# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import ast
import csv
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import wraps
from inspect import getmembers
from copy import deepcopy

import logging
import re

from odoo import Command, api, models
from odoo.addons.base.models.ir_model import MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, UserError
from odoo.modules import get_resource_from_path
from odoo.tools import file_open, float_compare, get_lang, groupby, SQL
from odoo.tools.translate import _, code_translations, TranslationImporter

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)



SYSCOHADA_LIST = ['BJ', 'BF', 'CM', 'CF', 'KM', 'CG', 'CI', 'GA', 'GN', 'GW', 'GQ', 'ML', 'NE',
                  'CD', 'SN', 'TD', 'TG']

def preserve_existing_tags_on_taxes(env, module):
    ''' This is a utility function used to preserve existing previous tags during upgrade of the module.'''
    xml_records = env['ir.model.data'].search([('model', '=', 'account.account.tag'), ('module', 'like', module)])
    if xml_records:
        env.cr.execute("update ir_model_data set noupdate = 't' where id in %s", [tuple(xml_records.ids)])

def template(template=None, model='template_data'):
    def decorator(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            if template is not None:
                # remove the template code argument as we already know it from the decorator
                args, kwargs = args[:1], {}
            return func(*args, **kwargs)

        # the module the function originates from is used for code translations
        path = func.__globals__['__file__']
        path_info = get_resource_from_path(path)
        module = path_info[0] if path_info else 'account'

        wrapper._module = module
        wrapper._l10n_template = (template, model)
        return wrapper
    return decorator

class AccountChartTemplate(models.AbstractModel):
    _name = "account.chart.template"
    _description = "Account Chart Template"

    def _template_register(self):
        def is_template(func):
            return callable(func) and hasattr(func, '_l10n_template')
        template_register = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
        cls = self.env.registry[self._name]
        for _attr, func in getmembers(cls, is_template):
            template, model = func._l10n_template
        cls._template_register = template_register
        return template_register

    def _setup_complete(self):
        self.env.registry[self._name]._template_register = AccountChartTemplate._template_register

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Template selection
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _get_chart_template_mapping(self, get_all=False):
        """Get basic information about available CoA and their modules.

        :return: a mapping between the template code and a dictionary containing the
                 name, country id, country name, module dependencies and parent template
        :rtype: dict[str, dict]
        # This function is called many times. Avoid doing a search every time by using the ORM's cache.
        # We assume that the field is always computed for all the modules at once (by this function)
        field = self.env['ir.module.module']._fields['account_templates']
        modules = (
            self.env.cache.get_records(self.env['ir.module.module'], field)
            or self.env['ir.module.module'].search([])

        return {
            name: template
            for mapping in modules.mapped('account_templates')
            for name, template in mapping.items()
            if get_all or template['visible']

    def _select_chart_template(self, country=None):
        """Get the available templates in a format suited for Selection fields."""
        country = country if country is not None else self.env.company.country_id
        chart_template_mapping = self._get_chart_template_mapping()
        return [
            (template_code, template['name'])
            for template_code, template in sorted(chart_template_mapping.items(), key=(lambda t: (
                t[1]['name'] != 'generic_coa' if not country
                else t[1]['country_id'] != country.id

    def _guess_chart_template(self, country):
        """Guess the most appropriate template based on the country."""
        return self._select_chart_template(country)[0][0]

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Loading
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def try_loading(self, template_code, company, install_demo=False):
        """Check if the chart template can be loaded then proceeds installing it.

        :param template_code: code of the chart template to be loaded.
        :type template_code: str
        :param company: the company we try to load the chart template on.
            If not provided, it is retrieved from the context.
        :type company: int, Model<res.company>
        :param install_demo: whether or not we should load demo data right after loading the
            chart template.
        :type install_demo: bool
        if not company:
        if not self.env.registry.loaded and not install_demo and not hasattr(self.env.registry, '_auto_install_template'):
                'Incorrect usage of try_loading without a fully loaded registry. This could lead to issues. (%s-%s)',
        if isinstance(company, int):
            company = self.env['res.company'].browse([company])

        template_code = template_code or company and self._guess_chart_template(company.country_id)

        if template_code in {'syscohada', 'syscebnl'} and template_code != company.chart_template:
            raise UserError(_("The %s chart template shouldn't be selected directly. Instead, you should directly select the chart template related to your country.", template_code))

        return self._load(template_code, company, install_demo)

    def _load(self, template_code, company, install_demo):
        """Install this chart of accounts for the current company.

        :param template_code: code of the chart template to be loaded.
        :param company: the company we try to load the chart template on.
            If not provided, it is retrieved from the context.
        :param install_demo: whether or not we should load demo data right after loading the
            chart template.
        # Ensure that the context is the correct one, even if not called by try_loading
        if not self.env.is_system():
            raise AccessError(_("Only administrators can install chart templates"))

        chart_template_mapping = self._get_chart_template_mapping()[template_code]
        if not company.country_id:
            company.country_id = chart_template_mapping.get('country_id')

        module_name = chart_template_mapping.get('module')
        module = self.env['ir.module.module'].search([('name', '=', module_name), ('state', '=', 'uninstalled')])
        if module:
            self.env.reset()  # clear the envs with an old registry
            self = self.env()['account.chart.template']  # create a new env with the new registry

        # To be able to use code translation we load everything in 'en_US'
        # The demo data is still loaded "normally" since code translations cannot be used for them reliably.
        # (Since we rely on the "@template functions" to determine the module to take the code translations from.)
        original_context_lang = self.env.context.get('lang')
        self = self.with_context(
        company = self.env['res.company'].browse(company.id)  # also update company.pool

        reload_template = template_code == company.chart_template
        company.chart_template = template_code

        if not reload_template and (not company.root_id._existing_accounting() or self.env.ref('base.module_account').demo):
            children_companies = self.env['res.company'].search([('id', 'child_of', company.id)])
            for model in ('account.move',) + TEMPLATE_MODELS[::-1]:
                if not company.parent_id:
                    company_field = 'company_id' if 'company_id' in self.env[model] else 'company_ids'
                    records = self.env[model].sudo().with_context(active_test=False).search([(company_field, 'child_of', company.id)])
                    if company_field == 'company_ids':
                        records_to_keep = records.filtered(lambda r: r.company_ids - children_companies)
                        records -= records_to_keep
                        for records_for_companies in records_to_keep.grouped('company_ids').values():
                            records_for_companies.company_ids -= children_companies
                    records.with_context({MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG: True}).unlink()

        data = self._get_chart_template_data(template_code)
        template_data = data.pop('template_data')
        if company.parent_id:
            data = {
                'res.company': data['res.company'],

        if reload_template:
            self._pre_reload_data(company, template_data, data)
            install_demo = False
        data = self._pre_load_data(template_code, company, template_data, data)
        self._post_load_data(template_code, company, template_data)

