2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00

168 lines
8.9 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models, _, tools
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
class MrpRoutingWorkcenter(models.Model):
_name = 'mrp.routing.workcenter'
_description = 'Work Center Usage'
_order = 'bom_id, sequence, id'
_check_company_auto = True
name = fields.Char('Operation', required=True)
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
workcenter_id = fields.Many2one('mrp.workcenter', 'Work Center', required=True, check_company=True)
sequence = fields.Integer(
'Sequence', default=100,
help="Gives the sequence order when displaying a list of routing Work Centers.")
bom_id = fields.Many2one(
'mrp.bom', 'Bill of Material',
index=True, ondelete='cascade', required=True, check_company=True)
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', 'Company', related='bom_id.company_id')
worksheet_type = fields.Selection([
('pdf', 'PDF'), ('google_slide', 'Google Slide'), ('text', 'Text')],
string="Worksheet", default="text"
note = fields.Html('Description')
worksheet = fields.Binary('PDF')
worksheet_google_slide = fields.Char('Google Slide', help="Paste the url of your Google Slide. Make sure the access to the document is public.")
time_mode = fields.Selection([
('auto', 'Compute based on tracked time'),
('manual', 'Set duration manually')], string='Duration Computation',
time_mode_batch = fields.Integer('Based on', default=10)
time_computed_on = fields.Char('Computed on last', compute='_compute_time_computed_on')
time_cycle_manual = fields.Float(
'Manual Duration', default=60,
help="Time in minutes:"
"- In manual mode, time used"
"- In automatic mode, supposed first time when there aren't any work orders yet")
time_cycle = fields.Float('Duration', compute="_compute_time_cycle")
workorder_count = fields.Integer("# Work Orders", compute="_compute_workorder_count")
workorder_ids = fields.One2many('mrp.workorder', 'operation_id', string="Work Orders")
possible_bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids = fields.Many2many(related='bom_id.possible_product_template_attribute_value_ids')
bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids = fields.Many2many(
'product.template.attribute.value', string="Apply on Variants", ondelete='restrict',
domain="[('id', 'in', possible_bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids)]",
help="BOM Product Variants needed to apply this line.")
allow_operation_dependencies = fields.Boolean(related='bom_id.allow_operation_dependencies')
blocked_by_operation_ids = fields.Many2many('mrp.routing.workcenter', relation="mrp_routing_workcenter_dependencies_rel",
column1="operation_id", column2="blocked_by_id",
string="Blocked By", help="Operations that need to be completed before this operation can start.",
domain="[('allow_operation_dependencies', '=', True), ('id', '!=', id), ('bom_id', '=', bom_id)]",
needed_by_operation_ids = fields.Many2many('mrp.routing.workcenter', relation="mrp_routing_workcenter_dependencies_rel",
column1="blocked_by_id", column2="operation_id",
string="Blocks", help="Operations that cannot start before this operation is completed.",
domain="[('allow_operation_dependencies', '=', True), ('id', '!=', id), ('bom_id', '=', bom_id)]",
@api.depends('time_mode', 'time_mode_batch')
def _compute_time_computed_on(self):
for operation in self:
operation.time_computed_on = _('%i work orders') % operation.time_mode_batch if operation.time_mode != 'manual' else False
@api.depends('time_cycle_manual', 'time_mode', 'workorder_ids')
def _compute_time_cycle(self):
manual_ops = self.filtered(lambda operation: operation.time_mode == 'manual')
for operation in manual_ops:
operation.time_cycle = operation.time_cycle_manual
for operation in self - manual_ops:
data = self.env['mrp.workorder'].search([
('operation_id', '=', operation.id),
('qty_produced', '>', 0),
('state', '=', 'done')],
order="date_finished desc, id desc")
# To compute the time_cycle, we can take the total duration of previous operations
# but for the quantity, we will take in consideration the qty_produced like if the capacity was 1.
# So producing 50 in 00:10 with capacity 2, for the time_cycle, we assume it is 25 in 00:10
# When recomputing the expected duration, the capacity is used again to divide the qty to produce
# so that if we need 50 with capacity 2, it will compute the expected of 25 which is 00:10
total_duration = 0 # Can be 0 since it's not an invalid duration for BoM
cycle_number = 0 # Never 0 unless infinite item['workcenter_id'].capacity
for item in data:
total_duration += item['duration']
capacity = item['workcenter_id']._get_capacity(item.product_id)
qty_produced = item.product_uom_id._compute_quantity(item['qty_produced'], item.product_id.uom_id)
cycle_number += tools.float_round((qty_produced / capacity or 1.0), precision_digits=0, rounding_method='UP')
if cycle_number:
operation.time_cycle = total_duration / cycle_number
operation.time_cycle = operation.time_cycle_manual
def _compute_workorder_count(self):
data = self.env['mrp.workorder']._read_group([
('operation_id', 'in', self.ids),
('state', '=', 'done')], ['operation_id'], ['operation_id'])
count_data = dict((item['operation_id'][0], item['operation_id_count']) for item in data)
for operation in self:
operation.workorder_count = count_data.get(operation.id, 0)
def _check_no_cyclic_dependencies(self):
if not self._check_m2m_recursion('blocked_by_operation_ids'):
raise ValidationError(_("You cannot create cyclic dependency."))
def action_archive(self):
res = super().action_archive()
bom_lines = self.env['mrp.bom.line'].search([('operation_id', 'in', self.ids)])
bom_lines.write({'operation_id': False})
byproduct_lines = self.env['mrp.bom.byproduct'].search([('operation_id', 'in', self.ids)])
byproduct_lines.write({'operation_id': False})
return res
def copy_to_bom(self):
if 'bom_id' in self.env.context:
bom_id = self.env.context.get('bom_id')
for operation in self:
operation.copy({'bom_id': bom_id})
return {
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'mrp.bom',
'views': [(False, 'form')],
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_id': bom_id,
def copy_existing_operations(self):
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'name': _('Select Operations to Copy'),
'res_model': 'mrp.routing.workcenter',
'view_mode': 'tree,form',
'domain': ['|', ('bom_id', '=', False), ('bom_id.active', '=', True)],
'context' : {
'bom_id': self.env.context["bom_id"],
'tree_view_ref': 'mrp.mrp_routing_workcenter_copy_to_bom_tree_view',
def _skip_operation_line(self, product):
""" Control if a operation should be processed, can be inherited to add
custom control.
# skip operation line if archived
if not self.active:
return True
if product._name == 'product.template':
return False
return not product._match_all_variant_values(self.bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids)
def _get_comparison_values(self):
if not self:
return False
return tuple(self[key] for key in ('name', 'company_id', 'workcenter_id', 'time_mode', 'time_cycle_manual', 'bom_product_template_attribute_value_ids'))
def write(self, values):
if 'bom_id' in values:
for op in self:
op.bom_id.bom_line_ids.filtered(lambda line: line.operation_id == op).operation_id = False
op.bom_id.byproduct_ids.filtered(lambda byproduct: byproduct.operation_id == op).operation_id = False
op.bom_id.operation_ids.filtered(lambda operation: operation.blocked_by_operation_ids == op).blocked_by_operation_ids = False
return super().write(values)