347 lines
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347 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import random
import re
from odoo import api, Command, fields, models, modules, _
class ImLivechatChannel(models.Model):
""" Livechat Channel
Define a communication channel, which can be accessed with 'script_external' (script tag to put on
external website), 'script_internal' (code to be integrated with odoo website) or via 'web_page' link.
It provides rating tools, and access rules for anonymous people.
_name = 'im_livechat.channel'
_inherit = ['rating.parent.mixin']
_description = 'Livechat Channel'
_rating_satisfaction_days = 7 # include only last 7 days to compute satisfaction
def _default_image(self):
image_path = modules.get_module_resource('im_livechat', 'static/src/img', 'default.png')
return base64.b64encode(open(image_path, 'rb').read())
def _default_user_ids(self):
return [(6, 0, [self._uid])]
def _default_button_text(self):
return _('Have a Question? Chat with us.')
def _default_default_message(self):
return _('How may I help you?')
# attribute fields
name = fields.Char('Channel Name', required=True)
button_text = fields.Char('Text of the Button', default=_default_button_text,
help="Default text displayed on the Livechat Support Button")
default_message = fields.Char('Welcome Message', default=_default_default_message,
help="This is an automated 'welcome' message that your visitor will see when they initiate a new conversation.")
input_placeholder = fields.Char('Chat Input Placeholder', help='Text that prompts the user to initiate the chat.')
header_background_color = fields.Char(default="#875A7B", help="Default background color of the channel header once open")
title_color = fields.Char(default="#FFFFFF", help="Default title color of the channel once open")
button_background_color = fields.Char(default="#875A7B", help="Default background color of the Livechat button")
button_text_color = fields.Char(default="#FFFFFF", help="Default text color of the Livechat button")
# computed fields
web_page = fields.Char('Web Page', compute='_compute_web_page_link', store=False, readonly=True,
help="URL to a static page where you client can discuss with the operator of the channel.")
are_you_inside = fields.Boolean(string='Are you inside the matrix?',
compute='_are_you_inside', store=False, readonly=True)
script_external = fields.Html('Script (external)', compute='_compute_script_external', store=False, readonly=True, sanitize=False)
nbr_channel = fields.Integer('Number of conversation', compute='_compute_nbr_channel', store=False, readonly=True)
image_128 = fields.Image("Image", max_width=128, max_height=128, default=_default_image)
# relationnal fields
user_ids = fields.Many2many('res.users', 'im_livechat_channel_im_user', 'channel_id', 'user_id', string='Operators', default=_default_user_ids)
channel_ids = fields.One2many('mail.channel', 'livechat_channel_id', 'Sessions')
chatbot_script_count = fields.Integer(string='Number of Chatbot', compute='_compute_chatbot_script_count')
rule_ids = fields.One2many('im_livechat.channel.rule', 'channel_id', 'Rules')
def _are_you_inside(self):
for channel in self:
channel.are_you_inside = bool(self.env.uid in [u.id for u in channel.user_ids])
def _compute_chatbot_script_count(self):
data = self.env['im_livechat.channel.rule'].read_group(
[('channel_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['chatbot_script_id:count_distinct'], ['channel_id'])
mapped_data = {rule['channel_id'][0]: rule['chatbot_script_id'] for rule in data}
for channel in self:
channel.chatbot_script_count = mapped_data.get(channel.id, 0)
def _compute_script_external(self):
values = {
"dbname": self._cr.dbname,
for record in self:
values["channel_id"] = record.id
values["url"] = record.get_base_url()
record.script_external = self.env['ir.qweb']._render('im_livechat.external_loader', values) if record.id else False
def _compute_web_page_link(self):
for record in self:
record.web_page = "%s/im_livechat/support/%i" % (record.get_base_url(), record.id) if record.id else False
def _compute_nbr_channel(self):
data = self.env['mail.channel']._read_group([
('livechat_channel_id', 'in', self.ids)
], ['__count'], ['livechat_channel_id'], lazy=False)
channel_count = {x['livechat_channel_id'][0]: x['__count'] for x in data}
for record in self:
record.nbr_channel = channel_count.get(record.id, 0)
# --------------------------
# Action Methods
# --------------------------
def action_join(self):
return self.write({'user_ids': [(4, self._uid)]})
def action_quit(self):
return self.write({'user_ids': [(3, self._uid)]})
def action_view_rating(self):
""" Action to display the rating relative to the channel, so all rating of the
sessions of the current channel
:returns : the ir.action 'action_view_rating' with the correct context
action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id('im_livechat.rating_rating_action_livechat')