        # Manual sync because disable above (delay_account_group_sync)
        AccountGroup = self.env['account.group'].with_context(delay_account_group_sync=False)

        # Install the demo data when the first localization is instanciated on the company
        if install_demo and self.ref('base.module_account').demo and not reload_template:
                with self.env.cr.savepoint():
                    self = self.with_context(lang=original_context_lang)
            except Exception:
                # Do not rollback installation of CoA if demo data failed
                _logger.exception('Error while loading accounting demo data')
        for subsidiary in company.child_ids:
            self._load(template_code, subsidiary, install_demo)

    def _install_demo(self, companies):
        if not isinstance(companies, models.BaseModel):
            companies = self.env['res.company'].browse(companies)
        for company in companies:

    def _pre_reload_data(self, company, template_data, data):
        """Pre-process the data in case of reloading the chart of accounts.

        When we reload the chart of accounts, we only want to update fields that are main
        configuration, like:
        - tax tags
        - fiscal position mappings linked to new records
        for prop in list(template_data):
            if prop.startswith('property_'):
        data.pop('account.reconcile.model', None)

        for xmlid, journal_data in list(data.get('account.journal', {}).items()):
            if self.ref(xmlid, raise_if_not_found=False):
                del data['account.journal'][xmlid]
                journal = None
                lang = self._get_untranslatable_fields_target_language(company.chart_template, company)
                translated_code = self._get_field_translation(journal_data, 'code', lang)
                if 'code' in journal_data:
                    journal_code = translated_code or journal_data['code']
                    journal = self.env['account.journal'].with_context(active_test=False).search([
                        ('code', '=', journal_code),
                # Try to match by journal name to avoid conflict in the unique constraint on the mail alias
                translated_name = self._get_field_translation(journal_data, 'name', lang)
                if not journal and 'name' in journal_data and 'type' in journal_data:
                    journal = self.env['account.journal'].with_context(active_test=False).search([
                        ('type', '=', journal_data['type']),
                        ('name', 'in', (journal_data['name'], translated_name)),
                    ], limit=1)
                if journal:
                    del data['account.journal'][xmlid]
                        'xml_id': f"account.{company.id}_{xmlid}",
                        'record': journal,
                        'noupdate': True,

        account_group_count = self.env['account.group'].search_count([])
        if account_group_count:
            data.pop('account.group', None)

        current_taxes = self.env['account.tax'].with_context(active_test=False).search([
        unique_tax_name_key = lambda t: (t.name, t.type_tax_use, t.tax_scope, t.company_id)
        unique_tax_name_keys = set(current_taxes.mapped(unique_tax_name_key))
        xmlid2tax = {
            xml_id.split('.')[1].split('_', maxsplit=1)[1]: self.env['account.tax'].browse(record)
            for record, xml_id in current_taxes.get_external_id().items() if xml_id.startswith('account.')
        def tax_template_changed(tax, template):
            template_line_ids = [x for x in template.get('repartition_line_ids', []) if x[0] != Command.CLEAR]
            return (
                tax.amount_type != template.get('amount_type', 'percent')
                or float_compare(tax.amount, template.get('amount', 0), precision_digits=4) != 0
                # Taxes that don't have repartition lines in their templates get theirs created by default
                or len(template_line_ids) not in (0, len(tax.repartition_line_ids))

        obsolete_xmlid = set()
        skip_update = set()
        for model_name, records in data.items():
            for xmlid, values in records.items():
                if model_name == 'account.fiscal.position':
                    # Only add tax mappings containing new taxes
                    if old_tax_ids := values.pop('tax_ids', []):
                        new_tax_ids = []
                        for element in old_tax_ids:
                            match element:
                                case Command.CREATE, _, {'tax_src_id': src_id, 'tax_dest_id': dest_id} if (
                                    not self.ref(src_id, raise_if_not_found=False)
                                    or (dest_id and not self.ref(dest_id, raise_if_not_found=False))
                        if new_tax_ids:
                            values['tax_ids'] = new_tax_ids

                elif model_name == 'account.tax':
                    # Only update the tags of existing taxes
                    if xmlid not in xmlid2tax or tax_template_changed(xmlid2tax[xmlid], values):
                        if self._context.get('force_new_tax_active'):
                            values['active'] = True
                        if xmlid in xmlid2tax:
                            oldtax = xmlid2tax[xmlid]
                            oldtax = current_taxes.filtered(
                                lambda t: t.name == values.get('name')\
                                      and t.type_tax_use == values.get('type_tax_use')\
                                      and t.tax_scope == values.get('tax_scope', False)
                        uniq_key = unique_tax_name_key(oldtax[0] if len(oldtax) > 1 else oldtax)
                        matching_names = len(list(filter(lambda t: re.match(fr"^(?:\[old\d*\] |){uniq_key[0]}$", t[0]) and t[1:] == uniq_key[1:], unique_tax_name_keys)))
                        for index, tax_to_rename in enumerate(oldtax):
                            rename_idx = index + matching_names
                            if rename_idx:
                                tax_to_rename.name = f"[old{rename_idx - 1 if rename_idx > 1 else ''}] {tax_to_rename.name}"
                        repartition_lines = values.get('repartition_line_ids')
                        if repartition_lines:
                            values['repartition_line_ids'] = repartition_lines
                            for element in values.get('repartition_line_ids', []):
                                match element:
                                    case int() as command, _, {'tag_ids': tags} as repartition_line_values if command in tuple(Command):
                                        repartition_line_values['tag_ids'] = tags or [Command.clear()]
                elif model_name == 'account.account':
                    # Point or create xmlid to existing record to avoid duplicate code
                    account = self.ref(xmlid, raise_if_not_found=False)
                    normalized_code = f'{values["code"]:<0{int(template_data.get("code_digits", 6))}}'
                    if not account or not re.match(f'^{values["code"]}0*$', account.code):
                        query = self.env['account.account']._search(self.env['account.account']._check_company_domain(company))
                        account_code = self.with_company(company).env['account.account']._field_to_sql('account_account', 'code', query)
                        query.add_where(SQL("%s SIMILAR TO %s", account_code, f'{values["code"]}0*'))
                        accounts = self.env['account.account'].browse(query)
                        existing_account = accounts.sorted(key=lambda x: x.code != normalized_code)[0] if accounts else None
                        if existing_account:
                                'xml_id': f"account.{company.id}_{xmlid}",
                                'record': existing_account,
                                'noupdate': True,
                            account = existing_account

