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248 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, UserError
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools import email_normalize, append_content_to_html, ustr
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MailGroupMessage(models.Model):
"""Emails belonging to a discussion group.
Those are build on <mail.message> with additional information related to specific
features of <mail.group> like better parent / children management and moderation.
_name = 'mail.group.message'
_description = 'Mailing List Message'
_rec_name = 'subject'
_order = 'create_date DESC'
_primary_email = 'email_from'
# <mail.message> fields, can not be done with inherits because it will impact
# the performance of the <mail.message> model (different cache, so the ORM will need
# to do one more SQL query to be able to update the <mail.group.message> cache)
attachment_ids = fields.Many2many(related='mail_message_id.attachment_ids', readonly=False)
author_id = fields.Many2one(related='mail_message_id.author_id', readonly=False)
email_from = fields.Char(related='mail_message_id.email_from', readonly=False)
email_from_normalized = fields.Char('Normalized From', compute='_compute_email_from_normalized', store=True)
body = fields.Html(related='mail_message_id.body', readonly=False)
subject = fields.Char(related='mail_message_id.subject', readonly=False)
# Thread
mail_group_id = fields.Many2one(
'mail.group', string='Group',
required=True, ondelete='cascade')
mail_message_id = fields.Many2one('mail.message', 'Mail Message', required=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True, copy=False)
# Parent and children
group_message_parent_id = fields.Many2one(
'mail.group.message', string='Parent', store=True)
group_message_child_ids = fields.One2many('mail.group.message', 'group_message_parent_id', string='Children')
# Moderation
author_moderation = fields.Selection([('ban', 'Banned'), ('allow', 'Whitelisted')], string='Author Moderation Status',
is_group_moderated = fields.Boolean('Is Group Moderated', related='mail_group_id.moderation')
moderation_status = fields.Selection(
[('pending_moderation', 'Pending Moderation'),
('accepted', 'Accepted'),
('rejected', 'Rejected')],
string='Status', index=True, copy=False,
required=True, default='pending_moderation')
moderator_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Moderated By')
create_date = fields.Datetime(string='Posted')
def _compute_email_from_normalized(self):
for message in self:
message.email_from_normalized = email_normalize(message.email_from)
@api.depends('email_from_normalized', 'mail_group_id')
def _compute_author_moderation(self):
moderations = self.env['mail.group.moderation'].search([
('mail_group_id', 'in', self.mail_group_id.ids),
all_emails = set(self.mapped('email_from_normalized'))
moderations = {
(moderation.mail_group_id, moderation.email): moderation.status
for moderation in moderations
if moderation.email in all_emails
for message in self:
message.author_moderation = moderations.get((message.mail_group_id, message.email_from_normalized), False)
def _constrains_mail_message_id(self):
for message in self:
if message.mail_message_id.model != 'mail.group':
raise AccessError(_(
'Group message can only be linked to mail group. Current model is %s.',
if message.mail_message_id.res_id != message.mail_group_id.id:
raise AccessError(_('The record of the message should be the group.'))
def create(self, values_list):
for vals in values_list:
if not vals.get('mail_message_id'):
'res_id': vals.get('mail_group_id'),
'model': 'mail.group',
vals['mail_message_id'] = self.env['mail.message'].sudo().create({
field: vals.pop(field)
for field in self.env['mail.message']._fields
if field in vals
return super(MailGroupMessage, self).create(values_list)
def copy(self, default=None):
default = dict(default or {})
default['mail_message_id'] = self.mail_message_id.copy().id
return super(MailGroupMessage, self).copy(default)
# --------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------
def action_moderate_accept(self):
"""Accept the incoming email.
Will send the incoming email to all members of the group.
'moderation_status': 'accepted',
'moderator_id': self.env.uid,
# Send the email to the members of the group
for message in self:
def action_moderate_reject_with_comment(self, reject_subject, reject_comment):
if reject_subject or reject_comment:
self._moderate_send_reject_email(reject_subject, reject_comment)
def action_moderate_reject(self):
'moderation_status': 'rejected',
'moderator_id': self.env.uid,
def action_moderate_allow(self):
# Accept all emails of the same authors
same_author = self._get_pending_same_author_same_group()
def action_moderate_ban(self):
# Reject all emails of the same author
same_author = self._get_pending_same_author_same_group()
def action_moderate_ban_with_comment(self, ban_subject, ban_comment):
if ban_subject or ban_comment:
self._moderate_send_reject_email(ban_subject, ban_comment)
# Reject all emails of the same author
same_author = self._get_pending_same_author_same_group()
def _get_pending_same_author_same_group(self):
"""Return the pending messages of the same authors in the same groups."""
return self.search(
('mail_group_id', '=', message.mail_group_id.id),
('email_from_normalized', '=', message.email_from_normalized),
] for message in self
[('moderation_status', '=', 'pending_moderation')],
def _create_moderation_rule(self, status):
"""Create a moderation rule <mail.group.moderation> with the given status.
Update existing moderation rule for the same email address if found,
otherwise create a new rule.
if status not in ('ban', 'allow'):
raise ValueError(_('Wrong status (%s)', status))
for message in self:
if not email_normalize(message.email_from):
raise UserError(_('The email "%s" is not valid.', message.email_from))
existing_moderation = self.env['mail.group.moderation'].search(
('email', '=', email_normalize(message.email_from)),
('mail_group_id', '=', message.mail_group_id.id)
] for message in self
existing_moderation.status = status
# Add the value in a set to create only 1 moderation rule per (email_normalized, group)
moderation_to_create = {
(email_normalize(message.email_from), message.mail_group_id.id)
for message in self
if email_normalize(message.email_from) not in existing_moderation.mapped('email')
'email': email,
'mail_group_id': mail_group_id,
'status': status,
} for email, mail_group_id in moderation_to_create])
def _assert_moderable(self):
"""Raise an error if one of the current message can not be moderated.
A <mail.group.message> can only be moderated
if it's moderation status is "pending_moderation".
non_moderable_messages = self.filtered_domain([
('moderation_status', '!=', 'pending_moderation'),
if non_moderable_messages:
if len(self) == 1:
raise UserError(_('This message can not be moderated'))
raise UserError(_(
'Those messages can not be moderated: %s.',
', '.join(non_moderable_messages.mapped('subject')),
def _moderate_send_reject_email(self, subject, comment):
for message in self:
if not message.email_from:
body_html = append_content_to_html('<div>%s</div>' % ustr(comment), message.body, plaintext=False)
body_html = self.env['mail.render.mixin']._replace_local_links(body_html)
'author_id': self.env.user.partner_id.id,
'auto_delete': True,
'body_html': body_html,
'email_from': self.env.user.email_formatted or self.env.company.catchall_formatted,
'email_to': message.email_from,
'references': message.mail_message_id.message_id,
'subject': subject,
'state': 'outgoing',