2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00

270 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo.addons.mrp.tests.common import TestMrpCommon
from odoo.tests import Form
from odoo import Command
class TestMrpSerialMassProduce(TestMrpCommon):
def test_smp_serial(self):
"""Create a MO for a product not tracked by serial number.
The smp wizard should not open.
mo = self.generate_mo()[0]
self.assertEqual(mo.state, 'confirmed')
res = mo.action_serial_mass_produce_wizard()
def test_smp_produce_all(self):
"""Create a MO for a product tracked by serial number.
Open the smp wizard, generate all serial numbers to produce all quantities.
mo = self.generate_mo(tracking_final='serial')[0]
count = mo.product_qty
# Make some stock and reserve
for product in mo.move_raw_ids.product_id:
'product_id': product.id,
'inventory_quantity': 100,
'location_id': mo.location_src_id.id,
# Open the wizard
action = mo.action_serial_mass_produce_wizard()
wizard = Form(self.env['stock.assign.serial'].with_context(**action['context']))
# Let the wizard generate all serial numbers
wizard.next_serial_number = "sn#1"
wizard.next_serial_count = count
action = wizard.save().generate_serial_numbers_production()
# Reload the wizard to apply generated serial numbers
wizard = Form(self.env['stock.assign.serial'].browse(action['res_id']))
# Initial MO should have a backorder-sequenced name and be in to_close state
self.assertTrue("-001" in mo.name)
self.assertEqual(mo.state, "to_close")
# Each generated serial number should have its own mo
self.assertEqual(len(mo.procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids), count)
# Check generated serial numbers
self.assertEqual(mo.procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids.lot_producing_id.mapped('name'), ["sn#1", "sn#2", "sn#3", "sn#4", "sn#5"])
def test_smp_produce_all_but_one(self):
"""Create a MO for a product tracked by serial number.
Open the smp wizard, generate all but one serial numbers and create a back order.
mo = self.generate_mo(tracking_final='serial')[0]
count = mo.product_qty
# Make some stock and reserve
for product in mo.move_raw_ids.product_id:
'product_id': product.id,
'inventory_quantity': 100,
'location_id': mo.location_src_id.id,
action = mo.action_serial_mass_produce_wizard()
wizard = Form(self.env['stock.assign.serial'].with_context(**action['context']))
wizard.next_serial_number = "sn#1"
wizard.next_serial_count = count - 1
action = wizard.save().generate_serial_numbers_production()
# Reload the wizard to create backorder (applying generated serial numbers)
wizard = Form(self.env['stock.assign.serial'].browse(action['res_id']))
# Last MO in sequence is the backorder
bo = mo.procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids[-1]
self.assertEqual(bo.backorder_sequence, count)
self.assertEqual(bo.state, "confirmed")
def test_smp_produce_complex(self):
"""Create a MO for a product tracked by serial number
and with complex components (serial and multiple lots).
Open the smp wizard, generate all serial numbers to produce all quantities.
Check lot splitting.
mo, dummy, dummy, product_to_use_1, product_to_use_2 = self.generate_mo(tracking_final='serial', tracking_base_1='lot', tracking_base_2='serial', qty_final=3, qty_base_1=2, qty_base_2=1)
count = mo.product_qty
# Make some stock and reserve
for _ in range(2): # 2 lots of 3 to satisfy the need and check lot splitting
lot = self.env['stock.lot'].create({
'product_id': product_to_use_1.id,
'company_id': self.env.company.id,
'product_id': product_to_use_1.id,
'inventory_quantity': 3,
'location_id': mo.location_src_id.id,
'lot_id': lot.id,
for _ in range(3): # 3 serial numbers
lot = self.env['stock.lot'].create({
'product_id': product_to_use_2.id,
'company_id': self.env.company.id,
'product_id': product_to_use_2.id,
'inventory_quantity': 1,
'location_id': mo.location_src_id.id,
'lot_id': lot.id,
# Open the wizard
action = mo.action_serial_mass_produce_wizard()
wizard = Form(self.env['stock.assign.serial'].with_context(**action['context']))
# Let the wizard generate all serial numbers
wizard.next_serial_number = "sn#1"
wizard.next_serial_count = count
action = wizard.save().generate_serial_numbers_production()
# Reload the wizard to apply generated serial numbers
wizard = Form(self.env['stock.assign.serial'].browse(action['res_id']))
# 1st & 3rd MO in sequence should have only 1 move lines (1 lot) for product_to_use_1 (2nd in bom)
self.assertEqual(mo.procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids[0].move_raw_ids[1].move_lines_count, 1)
self.assertEqual(mo.procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids[2].move_raw_ids[1].move_lines_count, 1)
# 2nd MO should have 2 move lines (2 different lots) for product_to_use_1
self.assertEqual(mo.procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids[1].move_raw_ids[1].move_lines_count, 2)
def test_mass_produce_with_tracked_product(self):
Check that we can mass produce a tracked product.
