2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00

285 lines
16 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import api, fields, models, _, Command
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from odoo.tools import format_date, formatLang, frozendict
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
class AccountPaymentTerm(models.Model):
_name = "account.payment.term"
_description = "Payment Terms"
_order = "sequence, id"
def _default_line_ids(self):
return [Command.create({'value': 'balance', 'value_amount': 0.0, 'days': 0, 'end_month': False})]
def _default_example_amount(self):
return self._context.get('example_amount') or 100 # Force default value if the context is set to False
def _default_example_date(self):
return self._context.get('example_date') or fields.Date.today()
name = fields.Char(string='Payment Terms', translate=True, required=True)
active = fields.Boolean(default=True, help="If the active field is set to False, it will allow you to hide the payment terms without removing it.")
note = fields.Html(string='Description on the Invoice', translate=True)
line_ids = fields.One2many('account.payment.term.line', 'payment_id', string='Terms', copy=True, default=_default_line_ids)
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string='Company')
sequence = fields.Integer(required=True, default=10)
display_on_invoice = fields.Boolean(string='Display terms on invoice', help="If set, the payment deadlines and respective due amounts will be detailed on invoices.")
example_amount = fields.Float(default=_default_example_amount, store=False)
example_date = fields.Date(string='Date example', default=_default_example_date, store=False)
example_invalid = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_example_invalid')
example_preview = fields.Html(compute='_compute_example_preview')
def _compute_example_invalid(self):
for payment_term in self:
payment_term.example_invalid = len(payment_term.line_ids.filtered(lambda l: l.value == 'balance')) != 1
@api.depends('example_amount', 'example_date', 'line_ids.value', 'line_ids.value_amount',
'line_ids.months', 'line_ids.days', 'line_ids.end_month', 'line_ids.days_after')
def _compute_example_preview(self):
for record in self:
example_preview = ""
if not record.example_invalid:
currency = self.env.company.currency_id
terms = record._compute_terms(
for i, info_by_dates in enumerate(record._get_amount_by_date(terms, currency).values()):
date = info_by_dates['date']
discount_date = info_by_dates['discount_date']
amount = info_by_dates['amount']
discount_amount = info_by_dates['discounted_amount'] or 0.0
example_preview += "<div style='margin-left: 20px;'>"
example_preview += _(
"<b>%(count)s#</b> Installment of <b>%(amount)s</b> on <b style='color: #704A66;'>%(date)s</b>",
amount=formatLang(self.env, amount, monetary=True, currency_obj=currency),
if discount_date:
example_preview += _(
" (<b>%(amount)s</b> if paid before <b>%(date)s</b>)",
amount=formatLang(self.env, discount_amount, monetary=True, currency_obj=currency),
date=format_date(self.env, terms[i].get('discount_date')),
example_preview += "</div>"
record.example_preview = example_preview
def _get_amount_by_date(self, terms, currency):
Returns a dictionary with the amount for each date of the payment term
(grouped by date, discounted percentage and discount last date,
sorted by date and ignoring null amounts).
terms = sorted(terms, key=lambda t: t.get('date'))
amount_by_date = {}
for term in terms:
key = frozendict({
'date': term['date'],
'discount_date': term['discount_date'],
'discount_percentage': term['discount_percentage'],
results = amount_by_date.setdefault(key, {
'date': format_date(self.env, term['date']),
'amount': 0.0,
'discounted_amount': 0.0,
'discount_date': format_date(self.env, term['discount_date']),
results['amount'] += term['foreign_amount']
results['discounted_amount'] += term['discount_amount_currency']
return amount_by_date
def _check_lines(self):
for terms in self:
if len(terms.line_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.value == 'balance')) != 1:
raise ValidationError(_('The Payment Term must have one Balance line.'))
if terms.line_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.value == 'fixed' and r.discount_percentage):
raise ValidationError(_("You can't mix fixed amount with early payment percentage"))
def _compute_terms(self, date_ref, currency, company, tax_amount, tax_amount_currency, sign, untaxed_amount, untaxed_amount_currency, cash_rounding=None):
"""Get the distribution of this payment term.
:param date_ref: The move date to take into account
:param currency: the move's currency
:param company: the company issuing the move
:param tax_amount: the signed tax amount for the move
:param tax_amount_currency: the signed tax amount for the move in the move's currency
:param untaxed_amount: the signed untaxed amount for the move
:param untaxed_amount_currency: the signed untaxed amount for the move in the move's currency
:param sign: the sign of the move
:param cash_rounding: the cash rounding that should be applied (or None).
We assume that the input total in move currency (tax_amount_currency + untaxed_amount_currency) is already cash rounded.
The cash rounding does not change the totals: Consider the sum of all the computed payment term amounts in move / company currency.
It is the same as the input total in move / company currency.
:return (list<tuple<datetime.date,tuple<float,float>>>): the amount in the company's currency and
the document's currency, respectively for each required payment date
company_currency = company.currency_id
tax_amount_left = tax_amount
tax_amount_currency_left = tax_amount_currency
untaxed_amount_left = untaxed_amount
untaxed_amount_currency_left = untaxed_amount_currency
total_amount = tax_amount + untaxed_amount
total_amount_currency = tax_amount_currency + untaxed_amount_currency
foreign_rounding_amount = 0
company_rounding_amount = 0
result = []
for line in self.line_ids.sorted(lambda line: line.value == 'balance'):
term_vals = {
'date': line._get_due_date(date_ref),
'has_discount': line.discount_percentage,
'discount_date': None,
'discount_amount_currency': 0.0,
'discount_balance': 0.0,
'discount_percentage': line.discount_percentage,
if line.value == 'fixed':
term_vals['company_amount'] = sign * company_currency.round(line.value_amount)
term_vals['foreign_amount'] = sign * currency.round(line.value_amount)
company_proportion = tax_amount/untaxed_amount if untaxed_amount else 1
foreign_proportion = tax_amount_currency/untaxed_amount_currency if untaxed_amount_currency else 1
line_tax_amount = company_currency.round(line.value_amount * company_proportion) * sign
line_tax_amount_currency = currency.round(line.value_amount * foreign_proportion) * sign
line_untaxed_amount = term_vals['company_amount'] - line_tax_amount
line_untaxed_amount_currency = term_vals['foreign_amount'] - line_tax_amount_currency
elif line.value == 'percent':
term_vals['company_amount'] = company_currency.round(total_amount * (line.value_amount / 100.0))
term_vals['foreign_amount'] = currency.round(total_amount_currency * (line.value_amount / 100.0))
line_tax_amount = company_currency.round(tax_amount * (line.value_amount / 100.0))
line_tax_amount_currency = currency.round(tax_amount_currency * (line.value_amount / 100.0))
line_untaxed_amount = term_vals['company_amount'] - line_tax_amount
line_untaxed_amount_currency = term_vals['foreign_amount'] - line_tax_amount_currency
line_tax_amount = line_tax_amount_currency = line_untaxed_amount = line_untaxed_amount_currency = 0.0
# The following values do not account for any potential cash rounding
tax_amount_left -= line_tax_amount
tax_amount_currency_left -= line_tax_amount_currency
untaxed_amount_left -= line_untaxed_amount
untaxed_amount_currency_left -= line_untaxed_amount_currency
if cash_rounding and line.value in ['fixed', 'percent']:
cash_rounding_difference_currency = cash_rounding.compute_difference(currency, term_vals['foreign_amount'])
if not currency.is_zero(cash_rounding_difference_currency):
rate = abs(term_vals['foreign_amount'] / term_vals['company_amount']) if term_vals['company_amount'] else 1.0
foreign_rounding_amount += cash_rounding_difference_currency
term_vals['foreign_amount'] += cash_rounding_difference_currency
company_amount = company_currency.round(term_vals['foreign_amount'] / rate)
cash_rounding_difference = company_amount - term_vals['company_amount']
if not currency.is_zero(cash_rounding_difference):
company_rounding_amount += cash_rounding_difference
term_vals['company_amount'] = company_amount
if line.value == 'balance':
# The `*_amount_left` variables do not account for cash rounding.
# Here we remove the total amount added by the cash rounding from the amount left.
# This way the totals in company and move currency remain unchanged (compared to the input).
# We assume the foreign total (`tax_amount_currency + untaxed_amount_currency`) is cash rounded.
# The following right side is the same as subtracting all the (cash rounded) foreign payment term amounts from the foreign total.
