# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import logging import threading from uuid import uuid4 from werkzeug.urls import url_join from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, _ from odoo.addons.sms.tools.sms_api import SmsApi _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SmsSms(models.Model): _name = 'sms.sms' _description = 'Outgoing SMS' _rec_name = 'number' _order = 'id DESC' IAP_TO_SMS_STATE_SUCCESS = { 'processing': 'process', 'success': 'pending', # These below are not returned in responses from IAP API in _send but are received via webhook events. 'sent': 'pending', 'delivered': 'sent', } IAP_TO_SMS_FAILURE_TYPE = { 'insufficient_credit': 'sms_credit', 'wrong_number_format': 'sms_number_format', 'country_not_supported': 'sms_country_not_supported', 'server_error': 'sms_server', 'unregistered': 'sms_acc' } BOUNCE_DELIVERY_ERRORS = {'sms_invalid_destination', 'sms_not_allowed', 'sms_rejected'} DELIVERY_ERRORS = {'sms_expired', 'sms_not_delivered', *BOUNCE_DELIVERY_ERRORS} uuid = fields.Char('UUID', copy=False, readonly=True, default=lambda self: uuid4().hex, help='Alternate way to identify a SMS record, used for delivery reports') number = fields.Char('Number') body = fields.Text() partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Customer') mail_message_id = fields.Many2one('mail.message', index=True) state = fields.Selection([ ('outgoing', 'In Queue'), ('process', 'Processing'), ('pending', 'Sent'), ('sent', 'Delivered'), # As for notifications and traces ('error', 'Error'), ('canceled', 'Cancelled') ], 'SMS Status', readonly=True, copy=False, default='outgoing', required=True) failure_type = fields.Selection([ ("unknown", "Unknown error"), ('sms_number_missing', 'Missing Number'), ('sms_number_format', 'Wrong Number Format'), ('sms_country_not_supported', 'Country Not Supported'), ('sms_registration_needed', 'Country-specific Registration Required'), ('sms_credit', 'Insufficient Credit'), ('sms_server', 'Server Error'), ('sms_acc', 'Unregistered Account'), # mass mode specific codes, generated internally, not returned by IAP. ('sms_blacklist', 'Blacklisted'), ('sms_duplicate', 'Duplicate'), ('sms_optout', 'Opted Out'), ], copy=False) sms_tracker_id = fields.Many2one('sms.tracker', string='SMS trackers', compute='_compute_sms_tracker_id') to_delete = fields.Boolean( 'Marked for deletion', default=False, help='Will automatically be deleted, while notifications will not be deleted in any case.' ) _sql_constraints = [ ('uuid_unique', 'unique(uuid)', 'UUID must be unique'), ] @api.depends('uuid') def _compute_sms_tracker_id(self): self.sms_tracker_id = False existing_trackers = self.env['sms.tracker'].search([('sms_uuid', 'in', self.filtered('uuid').mapped('uuid'))]) tracker_ids_by_sms_uuid = {tracker.sms_uuid: tracker.id for tracker in existing_trackers} for sms in self.filtered(lambda s: s.uuid in tracker_ids_by_sms_uuid): sms.sms_tracker_id = tracker_ids_by_sms_uuid[sms.uuid] def action_set_canceled(self): self._update_sms_state_and_trackers('canceled') def action_set_error(self, failure_type): self._update_sms_state_and_trackers('error', failure_type=failure_type) def action_set_outgoing(self): self._update_sms_state_and_trackers('outgoing', failure_type=False) def send(self, unlink_failed=False, unlink_sent=True, auto_commit=False, raise_exception=False): """ Main API method to send SMS. :param unlink_failed: unlink failed SMS after IAP feedback; :param unlink_sent: unlink sent SMS after IAP feedback; :param auto_commit: commit after each batch of SMS; :param raise_exception: raise if there is an issue contacting IAP; """ self = self.filtered(lambda sms: sms.state == 'outgoing' and not sms.to_delete) for batch_ids in self._split_batch(): self.browse(batch_ids)._send(unlink_failed=unlink_failed, unlink_sent=unlink_sent, raise_exception=raise_exception) # auto-commit if asked except in testing mode if auto_commit is True and not getattr(threading.current_thread(), 'testing', False): self._cr.commit() def resend_failed(self): sms_to_send = self.filtered(lambda sms: sms.state == 'error' and not sms.to_delete) sms_to_send.state = 'outgoing' notification_title = _('Warning') notification_type = 'danger' if sms_to_send: sms_to_send.send() success_sms = len(sms_to_send) - len(sms_to_send.exists()) if success_sms > 0: notification_title = _('Success') notification_type = 'success' notification_message = _('%(count)s out of the %(total)s selected SMS Text Messages have successfully been resent.', count=success_sms, total=len(self)) else: notification_message = _('The SMS Text Messages could not be resent.') else: notification_message = _('There are no SMS Text Messages to resend.') return { 'type': 'ir.actions.client', 'tag': 'display_notification', 'params': { 'title': notification_title, 'message': notification_message, 'type': notification_type, } } @api.model def _process_queue(self, ids=None): """ Send immediately queued messages, committing after each message is sent. This is not transactional and should not be called during another transaction! :param list ids: optional list of emails ids to send. If passed no search is performed, and these ids are used instead. """ domain = [('state', '=', 'outgoing'), ('to_delete', '!=', True)] filtered_ids = self.search(domain, limit=10000).ids # TDE note: arbitrary limit we might have to update if ids: ids = list(set(filtered_ids) & set(ids)) else: ids = filtered_ids ids.sort() res = None try: # auto-commit except in testing mode auto_commit = not getattr(threading.current_thread(), 'testing', False) res = self.browse(ids).send(unlink_failed=False, unlink_sent=True, auto_commit=auto_commit, raise_exception=False) except Exception: _logger.exception("Failed processing SMS queue") return res def _split_batch(self): batch_size = int(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('sms.session.batch.size', 500)) for sms_batch in tools.split_every(batch_size, self.ids): yield sms_batch def _send(self, unlink_failed=False, unlink_sent=True, raise_exception=False): """Send SMS after checking the number (presence and formatting).""" messages = [{ 'content': body, 'numbers': [{'number': sms.number, 'uuid': sms.uuid} for sms in body_sms_records], } for body, body_sms_records in self.grouped('body').items()] delivery_reports_url = url_join(self[0].get_base_url(), '/sms/status') try: results = SmsApi(self.env)._send_sms_batch(messages, delivery_reports_url=delivery_reports_url) except Exception as e: _logger.info('Sent batch %s SMS: %s: failed with exception %s', len(self.ids), self.ids, e) if raise_exception: raise results = [{'uuid': sms.uuid, 'state': 'server_error'} for sms in self] else: _logger.info('Send batch %s SMS: %s: gave %s', len(self.ids), self.ids, results) results_uuids = [result['uuid'] for result in results] all_sms_sudo = self.env['sms.sms'].sudo().search([('uuid', 'in', results_uuids)]).with_context(sms_skip_msg_notification=True) for iap_state, results_group in tools.groupby(results, key=lambda result: result['state']): sms_sudo = all_sms_sudo.filtered(lambda s: s.uuid in {result['uuid'] for result in results_group}) if success_state := self.IAP_TO_SMS_STATE_SUCCESS.get(iap_state): sms_sudo.sms_tracker_id._action_update_from_sms_state(success_state) to_delete = {'to_delete': True} if unlink_sent else {} sms_sudo.write({'state': success_state, 'failure_type': False, **to_delete}) else: failure_type = self.IAP_TO_SMS_FAILURE_TYPE.get(iap_state, 'unknown') if failure_type != 'unknown': sms_sudo.sms_tracker_id._action_update_from_sms_state('error', failure_type=failure_type) else: sms_sudo.sms_tracker_id._action_update_from_provider_error(iap_state) to_delete = {'to_delete': True} if unlink_failed else {} sms_sudo.write({'state': 'error', 'failure_type': failure_type, **to_delete}) all_sms_sudo.mail_message_id._notify_message_notification_update() def _update_sms_state_and_trackers(self, new_state, failure_type=None): """Update sms state update and related tracking records (notifications, traces).""" self.write({'state': new_state, 'failure_type': failure_type}) self.sms_tracker_id._action_update_from_sms_state(new_state, failure_type=failure_type) @api.autovacuum def _gc_device(self): self._cr.execute("DELETE FROM sms_sms WHERE to_delete = TRUE") _logger.info("GC'd %d sms marked for deletion", self._cr.rowcount)