                    # Prevents overriding user setting & raising a partial reconcile error.
                    values.pop('reconcile', None)
                    # on existing accounts, only tag_ids are to be updated using default data
                    if account and 'tag_ids' in data[model_name][xmlid]:
                        data[model_name][xmlid] = {'tag_ids': data[model_name][xmlid]['tag_ids']}
                    elif account:
                        skip_update.add((model_name, xmlid))

        for skip_model, skip_xmlid in skip_update:
            data[skip_model].pop(skip_xmlid, None)

        if obsolete_xmlid:
                ('name', 'in', [f"{company.id}_{xmlid}" for xmlid in obsolete_xmlid]),
                ('module', '=', 'account'),

        custom_fields = {  # Don't alter values that can be changed by the users
        for model_name, records in data.items():
            _fields = self.env[model_name]._fields
            for xmlid, values in records.items():
                x2manyfields = [
                    for fname in values
                    if fname in _fields
                    and f"{model_name}.{fname}" not in custom_fields
                    and _fields[fname].type in ('one2many', 'many2many')
                    and isinstance(values[fname], (list, tuple))
                if x2manyfields:
                    if isinstance(xmlid, int):
                        rec = self.env[model_name].browse(xmlid).exists()
                        rec = self.ref(xmlid, raise_if_not_found=False)
                    if rec:
                        for fname in x2manyfields:
                            for i, (line, (command, _id, vals)) in enumerate(zip(rec[fname], values[fname])):
                                if command == Command.CREATE:  # converts ORM command `create` into `update`
                                    values[fname][i] = Command.update(line.id, vals)

    def _pre_load_data(self, template_code, company, template_data, data):
        """Pre-process the data and preload some values.

        Some of the data needs special pre_process before being fed to the database.
        e.g. the account codes' width must be standardized to the code_digits applied.
        The fiscal country code must be put in place before taxes are generated.
        if 'account_fiscal_country_id' in data['res.company'][company.id]:
            fiscal_country = self.ref(data['res.company'][company.id]['account_fiscal_country_id'])
            fiscal_country = company.account_fiscal_country_id

        # Apply template data to the company
        filter_properties = lambda key: (
            (not key.startswith("property_") or key.startswith("property_stock_") or key == "additional_properties")
            and key != 'name'
            and key in company._fields

        # Set the currency to the fiscal country's currency
        vals = {key: val for key, val in template_data.items() if filter_properties(key)}
        if not company.root_id._existing_accounting():
            if company.parent_id:
                vals['currency_id'] = company.parent_id.currency_id.id
                vals['currency_id'] = fiscal_country.currency_id.id
        if not company.country_id:
            vals['country_id'] = fiscal_country.id

        # Ensure that we write on 'anglo_saxon_accounting' when changing to a CoA that relies on the default of `False`.
        vals.setdefault('anglo_saxon_accounting', False)

        # This write method is important because it's overridden and has additional triggers
        # e.g it activates the currency

        # Normalize the code_digits of the accounts
        code_digits = int(template_data.get('code_digits', 6))
        for key, account_data in data.get('account.account', {}).items():
            if 'code' in account_data:
                data['account.account'][key]['code'] = f'{account_data["code"]:<0{code_digits}}'

        for model in ('account.fiscal.position', 'account.reconcile.model'):
            if model in data:
                data[model] = data.pop(model)

        if data.get('res.company', {}).get(company.id):
            # Filter out default values that we don't want to ignore if the field is not present, in any case.
            company_data_to_filter = {'account_production_wip_account_id', 'account_production_wip_overhead_account_id'}
            # Remove data of unknown fields present in the company template
            for fname in list(data['res.company'][company.id]):
                if fname not in company._fields and (not self.env.context.get('l10n_check_fields_complete') or fname in company_data_to_filter):
                    del data['res.company'][company.id][fname]

        # Translate the untranslatable fields we want to translate anyway
        untranslatable_model_fields = self._get_untranslatable_fields_to_translate()
        untranslatable_target_lang = self._get_untranslatable_fields_target_language(template_code, company)
        for model_name, records in data.items():
            untranslatable_fields = untranslatable_model_fields.get(model_name, [])
            if not untranslatable_fields:
            for _xmlid, record in records.items():
                for field in untranslatable_fields:
                    if field not in record:
                    translation = self._get_field_translation(record, field, untranslatable_target_lang)
                    if translation:
                        record[field] = translation

        return data

    def _load_data(self, data, ignore_duplicates=False):
        """Load all the data linked to the template into the database.

        The data can contain translation values (i.e. `name@fr_FR` to translate the name in French)
        An xml_id that doesn't contain a `.` will be treated as being linked to `account` and prefixed
        with the company's id (i.e. `cash` is interpreted as `account.1_cash` if the company's id is 1)

        :param data: Basically all the final data of records to create/update for the chart
                     of accounts. It is a mapping {model: {xml_id: values}}.
        :type data: dict[str, dict[(str, int), dict]]

        :param ignore_duplicates: if true, inputs that match records already in the DB will be ignored
        def deref_values(values, model):
            """Replace xml_id references by database ids in all provided values.

            This allows to define all the data before the records even exist in the database.
            fields = ((model._fields[k], k, v) for k, v in values.items() if k in model._fields)
            failed_fields = []
            for field, fname, value in fields:
                if not value:
                    values[fname] = False
                elif isinstance(value, str) and (
                    field.type == 'many2one'
                    or (field.type in ('integer', 'many2one_reference') and not value.isdigit())
                        values[fname] = self.ref(value).id if value not in ('', 'False', 'None') else False
                    except ValueError:
                        if model != self.env['res.company']:
                            _logger.warning("Failed when trying to recover %s for field=%s", value, field)

