2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00

280 lines
14 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import ast
import re
from markupsafe import Markup
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError, UserError
from odoo.tools import is_html_empty, remove_accents
# see rfc5322 section 3.2.3
atext = r"[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+\-/=?^_`{|}~]"
dot_atom_text = re.compile(r"^%s+(\.%s+)*$" % (atext, atext))
class Alias(models.Model):
"""A Mail Alias is a mapping of an email address with a given Odoo Document
model. It is used by Odoo's mail gateway when processing incoming emails
sent to the system. If the recipient address (To) of the message matches
a Mail Alias, the message will be either processed following the rules
of that alias. If the message is a reply it will be attached to the
existing discussion on the corresponding record, otherwise a new
record of the corresponding model will be created.
This is meant to be used in combination with a catch-all email configuration
on the company's mail server, so that as soon as a new mail.alias is
created, it becomes immediately usable and Odoo will accept email for it.
_name = 'mail.alias'
_description = "Email Aliases"
_rec_name = 'alias_name'
_order = 'alias_model_id, alias_name'
alias_name = fields.Char('Alias Name', copy=False, help="The name of the email alias, e.g. 'jobs' if you want to catch emails for <jobs@example.odoo.com>")
alias_model_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model', 'Aliased Model', required=True, ondelete="cascade",
help="The model (Odoo Document Kind) to which this alias "
"corresponds. Any incoming email that does not reply to an "
"existing record will cause the creation of a new record "
"of this model (e.g. a Project Task)",
# hack to only allow selecting mail_thread models (we might
# (have a few false positives, though)
domain="[('field_id.name', '=', 'message_ids')]")
alias_user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'Owner', default=lambda self: self.env.user,
help="The owner of records created upon receiving emails on this alias. "
"If this field is not set the system will attempt to find the right owner "
"based on the sender (From) address, or will use the Administrator account "
"if no system user is found for that address.")
alias_defaults = fields.Text('Default Values', required=True, default='{}',
help="A Python dictionary that will be evaluated to provide "
"default values when creating new records for this alias.")
alias_force_thread_id = fields.Integer(
'Record Thread ID',
help="Optional ID of a thread (record) to which all incoming messages will be attached, even "
"if they did not reply to it. If set, this will disable the creation of new records completely.")
alias_domain = fields.Char('Alias domain', compute='_compute_alias_domain')
alias_parent_model_id = fields.Many2one(
'ir.model', 'Parent Model',
help="Parent model holding the alias. The model holding the alias reference "
"is not necessarily the model given by alias_model_id "
"(example: project (parent_model) and task (model))")
alias_parent_thread_id = fields.Integer('Parent Record Thread ID', help="ID of the parent record holding the alias (example: project holding the task creation alias)")
alias_contact = fields.Selection([
('everyone', 'Everyone'),
('partners', 'Authenticated Partners'),
('followers', 'Followers only')], default='everyone',
string='Alias Contact Security', required=True,
help="Policy to post a message on the document using the mailgateway.\n"
"- everyone: everyone can post\n"
"- partners: only authenticated partners\n"
"- followers: only followers of the related document or members of following channels\n")
alias_bounced_content = fields.Html(
"Custom Bounced Message", translate=True,
help="If set, this content will automatically be sent out to unauthorized users instead of the default message.")
_sql_constraints = [
('alias_unique', 'UNIQUE(alias_name)', 'Unfortunately this email alias is already used, please choose a unique one')
def _alias_is_ascii(self):
""" The local-part ("display-name" <local-part@domain>) of an
address only contains limited range of ascii characters.
We DO NOT allow anything else than ASCII dot-atom formed
local-part. Quoted-string and internationnal characters are
to be rejected. See rfc5322 sections 3.4.1 and 3.2.3
for alias in self:
if alias.alias_name and not dot_atom_text.match(alias.alias_name):
raise ValidationError(_(
"You cannot use anything else than unaccented latin characters in the alias address (%s).",
def _compute_alias_domain(self):
self.alias_domain = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo().get_param("mail.catchall.domain")
def _check_alias_defaults(self):
for alias in self:
except Exception:
raise ValidationError(_('Invalid expression, it must be a literal python dictionary definition e.g. "{\'field\': \'value\'}"'))
def create(self, vals_list):
""" Creates email.alias records according to the values provided in
``vals`` with 1 alteration:
* ``alias_name`` value may be cleaned by replacing certain unsafe
:raise UserError: if given alias_name is already assigned or there are
duplicates in given vals_list;
alias_names = [vals['alias_name'] for vals in vals_list if vals.get('alias_name')]
if alias_names:
sanitized_names = self._clean_and_check_unique(alias_names)
for vals in vals_list:
if vals.get('alias_name'):
vals['alias_name'] = sanitized_names[alias_names.index(vals['alias_name'])]
return super(Alias, self).create(vals_list)
def write(self, vals):
""""Raises UserError if given alias name is already assigned"""
if vals.get('alias_name') and self.ids:
if len(self) > 1:
raise UserError(_(
'Email alias %(alias_name)s cannot be used on %(count)d records at the same time. Please update records one by one.',
alias_name=vals['alias_name'], count=len(self)
vals['alias_name'] = self._clean_and_check_unique([vals.get('alias_name')])[0]
return super(Alias, self).write(vals)
def name_get(self):
"""Return the mail alias display alias_name, including the implicit
mail catchall domain if exists from config otherwise "New Alias".
