2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00

1252 lines
63 KiB

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import Command, api, models, fields, _, _lt
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.addons.account_edi_proxy_client.models.account_edi_proxy_user import AccountEdiProxyError
from odoo.addons.l10n_it_edi.tools.remove_signature import remove_signature
from odoo.osv.expression import OR, AND
from lxml import etree
from datetime import datetime
import re
import logging
import base64
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AccountEdiFormat(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.edi.format'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helpers
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _l10n_it_edi_generate_electronic_invoice_filename(self, invoice):
'''Returns a name conform to the Fattura pa Specifications:
See ES documentation 2.2
a = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
# Each company should have its own filename sequence. If it does not exist, create it
n = self.env['ir.sequence'].with_company(invoice.company_id).next_by_code('l10n_it_edi.fattura_filename')
if not n:
# The offset is used to avoid conflicts with existing filenames
offset = 62 ** 4
sequence = self.env['ir.sequence'].sudo().create({
'name': 'FatturaPA Filename Sequence',
'code': 'l10n_it_edi.fattura_filename',
'company_id': invoice.company_id.id,
'number_next': offset,
n = sequence._next()
# The n is returned as a string, but we require an int
n = int(''.join(filter(lambda c: c.isdecimal(), n)))
progressive_number = ""
while n:
(n, m) = divmod(n, len(a))
progressive_number = a[m] + progressive_number
return '%(country_code)s%(codice)s_%(progressive_number)s.xml' % {
'country_code': invoice.company_id.country_id.code,
'codice': self.env['res.partner']._l10n_it_normalize_codice_fiscale(invoice.company_id.l10n_it_codice_fiscale),
'progressive_number': progressive_number.zfill(5),
def _l10n_it_edi_check_invoice_configuration(self, invoice):
errors = self._l10n_it_edi_check_ordinary_invoice_configuration(invoice)
if not errors:
errors = self._l10n_it_edi_check_simplified_invoice_configuration(invoice)
return errors
def _l10n_it_edi_is_self_invoice(self, invoice):
Italian EDI requires Vendor bills coming from EU countries to be sent as self-invoices.
We recognize these cases based on the taxes that target the VJ tax grids, which imply
the use of VAT External Reverse Charge.
if not invoice.is_purchase_document():
return False
invoice_lines_tags = invoice.line_ids.tax_tag_ids
it_tax_report_vj_lines = self.env['account.report.line'].search([
('report_id.country_id.code', '=', 'IT'),
('code', 'like', 'VJ%'),
vj_lines_tags = it_tax_report_vj_lines.expression_ids._get_matching_tags()
return bool(invoice_lines_tags & vj_lines_tags)
def _l10n_it_edi_check_ordinary_invoice_configuration(self, invoice):
errors = []
seller = invoice.company_id
buyer = invoice.commercial_partner_id
is_self_invoice = self._l10n_it_edi_is_self_invoice(invoice)
if is_self_invoice:
seller, buyer = buyer, seller
# <>
if not seller.country_id:
errors.append(_("%s must have a country", seller.display_name))
# <>
if not invoice.company_id.vat:
errors.append(_("%s must have a VAT number", seller.display_name))
if seller.vat and len(seller.vat) > 30:
errors.append(_("The maximum length for VAT number is 30. %s have a VAT number too long: %s.", seller.display_name, seller.vat))
# <>
if not is_self_invoice and not seller.l10n_it_codice_fiscale:
errors.append(_("%s must have a codice fiscale number", seller.display_name))
# <>
if not is_self_invoice and not seller.l10n_it_tax_system:
errors.append(_("The seller's company must have a tax system."))
# <1.2.2>
if not seller.street and not seller.street2:
errors.append(_("%s must have a street.", seller.display_name))
if not seller.zip:
errors.append(_("%s must have a post code.", seller.display_name))
elif len(seller.zip) != 5 and seller.country_id.code == 'IT':
errors.append(_("%s must have a post code of length 5.", seller.display_name))
if not seller.city:
errors.append(_("%s must have a city.", seller.display_name))
if not seller.country_id:
errors.append(_("%s must have a country.", seller.display_name))
if not is_self_invoice and seller.l10n_it_has_tax_representative and not seller.l10n_it_tax_representative_partner_id.vat:
errors.append(_("Tax representative partner %s of %s must have a tax number.", seller.l10n_it_tax_representative_partner_id.display_name, seller.display_name))
# <1.4.1>
if not buyer.vat and not buyer.l10n_it_codice_fiscale and buyer.country_id.code == 'IT':
errors.append(_("The buyer, %s, or his company must have a VAT number and/or a tax code (Codice Fiscale).", buyer.display_name))
if is_self_invoice and self._l10n_it_edi_services_or_goods(invoice) == 'both':
errors.append(_("Cannot apply Reverse Charge to a bill which contains both services and goods."))
if is_self_invoice and not buyer.partner_id.l10n_it_pa_index:
errors.append(_("Vendor bills sent as self-invoices to the SdI require a valid PA Index (Codice Destinatario) on the company's contact."))
for tax_line in invoice.line_ids.filtered(lambda line: line.tax_line_id):
if not tax_line.tax_line_id.l10n_it_kind_exoneration and tax_line.tax_line_id.amount == 0:
errors.append(_("%s has an amount of 0.0, you must indicate the kind of exoneration.", tax_line.name))
errors += self._l10n_it_edi_check_taxes_configuration(invoice)
return errors
def _l10n_it_edi_check_taxes_configuration(self, invoice):
Can be overridden by submodules like l10n_it_edi_withholding, which also allows for withholding and pension_fund taxes.
errors = []
for invoice_line in invoice.invoice_line_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.display_type == 'product'):
all_taxes = invoice_line.tax_ids.flatten_taxes_hierarchy()
vat_taxes = all_taxes.filtered(lambda t: t.amount_type == 'percent' and t.amount >= 0)
if len(vat_taxes) != 1:
errors.append(_("In line %s, you must select one and only one VAT tax.", invoice_line.name))
return errors
def _l10n_it_edi_is_simplified(self, invoice):
Simplified Invoices are a way for the invoice issuer to create an invoice with limited data.