                        # We can't find the record referenced in the chart template in our database.
                        # This might happen when we're creating a branch and the parent company has deleted the
                        # referenced record and replaced it with something else.
                        # In this case, we try looking for the record already set on the company or its root.
                        values[fname] = self.env.company[fname] or self.env.company.parent_ids[0][fname] or False
                elif field.type in ('one2many', 'many2many') and isinstance(value[0], (list, tuple)):
                    for i, (command, _id, *last_part) in enumerate(value):
                        if last_part:
                            last_part = last_part[0]
                        # (0, 0, {'test': 'account.ref_name'}) -> Command.Create({'test': 13})
                        if command in (Command.CREATE, Command.UPDATE):
                            deref_values(last_part, self.env[field.comodel_name])
                        # (6, 0, ['account.ref_name']) -> Command.Set([13])
                        elif command == Command.SET:
                            for subvalue_idx, subvalue in enumerate(last_part):
                                if isinstance(subvalue, str):
                                    last_part[subvalue_idx] = self.ref(subvalue).id
                        elif command == Command.LINK and isinstance(_id, str):
                            value[i] = Command.link(self.ref(_id).id)
                elif field.type in ('one2many', 'many2many') and isinstance(value, str):
                    values[fname] = [Command.set([
                        for v in value.split(',')
                        if v
            for fname in failed_fields:
                del values[fname]
            return values

        def delay(all_data):
            """Defer writing some relations if the related records don't exist yet."""

            def should_delay(created_models, yet_to_be_created_models, model, field_name, field_val, parent_models=None):
                parent_models = (parent_models or []) + [model]
                field = self.env[model]._fields.get(field_name)
                if not field or not field.relational or field.comodel_name in created_models or isinstance(field_val, int):
                    return False
                field_yet_to_be_created = field.comodel_name in parent_models + yet_to_be_created_models
                if not isinstance(field_val, list | tuple):
                    return field_yet_to_be_created
                # Check recursively if there are subfields that should be delayed
                for element in field_val:
                    match element:
                        case Command.CREATE, _, dict() as values:
                            for subkey, subvalue in values.items():
                                if should_delay(created_models, yet_to_be_created_models, field.comodel_name, subkey, subvalue, parent_models):
                                    return True
                        case int() as command, *_ if command in tuple(Command):
                            if field_yet_to_be_created:
                                return True
                return False

            created_models = set()
            while all_data:
                (model, data), *all_data = all_data
                yet_to_be_created_models = [model for model, _data in all_data if _data]
                to_delay = defaultdict(dict)
                for xml_id, vals in data.items():
                    to_be_removed = []
                    for field_name, field_val in vals.items():
                        if should_delay(created_models, yet_to_be_created_models, model, field_name, field_val):
                            # Default repartition lines will be created when we create account.tax
                            # If we delay the creation of repartition_line_ids, then we must get rid of the defaults
                            if (
                                model == 'account.tax' and 'repartition_line_ids' in field_name
                                and not self.ref(xml_id, raise_if_not_found=False)
                                and all(
                                    isinstance(x, tuple | list) and len(x)
                                    and isinstance(x[0], Command | int) for x in field_val
                                field_val = [Command.clear()] + field_val
                            to_delay[xml_id][field_name] = field_val
                    for field_name in to_be_removed:
                        del vals[field_name]
                if any(to_delay.values()):
                    all_data.append((model, to_delay))
                yield model, data

        created_records = {}
        for model, model_data in delay(list(deepcopy(data).items())):
            all_records_vals = []
            for xml_id, record_vals in model_data.items():
                # Extract the translations from the values
                for key in list(record_vals):
                    if '@' in key or key == '__translation_module__':
                        del record_vals[key]

                # Manage ids given as database id or xml_id
                if isinstance(xml_id, int):
                    record_vals['id'] = xml_id
                    xml_id = False
                    xml_id = f"{('account.' + str(self.env.company.id) + '_') if '.' not in xml_id else ''}{xml_id}"

                    'xml_id': xml_id,
                    'values': deref_values(record_vals, self.env[model]),
                    'noupdate': True,
            created_records[model] = self.with_context(lang='en_US').env[model]._load_records(all_records_vals, ignore_duplicates=ignore_duplicates)
        return created_records

    def _post_load_data(self, template_code, company, template_data):
        company = (company or self.env.company)
        additional_properties = template_data.pop('additional_properties', {})

        self._setup_utility_bank_accounts(template_code, company, template_data)

        # Unaffected earnings account on the company (if not present yet)

        # Set newly created Cash difference and Suspense accounts to the Cash and Bank journals
        for journal in [self.ref(kind, raise_if_not_found=False) for kind in ('bank', 'cash', 'credit')]:
            if journal:
                journal.suspense_account_id = journal.suspense_account_id or company.account_journal_suspense_account_id
                journal.profit_account_id = journal.profit_account_id or company.default_cash_difference_income_account_id
                journal.loss_account_id = journal.loss_account_id or company.default_cash_difference_expense_account_id

        # Set newly created journals as defaults for the company
        if not company.tax_cash_basis_journal_id:
            company.tax_cash_basis_journal_id = self.ref('caba', raise_if_not_found=False)
        if not company.currency_exchange_journal_id:
            company.currency_exchange_journal_id = self.ref('exch', raise_if_not_found=False)

        # Setup default Income/Expense Accounts on Sale/Purchase journals
        sale_journal = self.ref("sale", raise_if_not_found=False)
        if sale_journal and template_data.get('property_account_income_categ_id'):
            sale_journal.default_account_id = self.ref(template_data.get('property_account_income_categ_id'))
        purchase_journal = self.ref("purchase", raise_if_not_found=False)
        if purchase_journal and template_data.get('property_account_expense_categ_id'):
            purchase_journal.default_account_id = self.ref(template_data.get('property_account_expense_categ_id'))

        # Set default Purchase and Sale taxes on the company
        if not company.account_sale_tax_id:
            company.account_sale_tax_id = self.env['account.tax'].search([
                ('type_tax_use', 'in', ('sale', 'all'))], limit=1).id
        if not company.account_purchase_tax_id:
            company.account_purchase_tax_id = self.env['account.tax'].search([
                ('type_tax_use', 'in', ('purchase', 'all'))], limit=1).id
        # Set default taxes on products (only on products having already a tax set in another company, as some flows require no tax at all (e.g TIPS in PoS))
        # We need to browse the product in sudo to check for the taxes_id and supplier_taxes_id fields regardless of the companies record rules
        # that would, otherwise, just look empty all the time for the current user/company
        sudoed_products = self.env['product.template'].sudo().search(self.env['product.template']._check_company_domain(company))

        if company.account_sale_tax_id:
            sudoed_products_sale = sudoed_products.filtered(
                lambda p: p.taxes_id and not p.taxes_id.filtered_domain(p.taxes_id._check_company_domain(company)))
        if company.account_purchase_tax_id:
            sudoed_products_purchase = sudoed_products.filtered(
                lambda p: p.supplier_taxes_id and not p.supplier_taxes_id.filtered_domain(p.taxes_id._check_company_domain(company)))