e.g. `jobs@mail.odoo.com` or `jobs` or 'New Alias'
res = []
for record in self:
if record.alias_name and record.alias_domain:
res.append((record['id'], "%s@%s" % (record.alias_name, record.alias_domain)))
elif record.alias_name:
res.append((record['id'], "%s" % (record.alias_name)))
res.append((record['id'], _("Inactive Alias")))
return res
def _clean_and_check_mail_catchall_allowed_domains(self, value):
""" The purpose of this system parameter is to avoid the creation
of records from incoming emails with a domain != alias_domain
but that have a pattern matching an internal mail.alias . """
value = [domain.strip().lower() for domain in value.split(',') if domain.strip()]
if not value:
raise ValidationError(_("Value for `mail.catchall.domain.allowed` cannot be validated.\n"
"It should be a comma separated list of domains e.g. example.com,example.org."))
return ",".join(value)
def _clean_and_check_unique(self, names):
"""When an alias name appears to already be an email, we keep the local
part only. A sanitizing / cleaning is also performed on the name. If
name already exists an UserError is raised. """
def _sanitize_alias_name(name):
""" Cleans and sanitizes the alias name """
sanitized_name = remove_accents(name).lower().split('@')[0]
sanitized_name = re.sub(r'[^\w+.]+', '-', sanitized_name)
sanitized_name = re.sub(r'^\.+|\.+$|\.+(?=\.)', '', sanitized_name)
sanitized_name = sanitized_name.encode('ascii', errors='replace').decode()
return sanitized_name
sanitized_names = [_sanitize_alias_name(name) for name in names]
catchall_alias = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('mail.catchall.alias')
bounce_alias = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('mail.bounce.alias')
alias_domain = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo().get_param("mail.catchall.domain")
# matches catchall or bounce alias
for sanitized_name in sanitized_names:
if sanitized_name in [catchall_alias, bounce_alias]:
matching_alias_name = '%s@%s' % (sanitized_name, alias_domain) if alias_domain else sanitized_name
raise UserError(
_('The e-mail alias %(matching_alias_name)s is already used as %(alias_duplicate)s alias. Please choose another alias.',
alias_duplicate=_('catchall') if sanitized_name == catchall_alias else _('bounce'))
# matches existing alias
domain = [('alias_name', 'in', sanitized_names)]
if self:
domain += [('id', 'not in', self.ids)]
matching_alias = self.search(domain, limit=1)
if not matching_alias:
return sanitized_names
sanitized_alias_name = _sanitize_alias_name(matching_alias.alias_name)
matching_alias_name = '%s@%s' % (sanitized_alias_name, alias_domain) if alias_domain else sanitized_alias_name
if matching_alias.alias_parent_model_id and matching_alias.alias_parent_thread_id:
# If parent model and parent thread ID both are set, display document name also in the warning
document_name = self.env[matching_alias.alias_parent_model_id.model].sudo().browse(matching_alias.alias_parent_thread_id).display_name
raise UserError(
_('The e-mail alias %(matching_alias_name)s is already used by the %(document_name)s %(model_name)s. Choose another alias or change it on the other document.',
raise UserError(
_('The e-mail alias %(matching_alias_name)s is already linked with %(alias_model_name)s. Choose another alias or change it on the linked model.',
def open_document(self):
if not self.alias_model_id or not self.alias_force_thread_id:
return False
return {
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': self.alias_model_id.model,
'res_id': self.alias_force_thread_id,
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
def open_parent_document(self):
if not self.alias_parent_model_id or not self.alias_parent_thread_id:
return False
return {
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': self.alias_parent_model_id.model,
'res_id': self.alias_parent_thread_id,
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
def _get_alias_bounced_body_fallback(self, message_dict):
contact_description = self._get_alias_contact_description()
default_email = self.env.company.partner_id.email_formatted if self.env.company.partner_id.email else self.env.company.name
return Markup(
_("""<p>Dear Sender,<br /><br />
The message below could not be accepted by the address %(alias_display_name)s.
Only %(contact_description)s are allowed to contact it.<br /><br />
Please make sure you are using the correct address or contact us at %(default_email)s instead.<br /><br />
Kind Regards,</p>"""
)) % {
'alias_display_name': self.display_name,
'contact_description': contact_description,
'default_email': default_email,
def _get_alias_contact_description(self):
if self.alias_contact == 'partners':
return _('addresses linked to registered partners')
return _('some specific addresses')
def _get_alias_bounced_body(self, message_dict):
"""Get the body of the email return in case of bounced email.
:param message_dict: dictionary of mail values
lang_author = False
if message_dict.get('author_id'):
lang_author = self.env['res.partner'].browse(message_dict['author_id']).lang
if lang_author:
self = self.with_context(lang=lang_author)
if not is_html_empty(self.alias_bounced_content):
body = self.alias_bounced_content
body = self._get_alias_bounced_body_fallback(message_dict)
return self.env['ir.qweb']._render('mail.mail_bounce_alias_security', {
'body': body,
'message': message_dict
}, minimal_qcontext=True)