Example: a consultant goes to the restaurant and wants the invoice instead of the receipt,
to be able to deduct the expense from his Taxes. The Italian State allows the restaurant
to issue a Simplified Invoice with the VAT number only, to speed up times, instead of
requiring the address and other informations about the buyer.
Only invoices under the threshold of 400 Euroes are allowed, to avoid this tool
be abused for bigger transactions, that would enable less transparency to tax institutions.
buyer = invoice.commercial_partner_id
return all([
self.env.ref('l10n_it_edi.account_invoice_it_simplified_FatturaPA_export', raise_if_not_found=False),
not self._l10n_it_edi_is_self_invoice(invoice),
not buyer.country_id or buyer.country_id.code == 'IT',
buyer.l10n_it_codice_fiscale or (buyer.vat and (buyer.vat[:2].upper() == 'IT' or buyer.vat[:2].isdecimal())),
invoice.amount_total <= 400,
def _l10n_it_edi_check_simplified_invoice_configuration(self, invoice):
return [] if self._l10n_it_edi_is_simplified(invoice) else self._l10n_it_edi_check_buyer_invoice_configuration(invoice)
def _l10n_it_edi_partner_in_eu(self, partner):
europe = self.env.ref('base.europe', raise_if_not_found=False)
country = partner.country_id
return not europe or not country or country in europe.country_ids
def _l10n_it_edi_services_or_goods(self, invoice):
Services and goods have different tax grids when VAT is Reverse Charged, and they can't
be mixed in the same invoice, because the TipoDocumento depends on which which kind
of product is bought and it's unambiguous.
scopes = []
for line in invoice.invoice_line_ids.filtered(lambda l: l.display_type not in ('line_note', 'line_section')):
tax_ids_with_tax_scope = line.tax_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.tax_scope)
if tax_ids_with_tax_scope:
scopes += tax_ids_with_tax_scope.mapped('tax_scope')
scopes.append(line.product_id and line.product_id.type or 'consu')
if set(scopes) == set(['consu', 'service']):
return "both"
return scopes and scopes.pop()
def _l10n_it_edi_check_buyer_invoice_configuration(self, invoice):
errors = []
buyer = invoice.commercial_partner_id
# <1.4.2>
if not buyer.street and not buyer.street2:
errors.append(_("%s must have a street.", buyer.display_name))
if not buyer.country_id:
errors.append(_("%s must have a country.", buyer.display_name))
if not buyer.zip:
errors.append(_("%s must have a post code.", buyer.display_name))
elif len(buyer.zip) != 5 and buyer.country_id.code == 'IT':
errors.append(_("%s must have a post code of length 5.", buyer.display_name))
if not buyer.city:
errors.append(_("%s must have a city.", buyer.display_name))
for tax_line in invoice.line_ids.filtered(lambda line: line.tax_line_id):
if not tax_line.tax_line_id.l10n_it_kind_exoneration and tax_line.tax_line_id.amount == 0:
errors.append(_("%s has an amount of 0.0, you must indicate the kind of exoneration.", tax_line.name))
return errors
def _l10n_it_goods_in_italy(self, invoice):
There is a specific TipoDocumento (Document Type TD19) and tax grid (VJ3) for goods
that are phisically in Italy but are in a VAT deposit, meaning that the goods
have not passed customs.
invoice_lines_tags = invoice.line_ids.tax_tag_ids
it_tax_report_vj3_lines = self.env['account.report.line'].search([
('report_id.country_id.code', '=', 'IT'),
('code', '=', 'VJ3'),
vj3_lines_tags = it_tax_report_vj3_lines.expression_ids._get_matching_tags()
return bool(invoice_lines_tags & vj3_lines_tags)
def _l10n_it_document_type_mapping(self):
""" Returns a dictionary with the required features for every TDxx FatturaPA document type """
return {
'TD01': dict(move_types=['out_invoice'], import_type='in_invoice', self_invoice=False, simplified=False, downpayment=False),
'TD02': dict(move_types=['out_invoice'], import_type='in_invoice', self_invoice=False, simplified=False, downpayment=True),
'TD04': dict(move_types=['out_refund'], import_type='in_refund', self_invoice=False, simplified=False),
'TD07': dict(move_types=['out_invoice'], import_type='in_invoice', self_invoice=False, simplified=True),
'TD08': dict(move_types=['out_refund'], import_type='in_refund', self_invoice=False, simplified=True),
'TD09': dict(move_types=['out_invoice'], import_type='in_invoice', self_invoice=False, simplified=True),
'TD28': dict(move_types=['in_invoice', 'in_refund'], import_type='in_invoice', simplified=False, self_invoice=True, partner_country_code="SM"),
'TD17': dict(move_types=['in_invoice', 'in_refund'], import_type='in_invoice', simplified=False, self_invoice=True, services_or_goods="service"),
'TD18': dict(move_types=['in_invoice', 'in_refund'], import_type='in_invoice', simplified=False, self_invoice=True, services_or_goods="consu", goods_in_italy=False, partner_in_eu=True),
'TD19': dict(move_types=['in_invoice', 'in_refund'], import_type='in_invoice', simplified=False, self_invoice=True, services_or_goods="consu", goods_in_italy=True),
def _l10n_it_buyer_seller_info(self):
return {
'buyer': {
'role': 'buyer',
'section_xpath': './/CessionarioCommittente',
'vat_xpath': '//CessionarioCommittente//IdCodice',
'codice_fiscale_xpath': '//CessionarioCommittente//CodiceFiscale',
'type_tax_use_domain': [('type_tax_use', '=', 'purchase')],
'seller': {
'role': 'seller',
'section_xpath': './/CedentePrestatore',
'vat_xpath': '//CedentePrestatore//IdCodice',
'codice_fiscale_xpath': '//CedentePrestatore//CodiceFiscale',
'type_tax_use_domain': [('type_tax_use', '=', 'sale')],
def _l10n_it_get_invoice_features_for_document_type_selection(self, invoice):
""" Returns a dictionary of features to be compared with the TDxx FatturaPA
document type requirements. """
services_or_goods = self._l10n_it_edi_services_or_goods(invoice)
return {
'move_types': invoice.move_type,
'partner_in_eu': self._l10n_it_edi_partner_in_eu(invoice.commercial_partner_id),
'partner_country_code': invoice.commercial_partner_id.country_id.code,
'simplified': self._l10n_it_edi_is_simplified(invoice),
'self_invoice': self._l10n_it_edi_is_self_invoice(invoice),
'downpayment': invoice._is_downpayment(),
'services_or_goods': services_or_goods,
'goods_in_italy': services_or_goods == 'consu' and self._l10n_it_goods_in_italy(invoice),
def _l10n_it_get_document_type(self, invoice):
""" Compare the features of the invoice to the requirements of each TDxx FatturaPA
document type until you find a valid one. """
invoice_features = self._l10n_it_get_invoice_features_for_document_type_selection(invoice)
for code, document_type_features in self._l10n_it_document_type_mapping().items():
comparisons = []
for key, invoice_feature in invoice_features.items():
if key not in document_type_features:
document_type_feature = document_type_features.get(key)
if isinstance(document_type_feature, (tuple, list)):
comparisons.append(invoice_feature in document_type_feature)
comparisons.append(invoice_feature == document_type_feature)
if all(comparisons):
return code
return False
def _l10n_it_is_simplified_document_type(self, document_type):
return self._l10n_it_document_type_mapping().get(document_type, {}).get('simplified', False)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Import
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _cron_receive_fattura_pa(self):
''' Check the proxy for incoming invoices for all companies.