        # Display caba fields if there are caba taxes
        if not company.parent_id and self.env['account.tax'].search_count([('tax_exigibility', '=', 'on_payment')], limit=1):
            company.tax_exigibility = True

        for field, model in self._get_property_accounts(additional_properties).items():
            value = template_data.get(field)
            if value and field in self.env[model]._fields:
                self.env['ir.default'].set(model, field, self.ref(value).id, company_id=company.id)

        # Set default transfer account on the internal transfer reconciliation model
        reco = self.ref('internal_transfer_reco', raise_if_not_found=False)
        if reco:
            reco.line_ids.sudo().write({'account_id': company.transfer_account_id.id})

    def _get_property_accounts(self, additional_properties):
        return {
            'property_account_receivable_id': 'res.partner',
            'property_account_payable_id': 'res.partner',
            'property_account_expense_categ_id': 'product.category',
            'property_account_income_categ_id': 'product.category',
            'property_stock_journal': 'product.category',

    def _get_chart_template_data(self, template_code):
        template_data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))
        template_data['res.company']  # ensure it's the first property when iterating
        translatable_model_fields = self._get_translatable_template_model_fields()
        untranslatable_model_fields = self._get_untranslatable_fields_to_translate()
        for code in [None] + self._get_parent_template(template_code):
            for model, funcs in sorted(
                key=lambda i: TEMPLATE_MODELS.index(i[0]) if i[0] in TEMPLATE_MODELS else 1000
                translatable_fields = translatable_model_fields.get(model, [])
                untranslatable_fields = untranslatable_model_fields.get(model, [])
                for func in funcs:
                    data = func(self, template_code)
                    if data is not None:
                        if model == 'template_data':
                            for xmlid, record in data.items():
                                # Store information about which module each field value originates from (for code translations).
                                # The final value of different fields may be determined by different functions.
                                # The last function to modify the record may not modify all or any of the translatable fields.
                                for field in translatable_fields + untranslatable_fields:
                                    if field in record:
                                        record.setdefault('__translation_module__', {})[field] = func._module

        return template_data

    def _setup_utility_bank_accounts(self, template_code, company, template_data):
        """Define basic bank accounts for the company.

        - Suspense Account
        - Outstanding Receipts/Payments Accounts
        - Cash Difference Gain/Loss Accounts
        - Liquidity Transfer Account
        # Create utility bank_accounts
        bank_prefix = company.bank_account_code_prefix
        code_digits = int(template_data.get('code_digits', 6))
        accounts_data = {
            'account_journal_suspense_account_id': {
                'name': _("Bank Suspense Account"),
                'prefix': bank_prefix,
                'code_digits': code_digits,
                'account_type': 'asset_current',
            'account_journal_early_pay_discount_loss_account_id': {
                'name': _("Cash Discount Loss"),
                'code': '999998',
                'account_type': 'expense',
            'account_journal_early_pay_discount_gain_account_id': {
                'name': _("Cash Discount Gain"),
                'code': '999997',
                'account_type': 'income_other',
            'default_cash_difference_income_account_id': {
                'name': _("Cash Difference Gain"),
                'prefix': '999',
                'code_digits': code_digits,
                'account_type': 'income_other',
                'tag_ids': [(6, 0, self.ref('account.account_tag_investing').ids)],
            'default_cash_difference_expense_account_id': {
                'name': _("Cash Difference Loss"),
                'prefix': '999',
                'code_digits': code_digits,
                'account_type': 'expense',
                'tag_ids': [(6, 0, self.ref('account.account_tag_investing').ids)],
            'transfer_account_id': {
                'name': _("Liquidity Transfer"),
                'prefix': company.transfer_account_code_prefix,
                'code_digits': code_digits,
                'account_type': 'asset_current',
                'reconcile': True,

        for fname in list(accounts_data):
            if company[fname]:
                del accounts_data[fname]
        if company.parent_id:
            for company_attr_name in accounts_data:
                company[company_attr_name] = company.parent_ids[0][company_attr_name]
            accounts = self.env['account.account']._load_records([
                    'xml_id': f"account.{company.id}_{xml_id}",
                    'values': values,
                    'noupdate': True,
                for xml_id, values in accounts_data.items()
            for company_attr_name, account in zip(accounts_data.keys(), accounts):
                company[company_attr_name] = account

        # No fields on company
        is_accounting_installed_next = self.env["ir.module.module"].search([('name', '=', 'accountant')]).state in ('to install', 'installed')
        if not company.parent_id and not is_accounting_installed_next:
            accounts_data_no_fields = {
                'account_journal_payment_debit_account_id': {
                    'name': _("Outstanding Receipts"),
                    'prefix': bank_prefix,
                    'code_digits': code_digits,
                    'account_type': 'asset_current',
                    'reconcile': True,
                'account_journal_payment_credit_account_id': {
                    'name': _("Outstanding Payments"),
                    'prefix': bank_prefix,
                    'code_digits': code_digits,
                    'account_type': 'asset_current',
                    'reconcile': True,
                    'xml_id': f"account.{company.id}_{xml_id}",
                    'values': values,
                    'noupdate': True,
                for xml_id, values in accounts_data_no_fields.items()

    def _instantiate_foreign_taxes(self, country, company):
        """Create and configure foreign taxes from the provided country.

