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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
from functools import reduce
import logging
import re
from datetime import datetime
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.tools import float_repr, float_compare
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AccountMove(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.move'
l10n_it_edi_transaction = fields.Char(copy=False, string="FatturaPA Transaction")
l10n_it_edi_attachment_id = fields.Many2one('ir.attachment', copy=False, string="FatturaPA Attachment", ondelete="restrict")
l10n_it_stamp_duty = fields.Float(string="Dati Bollo", readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]})
l10n_it_ddt_id = fields.Many2one('l10n_it.ddt', string='DDT', readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}, copy=False)
l10n_it_einvoice_name = fields.Char(compute='_compute_l10n_it_einvoice')
l10n_it_einvoice_id = fields.Many2one('ir.attachment', string="Electronic invoice", compute='_compute_l10n_it_einvoice')
def _get_l10n_it_amount_split_payment(self):
amount = 0.0
if self.is_sale_document(False):
for line in self.line_ids:
if line.tax_line_id and line.tax_line_id._l10n_it_is_split_payment():
if self.move_type == 'out_invoice':
amount += line.credit
amount += line.debit
return amount
@api.depends('edi_document_ids', 'edi_document_ids.attachment_id')
def _compute_l10n_it_einvoice(self):
fattura_pa = self.env.ref('l10n_it_edi.edi_fatturaPA')
for invoice in self:
einvoice = invoice.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda d: d.edi_format_id == fattura_pa).sudo()
invoice.l10n_it_einvoice_id = einvoice.attachment_id
invoice.l10n_it_einvoice_name = einvoice.attachment_id.name
def _compute_show_reset_to_draft_button(self):
super(AccountMove, self)._compute_show_reset_to_draft_button()
for move in self.filtered(lambda m: m.l10n_it_edi_transaction):
move.show_reset_to_draft_button = False
def invoice_generate_xml(self):
report_name = self.env['account.edi.format']._l10n_it_edi_generate_electronic_invoice_filename(self)
data = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" + str(self._l10n_it_edi_export_invoice_as_xml())
description = _('Italian invoice: %s', self.move_type)
attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].create({
'name': report_name,
'res_id': self.id,
'res_model': self._name,
'raw': data.encode(),
'description': description,
'type': 'binary',
body=(_("E-Invoice is generated on %s by %s") % (fields.Datetime.now(), self.env.user.display_name))
return {'attachment': attachment}
def _is_commercial_partner_pa(self):
Returns True if the destination of the FatturaPA belongs to the Public Administration.
return len(self.commercial_partner_id.l10n_it_pa_index or '') == 6
def _l10n_it_edi_prepare_fatturapa_line_details(self, reverse_charge_refund=False, is_downpayment=False, convert_to_euros=True):
""" Returns a list of dictionaries passed to the template for the invoice lines (DettaglioLinee)
invoice_lines = []
lines = self.invoice_line_ids.filtered(lambda l: not l.display_type in ('line_note', 'line_section'))
for num, line in enumerate(lines):
sign = -1 if line.move_id.is_inbound() else 1
price_subtotal = (line.balance * sign) if convert_to_euros else line.price_subtotal