if self.env['account_edi_proxy_client.user']._get_demo_state() == 'demo':
fattura_pa = self.env.ref('l10n_it_edi.edi_fatturaPA')
for proxy_user in self.env['account_edi_proxy_client.user'].search([('edi_format_code', '=', 'fattura_pa')]):
def _receive_fattura_pa(self, proxy_user):
''' Check the proxy for incoming invoices for a specified proxy user.
res = proxy_user._make_request(
proxy_user._get_server_url() + '/api/l10n_it_edi/1/in/RicezioneInvoice',
params={'recipient_codice_fiscale': proxy_user.company_id.l10n_it_codice_fiscale})
except AccountEdiProxyError as e:
res = {}
_logger.warning('Error while receiving file from SdiCoop: %s', e)
retrigger = False
proxy_acks = []
for id_transaction, fattura in res.items():
# The server has a maximum number of documents it can send at a time
# If that maximum is reached, then we search for more
# by re-triggering the download cron, avoiding the timeout.
current_num, max_num = fattura.get('current_num', 0), fattura.get('max_num', 0)
retrigger = retrigger or current_num == max_num > 0
if self._save_incoming_attachment_fattura_pa(proxy_user, id_transaction, fattura['filename'], fattura['file'], fattura['key']):
if proxy_acks:
proxy_user._get_server_url() + '/api/l10n_it_edi/1/ack',
params={'transaction_ids': proxy_acks})
except AccountEdiProxyError as e:
_logger.warning('Error while receiving file from SdiCoop: %s', e)
if retrigger:
_logger.info('Retriggering "Receive invoices from the exchange system"...')
def _save_incoming_attachment_fattura_pa(self, proxy_user, id_transaction, filename, content, key):
''' Save an incoming file from the SdI as an attachment.
:param proxy_user: the user that saves the attachment.
:param id_transaction: id of the SdI transaction for communication with the IAP proxy.
:param filename: name of the file to be saved.
:param content: encrypted content of the file to be saved.
:param key: key to decrypt the file.
:returns: True if everything went well, or the file already exists.
False if the file cannot be parsed as an XML.
company = proxy_user.company_id
# Name should be unique per company, the invoice already exists
Attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().with_company(company)
if Attachment.search_count([
('name', '=', filename),
('res_model', '=', 'account.move'),
('company_id', '=', proxy_user.company_id.id),
], limit=1):
# name should be unique, the invoice already exists
_logger.info('E-invoice already exists: %s', filename)
return True
raw_content = proxy_user._decrypt_data(content, key)
invoice = self.env['account.move'].with_company(company).create({'move_type': 'in_invoice'})
