# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import logging import os import sys from pathlib import Path import odoo from odoo.modules import get_modules, get_module_path, initialize_sys_path commands = {} class Command: name = None def __init_subclass__(cls): cls.name = cls.name or cls.__name__.lower() commands[cls.name] = cls ODOO_HELP = """\ Odoo CLI, use '{odoo_bin} --help' for regular server options. Available commands: {command_list} Use '{odoo_bin} <command> --help' for individual command help.""" class Help(Command): """ Display the list of available commands """ def run(self, args): padding = max([len(cmd) for cmd in commands]) + 2 command_list = "\n ".join([ " {}{}".format(name.ljust(padding), (command.__doc__ or "").strip()) for name, command in sorted(commands.items()) ]) print(ODOO_HELP.format( # pylint: disable=bad-builtin odoo_bin=Path(sys.argv[0]).name, command_list=command_list )) def main(): args = sys.argv[1:] # The only shared option is '--addons-path=' needed to discover additional # commands from modules if len(args) > 1 and args[0].startswith('--addons-path=') and not args[1].startswith("-"): # parse only the addons-path, do not setup the logger... odoo.tools.config._parse_config([args[0]]) args = args[1:] # Default legacy command command = "server" # TODO: find a way to properly discover addons subcommands without importing the world # Subcommand discovery if len(args) and not args[0].startswith("-"): logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) initialize_sys_path() for module in get_modules(): if (Path(get_module_path(module)) / 'cli').is_dir(): __import__('odoo.addons.' + module) logging.disable(logging.NOTSET) command = args[0] args = args[1:] if command in commands: o = commands[command]() o.run(args) else: sys.exit('Unknown command %r' % (command,))