# The price_subtotal should be inverted when the line is a reverse charge refund.
if reverse_charge_refund:
price_subtotal = -price_subtotal
# Unit price
price_unit = 0
if line.quantity and line.discount != 100.0:
price_unit = price_subtotal / ((1 - (line.discount or 0.0) / 100.0) * abs(line.quantity))
price_unit = line.price_unit
description = line.name
# Down payment lines:
# If there was a down paid amount that has been deducted from this move,
# we need to put a reference to the down payment invoice in the DatiFattureCollegate tag
downpayment_moves = self.env['account.move']
if not is_downpayment and line.price_subtotal < 0:
downpayment_moves = line._get_downpayment_lines().mapped("move_id")
if downpayment_moves:
downpayment_moves_description = ', '.join([m.name for m in downpayment_moves])
sep = ', ' if description else ''
description = f"{description}{sep}{downpayment_moves_description}"
vat_tax = line.tax_ids.flatten_taxes_hierarchy().filtered(lambda t: t._l10n_it_filter_kind('vat') and t.amount >= 0)
'line': line,
'line_number': num + 1,
'description': description or 'NO NAME',
'unit_price': price_unit,
'subtotal_price': price_subtotal,
'vat_tax': vat_tax,
'downpayment_moves': downpayment_moves,
return invoice_lines
def _l10n_it_edi_prepare_fatturapa_tax_details(self, tax_details, reverse_charge_refund=False):
""" Returns a list of dictionaries passed to the template for the invoice lines (DatiRiepilogo)
tax_lines = []
for _tax_name, tax_dict in tax_details['tax_details'].items():
# The assumption is that the company currency is EUR.
tax = tax_dict['tax']
base_amount = tax_dict['base_amount']
tax_amount = tax_dict['tax_amount']
tax_rate = tax.amount
tax_exigibility_code = (
'S' if tax._l10n_it_is_split_payment()
else 'D' if tax.tax_exigibility == 'on_payment'
else 'I' if tax.tax_exigibility == 'on_invoice'
else False
expected_base_amount = tax_amount * 100 / tax_rate if tax_rate else False
# Constraints within the edi make local rounding on price included taxes a problem.
# To solve this there is a <Arrotondamento> or 'rounding' field, such that:
# taxable base = sum(taxable base for each unit) + Arrotondamento
if tax.price_include and tax.amount_type == 'percent':
if expected_base_amount and float_compare(base_amount, expected_base_amount, 2):
tax_dict['rounding'] = base_amount - (tax_amount * 100 / tax_rate)
tax_dict['base_amount'] = base_amount - tax_dict['rounding']
tax_line_dict = {
'tax': tax,
'rounding': tax_dict.get('rounding', False),
'base_amount': tax_dict['base_amount'],
'tax_amount': tax_dict['tax_amount'],
'exigibility_code': tax_exigibility_code,
return tax_lines
def _l10n_it_edi_filter_fatturapa_tax_details(self, line, tax_values):
"""Filters tax details to only include the positive amounted lines regarding VAT taxes."""
repartition_line = tax_values['tax_repartition_line']
return (repartition_line.factor_percent >= 0 and repartition_line.tax_id.amount >= 0)
def _prepare_fatturapa_export_values(self):
def format_date(dt):
# Format the date in the italian standard.
dt = dt or datetime.now()
def format_monetary(number, currency):
# Format the monetary values to avoid trailing decimals (e.g. 90.85000000000001).
return float_repr(number, min(2, currency.decimal_places))
def format_numbers(number):
#format number to str with between 2 and 8 decimals (event if it's .00)
number_splited = str(number).split('.')
if len(number_splited) == 1:
return "%.02f" % number
cents = number_splited[1]
if len(cents) > 8:
return "%.08f" % number
return float_repr(number, max(2, len(cents)))
def format_numbers_two(number):
#format number to str with 2 (event if it's .00)
return "%.02f" % number
def discount_type(discount):
return 'SC' if discount > 0 else 'MG'
def format_phone(number):
if not number:
return False
number = number.replace(' ', '').replace('/', '').replace('.', '')
if len(number) > 4 and len(number) < 13:
return number
return False
def get_vat_number(vat):
if vat[:2].isdecimal():
return vat.replace(' ', '')
return vat[2:].replace(' ', '')
def get_vat_country(vat):
if vat[:2].isdecimal():
return 'IT'
return vat[:2].upper()
def format_alphanumeric(text_to_convert):
return text_to_convert.encode('latin-1', 'replace').decode('latin-1') if text_to_convert else False
def get_vat_values(partner):
""" Generate the VAT and country code needed by l10n_it_edi XML export.
VAT number:
If there is a VAT number and the partner is not in EU and San Marino, then the exported value is 'OO99999999999'
If there is a VAT number and the partner is in EU or San Marino, then remove the country prefix
If there is no VAT and the partner is not in Italy, then the exported value is '0000000'
If there is no VAT and the partner is in Italy, the VAT is not set and Codice Fiscale will be relevant in the XML.