attachment = Attachment.create({
'name': filename,
'raw': raw_content,
'type': 'binary',
'res_model': 'account.move',
'res_id': invoice.id
# In case something fails after, we still have the attachment
# So that we don't delete the attachment when deleting the invoice
# Detach the attachment and unlink the stub invoice.
attachment.res_id = False
attachment.res_model = False
# Import the invoice from the attachment and reattach.
invoice = self.with_company(company)._create_document_from_attachment(attachment)
attachment.write({'res_model': 'account.move', 'res_id': invoice.id})
return True
def _check_filename_is_fattura_pa(self, filename):
return re.search("[A-Z]{2}[A-Za-z0-9]{2,28}_[A-Za-z0-9]{0,5}.((?i:xml.p7m|xml))", filename)
def _is_fattura_pa(self, filename, tree=None):
return self.code == 'fattura_pa' and self._check_filename_is_fattura_pa(filename)
def _create_invoice_from_xml_tree(self, filename, tree, journal=None):
if self._is_fattura_pa(filename, tree):
return self._import_fattura_pa(tree, self.env['account.move'])
return super()._create_invoice_from_xml_tree(filename, tree, journal=journal)
def _update_invoice_from_xml_tree(self, filename, tree, invoice):
if self._is_fattura_pa(filename, tree):
if len(tree.xpath('//FatturaElettronicaBody')) > 1:
invoice.message_post(body='The attachment contains multiple invoices, this invoice was not updated from it.',
return self._import_fattura_pa(tree, invoice)
return super()._update_invoice_from_xml_tree(filename, tree, invoice)
def _decode_p7m_to_xml(self, filename, content):
def parse_xml(parser, filename, content):
return etree.fromstring(content, parser)
except (etree.ParseError, ValueError) as e:
_logger.info("XML parsing of %s failed: %s", filename, e)
parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True, resolve_entities=False)
xml_tree = parse_xml(parser, filename, content)
if xml_tree is None:
# The file may have a Cades signature, trying to remove it
xml_tree = parse_xml(parser, filename, remove_signature(content))
if xml_tree is None:
_logger.info("Italian EDI invoice file %s cannot be decoded.", filename)
return None
return xml_tree
def _create_invoice_from_binary(self, filename, content, extension):
if extension.lower() == '.xml.p7m' and self._is_fattura_pa(filename):
decoded_content = self._decode_p7m_to_xml(filename, content)
if decoded_content is not None:
return self._import_fattura_pa(decoded_content, self.env['account.move'])
return super()._create_invoice_from_binary(filename, content, extension)
def _update_invoice_from_binary(self, filename, content, extension, invoice):
if extension.lower() == '.xml.p7m' and self._is_fattura_pa(filename):
decoded_content = self._decode_p7m_to_xml(filename, content)
if decoded_content is not None:
return self._import_fattura_pa(decoded_content, invoice)
return super()._update_invoice_from_binary(filename, content, extension, invoice)
def _l10n_it_get_partner_invoice(self, tree, company, partner_info=None):
if partner_info is None:
partner_info = self._l10n_it_buyer_seller_info()['seller']
elements = tree.xpath(partner_info['vat_xpath'])
partner = elements and self.env['res.partner'].search(
['&', ('vat', 'ilike', elements[0].text), '|', ('company_id', '=', company.id), ('company_id', '=', False)],
if not partner:
elements = tree.xpath(partner_info['codice_fiscale_xpath'])
if elements:
codice = elements[0].text
domains = [[('l10n_it_codice_fiscale', '=', codice)]]
if re.match(r'^[0-9]{11}$', codice):
domains.append([('l10n_it_codice_fiscale', '=', 'IT' + codice)])
elif re.match(r'^IT[0-9]{11}$', codice):
domains.append([('l10n_it_codice_fiscale', '=',
partner = elements and self.env['res.partner'].search(
AND([OR(domains), OR([[('company_id', '=', company.id)], [('company_id', '=', False)]])]), limit=1)
if not partner and partner_info['role'] == 'seller':
elements = tree.xpath('//DatiTrasmissione//Email')
partner = elements and self.env['res.partner'].search(
['&', '|', ('email', '=', elements[0].text), ('l10n_it_pec_email', '=', elements[0].text), '|',
('company_id', '=', company.id), ('company_id', '=', False)], limit=1)
return partner
def _convert_date_from_xml(self, xsdate_str):
""" Dates in FatturaPA are ISO 8601 date format, pattern '[-]CCYY-MM-DD[Z|(+|-)hh:mm]' """
xsdate_str = xsdate_str.strip()
xsdate_pattern = r"^-?(?P<date>-?\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})(?P<tz>[zZ]|[+-]\d{2}:\d{2})?$"
match = re.match(xsdate_pattern, xsdate_str)
converted_date = datetime.strptime(match.group("date"), DEFAULT_FACTUR_ITALIAN_DATE_FORMAT).date()
except Exception:
converted_date = False
return converted_date
def _l10n_it_edi_search_tax_for_import(self, company, percentage, extra_domain=None):
""" Returns the VAT, Withholding or Pension Fund tax that suits the conditions given
and matches the percentage found in the XML for the company. """
conditions = [
('company_id', '=', company.id),
('amount', '=', percentage),
('amount_type', '=', 'percent'),
] + (extra_domain or [])
# As we're importing vendor bills, we're excluding Reverse Charge Taxes
# which have a [100.0, 100.0, -100.0] repartition lines factor_percent distribution.
# We only allow for taxes that have all positive repartition lines factor_percent distribution.
taxes = self.env['account.tax'].search(conditions).filtered(
lambda tax: all([rep_line.factor_percent >= 0 for rep_line in tax.invoice_repartition_line_ids]))
return taxes[0] if taxes else taxes
def _l10n_it_edi_get_extra_info(self, company, document_type, body_tree, incoming=True):
""" This function is meant to collect other information that has to be inserted on the invoice lines by submodules.
:return extra_info, messages_to_log"""
return {
'simplified': self._l10n_it_is_simplified_document_type(document_type),
'type_tax_use_domain': [('type_tax_use', '=', 'purchase' if incoming else 'sale')],
}, []
def _import_fattura_pa(self, tree, invoice):
""" Decodes a fattura_pa invoice into an invoice.
:param tree: the fattura_pa tree to decode.
:param invoice: the invoice to update or an empty recordset.
:returns: the invoice where the fattura_pa data was imported.
invoices = self.env['account.move']
first_run = True
buyer_seller_info = self._l10n_it_buyer_seller_info()
# possible to have multiple invoices in the case of an invoice batch, the batch itself is repeated for every invoice of the batch
for body_tree in tree.xpath('//FatturaElettronicaBody'):
if not first_run or not invoice:
# make sure all the iterations create a new invoice record (except the first which could have already created one)
invoice = self.env['account.move']
first_run = False
# There are 2 cases:
# - cron:
# * Move direction (incoming / outgoing) flexible (no 'default_move_type')
# * All companies are possible (no 'allowed_company_ids')
# * I.e. used for import from tax agency
# - "Upload" button (invoices / bills view)
# * Fixed move direction; the button sets the 'default_move_type'
# * Companies are restricted to 'allowed_company_ids'.
default_move_type = self.env.context.get('default_move_type')
if default_move_type is None:
incoming_possibilities = [True, False]
elif default_move_type in invoice.get_purchase_types(include_receipts=True):
incoming_possibilities = [True]
elif default_move_type in invoice.get_sale_types(include_receipts=True):
incoming_possibilities = [False]
_logger.warning("Cannot handle default_move_type '%s'.", default_move_type)
allowed_company_ids = self.env.context.get('allowed_company_ids')
allowed_company_domain = [('id', 'in', allowed_company_ids)] if allowed_company_ids else []
for incoming in incoming_possibilities:
company_role, partner_role = ('buyer', 'seller') if incoming else ('seller', 'buyer')
company_info = buyer_seller_info[company_role]
elements = tree.xpath(company_info['vat_xpath'])
company = elements and self.env['res.company'].search([
('vat', 'ilike', elements[0].text),
], limit=1)
if not company:
elements = tree.xpath(company_info['codice_fiscale_xpath'])
company = elements and self.env['res.company'].search([
('l10n_it_codice_fiscale', 'ilike', elements[0].text),
], limit=1)
if company:
_logger.warning('Could not determine company (by looking at the VAT and codice fiscale in the buyer and/or seller section).')
