129 lines
3.8 KiB
129 lines
3.8 KiB
/** @odoo-module alias=account.tax.group.tour.tests */
"use strict";
import tour from 'web_tour.tour';
tour.register('account_tax_group', {
test: true,
url: "/web",
}, [tour.stepUtils.showAppsMenuItem(),
id: 'account_menu_click',
content: "Go to Invoicing",
trigger: '.o_app[data-menu-xmlid="account.menu_finance"]',
content: "Go to Vendors",
trigger: 'span:contains("Vendors")',
content: "Go to Bills",
trigger: 'a:contains("Bills")',
extra_trigger: '.breadcrumb:contains("Bills")',
content: "Create new bill",
trigger: '.o_list_button_add',
// Set a vendor
content: "Add vendor",
trigger: 'div.o_field_widget.o_field_res_partner_many2one[name="partner_id"] div input',
run: 'text Account Tax Group Partner',
content: "Valid vendor",
trigger: '.ui-menu-item a:contains("Account Tax Group Partner")',
// Add First product
content: "Add items",
trigger: 'div[name="invoice_line_ids"] .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a:contains("Add a line")',
content: "Select input",
trigger: 'div[name="invoice_line_ids"] .o_selected_row .o_list_many2one[name="product_id"] input',
content: "Type item",
trigger: 'div[name="invoice_line_ids"] .o_selected_row .o_list_many2one[name="product_id"] input',
run: "text Account Tax Group Product",
content: "Valid item",
trigger: '.ui-menu-item-wrapper:contains("Account Tax Group Product")',
// Save account.move
content: "Save the account move",
trigger: '.o_form_button_save',
// Edit tax group amount
content: "Edit tax group amount",
trigger: '.o_tax_group_edit',
content: "Modify the input value",
trigger: '.o_tax_group_edit_input input',
run: function (actions) {
$('.o_tax_group_edit_input input').val(200);
$('.o_tax_group_edit_input input').select();
$('.o_tax_group_edit_input input').blur();
// Check new value for total (with modified tax_group_amount).
content: "Valid total amount",
trigger: 'span[name="amount_total"]:contains("800")',
// Modify the quantity of the object
content: "Select item quantity",
trigger: 'div[name="invoice_line_ids"] tbody tr.o_data_row .o_list_number[name="quantity"]',
content: "Change item quantity",
trigger: 'div[name="invoice_line_ids"] tbody tr.o_data_row .o_list_number[name="quantity"] input',
run: 'text 2',
content: "Valid the new value",
trigger: 'div[name="invoice_line_ids"] tbody tr.o_data_row .o_list_number[name="quantity"] input',
run: function (actions) {
let keydownEvent = jQuery.Event('keydown');
keydownEvent.which = 13;
// Save form
content: "Save the account move",
trigger: '.o_form_button_save',
// Check new tax group value
content: "Check new value of tax group",
trigger: '.o_tax_group_amount_value:contains("120")',
content: "Edit tax value",
trigger: '.o_tax_group_edit_input input',
run: 'text 2'
content: "Check new value of total",
trigger: '.oe_subtotal_footer_separator:contains("1,202")',
content: "Discard changes",
trigger: '.o_form_button_cancel',
content: "Check tax value is reset",
trigger: '.o_tax_group_amount_value:contains("120")',