2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00

627 lines
28 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import datetime
import logging
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from odoo import _, api, exceptions, fields, models
from odoo.tools import safe_eval
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
'minutes': lambda interval: relativedelta(minutes=interval),
'hour': lambda interval: relativedelta(hours=interval),
'day': lambda interval: relativedelta(days=interval),
'month': lambda interval: relativedelta(months=interval),
False: lambda interval: relativedelta(0),
'minutes': 1,
'hour': 60,
'day': 24 * 60,
'month': 30 * 24 * 60,
False: 0,
class BaseAutomation(models.Model):
_name = 'base.automation'
_description = 'Automated Action'
_order = 'sequence'
action_server_id = fields.Many2one(
'ir.actions.server', 'Server Actions',
domain="[('model_id', '=', model_id)]",
delegate=True, required=True, ondelete='restrict')
active = fields.Boolean(default=True, help="When unchecked, the rule is hidden and will not be executed.")
trigger = fields.Selection([
('on_create', 'On Creation'),
('on_write', 'On Update'),
('on_create_or_write', 'On Creation & Update'),
('on_unlink', 'On Deletion'),
('on_change', 'Based on Form Modification'),
('on_time', 'Based on Timed Condition')
], string='Trigger', required=True)
trg_date_id = fields.Many2one(
'ir.model.fields', string='Trigger Date',
readonly=False, store=True,
domain="[('model_id', '=', model_id), ('ttype', 'in', ('date', 'datetime'))]",
help="""When should the condition be triggered.
If present, will be checked by the scheduler. If empty, will be checked at creation and update.""")
trg_date_range = fields.Integer(
string='Delay after trigger date',
readonly=False, store=True,
help="""Delay after the trigger date.
You can put a negative number if you need a delay before the
trigger date, like sending a reminder 15 minutes before a meeting.""")
trg_date_range_type = fields.Selection(
[('minutes', 'Minutes'), ('hour', 'Hours'), ('day', 'Days'), ('month', 'Months')],
string='Delay type',
readonly=False, store=True)
trg_date_calendar_id = fields.Many2one(
"resource.calendar", string='Use Calendar',
readonly=False, store=True,
help="When calculating a day-based timed condition, it is possible to use a calendar to compute the date based on working days.")
filter_pre_domain = fields.Char(
string='Before Update Domain',
readonly=False, store=True,
help="If present, this condition must be satisfied before the update of the record.")
filter_domain = fields.Char(string='Apply on', help="If present, this condition must be satisfied before executing the action rule.")
last_run = fields.Datetime(readonly=True, copy=False)
on_change_field_ids = fields.Many2many(
readonly=False, store=True,
string="On Change Fields Trigger",
help="Fields that trigger the onchange.",
trigger_field_ids = fields.Many2many(
'ir.model.fields', string='Trigger Fields',
compute='_compute_trigger_field_ids', readonly=False, store=True,
help="The action will be triggered if and only if one of these fields is updated. If empty, all fields are watched.")
least_delay_msg = fields.Char(compute='_compute_least_delay_msg')
# which fields have an impact on the registry and the cron
CRITICAL_FIELDS = ['model_id', 'active', 'trigger', 'on_change_field_ids']
RANGE_FIELDS = ['trg_date_range', 'trg_date_range_type']
@api.constrains('trigger', 'state')
def _check_trigger_state(self):
if any(action.trigger == 'on_change' and action.state != 'code' for action in self):
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
_('Form Modification based actions can only be used with code action type.')
if any(action.trigger == 'on_unlink' and action.state in ['mail_post', 'followers', 'next_activity'] for action in self):
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
_('Email, followers or activities action types cannot be used when deleting records.')