# Refund type.
# TD01 == invoice
# TD02 == advance/down payment on invoice
# TD03 == advance/down payment on fee
# TD04 == credit note
# TD05 == debit note
# TD06 == fee
# TD07 == simplified invoice
# TD08 == simplified credit note
# TD09 == simplified debit note
# For unsupported document types, just assume in_invoice, and log that the type is unsupported
elements = tree.xpath('//DatiGeneraliDocumento/TipoDocumento')
document_type = elements[0].text if elements else ''
move_type = self._l10n_it_document_type_mapping().get(document_type, {}).get('import_type', False)
if not move_type:
move_type = "in_invoice"
_logger.info('Document type not managed: %s. Invoice type is set by default.', document_type)
if not incoming and move_type.startswith('in_'):
move_type = 'out' + move_type[2:]
invoice_ctx = invoice.with_company(company) \
# move could be a single record (editing) or be empty (new).
with invoice_ctx._get_edi_creation() as invoice_form:
# Collect extra info from the XML that may be used by submodules to further put information on the invoice lines
extra_info, message_to_log = self._l10n_it_edi_get_extra_info(company, document_type, body_tree, incoming=incoming)
partner_info = buyer_seller_info[partner_role]
partner = self._l10n_it_get_partner_invoice(tree, company, partner_info)
if partner:
invoice_form.partner_id = partner
message_to_log.append("%s<br/>%s" % (
_("Partner not found, useful informations from XML file:"),
tree, partner_info['section_xpath'])))
# Numbering attributed by the transmitter. <1.1.2>
elements = tree.xpath('//ProgressivoInvio')
if elements:
invoice_form.payment_reference = elements[0].text
elements = body_tree.xpath('.//DatiGeneraliDocumento//Numero')
if elements:
invoice_form.ref = elements[0].text
# Currency. <>
elements = body_tree.xpath('.//DatiGeneraliDocumento/Divisa')
if elements:
currency_str = elements[0].text
currency = self.env.ref('base.%s' % currency_str.upper(), raise_if_not_found=False)
if currency != self.env.company.currency_id and currency.active:
invoice_form.currency_id = currency
# Date. <>
elements = body_tree.xpath('.//DatiGeneraliDocumento/Data')
if elements:
document_date = self._convert_date_from_xml(elements[0].text)
if document_date:
invoice_form.invoice_date = document_date
message_to_log.append("%s<br/>%s" % (
_("Document date invalid in XML file:"),
invoice._compose_info_message(elements[0], '.')
# Dati Bollo. <>
elements = body_tree.xpath('.//DatiGeneraliDocumento/DatiBollo/ImportoBollo')
if elements:
invoice_form.l10n_it_stamp_duty = float(elements[0].text)
# Comment. <>
elements = body_tree.xpath('.//DatiGeneraliDocumento//Causale')
for element in elements:
invoice_form.narration = '%s%s<br/>' % (invoice_form.narration or '', element.text)
# Informations relative to the purchase order, the contract, the agreement,
# the reception phase or invoices previously transmitted
# <2.1.2> - <2.1.6>
for document_type in ['DatiOrdineAcquisto', 'DatiContratto', 'DatiConvenzione', 'DatiRicezione', 'DatiFattureCollegate']:
elements = body_tree.xpath('.//DatiGenerali/' + document_type)
if elements:
for element in elements:
message_to_log.append("%s %s<br/>%s" % (document_type, _("from XML file:"),
invoice._compose_info_message(element, '.')))
# Dati DDT. <2.1.8>
elements = body_tree.xpath('.//DatiGenerali/DatiDDT')
if elements:
message_to_log.append("%s<br/>%s" % (
_("Transport informations from XML file:"),
invoice._compose_info_message(body_tree, './/DatiGenerali/DatiDDT')))
# Due date. <>
elements = body_tree.xpath('.//DatiPagamento/DettaglioPagamento/DataScadenzaPagamento')
if elements:
date_str = elements[0].text.strip()
if date_str:
due_date = self._convert_date_from_xml(date_str)
if due_date:
invoice_form.invoice_date_due = fields.Date.to_string(due_date)
message_to_log.append("%s<br/>%s" % (
_("Payment due date invalid in XML file:"),
invoice._compose_info_message(elements[0], '.')