If there is no VAT and no Codice Fiscale, the invoice is not even exported, so this case is not handled.
First, take the country configured on the partner.
If there's a codice fiscale and no country, the country is 'IT'.
europe = self.env.ref('base.europe', raise_if_not_found=False)
in_eu = europe and partner.country_id and partner.country_id in europe.country_ids
is_sm = partner.country_code == 'SM'
normalized_vat = partner.vat
normalized_country = partner.country_code
has_vat = partner.vat and not partner.vat in ['/', 'NA']
if has_vat:
normalized_vat = partner.vat.replace(' ', '')
if in_eu:
# If the partner is from the EU, the country-code prefix of the VAT must be taken away
if not normalized_vat[:2].isdecimal():
normalized_vat = normalized_vat[2:]
# If customer is from San Marino
elif is_sm:
normalized_vat = normalized_vat if normalized_vat[:2].isdecimal() else normalized_vat[2:]
# The Tax Agency arbitrarily decided that non-EU VAT are not interesting,
# so this default code is used instead
# Detect the country code from the partner country instead
normalized_vat = 'OO99999999999'
# If it has a codice fiscale (and no country), it's an Italian partner
if not normalized_country and partner.l10n_it_codice_fiscale:
normalized_country = 'IT'
# If customer has not VAT
elif not has_vat and partner.country_id and partner.country_id.code != 'IT':
normalized_vat = '0000000'
return {
'vat': normalized_vat,
'country_code': normalized_country,
formato_trasmissione = "FPA12" if self._is_commercial_partner_pa() else "FPR12"
# Flags
in_eu = self.env['account.edi.format']._l10n_it_edi_partner_in_eu
is_self_invoice = self.env['account.edi.format']._l10n_it_edi_is_self_invoice(self)
document_type = self.env['account.edi.format']._l10n_it_get_document_type(self)
if self.env['account.edi.format']._l10n_it_is_simplified_document_type(document_type):
formato_trasmissione = "FSM10"
# Represent if the document is a reverse charge refund in a single variable
reverse_charge = document_type in ['TD17', 'TD18', 'TD19']
is_downpayment = document_type in ['TD02']
reverse_charge_refund = self.move_type == 'in_refund' and reverse_charge
convert_to_euros = self.currency_id.name != 'EUR'
# b64encode returns a bytestring, the template tries to turn it to string,
# but only gets the repr(pdf) --> "b'<base64_data>'"
pdf = self.env['ir.actions.report']._render_qweb_pdf("account.account_invoices", self.id)[0]
pdf = base64.b64encode(pdf).decode()
pdf_name = re.sub(r'\W+', '', self.name) + '.pdf'
tax_details = self._prepare_edi_tax_details(filter_to_apply=self._l10n_it_edi_filter_fatturapa_tax_details)
company = self.company_id
partner = self.commercial_partner_id
buyer = partner if not is_self_invoice else company
seller = company if not is_self_invoice else partner
codice_destinatario = (
(is_self_invoice and company.partner_id.l10n_it_pa_index)