@api.depends('model_id', 'trigger')
def _compute_trg_date_id(self):
invalid = self.filtered(
lambda act: act.trigger != 'on_time' or \
(act.model_id and act.trg_date_id.model_id != act.model_id)
if invalid:
invalid.trg_date_id = False
def _compute_trg_date_range_data(self):
not_timed = self.filtered(lambda act: act.trigger != 'on_time')
if not_timed:
not_timed.trg_date_range = False
not_timed.trg_date_range_type = False
remaining = (self - not_timed).filtered(lambda act: not act.trg_date_range_type)
if remaining:
remaining.trg_date_range_type = 'hour'
@api.depends('trigger', 'trg_date_id', 'trg_date_range_type')
def _compute_trg_date_calendar_id(self):
invalid = self.filtered(
lambda act: act.trigger != 'on_time' or \
not act.trg_date_id or \
act.trg_date_range_type != 'day'
if invalid:
invalid.trg_date_calendar_id = False
def _compute_filter_pre_domain(self):
to_reset = self.filtered(lambda act: act.trigger not in ('on_write', 'on_create_or_write'))
if to_reset:
to_reset.filter_pre_domain = False
@api.depends('model_id', 'trigger')
def _compute_on_change_field_ids(self):
to_reset = self.filtered(lambda act: act.trigger != 'on_change')
if to_reset:
to_reset.on_change_field_ids = False
for action in (self - to_reset).filtered('on_change_field_ids'):
action.on_change_field_ids = action.on_change_field_ids.filtered(lambda field: field.model_id == action.model_id)
@api.depends('model_id', 'trigger')
def _compute_trigger_field_ids(self):
to_reset = self.filtered(lambda act: act.trigger not in ('on_write', 'on_create_or_write'))
if to_reset:
to_reset.trigger_field_ids = False
for action in (self - to_reset).filtered('trigger_field_ids'):
action.trigger_field_ids = action.trigger_field_ids.filtered(lambda field: field.model_id == action.model_id)
@api.onchange('trigger', 'state')
def _onchange_state(self):
if self.trigger == 'on_change' and self.state != 'code':
ff = self.fields_get(['trigger', 'state'])
return {'warning': {
'title': _("Warning"),
'message': _("The \"%(trigger_value)s\" %(trigger_label)s can only be used with the \"%(state_value)s\" action type") % {
'trigger_value': dict(ff['trigger']['selection'])['on_change'],
'trigger_label': ff['trigger']['string'],
'state_value': dict(ff['state']['selection'])['code'],
MAIL_STATES = ('email', 'followers', 'next_activity')
if self.trigger == 'on_unlink' and self.state in MAIL_STATES:
return {'warning': {
'title': _("Warning"),
'message': _(
"You cannot send an email, add followers or create an activity "
"for a deleted record. It simply does not work."
def create(self, vals_list):
for vals in vals_list:
vals['usage'] = 'base_automation'
base_automations = super(BaseAutomation, self).create(vals_list)
return base_automations
def write(self, vals):
res = super(BaseAutomation, self).write(vals)
if set(vals).intersection(self.CRITICAL_FIELDS):
elif set(vals).intersection(self.RANGE_FIELDS):
return res
def unlink(self):
res = super(BaseAutomation, self).unlink()
return res
def _update_cron(self):
""" Activate the cron job depending on whether there exists action rules
based on time conditions. Also update its frequency according to
the smallest action delay, or restore the default 4 hours if there
is no time based action.
cron = self.env.ref('base_automation.ir_cron_data_base_automation_check', raise_if_not_found=False)
if cron:
actions = self.with_context(active_test=True).search([('trigger', '=', 'on_time')])
'active': bool(actions),
'interval_type': 'minutes',
'interval_number': self._get_cron_interval(actions),
def _update_registry(self):
""" Update the registry after a modification on action rules. """
if self.env.registry.ready and not self.env.context.get('import_file'):
# re-install the model patches, and notify other workers
self.env.registry.registry_invalidated = True
def _get_actions(self, records, triggers):
""" Return the actions of the given triggers for records' model. The
returned actions' context contain an object to manage processing.
