# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from contextlib import contextmanager import psycopg2 import psycopg2.errors import odoo from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.modules.registry import Registry from odoo.tests import common from odoo.tests.common import BaseCase from odoo.tools.misc import mute_logger ADMIN_USER_ID = common.ADMIN_USER_ID @contextmanager def environment(): """ Return an environment with a new cursor for the current database; the cursor is committed and closed after the context block. """ registry = Registry(common.get_db_name()) with registry.cursor() as cr: yield odoo.api.Environment(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, {}) def drop_sequence(code): with environment() as env: seq = env['ir.sequence'].search([('code', '=', code)]) seq.unlink() class TestIrSequenceStandard(BaseCase): """ A few tests for a 'Standard' (i.e. PostgreSQL) sequence. """ def test_ir_sequence_create(self): """ Try to create a sequence object. """ with environment() as env: seq = env['ir.sequence'].create({ 'code': 'test_sequence_type', 'name': 'Test sequence', }) self.assertTrue(seq) def test_ir_sequence_search(self): """ Try a search. """ with environment() as env: seqs = env['ir.sequence'].search([]) self.assertTrue(seqs) def test_ir_sequence_draw(self): """ Try to draw a number. """ with environment() as env: n = env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('test_sequence_type') self.assertTrue(n) def test_ir_sequence_draw_twice(self): """ Try to draw a number from two transactions. """ with environment() as env0: with environment() as env1: n0 = env0['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('test_sequence_type') self.assertTrue(n0) n1 = env1['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('test_sequence_type') self.assertTrue(n1) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): drop_sequence('test_sequence_type') class TestIrSequenceNoGap(BaseCase): """ Copy of the previous tests for a 'No gap' sequence. """ def test_ir_sequence_create_no_gap(self): """ Try to create a sequence object. """ with environment() as env: seq = env['ir.sequence'].create({ 'code': 'test_sequence_type_2', 'name': 'Test sequence', 'implementation': 'no_gap', }) self.assertTrue(seq) def test_ir_sequence_draw_no_gap(self): """ Try to draw a number. """ with environment() as env: n = env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('test_sequence_type_2') self.assertTrue(n) @mute_logger('odoo.sql_db') def test_ir_sequence_draw_twice_no_gap(self): """ Try to draw a number from two transactions. This is expected to not work. """ with environment() as env0, environment() as env1: # NOTE: The error has to be an OperationalError # s.t. the automatic request retry (service/model.py) works. with self.assertRaises(psycopg2.errors.LockNotAvailable, msg="postgresql returned an incorrect errcode"): n0 = env0['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('test_sequence_type_2') self.assertTrue(n0) env1['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('test_sequence_type_2') @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): drop_sequence('test_sequence_type_2') class TestIrSequenceChangeImplementation(BaseCase): """ Create sequence objects and change their ``implementation`` field. """ def test_ir_sequence_1_create(self): """ Try to create a sequence object. """ with environment() as env: seq = env['ir.sequence'].create({ 'code': 'test_sequence_type_3', 'name': 'Test sequence', }) self.assertTrue(seq) seq = env['ir.sequence'].create({ 'code': 'test_sequence_type_4', 'name': 'Test sequence', 'implementation': 'no_gap', }) self.assertTrue(seq) def test_ir_sequence_2_write(self): with environment() as env: domain = [('code', 'in', ['test_sequence_type_3', 'test_sequence_type_4'])] seqs = env['ir.sequence'].search(domain) seqs.write({'implementation': 'standard'}) seqs.write({'implementation': 'no_gap'}) def test_ir_sequence_3_unlink(self): with environment() as env: domain = [('code', 'in', ['test_sequence_type_3', 'test_sequence_type_4'])] seqs = env['ir.sequence'].search(domain) seqs.unlink() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): drop_sequence('test_sequence_type_3') drop_sequence('test_sequence_type_4') class TestIrSequenceGenerate(BaseCase): """ Create sequence objects and generate some values. """ def test_ir_sequence_create(self): """ Try to create a sequence object. """ with environment() as env: seq = env['ir.sequence'].create({ 'code': 'test_sequence_type_5', 'name': 'Test sequence', }) self.assertTrue(seq) with environment() as env: for i in range(1, 10): n = env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('test_sequence_type_5') self.assertEqual(n, str(i)) def test_ir_sequence_create_no_gap(self): """ Try to create a sequence object. """ with environment() as env: seq = env['ir.sequence'].create({ 'code': 'test_sequence_type_6', 'name': 'Test sequence', 'implementation': 'no_gap', }) self.assertTrue(seq) with environment() as env: for i in range(1, 10): n = env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('test_sequence_type_6') self.assertEqual(n, str(i)) def test_ir_sequence_prefix(self): """ test whether the raise a user error for an invalid sequence """ # try to create a sequence with invalid prefix with environment() as env: seq = env['ir.sequence'].create({ 'code': 'test_sequence_type_7', 'name': 'Test sequence', 'prefix': '%u', 'suffix': '', }) self.assertTrue(seq) with self.assertRaises(UserError): env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('test_sequence_type_7') @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): drop_sequence('test_sequence_type_5') drop_sequence('test_sequence_type_6') class TestIrSequenceInit(common.TransactionCase): def test_00(self): """ test whether the read method returns the right number_next value (from postgreSQL sequence and not ir_sequence value) """ # first creation of sequence (normal) seq = self.env['ir.sequence'].create({ 'number_next': 1, 'company_id': 1, 'padding': 4, 'number_increment': 1, 'implementation': 'standard', 'name': 'test-sequence-00', }) # Call next() 4 times, and check the last returned value seq.next_by_id() seq.next_by_id() seq.next_by_id() n = seq.next_by_id() self.assertEqual(n, "0004", 'The actual sequence value must be 4. reading : %s' % n) # reset sequence to 1 by write() seq.write({'number_next': 1}) # Read the value of the current sequence n = seq.next_by_id() self.assertEqual(n, "0001", 'The actual sequence value must be 1. reading : %s' % n)