2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00

219 lines
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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
from odoo import http, tools, _
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.addons.base.models.assetsbundle import AssetsBundle
class LivechatController(http.Controller):
# Note: the `cors` attribute on many routes is meant to allow the livechat
# to be embedded in an external website.
@http.route('/im_livechat/external_lib.<any(css,js):ext>', type='http', auth='public')
def livechat_lib(self, ext, **kwargs):
# _get_asset return the bundle html code (script and link list) but we want to use the attachment content
bundle = 'im_livechat.external_lib'
files, _ = request.env["ir.qweb"]._get_asset_content(bundle)
asset = AssetsBundle(bundle, files)
mock_attachment = getattr(asset, ext)()
if isinstance(mock_attachment, list): # suppose that CSS asset will not required to be split in pages
mock_attachment = mock_attachment[0]
stream = request.env['ir.binary']._get_stream_from(mock_attachment)
return stream.get_response()
@http.route('/im_livechat/load_templates', type='json', auth='none', cors="*")
def load_templates(self, **kwargs):
templates = self._livechat_templates_get()
return [tools.file_open(tmpl, 'rb').read() for tmpl in templates]
def _livechat_templates_get(self):
return [
@http.route('/im_livechat/support/<int:channel_id>', type='http', auth='public')
def support_page(self, channel_id, **kwargs):
channel = request.env['im_livechat.channel'].sudo().browse(channel_id)
return request.render('im_livechat.support_page', {'channel': channel})
@http.route('/im_livechat/loader/<int:channel_id>', type='http', auth='public')
def loader(self, channel_id, **kwargs):
username = kwargs.get("username", _("Visitor"))
channel = request.env['im_livechat.channel'].sudo().browse(channel_id)
info = channel.get_livechat_info(username=username)
return request.render('im_livechat.loader', {'info': info}, headers=[('Content-Type', 'application/javascript')])
@http.route('/im_livechat/init', type='json', auth="public", cors="*")
def livechat_init(self, channel_id):
operator_available = len(request.env['im_livechat.channel'].sudo().browse(channel_id)._get_available_users())
rule = {}
# find the country from the request
country_id = False
country_code = request.geoip.get('country_code')
if country_code:
country_id = request.env['res.country'].sudo().search([('code', '=', country_code)], limit=1).id
# extract url
url = request.httprequest.headers.get('Referer')
# find the first matching rule for the given country and url
matching_rule = request.env['im_livechat.channel.rule'].sudo().match_rule(channel_id, url, country_id)
if matching_rule and (not matching_rule.chatbot_script_id or matching_rule.chatbot_script_id.script_step_ids):
frontend_lang = request.httprequest.cookies.get('frontend_lang', request.env.user.lang or 'en_US')
matching_rule = matching_rule.with_context(lang=frontend_lang)
rule = {
'action': matching_rule.action,
'auto_popup_timer': matching_rule.auto_popup_timer,
'regex_url': matching_rule.regex_url,
if matching_rule.chatbot_script_id.active and (not matching_rule.chatbot_only_if_no_operator or
(not operator_available and matching_rule.chatbot_only_if_no_operator)) and matching_rule.chatbot_script_id.script_step_ids:
chatbot_script = matching_rule.chatbot_script_id
rule.update({'chatbot': chatbot_script._format_for_frontend()})
return {
'available_for_me': (rule and rule.get('chatbot'))
or operator_available and (not rule or rule['action'] != 'hide_button'),
'rule': rule,
type='http', auth="public", cors="*")
def livechat_operator_get_avatar(self, operator_id):
""" Custom route allowing to retrieve an operator's avatar.
This is done to bypass more complicated rules, notably 'website_published' when the website
module is installed.
Here, we assume that if you are a member of at least one im_livechat.channel, then it's ok
to make your avatar publicly available.