if '__action_done' not in self._context:
self = self.with_context(__action_done={})
domain = [('model_name', '=', records._name), ('trigger', 'in', triggers)]
actions = self.with_context(active_test=True).sudo().search(domain)
return actions.with_env(self.env)
def _get_eval_context(self):
""" Prepare the context used when evaluating python code
:returns: dict -- evaluation context given to safe_eval
return {
'datetime': safe_eval.datetime,
'dateutil': safe_eval.dateutil,
'time': safe_eval.time,
'uid': self.env.uid,
'user': self.env.user,
def _get_cron_interval(self, actions=None):
""" Return the expected time interval used by the cron, in minutes. """
def get_delay(rec):
return abs(rec.trg_date_range) * DATE_RANGE_FACTOR[rec.trg_date_range_type]
if actions is None:
actions = self.with_context(active_test=True).search([('trigger', '=', 'on_time')])
# Minimum 1 minute, maximum 4 hours, 10% tolerance
delay = min(actions.mapped(get_delay), default=0)
return min(max(1, delay // 10), 4 * 60) if delay else 4 * 60
def _compute_least_delay_msg(self):
msg = _("Note that this action can be triggered up to %d minutes after its schedule.")
self.least_delay_msg = msg % self._get_cron_interval()
def _filter_pre(self, records):
""" Filter the records that satisfy the precondition of action ``self``. """
self_sudo = self.sudo()
if self_sudo.filter_pre_domain and records:
domain = safe_eval.safe_eval(self_sudo.filter_pre_domain, self._get_eval_context())
return records.sudo().filtered_domain(domain).with_env(records.env)
return records
def _filter_post(self, records):
return self._filter_post_export_domain(records)[0]
def _filter_post_export_domain(self, records):
""" Filter the records that satisfy the postcondition of action ``self``. """
self_sudo = self.sudo()
if self_sudo.filter_domain and records:
domain = safe_eval.safe_eval(self_sudo.filter_domain, self._get_eval_context())
return records.sudo().filtered_domain(domain).with_env(records.env), domain
return records, None
def _add_postmortem_action(self, e):
if self.user_has_groups('base.group_user'):
e.context = {}
e.context['exception_class'] = 'base_automation'
e.context['base_automation'] = {
'id': self.id,
'name': self.sudo().name,
def _process(self, records, domain_post=None):
""" Process action ``self`` on the ``records`` that have not been done yet. """
# filter out the records on which self has already been done
action_done = self._context['__action_done']
records_done = action_done.get(self, records.browse())
records -= records_done
if not records:
# mark the remaining records as done (to avoid recursive processing)
action_done = dict(action_done)
action_done[self] = records_done + records
self = self.with_context(__action_done=action_done)
records = records.with_context(__action_done=action_done)
# modify records
values = {}
if 'date_action_last' in records._fields:
values['date_action_last'] = fields.Datetime.now()
if values:
# execute server actions
action_server = self.action_server_id
if action_server:
for record in records:
# we process the action if any watched field has been modified
if self._check_trigger_fields(record):
ctx = {
'active_model': record._name,
'active_ids': record.ids,
'active_id': record.id,
'domain_post': domain_post,
except Exception as e:
raise e
def _check_trigger_fields(self, record):
""" Return whether any of the trigger fields has been modified on ``record``. """
self_sudo = self.sudo()
if not self_sudo.trigger_field_ids:
# all fields are implicit triggers
return True
if not self._context.get('old_values'):
# this is a create: all fields are considered modified
return True
# Note: old_vals are in the format of read()
old_vals = self._context['old_values'].get(record.id, {})
def differ(name):
field = record._fields[name]
return (
name in old_vals and
field.convert_to_cache(record[name], record, validate=False) !=
field.convert_to_cache(old_vals[name], record, validate=False)
return any(differ(field.name) for field in self_sudo.trigger_field_ids)
def _register_hook(self):
""" Patch models that should trigger action rules based on creation,
modification, deletion of records and form onchanges.
