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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from stdnum.it import codicefiscale, iva
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
import re
class ResPartner(models.Model):
_name = 'res.partner'
_inherit = 'res.partner'
l10n_it_pec_email = fields.Char(string="PEC e-mail")
l10n_it_codice_fiscale = fields.Char(string="Codice Fiscale", size=16)
l10n_it_pa_index = fields.Char(string="Destination Code",
help="Must contain the 6-character (or 7) code, present in the PA\
Index in the information relative to the electronic invoicing service,\
associated with the office which, within the addressee administration, deals\
with receiving (and processing) the invoice.")
_sql_constraints = [
"CHECK(l10n_it_codice_fiscale IS NULL OR l10n_it_codice_fiscale = '' OR LENGTH(l10n_it_codice_fiscale) >= 11)",
"Codice fiscale must have between 11 and 16 characters."),
"CHECK(l10n_it_pa_index IS NULL OR l10n_it_pa_index = '' OR LENGTH(l10n_it_pa_index) >= 6)",
"Destination Code must have between 6 and 7 characters."),
def _l10n_it_normalize_codice_fiscale(self, codice):
if codice and re.match(r'^IT[0-9]{11}$', codice):
return codice[2:13]
return codice
@api.onchange('vat', 'country_id')
def _l10n_it_onchange_vat(self):
if self.vat and (
self.country_code == "IT"
if self.country_code
else self.vat.startswith("IT")
self.l10n_it_codice_fiscale = self._l10n_it_normalize_codice_fiscale(self.vat)
self.l10n_it_codice_fiscale = False
def validate_codice_fiscale(self):
for record in self:
if record.l10n_it_codice_fiscale and (not codicefiscale.is_valid(record.l10n_it_codice_fiscale) and not iva.is_valid(record.l10n_it_codice_fiscale)):
raise UserError(_("Invalid Codice Fiscale '%s': should be like 'MRTMTT91D08F205J' for physical person and '12345670546' or 'IT12345670546' for businesses.", record.l10n_it_codice_fiscale))