action['context'] = {'search_default_parent_res_name': self.name}
return action
def action_view_chatbot_scripts(self):
action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id('im_livechat.chatbot_script_action')
chatbot_script_ids = self.env['im_livechat.channel.rule'].search(
[('channel_id', 'in', self.ids)]).mapped('chatbot_script_id')
if len(chatbot_script_ids) == 1:
action['res_id'] = chatbot_script_ids.id
action['view_mode'] = 'form'
action['views'] = [(False, 'form')]
action['domain'] = [('id', 'in', chatbot_script_ids.ids)]
return action
# --------------------------
# Channel Methods
# --------------------------
def _get_available_users(self):
""" get available user of a given channel
:retuns : return the res.users having their im_status online
return self.user_ids.filtered(lambda user: user.im_status == 'online')
def _get_livechat_mail_channel_vals(self, anonymous_name, operator=None, chatbot_script=None, user_id=None, country_id=None):
# partner to add to the mail.channel
operator_partner_id = operator.partner_id.id if operator else chatbot_script.operator_partner_id.id
members_to_add = [Command.create({'partner_id': operator_partner_id, 'is_pinned': False})]
visitor_user = False
if user_id:
visitor_user = self.env['res.users'].browse(user_id)
if visitor_user and visitor_user.active and operator and visitor_user != operator: # valid session user (not public)
members_to_add.append(Command.create({'partner_id': visitor_user.partner_id.id}))
if chatbot_script:
name = chatbot_script.title
name = ' '.join([
visitor_user.display_name if visitor_user else anonymous_name,
operator.livechat_username if operator.livechat_username else operator.name
return {
'channel_member_ids': members_to_add,
'livechat_active': True,
'livechat_operator_id': operator_partner_id,
'livechat_channel_id': self.id,
'chatbot_current_step_id': chatbot_script._get_welcome_steps()[-1].id if chatbot_script else False,
'anonymous_name': False if user_id else anonymous_name,
'country_id': country_id,
'channel_type': 'livechat',
'name': name,
def _open_livechat_mail_channel(self, anonymous_name, previous_operator_id=None, chatbot_script=None, user_id=None, country_id=None, persisted=True):
""" Return a livechat session. If the session is persisted, creates a mail.channel record with a connected operator or with Odoobot as
an operator if a chatbot has been configured, or return false otherwise
:param anonymous_name : the name of the anonymous person of the session
:param previous_operator_id : partner_id.id of the previous operator that this visitor had in the past
:param chatbot_script : chatbot script if there is one configured
:param user_id : the id of the logged in visitor, if any
:param country_code : the country of the anonymous person of the session
:param persisted: whether or not the session should be persisted
:type anonymous_name : str
:return : channel header
:rtype : dict
If this visitor already had an operator within the last 7 days (information stored with the 'im_livechat_previous_operator_pid' cookie),
the system will first try to assign that operator if he's available (to improve user experience).
user_operator = False
if chatbot_script:
if chatbot_script.id not in self.env['im_livechat.channel.rule'].search(
[('channel_id', 'in', self.ids)]).mapped('chatbot_script_id').ids:
return False
elif previous_operator_id:
available_users = self._get_available_users()
# previous_operator_id is the partner_id of the previous operator, need to convert to user
if previous_operator_id in available_users.mapped('partner_id').ids:
user_operator = next(available_user for available_user in available_users if available_user.partner_id.id == previous_operator_id)
if not user_operator and not chatbot_script:
user_operator = self._get_random_operator()
if not user_operator and not chatbot_script:
# no one available
return False
mail_channel_vals = self._get_livechat_mail_channel_vals(anonymous_name, user_operator, chatbot_script, user_id=user_id, country_id=country_id)
if persisted:
# create the session, and add the link with the given channel
mail_channel = self.env["mail.channel"].with_context(mail_create_nosubscribe=False).sudo().create(mail_channel_vals)
if user_operator:
return mail_channel.sudo().channel_info()[0]
operator_partner_id = user_operator.partner_id if user_operator else chatbot_script.operator_partner_id
display_name = operator_partner_id.user_livechat_username or operator_partner_id.display_name
return {
'name': mail_channel_vals['name'],
'chatbot_current_step_id': mail_channel_vals['chatbot_current_step_id'],
'state': 'open',
'operator_pid': (operator_partner_id.id, display_name.replace(',', '')),
'chatbot_script_id': chatbot_script.id if chatbot_script else None
def _get_random_operator(self):
""" Return a random operator from the available users of the channel that have the lowest number of active livechats.
A livechat is considered 'active' if it has at least one message within the 30 minutes.
