Change Own Password change.password.own
Change Password change.password.wizard
Change Password Users change.password.user Change Password change.password.wizard form new res.groups res.groups.form res.groups
Groups res.groups {'search_default_filter_no_share': 1, '': 1} A group is a set of functional areas that will be assigned to the user in order to give them access and rights to specific applications and tasks in the system. You can create custom groups or edit the ones existing by default in order to customize the view of the menu that users will be able to see. Whether they can have a read, write, create and delete access right can be managed from here. res.users.simplified.form res.users 1
res.users.form res.users
res.users.list res.users res.users.kanban res.users res.users res.users.groups res.users Users res.users users list,kanban,form {'search_default_filter_no_share': 1, 'show_user_group_warning': True} Create and manage users that will connect to the system. Users can be deactivated should there be a period of time during which they will/should not connect to the system. You can assign them groups in order to give them specific access to the applications they need to use in the system. list form API Key: description input wizard res.users.apikeys.description new form API Key: description input form res.users.apikeys.description

Name your key

Enter a description of and purpose for the key.

It is very important that this description be clear and complete, it will be the only way to identify the key once created.

Give a duration for the key's validity

The key will be deleted once this period has elapsed.

API Key: show

Write down your key

Here is your new API key, use it instead of a password for RPC access. Your login is still necessary for interactive usage.

res.users.preferences.form res.users

API Keys are used to connect to Odoo from external tools without the need for a password or Two-factor Authentication.
Change My Preferences res.users new form form API Keys Listing res.users.apikeys