# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import SUPERUSER_ID, api, fields, models, tools from odoo.http import request from odoo.osv import expression from odoo.tools.translate import _, LazyTranslate _lt = LazyTranslate(__name__) class Website(models.Model): _inherit = 'website' #=== DEFAULT METHODS ===# def _default_salesteam_id(self): team = self.env.ref('sales_team.salesteam_website_sales', raise_if_not_found=False) if team and team.active: return team.id return None def _default_recovery_mail_template(self): try: return self.env.ref('website_sale.mail_template_sale_cart_recovery').id except ValueError: return False #=== FIELDS ===# enabled_portal_reorder_button = fields.Boolean(string="Re-order From Portal") salesperson_id = fields.Many2one( string="Salesperson", comodel_name='res.users', domain="[('share', '=', False)]", ) salesteam_id = fields.Many2one( string="Sales Team", comodel_name='crm.team', ondelete='set null', default=_default_salesteam_id, ) show_line_subtotals_tax_selection = fields.Selection( string="Line Subtotals Tax Display", selection=[ ('tax_excluded', "Tax Excluded"), ('tax_included', "Tax Included"), ], required=True, default='tax_excluded', ) add_to_cart_action = fields.Selection( selection=[ ('stay', "Stay on Product Page"), ('go_to_cart', "Go to cart"), ('force_dialog', "Let the user decide (dialog)"), ], default='stay', ) auth_signup_uninvited = fields.Selection(default='b2c') account_on_checkout = fields.Selection( string="Customer Accounts", selection=[ ('optional', "Optional"), ('disabled', "Disabled (buy as guest)"), ('mandatory', "Mandatory (no guest checkout)"), ], default='optional', ) cart_recovery_mail_template_id = fields.Many2one( string="Cart Recovery Email", comodel_name='mail.template', domain=[('model', '=', 'sale.order')], default=_default_recovery_mail_template, ) contact_us_button_url = fields.Char( string="Contact Us Button URL", translate=True, default="/contactus", ) cart_abandoned_delay = fields.Float(string="Abandoned Delay", default=10.0) send_abandoned_cart_email = fields.Boolean( string="Send email to customers who abandoned their cart.", ) shop_ppg = fields.Integer( string="Number of products in the grid on the shop", default=20, ) shop_ppr = fields.Integer(string="Number of grid columns on the shop", default=4) shop_gap = fields.Char(string="Grid-gap on the shop", default="16px", required=False) shop_default_sort = fields.Selection( selection='_get_product_sort_mapping', required=True, default='website_sequence asc') shop_extra_field_ids = fields.One2many( string="E-Commerce Extra Fields", comodel_name='website.sale.extra.field', inverse_name='website_id', ) product_page_image_layout = fields.Selection( selection=[ ('carousel', "Carousel"), ('grid', "Grid"), ], required=True, default='carousel', ) product_page_image_width = fields.Selection( selection=[ ('none', "Hidden"), ('50_pc', "50 %"), ('66_pc', "66 %"), ('100_pc', "100 %"), ], required=True, default='50_pc', ) product_page_image_spacing = fields.Selection( selection=[ ('none', "None"), ('small', "Small"), ('medium', "Medium"), ('big', "Big"), ], required=True, default='small', ) ecommerce_access = fields.Selection( selection=[ ('everyone', "All users"), ('logged_in', "Logged in users"), ], required=True, default='everyone', ) product_page_grid_columns = fields.Integer(default=2) prevent_zero_price_sale = fields.Boolean(string="Hide 'Add To Cart' when price = 0") prevent_zero_price_sale_text = fields.Char( string="Text to show instead of price", translate=True, default="Not Available For Sale", ) # Computed fields fiscal_position_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='account.fiscal.position', compute='_compute_fiscal_position_id', ) pricelist_id = fields.Many2one( string="Default Pricelist if any", comodel_name='product.pricelist', compute='_compute_pricelist_id', ) currency_id = fields.Many2one( string="Default Currency", comodel_name='res.currency', compute='_compute_currency_id', ) pricelist_ids = fields.One2many( string="Price list available for this Ecommerce/Website", comodel_name='product.pricelist', compute="_compute_pricelist_ids", ) # Technical: Used to recompute pricelist_ids all_pricelist_ids = fields.One2many( string="All pricelists", comodel_name='product.pricelist', inverse_name='website_id', ) #=== COMPUTE METHODS ===# @api.depends('all_pricelist_ids') def _compute_pricelist_ids(self): for website in self: website = website.with_company(website.company_id) ProductPricelist = website.env['product.pricelist'] # with correct company in env website.pricelist_ids = ProductPricelist.sudo().search( ProductPricelist._get_website_pricelists_domain(website) ) def _compute_pricelist_id(self): for website in self: website.pricelist_id = website._get_current_pricelist() def _compute_fiscal_position_id(self): for website in self: website.fiscal_position_id = website._get_current_fiscal_position() @api.depends('all_pricelist_ids', 'pricelist_id', 'company_id') def _compute_currency_id(self): for website in self: website.currency_id = website.pricelist_id.currency_id or website.company_id.currency_id #=== SELECTION METHODS ===# @staticmethod def _get_product_sort_mapping(): return [ ('website_sequence asc', _("Featured")), ('create_date desc', _("Newest Arrivals")), ('name asc', _("Name (A-Z)")), ('list_price asc', _("Price - Low to High")), ('list_price desc', _("Price - High to Low")), ] #=== BUSINESS METHODS ===# # This method is cached, must not return records! See also #8795 @tools.ormcache( 'country_code', 'show_visible', 'current_pl_id', 'website_pricelist_ids', 'partner_pl_id', 'order_pl_id', ) def _get_pl_partner_order( self, country_code, show_visible, current_pl_id, website_pricelist_ids, partner_pl_id=False, order_pl_id=False ): """ Return the list of pricelists that can be used on website for the current user. :param str country_code: code iso or False, If set, we search only price list available for this country :param bool show_visible: if True, we don't display pricelist where selectable is False (Eg: Code promo) :param int current_pl_id: The current pricelist used on the website (If not selectable but currently used anyway, e.g. pricelist with promo code) :param tuple website_pricelist_ids: List of ids of pricelists available for this website :param int partner_pl_id: the partner pricelist :param int order_pl_id: the current cart pricelist :returns: list of product.pricelist ids :rtype: list """ self.ensure_one() pricelists = self.env['product.pricelist'] if show_visible: # Only show selectable or currently used pricelist (cart or session) check_pricelist = lambda pl: pl.selectable or pl.id in (current_pl_id, order_pl_id) else: check_pricelist = lambda _pl: True # Note: 1. pricelists from all_pl are already website compliant (went through # `_get_website_pricelists_domain`) # 2. do not read `property_product_pricelist` here as `_get_pl_partner_order` # is cached and the result of this method will be impacted by that field value. # Pass it through `partner_pl_id` parameter instead to invalidate the cache. # If there is a GeoIP country, find a pricelist for it if country_code: pricelists |= self.env['res.country.group'].search( [('country_ids.code', '=', country_code)] ).pricelist_ids.filtered( lambda pl: pl._is_available_on_website(self) and check_pricelist(pl) ) # no GeoIP or no pricelist for this country if not pricelists: pricelists = pricelists.browse(website_pricelist_ids).filtered( lambda pl: check_pricelist(pl) and not (country_code and pl.country_group_ids)) # if logged in, add partner pl (which is `property_product_pricelist`, might not be website compliant) if not self.env.user._is_public(): # keep partner_pricelist only if website compliant partner_pricelist = pricelists.browse(partner_pl_id).filtered( lambda pl: pl._is_available_on_website(self) and check_pricelist(pl) and pl._is_available_in_country(country_code) ) pricelists |= partner_pricelist # This method is cached, must not return records! See also #8795 # sudo is needed to ensure no records rules are applied during the sorted call, # we only want to reorder the records on hand, not filter them. return pricelists.sudo().sorted().ids def get_pricelist_available(self, show_visible=False): """ Return the list of pricelists that can be used on website for the current user. Country restrictions will be detected with GeoIP (if installed). :param bool show_visible: if True, we don't display pricelist where selectable is False (Eg: Code promo) :returns: pricelist recordset """ self.ensure_one() country_code = self._get_geoip_country_code() website = self.with_company(self.company_id) partner_sudo = website.env.user.partner_id is_user_public = self.env.user._is_public() if not is_user_public: last_order_pricelist = partner_sudo.last_website_so_id.pricelist_id # Don't needlessly trigger `depends_context` recompute ctx = {'country_code': country_code} if country_code else {} partner_pricelist = partner_sudo.with_context(**ctx).property_product_pricelist else: # public user: do not compute partner pl (not used) last_order_pricelist = self.env['product.pricelist'] partner_pricelist = self.env['product.pricelist'] website_pricelists = website.sudo().pricelist_ids current_pricelist_id = self._get_cached_pricelist_id() pricelist_ids = website._get_pl_partner_order( country_code, show_visible, current_pl_id=current_pricelist_id, website_pricelist_ids=tuple(website_pricelists.ids), partner_pl_id=partner_pricelist.id, order_pl_id=last_order_pricelist.id) return self.env['product.pricelist'].browse(pricelist_ids) def is_pricelist_available(self, pl_id): """ Return a boolean to specify if a specific pricelist can be manually set on the website. Warning: It check only if pricelist is in the 'selectable' pricelists or the current pricelist. :param int pl_id: The pricelist id to check :returns: Boolean, True if valid / available """ return pl_id in self.get_pricelist_available(show_visible=False).ids def _get_geoip_country_code(self): return request and request.geoip.country_code or False def _get_cached_pricelist_id(self): return request and request.session.get('website_sale_current_pl') or None def _get_current_pricelist(self): """ :returns: The current pricelist record """ self = self.with_company(self.company_id) ProductPricelist = self.env['product.pricelist'] pricelist = ProductPricelist if request and request.session.get('website_sale_current_pl'): # `website_sale_current_pl` is set only if the user specifically chose it: # - Either, he chose it from the pricelist selection # - Either, he entered a coupon code pricelist = ProductPricelist.browse(request.session['website_sale_current_pl']).exists().sudo() country_code = self._get_geoip_country_code() if not pricelist or not pricelist._is_available_on_website(self) or not pricelist._is_available_in_country(country_code): request.session.pop('website_sale_current_pl') pricelist = ProductPricelist if not pricelist: partner_sudo = self.env.user.partner_id # If the user has a saved cart, it take the pricelist of this last unconfirmed cart pricelist = partner_sudo.last_website_so_id.pricelist_id if not pricelist: # The pricelist of the user set on its partner form. # If the user is not signed in, it's the public user pricelist pricelist = partner_sudo.property_product_pricelist # The list of available pricelists for this user. # If the user is signed in, and has a pricelist set different than the public user pricelist # then this pricelist will always be considered as available available_pricelists = self.get_pricelist_available() if available_pricelists and pricelist not in available_pricelists: # If there is at least one pricelist in the available pricelists # and the chosen pricelist is not within them # it then choose the first available pricelist. # This can only happen when the pricelist is the public user pricelist and this pricelist is not in the available pricelist for this localization # If the user is signed in, and has a special pricelist (different than the public user pricelist), # then this special pricelist is amongs these available pricelists, and therefore it won't fall in this case. pricelist = available_pricelists[0] return pricelist def sale_product_domain(self): website_domain = self.get_current_website().website_domain() if not self.env.user._is_internal(): website_domain = expression.AND([website_domain, [ ('is_published', '=', True), ('service_tracking', 'in', self.env['product.template']._get_saleable_tracking_types()), ]]) return expression.AND([self._product_domain(), website_domain]) def _product_domain(self): return [('sale_ok', '=', True)] def sale_get_order(self, force_create=False): """ Return the current sales order after mofications specified by params. :param bool force_create: Create sales order if not already existing :returns: current cart, as a sudoed `sale.order` recordset (might be empty) """ self.ensure_one() self = self.with_company(self.company_id) SaleOrder = self.env['sale.order'].sudo() sale_order_id = request.session.get('sale_order_id') if sale_order_id: sale_order_sudo = SaleOrder.browse(sale_order_id).exists() elif