# Thus it is the remaining foreign amount and also cash rounded.
term_vals['foreign_amount'] = tax_amount_currency_left + untaxed_amount_currency_left - foreign_rounding_amount
term_vals['company_amount'] = tax_amount_left + untaxed_amount_left - company_rounding_amount
line_tax_amount = tax_amount_left
line_tax_amount_currency = tax_amount_currency_left
line_untaxed_amount = untaxed_amount_left
line_untaxed_amount_currency = untaxed_amount_currency_left
if line.discount_percentage:
if company.early_pay_discount_computation in ('excluded', 'mixed'):
term_vals['discount_balance'] = company_currency.round(term_vals['company_amount'] - line_untaxed_amount * line.discount_percentage / 100.0)
term_vals['discount_amount_currency'] = currency.round(term_vals['foreign_amount'] - line_untaxed_amount_currency * line.discount_percentage / 100.0)
term_vals['discount_balance'] = company_currency.round(term_vals['company_amount'] * (1 - (line.discount_percentage / 100.0)))
term_vals['discount_amount_currency'] = currency.round(term_vals['foreign_amount'] * (1 - (line.discount_percentage / 100.0)))
term_vals['discount_date'] = date_ref + relativedelta(days=line.discount_days)
if cash_rounding and line.discount_percentage:
cash_rounding_difference_currency = cash_rounding.compute_difference(currency, term_vals['discount_amount_currency'])
if not currency.is_zero(cash_rounding_difference_currency):
rate = abs(term_vals['discount_amount_currency'] / term_vals['discount_balance']) if term_vals['discount_balance'] else 1.0
term_vals['discount_amount_currency'] += cash_rounding_difference_currency
term_vals['discount_balance'] = company_currency.round(term_vals['discount_amount_currency'] / rate)
return result
def _unlink_except_referenced_terms(self):
if self.env['account.move'].search([('invoice_payment_term_id', 'in', self.ids)]):
raise UserError(_('You can not delete payment terms as other records still reference it. However, you can archive it.'))
def unlink(self):
for terms in self:
[('value_reference', 'in', ['account.payment.term,%s'%payment_term.id for payment_term in terms])]
return super(AccountPaymentTerm, self).unlink()
def copy(self, default=None):
default = dict(default or {})
default['name'] = _('%s (copy)', self.name)
return super().copy(default)
class AccountPaymentTermLine(models.Model):
_name = "account.payment.term.line"
_description = "Payment Terms Line"
_order = "id"
value = fields.Selection([
('balance', 'Balance'),
('percent', 'Percent'),
('fixed', 'Fixed Amount')
], string='Type', required=True, default='percent',
help="Select here the kind of valuation related to this payment terms line.")
value_amount = fields.Float(string='Value', digits='Payment Terms', help="For percent enter a ratio between 0-100.")
months = fields.Integer(string='Months', required=True, default=0)
days = fields.Integer(string='Days', required=True, default=0)
end_month = fields.Boolean(string='End of month', help="Switch to end of the month after having added months or days")
days_after = fields.Integer(string='Days after End of month', help="Days to add after the end of the month")
discount_percentage = fields.Float(string='Discount %', help='Early Payment Discount granted for this line')
discount_days = fields.Integer(string='Discount Days', help='Number of days before the early payment proposition expires')
payment_id = fields.Many2one('account.payment.term', string='Payment Terms', required=True, index=True, ondelete='cascade')
def _get_due_date(self, date_ref):
due_date = fields.Date.from_string(date_ref) or fields.Date.today()
due_date += relativedelta(months=self.months)
due_date += relativedelta(days=self.days)
if self.end_month:
due_date += relativedelta(day=31)
due_date += relativedelta(days=self.days_after)
return due_date
@api.constrains('value', 'value_amount', 'discount_percentage')
def _check_percent(self):
for term_line in self:
if term_line.value == 'percent' and (term_line.value_amount < 0.0 or term_line.value_amount > 100.0):
raise ValidationError(_('Percentages on the Payment Terms lines must be between 0 and 100.'))
if term_line.discount_percentage and (term_line.discount_percentage < 0.0 or term_line.discount_percentage > 100.0):
raise ValidationError(_('Discount percentages on the Payment Terms lines must be between 0 and 100.'))
def _check_positive(self):
for term_line in self:
if term_line.discount_days < 0:
raise ValidationError(_('The discount days of the Payment Terms lines must be positive.'))