We also make the chatbot operator avatars publicly available. """
is_livechat_member = False
operator = request.env['res.partner'].sudo().browse(operator_id)
if operator.exists():
is_livechat_member = bool(request.env['im_livechat.channel'].sudo().search_count([
('user_ids', 'in', operator.user_ids.ids)
if not is_livechat_member:
# we don't put chatbot operators as livechat members (because we don't have a user_id for them)
is_livechat_member = bool(request.env['chatbot.script'].sudo().search_count([
('operator_partner_id', 'in', operator.ids)
return request.env['ir.binary']._get_image_stream_from(
operator if is_livechat_member else request.env['res.partner'],
@http.route('/im_livechat/get_session', type="json", auth='public', cors="*")
def get_session(self, channel_id, anonymous_name, previous_operator_id=None, chatbot_script_id=None, persisted=True, **kwargs):
user_id = None
country_id = None
# if the user is identifiy (eg: portal user on the frontend), don't use the anonymous name. The user will be added to session.
if request.session.uid:
user_id = request.env.user.id
country_id = request.env.user.country_id.id
# if geoip, add the country name to the anonymous name
if request.geoip:
# get the country of the anonymous person, if any
country_code = request.geoip.get('country_code', "")
country = request.env['res.country'].sudo().search([('code', '=', country_code)], limit=1) if country_code else None
if country:
country_id = country.id
if previous_operator_id:
previous_operator_id = int(previous_operator_id)
chatbot_script = False
if chatbot_script_id:
frontend_lang = request.httprequest.cookies.get('frontend_lang', request.env.user.lang or 'en_US')
chatbot_script = request.env['chatbot.script'].sudo().with_context(lang=frontend_lang).browse(chatbot_script_id)
return request.env["im_livechat.channel"].with_context(lang=False).sudo().browse(channel_id)._open_livechat_mail_channel(
@http.route('/im_livechat/feedback', type='json', auth='public', cors="*")
def feedback(self, uuid, rate, reason=None, **kwargs):
channel = request.env['mail.channel'].sudo().search([('uuid', '=', uuid)], limit=1)
if channel:
# limit the creation : only ONE rating per session
values = {
'rating': rate,
'consumed': True,
'feedback': reason,
'is_internal': False,
if not channel.rating_ids:
'res_id': channel.id,
'res_model_id': request.env['ir.model']._get_id('mail.channel'),
# find the partner (operator)
if channel.channel_partner_ids:
values['rated_partner_id'] = channel.channel_partner_ids[0].id
# if logged in user, set its partner on rating
values['partner_id'] = request.env.user.partner_id.id if request.session.uid else False
# create the rating
rating = request.env['rating.rating'].sudo().create(values)
rating = channel.rating_ids[0]
return rating.id
return False
@http.route('/im_livechat/history', type="json", auth="public", cors="*")
def history_pages(self, pid, channel_uuid, page_history=None):
partner_ids = (pid, request.env.user.partner_id.id)
channel = request.env['mail.channel'].sudo().search([('uuid', '=', channel_uuid), ('channel_partner_ids', 'in', partner_ids)])
if channel:
channel._send_history_message(pid, page_history)
return True
@http.route('/im_livechat/notify_typing', type='json', auth='public', cors="*")
def notify_typing(self, uuid, is_typing):
""" Broadcast the typing notification of the website user to other channel members
:param uuid: (string) the UUID of the livechat channel
:param is_typing: (boolean) tells whether the website user is typing or not.
channel = request.env['mail.channel'].sudo().search([('uuid', '=', uuid)])
if not channel:
raise NotFound()
channel_member = channel.env['mail.channel.member'].search([('channel_id', '=', channel.id), ('partner_id', '=', request.env.user.partner_id.id)])
if not channel_member:
raise NotFound()
@http.route('/im_livechat/email_livechat_transcript', type='json', auth='public', cors="*")
def email_livechat_transcript(self, uuid, email):
channel = request.env['mail.channel'].sudo().search([
('channel_type', '=', 'livechat'),
('uuid', '=', uuid)], limit=1)
if channel:
@http.route('/im_livechat/visitor_leave_session', type='json', auth="public")
def visitor_leave_session(self, uuid):
""" Called when the livechat visitor leaves the conversation.
This will clean the chat request and warn the operator that the conversation is over.
This allows also to re-send a new chat request to the visitor, as while the visitor is
in conversation with an operator, it's not possible to send the visitor a chat request."""
mail_channel = request.env['mail.channel'].sudo().search([('uuid', '=', uuid)])
if mail_channel: