# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. MISC_HTML_SOURCE = u""" test1
  1. test9
  2. test10

google test link """ EDI_LIKE_HTML_SOURCE = u"""

Hello {{ object.partner_id.name }},

A new invoice is available for you:

  Invoice number: {{ object.number }}
  Invoice total: {{ object.amount_total }} {{ object.currency_id.name }}
  Invoice date: {{ object.invoice_date }}
  Order reference: {{ object.origin }}
  Your contact: {{ object.user_id.name }}

It is also possible to directly pay with Paypal:

If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for choosing {{ object.company_id.name or 'us' }}!

{{ object.company_id.name }}

{{ object.company_id.street }}
{{ object.company_id.street2 }}
{{ object.company_id.zip }} {{ object.company_id.city }}
{{ object.company_id.state_id and ('%s, ' % object.company_id.state_id.name) or '' }} {{ object.company_id.country_id.name or '' }}
Phone:  {{ object.company_id.phone }}
Web : {{ object.company_id.website }}
On 05-01-16 05:52, Andreas Becker wrote:
Yep Dominique that is true, as Postgres was the base of all same as Odoo and MySQL etc came much later.Â

Unfortunately many customers who ask for and ERP are with hosters which still don't provide Postgres and MySQL is available everywhere. Additionally Postgres seems for many like a big black box while MySQL is very well documented and understandable and it has PHPmyAdmin which is far ahead of any tool managing postgres DBs.

I don't care how much you are highlighting the advantages of Erpnext on this Odoo mailinglist, but when you start implying that Postgres is not well documented it really hurts.

Opener B.V. - Business solutions driven by open source collaboration

Stefan Rijnhart - Consultant/developer

mail: stefan@opener.am
tel: +31 (0) 20 3090 139
web: https://opener.am
"""] QUOTE_BLOCKQUOTE_OUT = [u"""-- Opener B.V. - Business solutions driven by open source collaboration Stefan Rijnhart - Consultant/developer"""] QUOTE_THUNDERBIRD_HTML = u"""
On 01/05/2016 10:24 AM, Raoul Poilvache wrote:
Test reply. The suite.

Raoul Poilvache
Top cool !!!

Raoul Poilvache
Raoul Poilvache
I don't like that.

Date: Tue=2C 5 Jan 2016 10:24:48 +0100
Subject: Test from gmail
From: poilvache@example.com
To: tartelette@example.com grosbedon@example.com

Test reply. The suite.

Raoul Poilvache
""" QUOTE_HOTMAIL_HTML_IN = [u"""I don't like that.

""", u"""
Test reply. The suite."""] QUOTE_OUTLOOK_HTML = """
Reply from outlook


De : test@example.com
=C0 : test@example.com <test@example.com>
Objet : Parent message
Parent email body
""" QUOTE_OUTLOOK_HTML_IN = [ """Reply from outlook""", """
""", """
""", # quoted when empty in case there's a signature before """
""", """
Parent email body
""", """
""", ] QUOTE_THUNDERBIRD_1 = u"""
On 11/08/2012 05:29 PM, dummy@example.com wrote:
I contact you about our meeting for tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose:
  • 9 AM: brainstorming about our new amazing business app</span></li>
  • 9.45 AM: summary
  • 10 AM: meeting with Fabien to present our app
Is everything ok for you?


Ok for me. I am replying directly below your mail, using Thunderbird, with a signature.

Did you receive my email about my new laptop, by the way?

Raoul Grosbedonnée
""" QUOTE_THUNDERBIRD_1_IN = [ u'dummy@example.com ', u'
', u'Ok for me. I am replying directly below your mail, using Thunderbird, with a signature.'] QUOTE_THUNDERBIRD_1_OUT = [u"""-- Raoul Grosbedonnée """] QUOTE_YAHOO_HTML = """
Reply from Yahoo
Bob a dit:

Parent email body
""" QUOTE_YAHOO_HTML_IN = [ """Reply from Yahoo""", """
""", """
""", ] QUOTE_YAHOO_HTML_OUT = [ """
""", ] TEXT_1 = u"""I contact you about our meeting tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose: 9 AM: brainstorming about our new amazing business app 9.45 AM: summary 10 AM: meeting with Ignasse to present our app Is everything ok for you? -- MySignature""" TEXT_1_IN = [u"""I contact you about our meeting tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose: 9 AM: brainstorming about our new amazing business app 9.45 AM: summary 10 AM: meeting with Ignasse to present our app Is everything ok for you?"""] TEXT_1_OUT = [u""" -- MySignature"""] TEXT_2 = u"""Salut Raoul! Le 28 oct. 2012 à 00:02, Raoul Grosbedon a écrit : > I contact you about our meeting tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose: (quote) Of course. This seems viable. > 2012/10/27 Bert Tartopoils : >> blahblahblah (quote)? >> >> blahblahblah (quote) >> >> Bert TARTOPOILS >> bert.tartopoils@miam.miam >> > > > -- > RaoulSignature -- Bert TARTOPOILS bert.tartopoils@miam.miam """ TEXT_2_IN = [u"Salut Raoul!", "Of course. This seems viable."] TEXT_2_OUT = [u""" > I contact you about our meeting tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose: (quote)""", """ > 2012/10/27 Bert Tartopoils : >> blahblahblah (quote)? >> >> blahblahblah (quote) >> >> Bert TARTOPOILS >> bert.tartopoils@miam.miam >> > > > -- > RaoulSignature"""] # MISC GMAIL_1 = u"""Hello,

Ok for me. I am replying directly in gmail, with signature.

Kind regards,


On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 5:29 PM, <dummy@example.com> wrote:
I contact you about our meeting for tomorrow. Here is the schedule I propose:
  • 9 AM: brainstorming about our new amazing business app</span></li>
  • 9.45 AM: summary
  • 10 AM: meeting with Fabien to present our app
Is everything ok for you?


This is a test signature


""" GMAIL_1_IN = [ u'Ok for me. I am replying directly in gmail, with signature.', '
', '
On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 5:29 PM', '
', # blank spaces between signature and reply quote should be quoted too '

\n' '

', ] GMAIL_1_OUT = [] HOTMAIL_1 = u"""

I have an amazing company, i'm learning OpenERP, it is a small company yet, but plannig to grow up quickly.

Kindest regards,

Subject: Re: your OpenERP.com registration
From: xxx@xxx.xxx
To: xxx@xxx.xxx
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 17:12:12 +0000

Hello xxx,
I noticed you recently created an OpenERP.com account to access OpenERP Apps.
You indicated that you wish to use OpenERP in your own company. We would like to know more about your your business needs and requirements, and see how we can help you. When would you be available to discuss your project?
Best regards,
                Belgium: +
                U.S.: +1 (650) 307-6736
                India: +91 (79) 40 500 100
""" HOTMAIL_1_IN = [u"""

I have an amazing company, i'm learning OpenERP, it is a small company yet, but plannig to grow up quickly.

Kindest regards,
"""] HOTMAIL_1_OUT = [ u"""
""", u"""
                Belgium: +
                U.S.: +1 (650) 307-6736
                India: +91 (79) 40 500 100
"""] MSOFFICE_1 = u"""

Our requirements are simple. Just looking to replace some spreadsheets for tracking quotes and possibly using the timecard module. We are a company of 25 engineers providing product design services to clients.

I’ll install on a windows server and run a very limited trial to see how it works. If we adopt OpenERP we will probably move to Linux or look for a hosted SaaS option.

I am also evaluating Adempiere and maybe others.


I expect the trial will take 2-3 months as this is not a high priority for us.




From: OpenERP Enterprise [mailto:sales@openerp.com]
Sent: Monday, 11 March, 2013 14:47
To: Alan Widmer
Subject: Re: your OpenERP.com registration


Hello Alan Widmer,

I noticed you recently downloaded OpenERP.

Uou mentioned you wish to use OpenERP in your own company. Please let me more about your business needs and requirements? When will you be available to discuss about your project?

Thanks for your interest in OpenERP,

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions,

Looking forward to hear from you soon.





Belgium: +

U.S.: +1 (650) 307-6736

India: +91 (79) 40 500 100


""" MSOFFICE_1_IN = [u'Our requirements are simple. Just looking to replace some spreadsheets for tracking quotes and possibly using the timecard module.'] MSOFFICE_1_OUT = [u'I noticed you recently downloaded OpenERP.', 'Uou mentioned you wish to use OpenERP in your own company.', 'Belgium: +'] # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Test cases coming from bugs # ------------------------------------------------------------ # bug: read more not apparent, strange message in read more span BUG1 = u"""
Hi Migration Team,

Paragraph 1, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Paragraph 2, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Paragraph 3, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.



Olivier Laurent
Migration Manager
Chaussée de Namur, 40
B-1367 Gérompont
Tel: +
Web: http://www.openerp.com
""" BUG_1_IN = [ u'Hi Migration Team', u'Paragraph 1' ] BUG_1_OUT = [u""" -- Olivier Laurent Migration Manager OpenERP SA Chaussée de Namur, 40 B-1367 Gérompont Tel: + Web: http://www.openerp.com"""] REMOVE_CLASS = u"""
I have just installed Odoo 9 and I've got the following error:
""" REMOVE_CLASS_IN = [ u'
', u'An error occurred in a modal and I will send you back the html to try opening one on your end'] REMOVE_CLASS_OUT = [ u'