# Information related to the purchase order <2.1.2>
po_refs = []
elements = body_tree.xpath('//DatiGenerali/DatiOrdineAcquisto/IdDocumento')
if elements:
po_refs = [element.text.strip() for element in elements]
invoice_form.invoice_origin = ", ".join(po_refs)
# Total amount. <>
elements = body_tree.xpath('.//ImportoPagamento')
amount_total_import = 0
for element in elements:
amount_total_import += float(element.text)
if amount_total_import:
message_to_log.append(_("Total amount from the XML File: %s") % (
# Bank account. <>
if invoice_form.move_type not in ('out_invoice', 'in_refund'):
elements = body_tree.xpath('.//DatiPagamento/DettaglioPagamento/IBAN')
if elements:
if invoice_form.partner_id and invoice_form.partner_id.commercial_partner_id:
bank = self.env['res.partner.bank'].search([
('acc_number', '=', elements[0].text),
('partner_id', '=', invoice_form.partner_id.commercial_partner_id.id),
('company_id', 'in', [invoice_form.company_id.id, False])
], order='company_id', limit=1)
bank = self.env['res.partner.bank'].search([
('acc_number', '=', elements[0].text), ('company_id', 'in', [invoice_form.company_id.id, False])
], order='company_id', limit=1)
if bank:
invoice_form.partner_bank_id = bank
message_to_log.append("%s<br/>%s" % (
_("Bank account not found, useful informations from XML file:"),
body_tree, ['.//DatiPagamento//Beneficiario',
elements = body_tree.xpath('.//DatiPagamento/DettaglioPagamento')
if elements:
message_to_log.append("%s<br/>%s" % (
_("Bank account not found, useful informations from XML file:"),
invoice._compose_info_message(body_tree, './/DatiPagamento')))
# Invoice lines. <2.2.1>
if not extra_info['simplified']:
elements = body_tree.xpath('.//DettaglioLinee')
elements = body_tree.xpath('.//DatiBeniServizi')
for element in (elements or []):
invoice_line_form = invoice_form.invoice_line_ids.create({
'move_id': invoice_form.id,
'tax_ids': [fields.Command.clear()],
if invoice_line_form:
message_to_log += self._import_fattura_pa_line(element, invoice_line_form, extra_info)
# Global discount summarized in 1 amount
discount_elements = body_tree.xpath('.//DatiGeneraliDocumento/ScontoMaggiorazione')
if discount_elements:
taxable_amount = float(invoice_form.tax_totals['amount_untaxed'])
discounted_amount = taxable_amount
for discount_element in discount_elements:
discount_type = discount_element.xpath('.//Tipo')
discount_sign = 1
if discount_type and discount_type[0].text == 'MG':
discount_sign = -1
discount_amount = discount_element.xpath('.//Importo')
if discount_amount:
discounted_amount -= discount_sign * float(discount_amount[0].text)
discount_percentage = discount_element.xpath('.//Percentuale')
if discount_percentage:
discounted_amount *= 1 - discount_sign * float(discount_percentage[0].text) / 100
general_discount = discounted_amount - taxable_amount
sequence = len(elements) + 1
invoice_form.invoice_line_ids = [Command.create({
'sequence': sequence,
'name': 'SCONTO' if general_discount < 0 else 'MAGGIORAZIONE',
'price_unit': general_discount,
'tax_ids': [], # without this, a tax is automatically added to the line
new_invoice = invoice_form
elements = body_tree.xpath('.//Allegati')
if elements:
for element in elements:
name_attachment = element.xpath('.//NomeAttachment')[0].text
attachment_64 = str.encode(element.xpath('.//Attachment')[0].text)
attachment_64 = self.env['ir.attachment'].create({
'name': name_attachment,
'datas': attachment_64,
'type': 'binary',
'res_model': 'account.move',
'res_id': new_invoice.id,
# no_new_invoice to prevent from looping on the message_post that would create a new invoice without it
body=(_("Attachment from XML")),
for message in message_to_log:
invoices += new_invoice
return invoices
def _import_fattura_pa_line(self, element, invoice_line_form, extra_info=None):
extra_info = extra_info or {}
company = invoice_line_form.company_id
partner = invoice_line_form.partner_id
message_to_log = []
# Sequence.
line_elements = element.xpath('.//NumeroLinea')
if line_elements:
invoice_line_form.sequence = int(line_elements[0].text)
# Product.
elements_code = element.xpath('.//CodiceArticolo')
if elements_code:
for element_code in elements_code:
type_code = element_code.xpath('.//CodiceTipo')[0]
code = element_code.xpath('.//CodiceValore')[0]
if type_code.text == 'EAN':
product = self.env['product.product'].search([('barcode', '=', code.text)])
if product:
invoice_line_form.product_id = product
if partner:
product_supplier = self.env['product.supplierinfo'].search([('partner_id', '=', partner.id), ('product_code', '=', code.text)], limit=2)
if product_supplier and len(product_supplier) == 1 and product_supplier.product_id:
invoice_line_form.product_id = product_supplier.product_id
if not invoice_line_form.product_id:
for element_code in elements_code:
code = element_code.xpath('.//CodiceValore')[0]
product = self.env['product.product'].search([('default_code', '=', code.text)], limit=2)
if product and len(product) == 1:
invoice_line_form.product_id = product
# Label.
line_elements = element.xpath('.//Descrizione')
if line_elements:
invoice_line_form.name = " ".join(line_elements[0].text.split())
# Quantity.
line_elements = element.xpath('.//Quantita')
if line_elements:
invoice_line_form.quantity = float(line_elements[0].text)
invoice_line_form.quantity = 1
# Taxes
percentage = None
price_subtotal = 0
if not extra_info['simplified']:
tax_element = element.xpath('.//AliquotaIVA')
if tax_element and tax_element[0].text:
percentage = float(tax_element[0].text)
amount_element = element.xpath('.//Importo')
if amount_element and amount_element[0].text:
amount = float(amount_element[0].text)
tax_element = element.xpath('.//Aliquota')
if tax_element and tax_element[0].text:
percentage = float(tax_element[0].text)
price_subtotal = amount / (1 + percentage / 100)
tax_element = element.xpath('.//Imposta')
if tax_element and tax_element[0].text:
tax_amount = float(tax_element[0].text)
price_subtotal = amount - tax_amount
percentage = round(tax_amount / price_subtotal * 100)
natura_element = element.xpath('.//Natura')
invoice_line_form.tax_ids = ()
if percentage is not None:
type_tax_use_domain = extra_info.get('type_tax_use_domain', [('type_tax_use', '=', 'purchase')])
l10n_it_kind_exoneration = bool(natura_element) and natura_element[0].text
conditions = (
l10n_it_kind_exoneration and [('l10n_it_kind_exoneration', '=', l10n_it_kind_exoneration)]
or [('l10n_it_has_exoneration', '=', False)]
) + type_tax_use_domain
tax = self._l10n_it_edi_search_tax_for_import(company, percentage, conditions)
if tax:
invoice_line_form.tax_ids += tax
message_to_log.append("%s<br/>%s" % (
_("Tax not found for line with description '%s'", invoice_line_form.name),
self.env['account.move']._compose_info_message(element, '.'),
# Price Unit.
if not extra_info['simplified']:
line_elements = element.xpath('.//PrezzoUnitario')
if line_elements:
invoice_line_form.price_unit = float(line_elements[0].text)
invoice_line_form.price_unit = price_subtotal
# Discounts
discount_elements = element.xpath('.//ScontoMaggiorazione')
if discount_elements:
discount_element = discount_elements[0]
discount_percentage = discount_element.xpath('.//Percentuale')
# Special case of only 1 percentage discount
if discount_percentage and len(discount_elements) == 1:
discount_type = discount_element.xpath('.//Tipo')
discount_sign = 1
if discount_type and discount_type[0].text == 'MG':
discount_sign = -1
invoice_line_form.discount = discount_sign * float(discount_percentage[0].text)
# Discounts in cascade summarized in 1 percentage
total = float(element.xpath('.//PrezzoTotale')[0].text)
discount = 100 - (100 * total) / (invoice_line_form.quantity * invoice_line_form.price_unit)
invoice_line_form.discount = discount
return message_to_log
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Export
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _prepare_invoice_report(self, pdf_writer, edi_document):
if self.code != 'fattura_pa':
return super()._prepare_invoice_report(pdf_writer, edi_document)
attachment = edi_document.sudo().attachment_id
if attachment:
def _is_compatible_with_journal(self, journal):
if self.code != 'fattura_pa':
return super()._is_compatible_with_journal(journal)
return journal.type in ('sale', 'purchase') and journal.country_code == 'IT'
def _get_move_applicability(self, move):
if self.code != 'fattura_pa':
return super()._get_move_applicability(move)
is_it_purchase_document = self._l10n_it_edi_is_self_invoice(move) and move.is_purchase_document()
if move.country_code == 'IT' and (move.is_sale_document() or is_it_purchase_document):
return {
'post': self._post_fattura_pa,
'post_batching': lambda move: (move.move_type, bool(move.l10n_it_edi_transaction)),
'batching_limit': 50,
def _l10n_it_edi_export_invoice_as_xml(self, invoice):
''' Create the xml file content.
:return: The XML content as str.
template_values = invoice._prepare_fatturapa_export_values()
if not self._l10n_it_is_simplified_document_type(template_values['document_type']):
content = self.env['ir.qweb']._render('l10n_it_edi.account_invoice_it_FatturaPA_export', template_values)
content = self.env['ir.qweb']._render('l10n_it_edi.account_invoice_it_simplified_FatturaPA_export', template_values)
"A simplified invoice was created instead of an ordinary one. This is because the invoice \
is a domestic invoice with a total amount of less than or equal to 400€ and the customer's address is incomplete."
return content
def _check_move_configuration(self, move):
res = super()._check_move_configuration(move)
if self.code != 'fattura_pa':
return res
if not self._get_proxy_user(move.company_id):
res.append(_("You must accept the terms and conditions in the settings to use FatturaPA."))
return res
def _needs_web_services(self):
return self.code == 'fattura_pa' or super()._needs_web_services()
def _l10n_it_post_invoices_step_1(self, invoices):
''' Send the invoices to the proxy.
to_return = {}
to_send = {}
for invoice in invoices:
xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" + str(self._l10n_it_edi_export_invoice_as_xml(invoice))
filename = self._l10n_it_edi_generate_electronic_invoice_filename(invoice)
attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].create({
'name': filename,
'res_id': invoice.id,
'res_model': invoice._name,
'raw': xml.encode(),
'description': _('Italian invoice: %s', invoice.move_type),
'type': 'binary',
invoice.l10n_it_edi_attachment_id = attachment
if invoice._is_commercial_partner_pa():
body=(_("Invoices for PA are not managed by Odoo, you can download the document and send it on your own."))
to_return[invoice] = {'attachment': attachment, 'success': True}
to_send[filename] = {
'invoice': invoice,
'data': {'filename': filename, 'xml': base64.b64encode(xml.encode()).decode()}}
company = invoices.company_id
proxy_user = self._get_proxy_user(company)
if not proxy_user: # proxy user should exist, because there is a check in _check_move_configuration
return {invoice: {
'error': _("You must accept the terms and conditions in the settings to use FatturaPA."),
'blocking_level': 'error'} for invoice in invoices}
responses = {}
if proxy_user._get_demo_state() == 'demo':
responses = {i['data']['filename']: {'id_transaction': 'demo'} for i in to_send.values()}
responses = self._l10n_it_edi_upload([i['data'] for i in to_send.values()], proxy_user)
except AccountEdiProxyError as e:
return {invoice: {'error': e.message, 'blocking_level': 'error'} for invoice in invoices}
for filename, response in responses.items():
invoice = to_send[filename]['invoice']
to_return[invoice] = response
if 'id_transaction' in response:
invoice.l10n_it_edi_transaction = response['id_transaction']
'error': _('The invoice was sent to FatturaPA, but we are still awaiting a response. Click the link above to check for an update.'),
'blocking_level': 'info'})
return to_return
def _l10n_it_post_invoices_step_2(self, invoices):
''' Check if the sent invoices have been processed by FatturaPA.
to_check = {i.l10n_it_edi_transaction: i for i in invoices}
to_return = {}
company = invoices.company_id
proxy_user = self._get_proxy_user(company)
if not proxy_user: # proxy user should exist, because there is a check in _check_move_configuration
return {invoice: {
'error': _("You must accept the terms and conditions in the settings to use FatturaPA."),
'blocking_level': 'error'} for invoice in invoices}
if proxy_user._get_demo_state() == 'demo':
# simulate success and bypass ack
return {invoice: {'attachment': invoice.l10n_it_edi_attachment_id} for invoice in invoices}
responses = proxy_user._make_request(proxy_user._get_server_url() + '/api/l10n_it_edi/1/in/TrasmissioneFatture',
params={'ids_transaction': list(to_check.keys())})
except AccountEdiProxyError as e:
return {invoice: {'error': e.message, 'blocking_level': 'error'} for invoice in invoices}
proxy_acks = []
for id_transaction, response in responses.items():
invoice = to_check[id_transaction]
if 'error' in response:
to_return[invoice] = response
state = response['state']
if state == 'awaiting_outcome':
to_return[invoice] = {
'error': _('The invoice was sent to FatturaPA, but we are still awaiting a response. Click the link above to check for an update.'),
'blocking_level': 'info'}
elif state == 'not_found':
