy() self.assertEqual(project_copied.name, 'Project (copy)', 'The name of the project should contains the extra (copy).') parent_task = self.env['project.task'].search([('project_id', '=', project_copied.id), ('parent_id', '=', False)]) self.assertEqual(parent_task.name, 'Task A', 'The task is copied from project.copy(). Its name should be the same.') self.assertEqual(parent_task.child_ids[0].name, 'Subtask A 1', 'The task is copied from project.copy(). Its name should be the same.') self.assertEqual(parent_task.child_ids[1].name, 'Subtask A 2', 'The task is copied from project.copy(). Its name should be the same.') self.assertEqual(parent_task.child_ids[0].child_ids.name, 'Sub Subtask A 1', 'The task is copied from project.copy(). Its name should be the same.') copied_task = task_A.copy() self.assertEqual(copied_task.name, 'Task A (copy)', 'The task is copied from task.copy(). Its name should contain the extra (copy).') self.assertEqual(copied_task.child_ids[0].name, 'Subtask A 1 (copy)', 'The task is copied from task.copy(). Its name should contain the extra (copy).') self.assertEqual(copied_task.child_ids[1].name, 'Subtask A 2 (copy)', 'The task is copied from task.copy(). Its name should contain the extra (copy).') self.assertEqual(copied_task.child_ids[0].child_ids.name, 'Sub Subtask A 1 (copy)', 'The task is copied from task.copy(). Its name should contain the extra (copy).') def test_subtask_unlinking(self): task_form = Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) with task_form.child_ids.new() as child_task_form: child_task_form.name = 'Test Subtask 1' child_task_form.project_id = task_form.project_id task_form.save() child_subtask = self.task_1.child_ids[0] self.task_1.unlink() self.assertFalse(self.task_1.exists()) self.assertFalse(child_subtask.exists(), 'Subtask should be removed if the parent task has been deleted') def test_get_all_subtasks(self): subsubtasks = self.env['project.task'].create([{ 'name': 'Subsubtask 1', 'project_id': self.project_pigs.id, }, { 'name': 'Subsubtask 2', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, }, { 'name': 'Subsubtask 3', 'project_id': self.project_pigs.id, }]) subtasks = self.env['project.task'].create([{ 'name': 'Subtask 1', 'project_id': self.project_pigs.id, 'child_ids': subsubtasks[:2], }, { 'name': 'Subtask 2', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'child_ids': subsubtasks[2], }]) task = self.env['project.task'].create({ 'name': 'Task 1', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'child_ids': subtasks, }) all_subtasks = task._get_all_subtasks() self.assertEqual(all_subtasks, subtasks | subsubtasks) all_subtasks_by_task_id = task._get_subtask_ids_per_task_id() self.assertEqual(len(all_subtasks_by_task_id), 1, "The result should only contain one item: the common ancestor") for parent_id, subtask_ids in all_subtasks_by_task_id.items(): self.assertEqual(parent_id, task.id, "The key should be the common ancestor") self.assertEqual(set(subtask_ids), set(all_subtasks.ids), "All subtasks linked to the common ancestor should be returned by _get_subtask_ids_per_task_id method") def test_subtask_copy_followers(self): """ This test will check that a task will propagate its followers to its subtasks """ task_form = Form(self.task_1.with_context({'tracking_disable': True})) with task_form.child_ids.new() as child_task_form: child_task_form.name = 'Child Task' child_task_form.project_id = task_form.project_id task = task_form.save() self.assertEqual(task.message_follower_ids.mapped('email'), task.child_ids[0].message_follower_ids.mapped('email'), "The parent and child message_follower_ids should have the same emails") def test_subtask_is_visible_after_archiving(self): """ Check if `display_in_project` of subtask is set to `True` once the subtask is archived """ subtask = self.env['project.task'].create({ 'name': 'Subtask', 'parent_id': self.task_1.id, 'project_id': self.project_pigs.id, }) self.assertFalse(subtask.display_in_project) subtask.action_archive() self.assertTrue(subtask.display_in_project) def test_toggle_active_task_with_subtasks(self): """ This test will check archiving task should archive it's subtasks and vice versa""" parent_task = self.env['project.task'].with_context({'mail_create_nolog': True}).create({ 'name': 'Parent Task', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, }) child_1, child_2, child_3, child_4 = self.env['project.task'].with_context({'mail_create_nolog': True}).create([ { 'name': 'child 1', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'parent_id': parent_task.id, 'child_ids': [ Command.create({ 'name': 'Child 1 (Subtask 1)', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, }), Command.create({ 'name': 'Child 1 (Subtask 2)', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'child_ids': [Command.create({ 'name': 'Subsubtask', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, })], }), ], }, { 'name': 'child 2', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'parent_id': parent_task.id, }, { 'name': 'child 3', 'parent_id': parent_task.id, 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'display_in_project': True, 'child_ids': [ Command.create({ 'name': 'Child 3 (Subtask 1)', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, }), Command.create({ 'name': 'Child 3 (Subtask 2)', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, }), ], }, { 'name': 'child 4', 'parent_id': parent_task.id, 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'display_in_project': True, }, ]) self.assertEqual(9, len(parent_task._get_all_subtasks()), "Should have 9 subtasks") parent_task.action_archive() self.assertFalse(all((parent_task + child_1._get_all_subtasks() + child_2).mapped('active')), "Parent, `child 1` task (with its descendant tasks) and `Child 2` task should be archived") self.assertTrue(all(child_3._get_all_subtasks().mapped('active')), "`child 3` task and its descendant tasks should be unarchived") self.assertEqual(2, len(parent_task.child_ids), "Should have 2 direct non archived subtasks") self.assertEqual(parent_task.child_ids, child_3 + child_4, "Should have 2 direct non archived subtasks") self.assertEqual(4, len(parent_task._get_all_subtasks().filtered('active')), "Should have 4 non archived subtasks") def test_write_project_should_propagate_to_no_display_subtasks(self): task = self.env['project.task'].create({ 'name': 'Task visible', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'child_ids': [ Command.create({ 'name': 'Sub-task invisible', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, }), Command.create({ 'name': 'Sub-task visible', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'display_in_project': True, }), ], }) invisible, visible = task.child_ids self.assertFalse(invisible.display_in_project) self.assertTrue(visible.display_in_project) task.project_id = self.project_pigs self.assertEqual(invisible.project_id, self.project_pigs, "Project should be propagated to invisible subtask") self.assertEqual(visible.project_id, self.project_goats, "Project shouldn't be propagated to visible subtask") def test_display_in_project_unset_parent(self): """ Test _onchange_parent_id when there is no parent task """ Task = self.env['project.task'] task = Task.create({ 'name': 'Task', 'parent_id': self.task_1.id, 'project_id': self.task_1.project_id.id, }) view = self.env.ref('project.view_task_form2') tree = etree.fromstring(view.arch) for node in tree.xpath('//field[@name="parent_id"][@invisible]'): node.attrib.pop('invisible') view.arch = etree.tostring(tree) with Form(task) as task_form: task_form.parent_id = Task self.assertEqual(task.project_id, self.task_1.project_id, "project_id should be affected") self.assertTrue(task.display_in_project, "display_in_project should be True when there is no parent task") def test_invisible_subtask_became_visible_when_converted_to_task(self): task = self.env['project.task'].create({ 'name': 'Parent task', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id, 'child_ids': [Command.create({'name': 'Sub-task invisible', 'project_id': self.project_goats.id})], }) invisible_subtask = task.child_ids self.assertFalse(invisible_subtask.display_in_project) with Form(invisible_subtask, view="project.project_task_convert_to_subtask_view_form") as subtask_form: subtask_form.parent_id = self.env['project.task'] self.assertTrue(invisible_subtask.display_in_project)