# San Marino is externally integrated with the SdI.
# The country as a whole has a single fixed Destination Code (i.e. "2R4GTO8").
# https://www.agenziaentrate.gov.it/portale/documents/20143/3788702/Modifiche+ProvvedimentonSanMarino+0248717-2021.pdf/429b5571-17b9-0cce-7f62-f79cf53086d7
or (partner.country_code == 'SM' and '2R4GTO8')
or partner.l10n_it_pa_index
or (partner.country_id.code == 'IT' and '0000000')
# Self-invoices are technically -100%/+100% repartitioned
# but functionally need to be exported as 100%
document_total = self.amount_total
if is_self_invoice:
document_total += sum([abs(v['tax_amount_currency']) for k, v in tax_details['tax_details'].items()])
if reverse_charge_refund:
document_total = -abs(document_total)
split_payment_amount = self._get_l10n_it_amount_split_payment()
if split_payment_amount:
document_total += split_payment_amount
# Reference line for finding the conversion rate used in the document
conversion_line = self.invoice_line_ids.sorted(lambda l: abs(l.balance), reverse=True)[0] if self.invoice_line_ids else None
conversion_rate = float_repr(
abs(conversion_line.balance / conversion_line.amount_currency), precision_digits=5,
) if convert_to_euros and conversion_line else None
invoice_lines = self._l10n_it_edi_prepare_fatturapa_line_details(reverse_charge_refund, is_downpayment, convert_to_euros)
tax_lines = self._l10n_it_edi_prepare_fatturapa_tax_details(tax_details, reverse_charge_refund)
# Reduce downpayment views to a single recordset
downpayment_moves = [l.get('downpayment_moves', self.env['account.move']) for l in invoice_lines]
downpayment_moves = self.browse(move.id for moves in downpayment_moves for move in moves)
# Create file content.
template_values = {
'record': self,
'balance_multiplicator': -1 if self.is_inbound() else 1,
'company': company,
'sender': company,
'sender_partner': company.partner_id,
'partner': partner,
'buyer': buyer,
'buyer_partner': partner if not is_self_invoice else company.partner_id,
'buyer_is_company': is_self_invoice or partner.is_company,
'seller': seller,
'seller_partner': company.partner_id if not is_self_invoice else partner,
'origin_document_type': False, # see module l10n_it_edi_origin_document, will be merged in master
'currency': self.currency_id or self.company_currency_id if not convert_to_euros else self.env.ref('base.EUR'),
'document_total': document_total,
'representative': company.l10n_it_tax_representative_partner_id,
'codice_destinatario': codice_destinatario,
'regime_fiscale': company.l10n_it_tax_system if not is_self_invoice else 'RF18',
'is_self_invoice': is_self_invoice,
'partner_bank': self.partner_bank_id,
'format_date': format_date,
'format_monetary': format_monetary,
'format_numbers': format_numbers,
'format_numbers_two': format_numbers_two,
'format_phone': format_phone,
'format_alphanumeric': format_alphanumeric,
'discount_type': discount_type,
'formato_trasmissione': formato_trasmissione,
'document_type': document_type,
'pdf': pdf,
'pdf_name': pdf_name,
'tax_details': tax_details,
'downpayment_moves': downpayment_moves,
'abs': abs,
'normalize_codice_fiscale': partner._l10n_it_normalize_codice_fiscale,
'get_vat_number': get_vat_number,
'get_vat_country': get_vat_country,
'in_eu': in_eu,
'rc_refund': reverse_charge_refund,
'invoice_lines': invoice_lines,
'tax_lines': tax_lines,
'conversion_rate': conversion_rate,
'buyer_info': get_vat_values(buyer),
'seller_info': get_vat_values(seller),
return template_values
def _post(self, soft=True):
posted = super()._post(soft=soft)
return posted
def _compose_info_message(self, tree, element_tags):
output_str = ""
elements = tree.xpath(element_tags)
for element in elements:
output_str += "<ul>"
for line in element.iter():
if line.text:
text = " ".join(line.text.split())
if text:
output_str += "<li>%s: %s</li>" % (line.tag, text)
output_str += "</ul>"
return output_str
def _compose_multi_info_message(self, tree, element_tags):
output_str = "<ul>"
for element_tag in element_tags:
elements = tree.xpath(element_tag)
if not elements:
for element in elements:
text = " ".join(element.text.split())
if text:
output_str += "<li>%s: %s</li>" % (element.tag, text)
return output_str + "</ul>"
class AccountTax(models.Model):
_name = "account.tax"
_inherit = "account.tax"
l10n_it_vat_due_date = fields.Selection([
("I", "[I] IVA ad esigibilità immediata"),
("D", "[D] IVA ad esigibilità differita"),
("S", "[S] Scissione dei pagamenti")], default="I", string="VAT due date")
l10n_it_has_exoneration = fields.Boolean(string="Has exoneration of tax (Italy)", help="Tax has a tax exoneration.")