# Note: the patched methods must be defined inside another function,
# otherwise their closure may be wrong. For instance, the function
# create refers to the outer variable 'create', which you expect to be
# bound to create itself. But that expectation is wrong if create is
# defined inside a loop; in that case, the variable 'create' is bound to
# the last function defined by the loop.
def make_create():
""" Instanciate a create method that processes action rules. """
def create(self, vals_list, **kw):
# retrieve the action rules to possibly execute
actions = self.env['base.automation']._get_actions(self, ['on_create', 'on_create_or_write'])
if not actions:
return create.origin(self, vals_list, **kw)
# call original method
records = create.origin(self.with_env(actions.env), vals_list, **kw)
# check postconditions, and execute actions on the records that satisfy them
for action in actions.with_context(old_values=None):
return records.with_env(self.env)
return create
def make_write():
""" Instanciate a write method that processes action rules. """
def write(self, vals, **kw):
# retrieve the action rules to possibly execute
actions = self.env['base.automation']._get_actions(self, ['on_write', 'on_create_or_write'])
if not (actions and self):
return write.origin(self, vals, **kw)
records = self.with_env(actions.env).filtered('id')
# check preconditions on records
pre = {action: action._filter_pre(records) for action in actions}
# read old values before the update
old_values = {
old_vals.pop('id'): old_vals
for old_vals in (records.read(list(vals)) if vals else [])
# call original method
write.origin(self.with_env(actions.env), vals, **kw)
# check postconditions, and execute actions on the records that satisfy them
for action in actions.with_context(old_values=old_values):
records, domain_post = action._filter_post_export_domain(pre[action])
action._process(records, domain_post=domain_post)
return True
return write
def make_compute_field_value():
""" Instanciate a compute_field_value method that processes action rules. """
# Note: This is to catch updates made by field recomputations.
def _compute_field_value(self, field):
# determine fields that may trigger an action
stored_fields = [f for f in self.pool.field_computed[field] if f.store]
if not any(stored_fields):
return _compute_field_value.origin(self, field)
# retrieve the action rules to possibly execute
actions = self.env['base.automation']._get_actions(self, ['on_write', 'on_create_or_write'])
records = self.filtered('id').with_env(actions.env)
if not (actions and records):
_compute_field_value.origin(self, field)
return True
# check preconditions on records
pre = {action: action._filter_pre(records) for action in actions}
# read old values before the update
old_values = {
old_vals.pop('id'): old_vals
for old_vals in (records.read([f.name for f in stored_fields]))
# call original method
_compute_field_value.origin(self, field)
# check postconditions, and execute actions on the records that satisfy them
for action in actions.with_context(old_values=old_values):
records, domain_post = action._filter_post_export_domain(pre[action])
action._process(records, domain_post=domain_post)
return True
return _compute_field_value
def make_unlink():
""" Instanciate an unlink method that processes action rules. """
def unlink(self, **kwargs):
# retrieve the action rules to possibly execute
actions = self.env['base.automation']._get_actions(self, ['on_unlink'])
records = self.with_env(actions.env)
# check conditions, and execute actions on the records that satisfy them
for action in actions:
# call original method
return unlink.origin(self, **kwargs)
return unlink
def make_onchange(action_rule_id):
""" Instanciate an onchange method for the given action rule. """
def base_automation_onchange(self):
action_rule = self.env['base.automation'].browse(action_rule_id)
result = {}
server_action = action_rule.sudo().action_server_id.with_context(
res = server_action.run()
except Exception as e:
raise e
if res:
if 'value' in res:
res['value'].pop('id', None)
self.update({key: val for key, val in res['value'].items() if key in self._fields})
if 'domain' in res:
result.setdefault('domain', {}).update(res['domain'])
