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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models
class ResUsersSettings(models.Model):
_name = 'res.users.settings'
_description = 'User Settings'
_rec_name = 'user_id'
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string="User", required=True, ondelete='cascade', domain=[("res_users_settings_id", "=", False)])
is_discuss_sidebar_category_channel_open = fields.Boolean(string="Is discuss sidebar category channel open?", default=True)
is_discuss_sidebar_category_chat_open = fields.Boolean(string="Is discuss sidebar category chat open?", default=True)
push_to_talk_key = fields.Char(string="Push-To-Talk shortcut", help="String formatted to represent a key with modifiers following this pattern: shift.ctrl.alt.key, e.g: truthy.1.true.b")
use_push_to_talk = fields.Boolean(string="Use the push to talk feature", default=False)
voice_active_duration = fields.Integer(string="Duration of voice activity in ms", help="How long the audio broadcast will remain active after passing the volume threshold")
volume_settings_ids = fields.One2many('res.users.settings.volumes', 'user_setting_id', string="Volumes of other partners")
_sql_constraints = [
('unique_user_id', 'UNIQUE(user_id)', 'One user should only have one mail user settings.')
def _find_or_create_for_user(self, user):
settings = user.sudo().res_users_settings_ids
if not settings:
settings = self.sudo().create({'user_id': user.id})
return settings
def _res_users_settings_format(self, fields_to_format=None):
if not fields_to_format:
fields_to_format = [name for name, field in self._fields.items() if name == 'id' or not field.automatic]
res = self._read_format(fnames=fields_to_format)[0]
if 'user_id' in fields_to_format:
res['user_id'] = {'id': self.user_id.id}
if 'volume_settings_ids' in fields_to_format:
volume_settings = self.volume_settings_ids._discuss_users_settings_volume_format()
res['volume_settings_ids'] = [('insert', volume_settings)]
return res
def set_res_users_settings(self, new_settings):
changed_settings = {}
for setting in new_settings.keys():
if setting in self._fields and new_settings[setting] != self[setting]:
changed_settings[setting] = new_settings[setting]
self.env['bus.bus']._sendone(self.user_id.partner_id, 'res.users.settings/insert', self._res_users_settings_format([*changed_settings.keys(), 'id']))
def set_volume_setting(self, partner_id, volume, guest_id=None):
Saves the volume of a guest or a partner.
Either partner_id or guest_id must be specified.
:param float volume: the selected volume between 0 and 1
:param int partner_id:
:param int guest_id:
volume_setting = self.env['res.users.settings.volumes'].search([
('user_setting_id', '=', self.id), ('partner_id', '=', partner_id), ('guest_id', '=', guest_id)
if volume_setting:
volume_setting.volume = volume
volume_setting = self.env['res.users.settings.volumes'].create({
'user_setting_id': self.id,
'volume': volume,
'partner_id': partner_id,
'guest_id': guest_id,
self.env['bus.bus']._sendone(self.user_id.partner_id, 'res.users.settings.volumes/insert', volume_setting._discuss_users_settings_volume_format())