self.env.user and not self.env.user._is_public(): sale_order_sudo = self.env.user.partner_id.last_website_so_id if sale_order_sudo: available_pricelists = self.get_pricelist_available() so_pricelist_sudo = sale_order_sudo.pricelist_id if so_pricelist_sudo and so_pricelist_sudo not in available_pricelists: # Do not reload the cart of this user last visit # if the cart uses a pricelist no longer available. sale_order_sudo = SaleOrder else: # Do not reload the cart of this user last visit # if the Fiscal Position has changed. fpos = sale_order_sudo.env['account.fiscal.position'].with_company( sale_order_sudo.company_id )._get_fiscal_position( sale_order_sudo.partner_id, delivery=sale_order_sudo.partner_shipping_id ) if fpos.id != sale_order_sudo.fiscal_position_id.id: sale_order_sudo = SaleOrder else: sale_order_sudo = SaleOrder # Ignore the current order if a payment has been initiated. We don't want to retrieve the # cart and allow the user to update it when the payment is about to confirm it. if sale_order_sudo and sale_order_sudo.get_portal_last_transaction().state in ( 'pending', 'authorized', 'done' ): sale_order_sudo = None if not (sale_order_sudo or force_create): # Do not create a SO record unless needed if request.session.get('sale_order_id'): request.session.pop('sale_order_id') request.session.pop('website_sale_cart_quantity', None) return self.env['sale.order'] partner_sudo = self.env.user.partner_id # cart creation was requested if not sale_order_sudo: so_data = self._prepare_sale_order_values(partner_sudo) sale_order_sudo = SaleOrder.with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).create(so_data) request.session['sale_order_id'] = sale_order_sudo.id request.session['website_sale_cart_quantity'] = sale_order_sudo.cart_quantity # The order was created with SUPERUSER_ID, revert back to request user. return sale_order_sudo.with_user(self.env.user).sudo() # Existing Cart: # * For logged user # * In session, for specified partner # case when user emptied the cart if not request.session.get('sale_order_id'): request.session['sale_order_id'] = sale_order_sudo.id request.session['website_sale_cart_quantity'] = sale_order_sudo.cart_quantity # check for change of partner_id ie after signup if partner_sudo.id not in (sale_order_sudo.partner_id.id, self.partner_id.id): sale_order_sudo._update_address(partner_sudo.id, ['partner_id']) return sale_order_sudo def _prepare_sale_order_values(self, partner_sudo): self.ensure_one() affiliate_id = request.session.get('affiliate_id') salesperson_user_sudo = self.env['res.users'].sudo().browse(affiliate_id).exists() if not salesperson_user_sudo: salesperson_user_sudo = self.salesperson_id or partner_sudo.parent_id.user_id or partner_sudo.user_id return { 'company_id': self.company_id.id, 'fiscal_position_id': self.fiscal_position_id.id, 'partner_id': partner_sudo.id, 'pricelist_id': self.pricelist_id.id, 'team_id': self.salesteam_id.id, 'user_id': salesperson_user_sudo.id, 'website_id': self.id, } def _get_current_fiscal_position(self): AccountFiscalPosition = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].sudo() fpos = AccountFiscalPosition partner_sudo = self.env.user.partner_id # If the current user is the website public user, the fiscal position # is computed according to geolocation. if request and request.geoip.country_code and self.partner_id.id == partner_sudo.id: country = self.env['res.country'].search( [('code', '=', request.geoip.country_code)], limit=1, ) partner_geoip = self.env["res.partner"].new({'country_id': country.id}) fpos = AccountFiscalPosition._get_fiscal_position(partner_geoip) if not fpos: fpos = AccountFiscalPosition._get_fiscal_position(partner_sudo) return fpos def sale_reset(self): request.session.pop('sale_order_id', None) request.session.pop('website_sale_current_pl', None) request.session.pop('website_sale_cart_quantity', None) @api.model def action_dashboard_redirect(self): if self.env.user.has_group('sales_team.group_sale_salesman'): return self.env['ir.actions.actions']._for_xml_id('website.backend_dashboard') return super().action_dashboard_redirect() def get_suggested_controllers(self): suggested_controllers = super().get_suggested_controllers() suggested_controllers.append((_('eCommerce'), self.env['ir.http']._url_for('/shop'), 'website_sale')) return suggested_controllers def _search_get_details(self, search_type, order, options): result = super()._search_get_details(search_type, order, options) if not self.has_ecommerce_access(): return result if search_type in ['products', 'product_categories_only', 'all']: result.append(self.env['product.public.category']._search_get_detail(self, order, options)) if search_type in ['products', 'products_only', 'all']: result.append(self.env['product.template']._search_get_detail(self, order, options)) return result def _get_product_page_proportions(self): """ Returns the number of columns (css) that both the images and the product details should take. """ self.ensure_one() return { 'none': (0, 12), '50_pc': (6, 6), '66_pc': (8, 4), '100_pc': (12, 12), }.get(self.product_page_image_width) def _get_product_page_grid_image_spacing_classes(self): spacing_map = { 'none': 'm-0', 'small': 'm-1', 'medium': 'm-2', 'big': 'm-3', } return spacing_map.get(self.product_page_image_spacing) @api.model def _send_abandoned_cart_email(self): for website in self.search([]): if not website.send_abandoned_cart_email: continue all_abandoned_carts = self.env['sale.order'].search([ ('is_abandoned_cart', '=', True), ('cart_recovery_email_sent', '=', False), ('website_id', '=', website.id), ]) if not all_abandoned_carts: continue abandoned_carts = all_abandoned_carts._filter_can_send_abandoned_cart_mail() # Mark abandoned carts that failed the filter as sent to avoid rechecking them again and again. (all_abandoned_carts - abandoned_carts).cart_recovery_email_sent = True for sale_order in abandoned_carts: template = self.env.ref('website_sale.mail_template_sale_cart_recovery') template.send_mail(sale_order.id, email_values={'email_to': sale_order.partner_id.email}) sale_order.cart_recovery_email_sent = True def _display_partner_b2b_fields(self): """ This method is to be inherited by localizations and return True if localization should always displayed b2b fields """ self.ensure_one() return self.is_view_active('website_sale.address_b2b') def _get_checkout_step_list(self): """ Return an ordered list of steps according to the current template rendered. :rtype: list :return: A list with the following structure: [ [xmlid], { 'name': str, 'current_href': str, 'main_button': str, 'main_button_href': str, 'back_button': str, 'back_button_href': str } ] """ self.ensure_one() is_extra_step_active = self.viewref('website_sale.extra_info').active redirect_to_sign_in = self.account_on_checkout == 'mandatory' and self.is_public_user() steps = [(['website_sale.cart'], { 'name': _lt("Review Order"), 'current_href': '/shop/cart', 'main_button': _lt("Sign In") if redirect_to_sign_in else _lt("Checkout"), 'main_button_href': f'{"/web/login?redirect=" if redirect_to_sign_in else ""}/shop/checkout?try_skip_step=true', 'back_button': _lt("Continue shopping"), 'back_button_href': '/shop', }), (['website_sale.checkout', 'website_sale.address'], { 'name': _lt("Delivery"), 'current_href': '/shop/checkout', 'main_button': _lt("Confirm"), 'main_button_href': f'{"/shop/extra_info" if is_extra_step_active else "/shop/confirm_order"}', 'back_button': _lt("Back to cart"), 'back_button_href': '/shop/cart', })] if is_extra_step_active: steps.append((['website_sale.extra_info'], { 'name': _lt("Extra Info"), 'current_href': '/shop/extra_info', 'main_button': _lt("Continue checkout"), 'main_button_href': '/shop/confirm_order', 'back_button': _lt("Back to delivery"), 'back_button_href': '/shop/checkout', })) steps.append((['website_sale.payment'], { 'name': _lt("Payment"), 'current_href': '/shop/payment', 'back_button': _lt("Back to delivery"), 'back_button_href': '/shop/checkout', })) return steps def _get_checkout_steps(self, current_step=None): """ Return an ordered list of steps according to the current template rendered. If `current_step` is provided, returns only the corresponding step. Note: self.ensure_one() :param str current_step: The xmlid of the current step, defaults to None. :rtype: list :return: A list containing the steps generated by :meth:`_get_checkout_step_list`. """ self.ensure_one() steps = self._get_checkout_step_list() if current_step: return next(step for step in steps if current_step in step[0])[1] return steps def has_ecommerce_access(self): """ Return whether the current user is allowed to access eCommerce-related content. """ return not (self.env.user._is_public() and self.ecommerce_access == 'logged_in')