if 'warning' in res:
result['warning'] = res['warning']
return result
return base_automation_onchange
patched_models = defaultdict(set)
def patch(model, name, method):
""" Patch method `name` on `model`, unless it has been patched already. """
if model not in patched_models[name]:
ModelClass = model.env.registry[model._name]
origin = getattr(ModelClass, name)
method.origin = origin
wrapped = api.propagate(origin, method)
wrapped.origin = origin
setattr(ModelClass, name, wrapped)
# retrieve all actions, and patch their corresponding model
for action_rule in self.with_context({}).search([]):
Model = self.env.get(action_rule.model_name)
# Do not crash if the model of the base_action_rule was uninstalled
if Model is None:
_logger.warning("Action rule with ID %d depends on model %s" %
if action_rule.trigger == 'on_create':
patch(Model, 'create', make_create())
elif action_rule.trigger == 'on_create_or_write':
patch(Model, 'create', make_create())
patch(Model, 'write', make_write())
patch(Model, '_compute_field_value', make_compute_field_value())
elif action_rule.trigger == 'on_write':
patch(Model, 'write', make_write())
patch(Model, '_compute_field_value', make_compute_field_value())
elif action_rule.trigger == 'on_unlink':
patch(Model, 'unlink', make_unlink())
elif action_rule.trigger == 'on_change':
# register an onchange method for the action_rule
method = make_onchange(action_rule.id)
for field in action_rule.on_change_field_ids:
def _unregister_hook(self):
""" Remove the patches installed by _register_hook() """
NAMES = ['create', 'write', '_compute_field_value', 'unlink', '_onchange_methods']
for Model in self.env.registry.values():
for name in NAMES:
delattr(Model, name)
except AttributeError:
def _check_delay(self, action, record, record_dt):
if self._get_calendar(action, record) and action.trg_date_range_type == 'day':
return self._get_calendar(action, record).plan_days(
delay = DATE_RANGE_FUNCTION[action.trg_date_range_type](action.trg_date_range)
return fields.Datetime.from_string(record_dt) + delay
def _get_calendar(self, action, record):
return action.trg_date_calendar_id
def _check(self, automatic=False, use_new_cursor=False):
""" This Function is called by scheduler. """
if '__action_done' not in self._context:
self = self.with_context(__action_done={})
# retrieve all the action rules to run based on a timed condition
eval_context = self._get_eval_context()
for action in self.with_context(active_test=True).search([('trigger', '=', 'on_time')]):
_logger.info("Starting time-based automated action `%s`.", action.name)
last_run = fields.Datetime.from_string(action.last_run) or datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=None)
# retrieve all the records that satisfy the action's condition
domain = []
context = dict(self._context)
if action.filter_domain:
domain = safe_eval.safe_eval(action.filter_domain, eval_context)
records = self.env[action.model_name].with_context(context).search(domain)
# determine when action should occur for the records
if action.trg_date_id.name == 'date_action_last' and 'create_date' in records._fields:
get_record_dt = lambda record: record[action.trg_date_id.name] or record.create_date
get_record_dt = lambda record: record[action.trg_date_id.name]
# process action on the records that should be executed
now = datetime.datetime.now()
past_now = {}
past_last_run = {}
for record in records:
record_dt = get_record_dt(record)
if not record_dt:
if action.trg_date_calendar_id and action.trg_date_range_type == 'day':
calendar = self._get_calendar(action, record)
if calendar.id not in past_now:
past_now[calendar.id] = calendar.plan_days(
- action.trg_date_range,
past_last_run[calendar.id] = calendar.plan_days(
- action.trg_date_range,
is_process_to_run = past_last_run[calendar.id] <= fields.Datetime.to_datetime(record_dt) < past_now[calendar.id]
is_process_to_run = last_run <= self._check_delay(action, record, record_dt) < now
if is_process_to_run:
except Exception:
action.write({'last_run': now.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)})
_logger.info("Time-based automated action `%s` done.", action.name)
if automatic:
# auto-commit for batch processing