2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00

205 lines
7.8 KiB

odoo.define('lunch.lunchKanbanMobileTests', function (require) {
"use strict";
const LunchKanbanView = require('lunch.LunchKanbanView');
const testUtils = require('web.test_utils');
const {createLunchView, mockLunchRPC} = require('lunch.test_utils');
QUnit.module('LunchKanbanView Mobile', {
beforeEach() {
this.data = {
'product': {
fields: {
is_available_at: {string: 'Product Availability', type: 'many2one', relation: 'lunch.location'},
category_id: {string: 'Product Category', type: 'many2one', relation: 'lunch.product.category'},
supplier_id: {string: 'Vendor', type: 'many2one', relation: 'lunch.supplier'},
records: [
{id: 1, name: 'Tuna sandwich', is_available_at: 1},
'lunch.order': {
fields: {},
update_quantity() {
return Promise.resolve();
'lunch.product.category': {
fields: {},
records: [],
'lunch.supplier': {
fields: {},
records: [],
'lunch.location': {
fields: {
name: {string: 'Name', type: 'char'},
records: [
{id: 1, name: "Office 1"},
{id: 2, name: "Office 2"},
this.regularInfos = {
user_location: [2, "Office 2"],
}, function () {
QUnit.test('basic rendering', async function (assert) {
const kanban = await createLunchView({
View: LunchKanbanView,
model: 'product',
data: this.data,
arch: `
<t t-name="kanban-box">
<div><field name="name"/></div>
mockRPC: mockLunchRPC({
infos: this.regularInfos,
userLocation: this.data['lunch.location'].records[0].id,
assert.containsOnce(kanban, '.o_legacy_kanban_view .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)',
"should have 1 records in the renderer");
// check view layout
assert.containsOnce(kanban, '.o_content > .o_lunch_content',
"should have a 'kanban lunch wrapper' column");
assert.containsOnce(kanban, '.o_lunch_content > .o_legacy_kanban_view',
"should have a 'classical kanban view' column");
assert.hasClass(kanban.$('.o_legacy_kanban_view'), 'o_lunch_kanban_view',
"should have classname 'o_lunch_kanban_view'");
assert.containsOnce($('.o_lunch_content'), '> details',
"should have a 'lunch kanban' details/summary discolure panel");
assert.hasClass($('.o_lunch_content > details'), 'fixed-bottom',
"should have classname 'fixed-bottom'");
assert.isNotVisible($('.o_lunch_content > details .o_lunch_banner'),
"shouldn't have a visible 'lunch kanban' banner");
QUnit.module('LunchWidget', function () {
QUnit.test('toggle', async function (assert) {
const kanban = await createLunchView({
View: LunchKanbanView,
model: 'product',
data: this.data,
arch: `
<t t-name="kanban-box">
<div><field name="name"/></div>
mockRPC: mockLunchRPC({
infos: Object.assign({}, this.regularInfos, {
total: "3.00",
userLocation: this.data['lunch.location'].records[0].id,
const $details = $('.o_lunch_content > details');
"shouldn't have a visible 'lunch kanban' banner");
assert.isVisible($details.find('> summary'),
"should hava a visible cart toggle button");
assert.containsOnce($details, '> summary:contains(Your cart)',
"should have 'Your cart' in the button text");
assert.containsOnce($details, '> summary:contains(3.00)',
"should have '3.00' in the button text");
await testUtils.dom.click($details.find('> summary'));
"should have a visible 'lunch kanban' banner");
await testUtils.dom.click($details.find('> summary'));
"shouldn't have a visible 'lunch kanban' banner");
QUnit.test('keep open when adding quantities', async function (assert) {
const kanban = await createLunchView({
View: LunchKanbanView,
model: 'product',
data: this.data,
arch: `
<t t-name="kanban-box">
<div><field name="name"/></div>
mockRPC: mockLunchRPC({
infos: Object.assign({}, this.regularInfos, {
lines: [
id: 6,
product: [1, "Tuna sandwich", "3.00"],
toppings: [],
quantity: 1.0,
userLocation: this.data['lunch.location'].records[0].id,
const $details = $('.o_lunch_content > details');
"shouldn't have a visible 'lunch kanban' banner");
assert.isVisible($details.find('> summary'),
"should hava a visible cart toggle button");
await testUtils.dom.click($details.find('> summary'));
"should have a visible 'lunch kanban' banner");
const $widgetSecondColumn = kanban.$('.o_lunch_widget .o_lunch_widget_info:eq(1)');
assert.containsOnce($widgetSecondColumn, '.o_lunch_widget_lines > li',
"should have 1 order line");
let $firstLine = $widgetSecondColumn.find('.o_lunch_widget_lines > li:first');
await testUtils.dom.click($firstLine.find('button.o_add_product'));
assert.isVisible($('.o_lunch_content > details .o_lunch_banner'),
"add quantity should keep 'lunch kanban' banner open");
$firstLine = kanban.$('.o_lunch_widget .o_lunch_widget_info:eq(1) .o_lunch_widget_lines > li:first');
await testUtils.dom.click($firstLine.find('button.o_remove_product'));
assert.isVisible($('.o_lunch_content > details .o_lunch_banner'),
"remove quantity should keep 'lunch kanban' banner open");