# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import collections import logging import babel.messages.pofile import werkzeug import werkzeug.exceptions import werkzeug.utils import werkzeug.wrappers import werkzeug.wsgi from werkzeug.urls import iri_to_uri from odoo.tools.translate import JAVASCRIPT_TRANSLATION_COMMENT from odoo.tools.misc import file_open from odoo import http from odoo.http import request _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def clean_action(action, env): action_type = action.setdefault('type', 'ir.actions.act_window_close') if action_type == 'ir.actions.act_window' and not action.get('views'): generate_views(action) # When returning an action, keep only relevant fields/properties readable_fields = env[action['type']]._get_readable_fields() action_type_fields = env[action['type']]._fields.keys() cleaned_action = { field: value for field, value in action.items() # keep allowed fields and custom properties fields if field in readable_fields or field not in action_type_fields } # Warn about custom properties fields, because use is discouraged action_name = action.get('name') or action custom_properties = action.keys() - readable_fields - action_type_fields if custom_properties: _logger.warning("Action %r contains custom properties %s. Passing them " "via the `params` or `context` properties is recommended instead", action_name, ', '.join(map(repr, custom_properties))) return cleaned_action def ensure_db(redirect='/web/database/selector', db=None): # This helper should be used in web client auth="none" routes # if those routes needs a db to work with. # If the heuristics does not find any database, then the users will be # redirected to db selector or any url specified by `redirect` argument. # If the db is taken out of a query parameter, it will be checked against # `http.db_filter()` in order to ensure it's legit and thus avoid db # forgering that could lead to xss attacks. if db is None: db = request.params.get('db') and request.params.get('db').strip() # Ensure db is legit if db and db not in http.db_filter([db]): db = None if db and not request.session.db: # User asked a specific database on a new session. # That mean the nodb router has been used to find the route # Depending on installed module in the database, the rendering of the page # may depend on data injected by the database route dispatcher. # Thus, we redirect the user to the same page but with the session cookie set. # This will force using the database route dispatcher... r = request.httprequest url_redirect = werkzeug.urls.url_parse(r.base_url) if r.query_string: # in P3, request.query_string is bytes, the rest is text, can't mix them query_string = iri_to_uri(r.query_string.decode()) url_redirect = url_redirect.replace(query=query_string) request.session.db = db werkzeug.exceptions.abort(request.redirect(url_redirect.to_url(), 302)) # if db not provided, use the session one if not db and request.session.db and http.db_filter([request.session.db]): db = request.session.db # if no database provided and no database in session, use monodb if not db: all_dbs = http.db_list(force=True) if len(all_dbs) == 1: db = all_dbs[0] # if no db can be found til here, send to the database selector # the database selector will redirect to database manager if needed if not db: werkzeug.exceptions.abort(request.redirect(redirect, 303)) # always switch the session to the computed db if db != request.session.db: request.session = http.root.session_store.new() request.session.update(http.get_default_session(), db=db) request.session.context['lang'] = request.default_lang() werkzeug.exceptions.abort(request.redirect(request.httprequest.url, 302)) # I think generate_views should go into js ActionManager def generate_views(action): """ While the server generates a sequence called "views" computing dependencies between a bunch of stuff for views coming directly from the database (the ``ir.actions.act_window model``), it's also possible for e.g. buttons to return custom view dictionaries generated on the fly. In that case, there is no ``views`` key available on the action. Since the web client relies on ``action['views']``, generate it here from ``view_mode`` and ``view_id``. Currently handles two different cases: * no view_id, multiple view_mode * single view_id, single view_mode :param dict action: action descriptor dictionary to generate a views key for """ view_id = action.get('view_id') or False if isinstance(view_id, (list, tuple)): view_id = view_id[0] # providing at least one view mode is a requirement, not an option view_modes = action['view_mode'].split(',') if len(view_modes) > 1: if view_id: raise ValueError('Non-db action dictionaries should provide ' 'either multiple view modes or a single view ' 'mode and an optional view id.\n\n Got view ' 'modes %r and view id %r for action %r' % ( view_modes, view_id, action)) action['views'] = [(False, mode) for mode in view_modes] return action['views'] = [(view_id, view_modes[0])] def get_action(env, path_part): """ Get a ir.actions.actions() given an action typically found in a "/odoo"-like url. The action can take one of the following forms: * "action-" followed by a record id * "action-" followed by a xmlid * "m-" followed by a model name (act_window's res_model) * a dotted model name (act_window's res_model) * a path (ir.action's path) """ Actions = env['ir.actions.actions'] if path_part.startswith('action-'): someid = path_part.removeprefix('action-') if someid.isdigit(): # record id action = Actions.sudo().browse(int(someid)).exists() elif '.' in someid: # xml id action = env.ref(someid, False) if not action or not action._name.startswith('ir.actions'): action = Actions else: action = Actions elif path_part.startswith('m-') or '.' in path_part: model = path_part.removeprefix('m-') if model in env and not env[model]._abstract: action = env['ir.actions.act_window'].sudo().search([ ('res_model', '=', model)], limit=1) if not action: action = env['ir.actions.act_window'].new( env[model].get_formview_action() ) else: action = Actions else: action = Actions.sudo().search([('path', '=', path_part)]) if action and action._name == 'ir.actions.actions': action_type = action.read(['type'])[0]['type'] action = env[action_type].browse(action.id) return action def get_action_triples(env, path, *, start_pos=0): """ Extract the triples (active_id, action, record_id) from a "/odoo"-like path. >>> env = ... >>> list(get_action_triples(env, "/all-tasks/5/project.project/1/tasks")) [ # active_id, action, record_id ( None, ir.actions.act_window(...), 5 ), # all-tasks ( 5, ir.actions.act_window(...), 1 ), # project.project ( 1, ir.actions.act_window(...), None ), # tasks ] """ parts = collections.deque(path.strip('/').split('/')) active_id = None record_id = None while parts: if not parts: e = "expected action at word {} but found nothing" raise ValueError(e.format(path.count('/') + start_pos)) action_name = parts.popleft() action = get_action(env, action_name) if not action: e = f"expected action at word {{}} but found “{action_name}”" raise ValueError(e.format(path.count('/') - len(parts) + start_pos)) record_id = None if parts: if parts[0] == 'new': parts.popleft() record_id = None elif parts[0].isdigit(): record_id = int(parts.popleft()) yield (active_id, action, record_id) if len(parts) > 1 and parts[0].isdigit(): # new active id active_id = int(parts.popleft()) elif record_id: active_id = record_id def _get_login_redirect_url(uid, redirect=None): """ Decide if user requires a specific post-login redirect, e.g. for 2FA, or if they are fully logged and can proceed to the requested URL """ if request.session.uid: # fully logged return redirect or ('/odoo' if is_user_internal(request.session.uid) else '/web/login_successful') # partial session (MFA) url = request.env(user=uid)['res.users'].browse(uid)._mfa_url() if not redirect: return url parsed = werkzeug.urls.url_parse(url) qs = parsed.decode_query() qs['redirect'] = redirect return parsed.replace(query=werkzeug.urls.url_encode(qs)).to_url() def is_user_internal(uid): return request.env['res.users'].browse(uid)._is_internal() def _local_web_translations(trans_file): messages = [] try: with file_open(trans_file, filter_ext=('.po')) as t_file: po = babel.messages.pofile.read_po(t_file) except Exception: return for x in po: if x.id and x.string and JAVASCRIPT_TRANSLATION_COMMENT in x.auto_comments: messages.append({'id': x.id, 'string': x.string}) return messages