(Some annoying conversions have to be made on the fly because this model holds 'res.users' as available operators
and the mail_channel model stores the partner_id of the randomly selected operator)
:return : user
:rtype : res.users
operators = self._get_available_users()
if len(operators) == 0:
return False
self.env.cr.execute("""SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT c.id), c.livechat_operator_id
FROM mail_channel c
LEFT OUTER JOIN mail_message m ON c.id = m.res_id AND m.model = 'mail.channel'
WHERE c.channel_type = 'livechat'
AND c.livechat_operator_id in %s
AND m.create_date > ((now() at time zone 'UTC') - interval '30 minutes')
GROUP BY c.livechat_operator_id
ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT c.id) asc""", (tuple(operators.mapped('partner_id').ids),))
active_channels = self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
# If inactive operator(s), return one of them
active_channel_operator_ids = [active_channel['livechat_operator_id'] for active_channel in active_channels]
inactive_operators = [operator for operator in operators if operator.partner_id.id not in active_channel_operator_ids]
if inactive_operators:
return random.choice(inactive_operators)
# If no inactive operator, active_channels is not empty as len(operators) > 0 (see above).
# Get the less active operator using the active_channels first element's count (since they are sorted 'ascending')
lowest_number_of_conversations = active_channels[0]['count']
less_active_operator = random.choice([
active_channel['livechat_operator_id'] for active_channel in active_channels
if active_channel['count'] == lowest_number_of_conversations])
# convert the selected 'partner_id' to its corresponding res.users
return next(operator for operator in operators if operator.partner_id.id == less_active_operator)
def _get_channel_infos(self):
return {
'header_background_color': self.header_background_color,
'button_background_color': self.button_background_color,
'title_color': self.title_color,
'button_text_color': self.button_text_color,
'button_text': self.button_text,
'input_placeholder': self.input_placeholder,
'default_message': self.default_message,
"channel_name": self.name,
"channel_id": self.id,
def get_livechat_info(self, username=None):
if username is None:
username = _('Visitor')
info = {}
info['available'] = self.chatbot_script_count or len(self._get_available_users()) > 0
info['server_url'] = self.get_base_url()
if info['available']:
info['options'] = self._get_channel_infos()
info['options']['current_partner_id'] = self.env.user.partner_id.id
info['options']["default_username"] = username
return info
class ImLivechatChannelRule(models.Model):
""" Channel Rules
Rules defining access to the channel (countries, and url matching). It also provide the 'auto pop'
option to open automatically the conversation.
_name = 'im_livechat.channel.rule'
_description = 'Livechat Channel Rules'
_order = 'sequence asc'
regex_url = fields.Char('URL Regex',
help="Regular expression specifying the web pages this rule will be applied on.")
action = fields.Selection([
('display_button', 'Show'),
('display_button_and_text', 'Show with notification'),
('auto_popup', 'Open automatically'),
('hide_button', 'Hide')], string='Live Chat Button', required=True, default='display_button',
help="* 'Show' displays the chat button on the pages.\n"\
"* 'Show with notification' is 'Show' in addition to a floating text just next to the button.\n"\
"* 'Open automatically' displays the button and automatically opens the conversation pane.\n"\
"* 'Hide' hides the chat button on the pages.\n")
auto_popup_timer = fields.Integer('Open automatically timer', default=0,
help="Delay (in seconds) to automatically open the conversation window. Note: the selected action must be 'Open automatically' otherwise this parameter will not be taken into account.")
chatbot_script_id = fields.Many2one('chatbot.script', string='Chatbot')
chatbot_only_if_no_operator = fields.Boolean(
string='Enabled only if no operator', help='Enable the bot only if there is no operator available')
channel_id = fields.Many2one('im_livechat.channel', 'Channel',
help="The channel of the rule")
country_ids = fields.Many2many('res.country', 'im_livechat_channel_country_rel', 'channel_id', 'country_id', 'Country',
help="The rule will only be applied for these countries. Example: if you select 'Belgium' and 'United States' and that you set the action to 'Hide', the chat button will be hidden on the specified URL from the visitors located in these 2 countries. This feature requires GeoIP installed on your server.")
sequence = fields.Integer('Matching order', default=10,
help="Given the order to find a matching rule. If 2 rules are matching for the given url/country, the one with the lowest sequence will be chosen.")
def match_rule(self, channel_id, url, country_id=False):
""" determine if a rule of the given channel matches with the given url
:param channel_id : the identifier of the channel_id
:param url : the url to match with a rule
:param country_id : the identifier of the country
:returns the rule that matches the given condition. False otherwise.
:rtype : im_livechat.channel.rule
def _match(rules):
for rule in rules:
# url might not be set because it comes from referer, in that
# case match the first rule with no regex_url
if re.search(rule.regex_url or '', url or ''):
return rule
return False
# first, search the country specific rules (the first match is returned)
if country_id: # don't include the country in the research if geoIP is not installed
domain = [('country_ids', 'in', [country_id]), ('channel_id', '=', channel_id)]
rule = _match(self.search(domain))
if rule:
return rule
# second, fallback on the rules without country
domain = [('country_ids', '=', False), ('channel_id', '=', channel_id)]
return _match(self.search(domain))