        Instantiate the taxes as they would be for the foreign localization only replacing the accounts used by the most
        probable account we can retrieve from the company's localization.
        This method is intended as a shortcut for instantiation, accelerating it, not as an out-of-the-box solution 100%
        correct solution.
        # Implementation:
        # - Check if there is any tax for this country and stop the process if yes
        # - Retrieve the tax group and tax template data
        # - Try to create accounts at most probable location in the CoA
        # - Assign those accounts to the data
        # - Creates tax group and taxes with their ir.model.data

        taxes_in_country = self.env['account.tax'].search([
            ('country_id', '=', country.id),
        if taxes_in_country:

        def create_foreign_tax_account(existing_account, additional_label):
            new_code = self.env['account.account'].with_company(company)._search_new_account_code(existing_account.code)
            return self.env['account.account'].create({
                'name': f"{existing_account.name} - {additional_label}",
                'code': new_code,
                'account_type': existing_account.account_type,
                'company_ids': [Command.link(company.id)],

        existing_accounts = {'': None, None: None}  # keeps tracks of the created account by foreign xml_id
        default_company_taxes = company.account_sale_tax_id + company.account_purchase_tax_id
        chart_template_code = self._guess_chart_template(country=country)
        tax_group_data = self._get_chart_template_data(chart_template_code)['account.tax.group']
        tax_data = self._get_chart_template_data(chart_template_code)['account.tax']

        # Populate foreign accounts mapping
        # Try to create tax group accounts if not mapped
        field_and_names = (
            ('tax_payable_account_id', _("Foreign tax account payable (%s)", country.code)),
            ('tax_receivable_account_id', _("Foreign tax account receivable (%s)", country.code)),
            ('advance_tax_payment_account_id', _("Foreign tax account advance payment (%s)", country.code)),
        for field, account_name in field_and_names:
            for tax_group in tax_group_data.values():
                account_template_xml_id = tax_group.get(field)
                if account_template_xml_id in existing_accounts:
                local_tax_group = self.env["account.tax.group"].search([
                    ('country_id', '=', company.account_fiscal_country_id.id),
                    (field, '!=', False),
                ], limit=1)
                if local_tax_group:
                    existing_accounts[account_template_xml_id] = create_foreign_tax_account(local_tax_group[field], account_name).id

        # Try to create repartition lines account if not mapped
        for tax_template in tax_data.values():
            for _command, _id, rep_line in tax_template.get('repartition_line_ids', []):
                if 'account_id' in rep_line and rep_line['repartition_type'] == 'tax':
                    type_tax_use, foreign_tax_rep_line = tax_template['type_tax_use'], rep_line
                    account_template_xml_id = foreign_tax_rep_line['account_id']
                    if account_template_xml_id in existing_accounts:

                    sign_comparator = '<' if float(foreign_tax_rep_line.get('factor_percent', 100)) < 0 else '>'
                    minimal_domain = [
                        ('account_id', '!=', False),
                        ('factor_percent', sign_comparator, 0),
                    additional_domain = [
                        ('tax_id.type_tax_use', '=', type_tax_use),
                        ('tax_id.country_id', '=', company.account_fiscal_country_id.id),
                        ('tax_id', 'in', default_company_taxes.ids),

                    # Trying to find an account being less restrictive on each iteration until the minimum acceptable is
                    # reached. If nothing is found, don't fill it to avoid setting a wrong account
                    similar_repartition_line = None
                    while not similar_repartition_line and additional_domain:
                        search_domain = minimal_domain + additional_domain
                        similar_repartition_line = self.env['account.tax.repartition.line'].search(search_domain, limit=1)

                    if similar_repartition_line:
                        local_tax_account = similar_repartition_line.account_id
                        similar_account_id = create_foreign_tax_account(local_tax_account, _("Foreign tax account (%s)", country.code))
                        existing_accounts[account_template_xml_id] = similar_account_id.id

        # Try to create cash basis account if not mapped
        local_cash_basis_tax = self.env["account.tax"].search([
            ('country_id', '=', company.account_fiscal_country_id.id),
            ('cash_basis_transition_account_id', '!=', False)
        ], limit=1)
        for tax_template in tax_data.values():
            account_xml_id = tax_template.get('cash_basis_transition_account_id')
            if account_xml_id in existing_accounts:

            if local_cash_basis_tax:
                existing_accounts[account_xml_id] = create_foreign_tax_account(
                    _("Cash basis transition account")

            account_id = [rep_line['account_id'] for _command, _id, rep_line in tax_template['repartition_line_ids'] if rep_line.get('account_id')]
            if account_id:
                local_account = self.env['account.account'].browse(existing_accounts[account_id[0]])
                existing_accounts[account_xml_id] = create_foreign_tax_account(local_account, _("Cash basis transition account")).id
            existing_accounts[account_xml_id] = None

        # Assign the account based on the map
        for field, account_name in field_and_names:
            for tax_group in tax_group_data.values():
                tax_group[field] = existing_accounts.get(account_template_xml_id)

        for tax_template in tax_data.values():
            # This is required because the country isn't provided directly by the template
            tax_template['country_id'] = country.id

            if tax_template.get('tax_group_id'):
                tax_template['tax_group_id'] = f"{chart_template_code}_{tax_template['tax_group_id']}"

            for _command, _id, rep_line in tax_template.get('repartition_line_ids', []):
                rep_line['account_id'] = existing_accounts.get(rep_line.get('account_id'))

            account_xml_id = tax_template.get('cash_basis_transition_account_id')
            tax_template['cash_basis_transition_account_id'] = existing_accounts[account_xml_id]

        data = {
            'account.tax.group': tax_group_data,
            'account.tax': tax_data,
        # prefix the xml_id with the chart template code to avoid collision
        # because since 16.2 xml_ids are regrouped under module account
        data = {
            model: {
                f"{chart_template_code}_{xml_id}": template
                for xml_id, template in templates.items()
            for model, templates in data.items()
        # add the prefix to the "children_tax_ids" value for group-type taxes
        for tax_data in data['account.tax'].values():
            if tax_data.get('amount_type') == 'group' and 'children_tax_ids' in tax_data:
                children_taxes = tax_data['children_tax_ids'].split(',')
                for idx, child_tax in enumerate(children_taxes):
                    children_taxes[idx] = f"{chart_template_code}_{child_tax}"
                tax_data['children_tax_ids'] = ','.join(children_taxes)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Root template functions
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _get_account_account(self, template_code):
        return self._parse_csv(template_code, 'account.account')

    def _get_account_group(self, template_code):
        return self._parse_csv(template_code, 'account.group')

    def _get_account_tax_group(self, template_code):
        return self._parse_csv(template_code, 'account.tax.group')

    def _get_account_tax(self, template_code):
        tax_data = self._parse_csv(template_code, 'account.tax')
        self._deref_account_tags(template_code, tax_data)
        return tax_data

    def _get_account_fiscal_position(self, template_code):
        return self._parse_csv(template_code, 'account.fiscal.position')

    def _get_account_journal(self, template_code):
        return {
            "sale": {
                'name': _('Customer Invoices'),
                'type': 'sale',
                'code': _('INV'),
                'show_on_dashboard': True,
                'color': 11,
                'sequence': 5,
            "purchase": {
                'name': _('Vendor Bills'),
                'type': 'purchase',
                'code': _('BILL'),
                'show_on_dashboard': True,
                'color': 11,
                'sequence': 6,
            "general": {
                'name': _('Miscellaneous Operations'),
                'type': 'general',
                'code': _('MISC'),
                'show_on_dashboard': False,
                'sequence': 9,
            "exch": {
                'name': _('Exchange Difference'),
                'type': 'general',
                'code': _('EXCH'),
                'show_on_dashboard': False,
            "caba": {
                'name': _('Cash Basis Taxes'),
                'type': 'general',
                'code': _('CABA'),
                'show_on_dashboard': False,
            "bank": {
                'name': _('Bank'),
                'type': 'bank',
                'show_on_dashboard': True,
                'sequence': 7,
            "cash": {
                'name': _('Cash'),
                'type': 'cash',
                'show_on_dashboard': True,

    def _get_account_reconcile_model(self, template_code):
        return {
            "reconcile_perfect_match": {
                "name": _('Invoices/Bills Perfect Match'),
                "sequence": 1,
                "rule_type": 'invoice_matching',
                "auto_reconcile": True,
                "match_nature": 'both',
                "match_same_currency": True,
                "allow_payment_tolerance": True,
                "payment_tolerance_type": 'percentage',
                "payment_tolerance_param": 0,
                "match_partner": True,
            "reconcile_partial_underpaid": {
                "name": _('Invoices/Bills Partial Match if Underpaid'),
                "sequence": 2,
                "rule_type": 'invoice_matching',
                "auto_reconcile": False,
                "match_nature": 'both',
                "match_same_currency": True,
                "allow_payment_tolerance": False,
                "match_partner": True,
            "reconcile_bill": {
                "name": 'Create Bill',
                "sequence": 5,
                "rule_type": 'writeoff_button',
                'counterpart_type': 'purchase',
                'line_ids': [
                        'amount_type': 'percentage_st_line',
                        'amount_string': '100',
            'internal_transfer_reco': {
                'name': _('Internal Transfers'),
                'rule_type': 'writeoff_button',
                'line_ids': [
                        'amount_type': 'percentage',
                        'amount_string': '100',
                        'label': _('Internal Transfers'),

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Tooling
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def ref(self, xmlid, raise_if_not_found=True):
        if '.' in xmlid:
            return self.env.ref(xmlid, raise_if_not_found)
        return (
            self.env.ref(f"account.{self.env.company.id}_{xmlid}", raise_if_not_found=False)
            or self.env.ref(f"account.{self.env.company.parent_ids[0].id}_{xmlid}", raise_if_not_found)

    def _get_parent_template(self, code):
        parents = []
        template_mapping = self._get_chart_template_mapping(get_all=True)
        while template_mapping.get(code):
            code = template_mapping.get(code).get('parent')
        return parents

    def _get_tag_mapper(self, country_id):
        tags = {x.name: x.id for x in self.env['account.account.tag'].with_context(active_test=False, lang='en_US').search([
            ('applicability', '=', 'taxes'),
            ('country_id', '=', country_id),

        def mapping_getter(*args):
            res = []
            for tag in args:
                if re.match(r"^\w+\.\w+$", tag):
                    # xml_id => explicit data, doesn't need to be mapped
                    format_tag = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', tag.strip())
                    mapped_tag = tags.get(format_tag)
                    if not mapped_tag:
                        raise UserError(self.env._('Error while loading the localization. You should probably update your localization app first.'))
            return res
        return mapping_getter

    def _deref_account_tags(self, template_code, tax_data):
        mapper = self._get_tag_mapper(self._get_chart_template_mapping()[template_code]['country_id'])
        for tax_values in tax_data.values():
            for field_name in ('repartition_line_ids', 'invoice_repartition_line_ids', 'refund_repartition_line_ids'):
                for element in tax_values.get(field_name, []):
                    match element:
                        case int() as command, _, {'tag_ids': str() as tags} as values if command in tuple(Command):
                            values['tag_ids'] = [Command.set(mapper(*tags.split(TAX_TAG_DELIMITER)))]

    def _parse_csv(self, template_code, model, module=None):
        Model = self.env[model]
        model_fields = Model._fields

        if module is None:
            module = self._get_chart_template_mapping().get(template_code)['module']
        assert re.fullmatch(r"[a-z0-9_]+", module)

        def evaluate(key, value, model_fields):
            if not value:
                return value
            if '@' in key:
                return value
            if '/' in key:
                return []
            if model_fields:
                if model_fields[key].type in ('boolean', 'int', 'float'):
                    return ast.literal_eval(value)
                if model_fields[key].type == 'char':
                    return value.strip()
            return value

        res = {}
        for template in self._get_parent_template(template_code)[::-1] or ['']:
                with file_open(f"{module}/data/template/{model}{f'-{template}' if template else ''}.csv", 'r') as csv_file:
                    for row in csv.DictReader(csv_file):
                        if row['id']:
                            last_id = row['id']
                            res[row['id']] = {
                                key.split('/')[0]: evaluate(key, value, model_fields)
                                for key, value in row.items()
                                if key != 'id' and value and ('@' in key or key in model_fields)
                        create_added = set()
                        for key, value in row.items():
                            if '/' in key and value:
                                CurrentModel = Model
                                sub = res[last_id]
                                *model_path, fname = key.split('/')
                                path_str = "/".join(model_path)
                                for path_component in model_path:
                                    if path_str not in create_added:
                                        sub.setdefault(path_component, [])
                                    sub = sub[path_component][-1][2]
                                    CurrentModel = self.env[CurrentModel[path_component]._name]
                                sub[fname] = evaluate(fname, value, CurrentModel._fields)

            except FileNotFoundError:
                _logger.debug("No file %s found for template '%s'", model, module)
        return res

    def _get_untranslatable_fields_target_language(self, template_code, company):
        """Return the code of the language we want to translate the untranslatable fields into.
        # Note: In case this function is called during module installation
        #   * The active user is the super user.
        #   * There is no 'lang' in the context.
        return company.partner_id.lang or get_lang(self.env).code

    def _get_untranslatable_fields_to_translate(self):
        """Return information about the untranslatable fields we want to translate anyway.

