# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import re import werkzeug from odoo import models, fields, api, _ from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WebsiteRoute(models.Model): _rec_name = 'path' _name = 'website.route' _description = "All Website Route" _order = 'path' path = fields.Char('Route') @api.model def _search_display_name(self, operator, value): # in case we don't have results, refresh before returning the domain domain = super()._search_display_name(operator, value) if not self.search_count(domain, limit=1): self._refresh() return domain def _refresh(self): _logger.debug("Refreshing website.route") ir_http = self.env['ir.http'] tocreate = [] paths = {rec.path: rec for rec in self.search([])} for url, endpoint in ir_http._generate_routing_rules(self.pool._init_modules, converters=ir_http._get_converters()): if 'GET' in (endpoint.routing.get('methods') or ['GET']): if paths.get(url): paths.pop(url) else: tocreate.append({'path': url}) if tocreate: _logger.info("Add %d website.route" % len(tocreate)) self.create(tocreate) if paths: find = self.search([('path', 'in', list(paths.keys()))]) _logger.info("Delete %d website.route" % len(find)) find.unlink() class WebsiteRewrite(models.Model): _name = 'website.rewrite' _description = "Website rewrite" name = fields.Char('Name', required=True) website_id = fields.Many2one('website', string="Website", ondelete='cascade', index=True) active = fields.Boolean(default=True) url_from = fields.Char('URL from', index=True) route_id = fields.Many2one('website.route') url_to = fields.Char("URL to") redirect_type = fields.Selection([ ('404', '404 Not Found'), ('301', '301 Moved permanently'), ('302', '302 Moved temporarily'), ('308', '308 Redirect / Rewrite'), ], string='Action', default="302", help='''Type of redirect/Rewrite:\n 301 Moved permanently: The browser will keep in cache the new url. 302 Moved temporarily: The browser will not keep in cache the new url and ask again the next time the new url. 404 Not Found: If you want remove a specific page/controller (e.g. Ecommerce is installed, but you don't want /shop on a specific website) 308 Redirect / Rewrite: If you want rename a controller with a new url. (Eg: /shop -> /garden - Both url will be accessible but /shop will automatically be redirected to /garden) ''') sequence = fields.Integer() @api.onchange('route_id') def _onchange_route_id(self): self.url_from = self.route_id.path self.url_to = self.route_id.path @api.constrains('url_to', 'url_from', 'redirect_type') def _check_url_to(self): for rewrite in self: if rewrite.redirect_type in ['301', '302', '308']: if not rewrite.url_to: raise ValidationError(_('"URL to" can not be empty.')) if not rewrite.url_from: raise ValidationError(_('"URL from" can not be empty.')) if rewrite.redirect_type == '308': if not rewrite.url_to.startswith('/'): raise ValidationError(_('"URL to" must start with a leading slash.')) for param in re.findall('/<.*?>', rewrite.url_from): if param not in rewrite.url_to: raise ValidationError(_('"URL to" must contain parameter %s used in "URL from".', param)) for param in re.findall('/<.*?>', rewrite.url_to): if param not in rewrite.url_from: raise ValidationError(_('"URL to" cannot contain parameter %s which is not used in "URL from".', param)) if rewrite.url_to == '/': raise ValidationError(_('"URL to" cannot be set to "/". To change the homepage content, use the "Homepage URL" field in the website settings or the page properties on any custom page.')) if any( rule for rule in self.env['ir.http'].routing_map().iter_rules() # Odoo routes are normally always defined without trailing # slashes + strict_slashes=False, but there are exceptions. if rule.rule.rstrip('/') == rewrite.url_to.rstrip('/') ): raise ValidationError(_('"URL to" cannot be set to an existing page.')) try: converters = self.env['ir.http']._get_converters() routing_map = werkzeug.routing.Map(strict_slashes=False, converters=converters) rule = werkzeug.routing.Rule(rewrite.url_to) routing_map.add(rule) except ValueError as e: raise ValidationError(_('"URL to" is invalid: %s', e)) from e @api.depends('redirect_type') def _compute_display_name(self): for rewrite in self: rewrite.display_name = f"{rewrite.redirect_type} - {rewrite.name}" @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): rewrites = super().create(vals_list) if set(rewrites.mapped('redirect_type')) & {'308', '404'}: self._invalidate_routing() return rewrites def write(self, vals): need_invalidate = set(self.mapped('redirect_type')) & {'308', '404'} res = super(WebsiteRewrite, self).write(vals) need_invalidate |= set(self.mapped('redirect_type')) & {'308', '404'} if need_invalidate: self._invalidate_routing() return res def unlink(self): need_invalidate = set(self.mapped('redirect_type')) & {'308', '404'} res = super(WebsiteRewrite, self).unlink() if need_invalidate: self._invalidate_routing() return res def _invalidate_routing(self): # Call clear_cache for routing on all workers to reload routing table. # Note that only 404 and 308 redirection alter the routing map: # - 404: remove entry from routing map # - 301/302: served as fallback later if path not found in routing map # - 308: add "alias" (`redirect_to`) in routing map self.env.registry.clear_cache('routing') def refresh_routes(self): self.env['website.route']._refresh()