tracked_product = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'Tracked Product',
'type': 'product',
'tracking': 'serial',
component = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'Component',
'type': 'product',
byproduct = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'Byproduct',
'type': 'product',
# create a BoM
bom = self.env['mrp.bom'].create({
'product_tmpl_id': tracked_product.product_tmpl_id.id,
'product_qty': 1,
'bom_line_ids': [Command.create({
'product_id': component.id,
'product_qty': 1,
'byproduct_ids': [Command.create({
'product_id': byproduct.id,
'product_qty': 1,
sn_1 = self.env['stock.lot'].create({
'name': 'SN1',
'product_id': tracked_product.id,
sn_2 = self.env['stock.lot'].create({
'name': 'SN2',
'product_id': tracked_product.id,
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(tracked_product, self.stock_location_14, 1, lot_id=sn_1)
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(tracked_product, self.stock_location_14, 1, lot_id=sn_2)
self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(component, self.stock_location_14, 10)
# create an MO to use the tracked product available in stock
mo_form = Form(self.env['mrp.production'])
mo_form.product_id = self.product_1
mo_form.product_qty = 2
mo_form.product_uom_id = component.uom_id
# use tracked as component
with mo_form.move_raw_ids.new() as move:
move.name = tracked_product.name
move.product_id = tracked_product
move.product_uom_qty = 2
move.product_uom = tracked_product.uom_id
mo = mo_form.save()
mo.qty_producing = 2
mo.move_raw_ids.move_line_ids.write({'qty_done': 1})
self.assertEqual(mo.state, 'done')
# create a Mo to produce 2 units of tracked product
mo_form = Form(self.env['mrp.production'])
mo_form.product_id = tracked_product
mo_form.bom_id = bom
mo_form.product_qty = 2
mo_form.product_uom_id = tracked_product.uom_id
mo = mo_form.save()
self.assertEqual(mo.state, 'confirmed')
# Open the wizard
action = mo.action_serial_mass_produce_wizard()
wizard = Form(self.env['stock.assign.serial'].with_context(**action['context']))
# Let the wizard generate all serial numbers
wizard.next_serial_number = "sn#3"
wizard.next_serial_count = 2
action = wizard.save().generate_serial_numbers_production()
# Reload the wizard to apply generated serial numbers
wizard = Form(self.env['stock.assign.serial'].browse(action['res_id']))
# Initial MO should have a backorder-sequenced name and be in to_close state
self.assertTrue("-001" in mo.name)
self.assertEqual(mo.state, "to_close")
# Each generated serial number should have its own mo
self.assertEqual(len(mo.procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids), 2)
# Check generated serial numbers
self.assertEqual(mo.procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids.lot_producing_id.mapped('name'), ["sn#3", "sn#4"])
#check byproduct quantity
self.assertEqual(mo.procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids.move_byproduct_ids.mapped('quantity_done'), [1, 1])
# check the component quantity
self.assertEqual(mo.procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids.move_raw_ids.mapped('quantity_done'), [1, 1])
# Mark the MOs as done
self.assertEqual(mo.procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids.mapped('state'), ['done', 'done'])
def test_smp_produce_with_consumable_component(self):
"""Create a MO for a product tracked by serial number with a consumable component.
Open the smp wizard, You should be able to generate all serial numbers.
- 1x final product (tracked by serial number)
- 2 x (storable)
- 4 x (consumable)
- Create a MO with 12 final products to produce.
- update the component quantity to 100
self.bom_1.product_id.uom_id = self.ref('uom.product_uom_unit')
self.bom_1.product_id.tracking = 'serial'
self.bom_1.product_qty = 1
mo_form = Form(self.env['mrp.production'])
mo_form.bom_id = self.bom_1
mo_form.product_qty = 12
mo = mo_form.save()
self.assertEqual(mo.move_raw_ids.mapped(lambda l: l.product_qty), [24, 48])
self.assertEqual(mo.move_raw_ids[1].product_id.type, 'consu', 'The second component should be consumable')
mo.move_raw_ids[1].product_uom_qty = 100
# Make some stock and reserve for storable component
'product_id': mo.move_raw_ids[0].product_id.id,
'inventory_quantity': 24,
'location_id': mo.location_src_id.id,
self.assertEqual(mo.state, 'confirmed')
# Open the wizard
action = mo.action_serial_mass_produce_wizard()
wizard = Form(self.env['stock.assign.serial'].with_context(**action['context']))
# Let the wizard generate all serial numbers
wizard.next_serial_number = "sn#1"
wizard.next_serial_count = mo.product_qty
action = wizard.save().generate_serial_numbers_production()
# Reload the wizard to apply generated serial numbers
wizard = Form(self.env['stock.assign.serial'].browse(action['res_id']))
# Initial MO should have a backorder-sequenced name and be in to_close state
self.assertTrue("-001" in mo.name)
self.assertEqual(mo.state, "to_close")
# Each generated serial number should have its own mo
self.assertEqual(len(mo.procurement_group_id.mrp_production_ids), 12)