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241 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from collections import defaultdict
from odoo import _, api, fields, models, modules, tools
from odoo.addons.base.models.res_users import is_selection_groups
class Users(models.Model):
""" Update of res.users class
- add a preference about sending emails about notifications
- make a new user follow itself
- add a welcome message
- add suggestion preference
- if adding groups to a user, check mail.channels linked to this user
group, and the user. This is done by overriding the write method.
_name = 'res.users'
_inherit = ['res.users']
notification_type = fields.Selection([
('email', 'Handle by Emails'),
('inbox', 'Handle in Odoo')],
'Notification', required=True, default='email',
compute='_compute_notification_type', store=True, readonly=False,
help="Policy on how to handle Chatter notifications:\n"
"- Handle by Emails: notifications are sent to your email address\n"
"- Handle in Odoo: notifications appear in your Odoo Inbox")
res_users_settings_ids = fields.One2many('res.users.settings', 'user_id')
# Provide a target for relateds that is not a x2Many field.
res_users_settings_id = fields.Many2one('res.users.settings', string="Settings", compute='_compute_res_users_settings_id', search='_search_res_users_settings_id')
_sql_constraints = [(
"CHECK (notification_type = 'email' OR NOT share)",
"Only internal user can receive notifications in Odoo",
def _compute_notification_type(self):
for user in self:
# Only the internal users can receive notifications in Odoo
if user.share or not user.notification_type:
user.notification_type = 'email'
def _compute_res_users_settings_id(self):
for user in self:
user.res_users_settings_id = user.res_users_settings_ids and user.res_users_settings_ids[0]
def _search_res_users_settings_id(self, operator, operand):
return [('res_users_settings_ids', operator, operand)]
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
return super().SELF_READABLE_FIELDS + ['notification_type']
return super().SELF_WRITEABLE_FIELDS + ['notification_type']
def create(self, vals_list):
users = super(Users, self).create(vals_list)
# log a portal status change (manual tracking)
log_portal_access = not self._context.get('mail_create_nolog') and not self._context.get('mail_notrack')
if log_portal_access:
for user in users:
if user.has_group('base.group_portal'):
body = user._get_portal_access_update_body(True)
# Auto-subscribe to channels unless skip explicitly requested
if not self.env.context.get('mail_channel_nosubscribe'):
self.env['mail.channel'].search([('group_ids', 'in', users.groups_id.ids)])._subscribe_users_automatically()
return users
def write(self, vals):
log_portal_access = 'groups_id' in vals and not self._context.get('mail_create_nolog') and not self._context.get('mail_notrack')
user_portal_access_dict = {
user.id: user.has_group('base.group_portal')
for user in self
} if log_portal_access else {}
write_res = super(Users, self).write(vals)
# log a portal status change (manual tracking)
if log_portal_access:
for user in self:
user_has_group = user.has_group('base.group_portal')
portal_access_changed = user_has_group != user_portal_access_dict[user.id]
if portal_access_changed:
body = user._get_portal_access_update_body(user_has_group)
if 'active' in vals and not vals['active']:
sel_groups = [vals[k] for k in vals if is_selection_groups(k) and vals[k]]
if vals.get('groups_id'):
# form: {'group_ids': [(3, 10), (3, 3), (4, 10), (4, 3)]} or {'group_ids': [(6, 0, [ids]}
user_group_ids = [command[1] for command in vals['groups_id'] if command[0] == 4]
user_group_ids += [id for command in vals['groups_id'] if command[0] == 6 for id in command[2]]
self.env['mail.channel'].search([('group_ids', 'in', user_group_ids)])._subscribe_users_automatically()
elif sel_groups:
self.env['mail.channel'].search([('group_ids', 'in', sel_groups)])._subscribe_users_automatically()
return write_res
def unlink(self):
return super().unlink()
def _unsubscribe_from_non_public_channels(self):
""" This method un-subscribes users from group restricted channels. Main purpose
of this method is to prevent sending internal communication to archived / deleted users.