# Invoice does not exist on proxy. Either it does not belong to this proxy_user or it was not created correctly when
# it was sent to the proxy.
to_return[invoice] = {'error': _('You are not allowed to check the status of this invoice.'), 'blocking_level': 'error'}
elif state == 'ricevutaConsegna':
if invoice._is_commercial_partner_pa():
to_return[invoice] = {'error': _('The invoice has been succesfully transmitted. The addressee has 15 days to accept or reject it.')}
to_return[invoice] = {'attachment': invoice.l10n_it_edi_attachment_id, 'success': True}
elif state == 'notificaMancataConsegna':
if invoice._is_commercial_partner_pa():
to_return[invoice] = {'error': _(
'The invoice has been issued, but the delivery to the Public Administration'
' has failed. The Exchange System will contact them to report the problem'
' and request that they provide a solution.'
' During the following 10 days, the Exchange System will try to forward the'
' FatturaPA file to the Public Administration in question again.'
' Should this also fail, the System will notify Odoo of the failed delivery,'
' and you will be required to send the invoice to the Administration'
' through another channel, outside of the Exchange System.')}
to_return[invoice] = {'success': True, 'attachment': invoice.l10n_it_edi_attachment_id}
'The invoice has been issued, but the delivery to the Addressee has'
' failed. You will be required to send a courtesy copy of the invoice'
' to your customer through another channel, outside of the Exchange'
' System, and promptly notify him that the original is deposited'
' in his personal area on the portal "Invoices and Fees" of the'
' Revenue Agency.'))
elif state == 'NotificaDecorrenzaTermini':
# This condition is part of the Public Administration flow
'The invoice has been correctly issued. The Public Administration recipient'
' had 15 days to either accept or refused this document, but they did not reply,'
' so from now on we consider it accepted.'))
to_return[invoice] = {'attachment': invoice.l10n_it_edi_attachment_id, 'success': True}
# In the transaction states above, we don't need to read the attachment.
# In the following cases instead we need to read the information inside
# about the notification itself, i.e. the error message in case of rejection.
attachment_file = response.get('file')
if not attachment_file: # It means there is no status update, so we can skip it
document = invoice.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda d: d.edi_format_id.code == 'fattura_pa')
to_return[invoice] = {'error': document.error, 'blocking_level': document.blocking_level}
xml = proxy_user._decrypt_data(attachment_file, response['key'])
response_tree = etree.fromstring(xml)
if state == 'notificaScarto':
elements = response_tree.xpath('//Errore')
error_codes = [element.find('Codice').text for element in elements]
errors = [element.find('Descrizione').text for element in elements]
# Duplicated invoice
if '00404' in error_codes:
idx = error_codes.index('00404')
'This invoice number had already been submitted to the SdI, so it is'
' set as Sent. Please verify that the system is correctly configured,'
' because the correct flow does not need to send the same invoice'
' twice for any reason.\n'
' Original message from the SDI: %s', errors[idx]))
to_return[invoice] = {'attachment': invoice.l10n_it_edi_attachment_id, 'success': True}
# Add helpful text if duplicated filename error
if '00002' in error_codes:
idx = error_codes.index('00002')
errors[idx] = _(
'The filename is duplicated. Try again (or adjust the FatturaPA Filename sequence).'
' Original message from the SDI: %s', [errors[idx]]
to_return[invoice] = {'error': self._format_error_message(_('The invoice has been refused by the Exchange System'), errors), 'blocking_level': 'error'}
invoice.l10n_it_edi_transaction = False
elif state == 'notificaEsito':
outcome = response_tree.find('Esito').text
if outcome == 'EC01':
to_return[invoice] = {'attachment': invoice.l10n_it_edi_attachment_id, 'success': True}
else: # ECO2
to_return[invoice] = {'error': _('The invoice was refused by the addressee.'), 'blocking_level': 'error'}
if proxy_acks:
proxy_user._make_request(proxy_user._get_server_url() + '/api/l10n_it_edi/1/ack',
params={'transaction_ids': proxy_acks})
except AccountEdiProxyError as e:
# Will be ignored and acked again next time.
_logger.error('Error while acking file to SdiCoop: %s', e)
return to_return
def _post_fattura_pa(self, invoice):
if not invoice[0].l10n_it_edi_transaction:
return self._l10n_it_post_invoices_step_1(invoice)
return self._l10n_it_post_invoices_step_2(invoice)
def _post_invoice_edi(self, invoices):
edi_result = super()._post_invoice_edi(invoices)
if self.code != 'fattura_pa':
return edi_result
return self._post_fattura_pa(invoices)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Proxy methods
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_proxy_identification(self, company):
if self.code != 'fattura_pa':
return super()._get_proxy_identification()
if not company.l10n_it_codice_fiscale:
raise UserError(_('Please fill your codice fiscale to be able to receive invoices from FatturaPA'))
return self.env['res.partner']._l10n_it_normalize_codice_fiscale(company.l10n_it_codice_fiscale)
def _l10n_it_edi_upload(self, files, proxy_user):
'''Upload files to fatturapa.
:param files: A list of dictionary {filename, base64_xml}.
:returns: A dictionary.
* message: Message from fatturapa.
* transactionId: The fatturapa ID of this request.
* error: An eventual error.
* error_level: Info, warning, error.
'EI01': {'error': _lt('Attached file is empty'), 'blocking_level': 'error'},
'EI02': {'error': _lt('Service momentarily unavailable'), 'blocking_level': 'warning'},
'EI03': {'error': _lt('Unauthorized user'), 'blocking_level': 'error'},
if not files:
return {}
result = proxy_user._make_request(proxy_user._get_server_url() + '/api/l10n_it_edi/1/out/SdiRiceviFile', params={'files': files})
# Translate the errors.
for filename in result.keys():
if 'error' in result[filename]:
result[filename] = ERRORS.get(result[filename]['error'], {'error': result[filename]['error'], 'blocking_level': 'error'})
return result