# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import copy import logging import uuid from lxml import etree, html from odoo import api, models, _ from odoo.osv import expression from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError from odoo.addons.base.models.ir_ui_view import MOVABLE_BRANDING _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) EDITING_ATTRIBUTES = MOVABLE_BRANDING + [ 'data-oe-type', 'data-oe-expression', 'data-oe-translation-id', 'data-note-id' ] class IrUiView(models.Model): _inherit = 'ir.ui.view' def _get_cleaned_non_editing_attributes(self, attributes): """ Returns a new mapping of attributes -> value without the parts that are not meant to be saved (branding, editing classes, ...). Note that classes are meant to be cleaned on the client side before saving as mostly linked to the related options (so we are not supposed to know which to remove here). :param attributes: a mapping of attributes -> value :return: a new mapping of attributes -> value """ attributes = {k: v for k, v in attributes if k not in EDITING_ATTRIBUTES} if 'class' in attributes: classes = attributes['class'].split() attributes['class'] = ' '.join([c for c in classes if c != 'o_editable']) if attributes.get('contenteditable') == 'true': del attributes['contenteditable'] return attributes #------------------------------------------------------ # Save from html #------------------------------------------------------ @api.model def extract_embedded_fields(self, arch): return arch.xpath('//*[@data-oe-model != "ir.ui.view"]') @api.model def extract_oe_structures(self, arch): return arch.xpath('//*[hasclass("oe_structure")][contains(@id, "oe_structure")]') @api.model def get_default_lang_code(self): return False @api.model def save_embedded_field(self, el): Model = self.env[el.get('data-oe-model')] field = el.get('data-oe-field') model = 'ir.qweb.field.' + el.get('data-oe-type') converter = self.env[model] if model in self.env else self.env['ir.qweb.field'] try: value = converter.from_html(Model, Model._fields[field], el) if value is not None: # TODO: batch writes? record = Model.browse(int(el.get('data-oe-id'))) if not self.env.context.get('lang') and self.get_default_lang_code(): record.with_context(lang=self.get_default_lang_code()).write({field: value}) else: record.write({field: value}) if callable(Model._fields[field].translate): self._copy_custom_snippet_translations(record, field) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValidationError(_( "Invalid field value for %(field_name)s: %(value)s", field_name=Model._fields[field].string, value=el.text_content().strip(), )) def save_oe_structure(self, el): self.ensure_one() if el.get('id') in self.key: # Do not inherit if the oe_structure already has its own inheriting view return False arch = etree.Element('data') xpath = etree.Element('xpath', expr="//*[hasclass('oe_structure')][@id='{}']".format(el.get('id')), position="replace") arch.append(xpath) attributes = self._get_cleaned_non_editing_attributes(el.attrib.items()) structure = etree.Element(el.tag, attrib=attributes) structure.text = el.text xpath.append(structure) for child in el.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element): structure.append(copy.deepcopy(child)) vals = { 'inherit_id': self.id, 'name': '%s (%s)' % (self.name, el.get('id')), 'arch': etree.tostring(arch, encoding='unicode'), 'key': '%s_%s' % (self.key, el.get('id')), 'type': 'qweb', 'mode': 'extension', } vals.update(self._save_oe_structure_hook()) oe_structure_view = self.env['ir.ui.view'].create(vals) self._copy_custom_snippet_translations(oe_structure_view, 'arch_db') return True @api.model def _copy_custom_snippet_translations(self, record, html_field): """ Given a ``record`` and its HTML ``field``, detect any usage of a custom snippet and copy its translations. """ lang_value = record[html_field] if not lang_value: return tree = html.fromstring(lang_value) for custom_snippet_el in tree.xpath('//*[hasclass("s_custom_snippet")]'): custom_snippet_name = custom_snippet_el.get('data-name') custom_snippet_view = self.search([('name', '=', custom_snippet_name)], limit=1) if custom_snippet_view: self._copy_field_terms_translations(custom_snippet_view, 'arch_db', record, html_field) @api.model def _copy_field_terms_translations(self, records_from, name_field_from, record_to, name_field_to): """ Copy model terms translations from ``records_from.name_field_from`` to ``record_to.name_field_to`` for all activated languages if the term in ``record_to.name_field_to`` is untranslated (the term matches the one in the current language). For instance, copy the translations of a ``product.template.html_description`` field to a ``ir.ui.view.arch_db`` field. The method takes care of read and write access of both records/fields. """ record_to.check_access('write') record_to.check_field_access_rights('write', [name_field_to]) field_from = records_from._fields[name_field_from] field_to = record_to._fields[name_field_to] error_callable_msg = "'translate' property of field %r is not callable" if not callable(field_from.translate): raise ValueError(error_callable_msg % field_from) if not callable(field_to.translate): raise ValueError(error_callable_msg % field_to) if not field_to.store: raise ValueError("Field %r is not stored" % field_to) # This will also implicitly check for `read` access rights if not record_to[name_field_to] or not any(records_from.mapped(name_field_from)): return lang_env = self.env.lang or 'en_US' langs = set(lang for lang, _ in self.env['res.lang'].get_installed()) # 1. Get translations records_from.flush_model([name_field_from]) existing_translation_dictionary = field_to.get_translation_dictionary( record_to[name_field_to], {lang: record_to.with_context(prefetch_langs=True, lang=lang)[name_field_to] for lang in langs if lang != lang_env} ) extra_translation_dictionary = {} for record_from in records_from: extra_translation_dictionary.update(field_from.get_translation_dictionary( record_from[name_field_from], {lang: record_from.with_context(prefetch_langs=True, lang=lang)[name_field_from] for lang in langs if lang != lang_env} )) for term, extra_translation_values in extra_translation_dictionary.items(): existing_translation_values = existing_translation_dictionary.setdefault(term, {}) # Update only default translation values that aren't customized by the user. for lang, extra_translation in extra_translation_values.items(): if existing_translation_values.get(lang, term) == term: existing_translation_values[lang] = extra_translation translation_dictionary = existing_translation_dictionary # The `en_US` jsonb value should always be set, even if english is not # installed. If we don't do this, the custom snippet `arch_db` will only # have a `fr_BE` key but no `en_US` key. langs.add('en_US') # 2. Set translations new_value = { lang: field_to.translate(lambda term: translation_dictionary.get(term, {}).get(lang), record_to[name_field_to]) for lang in langs } record_to.env.cache.update_raw(record_to, field_to, [new_value], dirty=True) # Call `write` to trigger compute etc (`modified()`) record_to[name_field_to] = new_value[lang_env] @api.model def _save_oe_structure_hook(self): return {} @api.model def _are_archs_equal(self, arch1, arch2): # Note that comparing the strings would not be ok as attributes order # must not be relevant if arch1.tag != arch2.tag: return False if arch1.text != arch2.text: return False if arch1.tail != arch2.tail: return False if arch1.attrib != arch2.attrib: return False if len(arch1) != len(arch2): return False return all(self._are_archs_equal(arch1, arch2) for arch1, arch2 in zip(arch1, arch2)) @api.model def _get_allowed_root_attrs(self): return ['style', 'class', 'target', 'href'] def replace_arch_section(self, section_xpath, replacement, replace_tail=False): # the root of the arch section shouldn't actually be replaced as it's # not really editable itself, only the content truly is editable. self.ensure_one() arch = etree.fromstring(self.arch.encode('utf-8')) # => get the replacement root if not section_xpath: root = arch else: # ensure there's only one match [root] = arch.xpath(section_xpath) root.text = replacement.text # We need to replace some attrib for styles changes on the root element for attribute in self._get_allowed_root_attrs(): if attribute in replacement.attrib: root.attrib[attribute] = replacement.attrib[attribute] elif attribute in root.attrib: del root.attrib[attribute] # Note: after a standard edition, the tail *must not* be replaced if replace_tail: root.tail = replacement.tail # replace all children del root[:] for child in replacement: root.append(copy.deepcopy(child)) return arch @api.model def to_field_ref(self, el): # filter out