l10n_it_kind_exoneration = fields.Selection(selection=[
("N1", "[N1] Escluse ex art. 15"),
("N2", "[N2] Non soggette"),
("N2.1", "[N2.1] Non soggette ad IVA ai sensi degli artt. Da 7 a 7-septies del DPR 633/72"),
("N2.2", "[N2.2] Non soggette altri casi"),
("N3", "[N3] Non imponibili"),
("N3.1", "[N3.1] Non imponibili esportazioni"),
("N3.2", "[N3.2] Non imponibili cessioni intracomunitarie"),
("N3.3", "[N3.3] Non imponibili cessioni verso San Marino"),
("N3.4", "[N3.4] Non imponibili operazioni assimilate alle cessioni allesportazione"),
("N3.5", "[N3.5] Non imponibili a seguito di dichiarazioni dintento"),
("N3.6", "[N3.6] Non imponibili altre operazioni che non concorrono alla formazione del plafond"),
("N4", "[N4] Esenti"),
("N5", "[N5] Regime del margine / IVA non esposta in fattura"),
("N6", "[N6] Inversione contabile (per le operazioni in reverse charge ovvero nei casi di autofatturazione per acquisti extra UE di servizi ovvero per importazioni di beni nei soli casi previsti)"),
("N6.1", "[N6.1] Inversione contabile cessione di rottami e altri materiali di recupero"),
("N6.2", "[N6.2] Inversione contabile cessione di oro e argento puro"),
("N6.3", "[N6.3] Inversione contabile subappalto nel settore edile"),
("N6.4", "[N6.4] Inversione contabile cessione di fabbricati"),
("N6.5", "[N6.5] Inversione contabile cessione di telefoni cellulari"),
("N6.6", "[N6.6] Inversione contabile cessione di prodotti elettronici"),
("N6.7", "[N6.7] Inversione contabile prestazioni comparto edile esettori connessi"),
("N6.8", "[N6.8] Inversione contabile operazioni settore energetico"),
("N6.9", "[N6.9] Inversione contabile altri casi"),
("N7", "[N7] IVA assolta in altro stato UE (prestazione di servizi di telecomunicazioni, tele-radiodiffusione ed elettronici ex art. 7-octies, comma 1 lett. a, b, art. 74-sexies DPR 633/72)")],
help="Exoneration type",
l10n_it_law_reference = fields.Char(string="Law Reference", size=100)
def _check_exoneration_with_no_tax(self):
for tax in self:
if tax.l10n_it_has_exoneration:
if not tax.l10n_it_kind_exoneration or not tax.l10n_it_law_reference or tax.amount != 0:
raise ValidationError(_("If the tax has exoneration, you must enter a kind of exoneration, a law reference and the amount of the tax must be 0.0."))
if tax.l10n_it_kind_exoneration == 'N6' and tax._l10n_it_is_split_payment():
raise UserError(_("Split Payment is not compatible with exoneration of kind 'N6'"))
def _l10n_it_filter_kind(self, kind):
""" This can be overridden by l10n_it_edi_withholding for different kind of taxes (withholding, pension_fund)."""
return self if kind == 'vat' else self.env['account.tax']
def _l10n_it_is_split_payment(self):
""" Split payment means that the Public Administration buyer will pay VAT
to the tax agency instead of the vendor
tax_tags = self.get_tax_tags(is_refund=False, repartition_type='base') | self.get_tax_tags(is_refund=False, repartition_type='tax')
if not tax_tags:
return False
it_tax_report_ve38_lines = self.env['account.report.line'].search([
('report_id.country_id.code', '=', 'IT'),
('code', '=', 'VE38'),
if not it_tax_report_ve38_lines:
return False
ve38_lines_tags = it_tax_report_ve38_lines.expression_ids._get_matching_tags()
return bool(tax_tags & ve38_lines_tags)