res.partner.title.list res.partner.title res.partner.title.form res.partner.title
Contact Titles res.partner.title [] {}

Create a Title

Manage Contact Titles as well as their abbreviations (e.g. "Mr.", "Mrs.", etc).

res.partner.list res.partner res.partner.simplified.form res.partner

res.partner.form.address res.partner

res.partner.form res.partner


Use this to organize the contact details of employees of a given company (e.g. CEO, CFO, ...).

Preferred address for all invoices. Selected by default when you invoice an order that belongs to this company.

Preferred address for all deliveries. Selected by default when you deliver an order that belongs to this company.

Other address for the company (e.g. subsidiary, ...)

res.partner.view.form.private res.partner res.partner res.partner.kanban res.partner
Customers res.partner kanban,list,form {'res_partner_search_mode': 'customer'}

Create a Contact in your address book

Odoo helps you track all activities related to your contacts.

kanban form list Customers res.partner kanban,list,form [] {'res_partner_search_mode': 'customer', 'default_is_company': True}

Create a new customer in your address book

Odoo helps you easily track all activities related to a customer.

kanban list form Vendors res.partner [] kanban,list,form {'res_partner_search_mode': 'supplier', 'default_is_company': True}

Create a new vendor in your address book

Odoo helps you easily track all activities related to a vendor.

kanban list form Contact Tags res.partner.category
Contact Tags res.partner.category res.partner.category Contact Tags res.partner.category

Create a Contact Tag

Assign tags to your contacts to organize, filter and track them.

Industry res.partner.industry
Industry res.partner.industry res.partner.industry Industries res.partner.industry list,form

Create an Industry

Specify industries to classify your contacts and draw up reports.