meta-information inserted in the document attributes = {k: v for k, v in el.attrib.items() if not k.startswith('data-oe-')} attributes['t-field'] = el.get('data-oe-expression') out = html.html_parser.makeelement(el.tag, attrib=attributes) out.tail = el.tail return out @api.model def to_empty_oe_structure(self, el): out = html.html_parser.makeelement(el.tag, attrib=el.attrib) out.tail = el.tail return out @api.model def _set_noupdate(self): self.sudo().mapped('model_data_id').write({'noupdate': True}) def save(self, value, xpath=None): """ Update a view section. The view section may embed fields to write Note that `self` record might not exist when saving an embed field :param str xpath: valid xpath to the tag to replace """ self.ensure_one() arch_section = html.fromstring( value, parser=html.HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8')) if xpath is None: # value is an embedded field on its own, not a view section self.save_embedded_field(arch_section) return for el in self.extract_embedded_fields(arch_section): self.save_embedded_field(el) # transform embedded field back to t-field el.getparent().replace(el, self.to_field_ref(el)) for el in self.extract_oe_structures(arch_section): if self.save_oe_structure(el): # empty oe_structure in parent view empty = self.to_empty_oe_structure(el) if el == arch_section: arch_section = empty else: el.getparent().replace(el, empty) new_arch = self.replace_arch_section(xpath, arch_section) old_arch = etree.fromstring(self.arch.encode('utf-8')) if not self._are_archs_equal(old_arch, new_arch): self._set_noupdate() self.write({'arch': etree.tostring(new_arch, encoding='unicode')}) self._copy_custom_snippet_translations(self, 'arch_db') @api.model def _view_get_inherited_children(self, view): if self._context.get('no_primary_children', False): original_hierarchy = self._context.get('__views_get_original_hierarchy', []) return view.inherit_children_ids.filtered(lambda extension: extension.mode != 'primary' or extension.id in original_hierarchy) return view.inherit_children_ids @api.model def _view_obj(self, view_id): if isinstance(view_id, str): return self.search([('key', '=', view_id)], limit=1) or self.env.ref(view_id) elif isinstance(view_id, int): return self.browse(view_id) # It can already be a view object when called by '_views_get()' that is calling '_view_obj' # for it's inherit_children_ids, passing them directly as object record. return view_id # Returns all views (called and inherited) related to a view # Used by translation mechanism, SEO and optional templates @api.model def _views_get(self, view_id, get_children=True, bundles=False, root=True, visited=None): """ For a given view ``view_id``, should return: * the view itself (starting from its top most parent) * all views inheriting from it, enabled or not - but not the optional children of a non-enabled child * all views called from it (via t-call) :returns recordset of ir.ui.view """ try: view = self._view_obj(view_id) except ValueError: _logger.warning("Could not find view object with view_id '%s'", view_id) return self.env['ir.ui.view'] if visited is None: visited = [] original_hierarchy = self._context.get('__views_get_original_hierarchy', []) while root and view.inherit_id: original_hierarchy.append(view.id) view = view.inherit_id views_to_return = view node = etree.fromstring(view.arch) xpath = "//t[@t-call]" if bundles: xpath += "| //t[@t-call-assets]" for child in node.xpath(xpath): try: called_view = self._view_obj(child.get('t-call', child.get('t-call-assets'))) except ValueError: continue if called_view and called_view not in views_to_return and called_view.id not in visited: views_to_return += self._views_get(called_view, get_children=get_children, bundles=bundles, visited=visited + views_to_return.ids) if not get_children: return views_to_return extensions = self._view_get_inherited_children(view) # Keep children in a deterministic order regardless of their applicability for extension in extensions.sorted(key=lambda v: v.id): # only return optional grandchildren if this child is enabled if extension.id not in visited: for ext_view in self._views_get(extension, get_children=extension.active, root=False, visited=visited + views_to_return.ids): if ext_view not in views_to_return: views_to_return += ext_view return views_to_return @api.model def get_related_views(self, key, bundles=False): """ Get inherit view's informations of the template ``key``. returns templates info (which can be active or not) ``bundles=True`` returns also the asset bundles """ user_groups = set(self.env.user.groups_id) new_context = { **self._context, 'active_test': False, } new_context.pop('lang', None) View = self.with_context(new_context) views = View._views_get(key, bundles=bundles) return views.filtered(lambda v: not v.groups_id or len(user_groups.intersection(v.groups_id))) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Snippet saving # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @api.model def _get_snippet_addition_view_key(self, template_key, key): return '%s.%s' % (template_key, key) @api.model def _snippet_save_view_values_hook(self): return {} def _find_available_name(self, name, used_names): attempt = 1 candidate_name = name while candidate_name in used_names: attempt += 1 candidate_name = f"{name} ({attempt})" return candidate_name @api.model def save_snippet(self, name, arch, template_key, snippet_key, thumbnail_url): """ Saves a new snippet arch so that it appears with the given name when using the given snippets template. :param name: the name of the snippet to save :param arch: the html structure of the snippet to save :param template_key: the key of the view regrouping all snippets in which the snippet to save is meant to appear :param snippet_key: the key (without module part) to identify the snippet from which the snippet to save originates :param thumbnail_url: the url of the thumbnail to use when displaying the snippet to save """ app_name = template_key.split('.')[0] snippet_key = '%s_%s' % (snippet_key, uuid.uuid4().hex) full_snippet_key = '%s.%s' % (app_name, snippet_key) # find available name current_website = self.env['website'].browse(self._context.get('website_id')) website_domain = current_website.website_domain() used_names = self.search(expression.AND([ [('name', '=like', '%s%%' % name)], website_domain ])).mapped('name') name = self._find_available_name(name, used_names) # html to xml to add '/' at the end of self closing tags like br, ... arch_tree = html.fromstring(arch) attributes = self._get_cleaned_non_editing_attributes(arch_tree.attrib.items()) for attr in arch_tree.attrib: if attr in attributes: arch_tree.attrib[attr] = attributes[attr] else: del arch_tree.attrib[attr] xml_arch = etree.tostring(arch_tree, encoding='utf-8') new_snippet_view_values = { 'name': name, 'key': full_snippet_key, 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': xml_arch, } new_snippet_view_values.update(self._snippet_save_view_values_hook()) custom_snippet_view = self.create(new_snippet_view_values) model = self._context.get('model') field = self._context.get('field') if field == 'arch': # Special case for `arch` which is a kind of related (through a # compute) to `arch_db` but which is hosting XML/HTML content while # being a char field.. Which is then messing around with the # `get_translation_dictionary` call, returning XML instead of # strings field = 'arch_db' res_id = self._context.get('resId') if model and field and res_id: self._copy_field_terms_translations( self.env[model].browse(int(res_id)), field, custom_snippet_view, 'arch_db', ) custom_section = self.search([('key', '=', template_key)]) snippet_addition_view_values = { 'name': name + ' Block', 'key': self._get_snippet_addition_view_key(template_key, snippet_key), 'inherit_id': custom_section.id, 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': """ """ % (template_key, full_snippet_key, thumbnail_url), } snippet_addition_view_values.update(self._snippet_save_view_values_hook()) self.create(snippet_addition_view_values) @api.model def rename_snippet(self, name, view_id, template_key): snippet_view = self.browse(view_id) key = snippet_view.key.split('.')[1] custom_key = self._get_snippet_addition_view_key(template_key, key) snippet_addition_view = self.search([('key', '=', custom_key)]) if snippet_addition_view: snippet_addition_view.name = name + ' Block' snippet_view.name = name @api.model def delete_snippet(self, view_id, template_key): snippet_view = self.browse(view_id) key = snippet_view.key.split('.')[1] custom_key = self._get_snippet_addition_view_key(template_key, key) snippet_addition_view = self.search([('key', '=', custom_key)]) (snippet_addition_view | snippet_view).unlink()