We do not un-subscribes users from public channels because in most common cases,
public channels are mailing list (e-mail based) and so users should always receive
updates from public channels until they manually un-subscribe themselves.
current_cm = self.env['mail.channel.member'].sudo().search([
('partner_id', 'in', self.partner_id.ids),
lambda cm: (cm.channel_id.channel_type == 'channel' and cm.channel_id.group_public_id)
def _get_portal_access_update_body(self, access_granted):
body = _('Portal Access Granted') if access_granted else _('Portal Access Revoked')
if self.partner_id.email:
return '%s (%s)' % (body, self.partner_id.email)
return body
def _deactivate_portal_user(self, **post):
"""Blacklist the email of the user after deleting it.
Log a note on the related partner so we know why it's archived.
current_user = self.env.user
for user in self:
body=_('Archived because %(user_name)s (#%(user_id)s) deleted the portal account',
user_name=current_user.name, user_id=current_user.id)
if post.get('request_blacklist'):
users_to_blacklist = [(user, user.email) for user in self.filtered(
lambda user: tools.email_normalize(user.email))]
users_to_blacklist = []
super(Users, self)._deactivate_portal_user(**post)
for user, user_email in users_to_blacklist:
blacklist = self.env['mail.blacklist']._add(user_email)
body=_('Blocked by deletion of portal account %(portal_user_name)s by %(user_name)s (#%(user_id)s)',
user_name=current_user.name, user_id=current_user.id,
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _init_messaging(self):
partner_root = self.env.ref('base.partner_root')
values = {
'channels': self.partner_id._get_channels_as_member().channel_info(),
'companyName': self.env.company.name,
'currentGuest': False,
'current_partner': self.partner_id.mail_partner_format().get(self.partner_id),
'current_user_id': self.id,
'current_user_settings': self.env['res.users.settings']._find_or_create_for_user(self)._res_users_settings_format(),
'hasLinkPreviewFeature': self.env['mail.link.preview']._is_link_preview_enabled(),
'internalUserGroupId': self.env.ref('base.group_user').id,
'menu_id': self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('mail.menu_root_discuss'),
'needaction_inbox_counter': self.partner_id._get_needaction_count(),
'partner_root': partner_root.sudo().mail_partner_format().get(partner_root),
'shortcodes': self.env['mail.shortcode'].sudo().search_read([], ['source', 'substitution']),
'starred_counter': self.env['mail.message'].search_count([('starred_partner_ids', 'in', self.partner_id.ids)]),
return values
def systray_get_activities(self):
activities = self.env["mail.activity"].search([("user_id", "=", self.env.uid)])
activities_by_record_by_model_name = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: self.env["mail.activity"]))
for activity in activities:
record = self.env[activity.res_model].browse(activity.res_id)
activities_by_record_by_model_name[activity.res_model][record] += activity
model_ids = list({self.env["ir.model"]._get(name).id for name in activities_by_record_by_model_name.keys()})
user_activities = {}
for model_name, activities_by_record in activities_by_record_by_model_name.items():
domain = [("id", "in", list({r.id for r in activities_by_record.keys()}))]
allowed_records = self.env[model_name].search(domain)
if not allowed_records:
module = self.env[model_name]._original_module
icon = module and modules.module.get_module_icon(module)
model = self.env["ir.model"]._get(model_name).with_prefetch(model_ids)
user_activities[model_name] = {
"id": model.id,
"name": model.name,
"model": model_name,
"type": "activity",
"icon": icon,
"total_count": 0,
"today_count": 0,
"overdue_count": 0,
"planned_count": 0,
"actions": [
"icon": "fa-clock-o",
"name": "Summary",
for record, activities in activities_by_record.items():
if record not in allowed_records:
for activity in activities:
user_activities[model_name]["%s_count" % activity.state] += 1
if activity.state in ("today", "overdue"):
user_activities[model_name]["total_count"] += 1
return list(user_activities.values())