        :param langs: The codes of the languages into which we want to translate the records.
        :type langs: list[str]
        :param companies: Records belonging to these companies will be considered.
        :type companies: Model<res.company>
        :return: Dictionary (model -> list of fields) where the list of fields contains
                 all the untranslatable fields of the model we want to translate anyway
        :rtype: dict[str, list[str]]
        return {
            'account.journal': [

    def _get_translatable_template_model_fields(self):
        return {
            model: [fieldname for (fieldname, field) in self.env[model]._fields.items() if field.translate]
            for model in TEMPLATE_MODELS

    def _get_untranslated_translatable_template_model_records(self, langs, companies):
        """Return information about the records of any model in TEMPLATE_MODELS (and belonging to companies) that need to be translated.
        Records are in need of translation if they have a translatable field which is missing a translation (into any of the languages given in langs).

        :param langs: The codes of the languages into which we want to translate the records.
        :type langs: list[str]
        :param companies: Records belonging to these companies will be considered.
        :type companies: Model<res.company>
        :return: The records which information will be returned are those records that have at least 1 untranslated translatable field.
                 A field is 'untranslated' if it does not have a translation for all languages in langs.
                 The returned value is a List of tuples:
                     (model, xmlid (without module prefix), module, dictionary from name to value for each translatable field)
        :rtype: list[tuple(str, str, str, dict[str, str])]
        if not langs or not companies:
            return []

        company_ids = tuple(companies.ids)

        translatable_model_fields = self._get_translatable_template_model_fields()

        # Generate a list of queries; exactly 1 per model
        queries = []
        for model in TEMPLATE_MODELS:
            translatable_fields = translatable_model_fields[model]
            if not translatable_fields:
            company_id_field = 'company_ids' if model == 'account.account' else 'company_id'

            self.env[model].flush_model(['id', company_id_field] + translatable_model_fields[model])

            query = self.env[model]._where_calc([(company_id_field, 'in', company_ids)])

            # We only want records that have at least 1 missing translation in any of its translatable fields
            missing_translation_clauses = [
                SQL("(%s ->> %s) IS NULL", SQL.identifier(query.table, field), lang)
                for field in translatable_fields
                for lang in langs

            translatable_field_column_args = []
            for field in translatable_fields:
                translatable_field_column_args.extend((SQL("%s", field), SQL.identifier(query.table, field)))

                 SELECT %(model)s AS model,
                        model_data.name AS xmlid,
                        model_data.module AS module,
                        json_build_object(%(translatable_field_column_args)s) AS fields
                   FROM %(from_clause)s
                   JOIN ir_model_data model_data ON model_data.model = %(model)s
                                                AND %(model_id)s = model_data.res_id
                  WHERE %(where_clause)s
                        AND (%(missing_translation_clauses)s)
                translatable_field_column_args=SQL(", ").join(translatable_field_column_args),
                model_id=SQL.identifier(query.table, 'id'),
                where_clause=query.where_clause or SQL("TRUE"),
                missing_translation_clauses=SQL(" OR ").join(missing_translation_clauses),

        query = (SQL(' UNION ALL ').join(queries))
        # the queried models have been flushed already as part of the loop building the queries per model
        self.env['ir.model.data'].flush_model(['res_id', 'model', 'name'])

        return self._cr.fetchall()

    def _get_field_translation(self, record, fname, lang):
        """Return the value for language lang for field with fname from record (or None if none exists).

        :param record: record formatted like in the template data (generated by _get_chart_template_data)
        :type record: dict
        :param fname: the name of a field (in record) as string
        :type str
        :param lang: the code of a res.lang
        :type str
        :return record[fname] translated into lang (or None)
        :rtype str
        generic_lang = lang.split('_')[0]  # manage generic locale (i.e. `fr` instead of `fr_BE`)
        translation_module = record.get('__translation_module__', {}).get(fname, 'account')
        translation = record.get(f"{fname}@{lang}") or record.get(f"{fname}@{generic_lang}")
        if translation or fname not in record:
            return translation
            return (
                code_translations.get_python_translations(translation_module, lang).get(record[fname])
                or code_translations.get_python_translations(translation_module, generic_lang).get(record[fname])

    def _load_translations(self, langs=None, companies=None, template_data=None):
        """Load the translations of the chart template.

        :param langs: the lang code to load the translations for. If one of the codes is not present,
                      we are looking for it more generic locale (i.e. `en` instead of `en_US`)
        :type langs: list[str]
        :param companies: the companies to load the translations for
        :type companies: Model<res.company>
        langs = langs or [code for code, _name in self.env['res.lang'].get_installed()]
        available_template_codes = list(self._get_chart_template_mapping(get_all=True))
        companies = companies or self.env['res.company'].search([('chart_template', 'in', available_template_codes)])

        translation_importer = TranslationImporter(self.env.cr, verbose=False)

        # Gather translations for records that are created from the chart_template data
        for chart_template, chart_companies in groupby(companies, lambda c: c.chart_template):
            template_data = template_data or self.env['account.chart.template']._get_chart_template_data(chart_template)
            template_data.pop('template_data', None)
            for mname, data in template_data.items():
                for _xml_id, record in data.items():
                    fnames = {fname.split('@')[0] for fname in record if fname != '__translation_module__'}
                    for lang in langs:
                        for fname in fnames:
                            field = self.env[mname]._fields.get(fname)
                            if not field or not field.translate:
                            field_translation = self._get_field_translation(record, fname, lang)
                            if field_translation:
                                for company in chart_companies:
                                    xml_id = _xml_id if '.' in _xml_id else f"account.{company.id}_{_xml_id}"
                                    translation_importer.model_translations[mname][fname][xml_id][lang] = field_translation

        # Gather translations for the TEMPLATE_MODELS records that are not created from the chart_template data
        translation_langs = [lang for lang in langs if lang != 'en_US']  # there are no code translations for 'en_US' (original language)
        for (mname, _xml_id, module, fields) in self._get_untranslated_translatable_template_model_records(translation_langs, companies):
            for (field, value) in fields.items():
                if not value or 'en_US' not in value:
                value_en_US = value['en_US']
                xml_id = f"{module}.{_xml_id}"
                for lang in [lang for lang in translation_langs if lang not in value]:
                    if lang in translation_importer.model_translations[mname][field][xml_id]:
                    value_translated = None
                    for code_module in ([module, 'account'] if module != 'account' else ['account']):
                        value_translated = code_translations.get_python_translations(code_module, lang).get(value_en_US)
                        if not value_translated:  # manage generic locale (i.e. `fr` instead of `fr_BE`)
                            value_translated = code_translations.get_python_translations(code_module, lang.split('_')[0]).get(value_en_US)
                        if value_translated:
                            translation_importer.model_translations[mname][field][xml_id][lang] = value_translated
