133 lines
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133 lines
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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
import pprint
from werkzeug import urls
from odoo import _, models
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
from odoo.addons.payment.const import CURRENCY_MINOR_UNITS
from odoo.addons.payment_mollie.const import SUPPORTED_LOCALES
from odoo.addons.payment_mollie.controllers.main import MollieController
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PaymentTransaction(models.Model):
_inherit = 'payment.transaction'
def _get_specific_rendering_values(self, processing_values):
""" Override of payment to return Mollie-specific rendering values.
Note: self.ensure_one() from `_get_processing_values`
:param dict processing_values: The generic and specific processing values of the transaction
:return: The dict of provider-specific rendering values
:rtype: dict
res = super()._get_specific_rendering_values(processing_values)
if self.provider_code != 'mollie':
return res
payload = self._mollie_prepare_payment_request_payload()
_logger.info("sending '/payments' request for link creation:\n%s", pprint.pformat(payload))
payment_data = self.provider_id._mollie_make_request('/payments', data=payload)
# The provider reference is set now to allow fetching the payment status after redirection
self.provider_reference = payment_data.get('id')
# Extract the checkout URL from the payment data and add it with its query parameters to the
# rendering values. Passing the query parameters separately is necessary to prevent them
# from being stripped off when redirecting the user to the checkout URL, which can happen
# when only one payment method is enabled on Mollie and query parameters are provided.
checkout_url = payment_data['_links']['checkout']['href']
parsed_url = urls.url_parse(checkout_url)
url_params = urls.url_decode(parsed_url.query)
return {'api_url': checkout_url, 'url_params': url_params}
def _mollie_prepare_payment_request_payload(self):
""" Create the payload for the payment request based on the transaction values.
:return: The request payload
:rtype: dict
user_lang = self.env.context.get('lang')
base_url = self.provider_id.get_base_url()
redirect_url = urls.url_join(base_url, MollieController._return_url)
webhook_url = urls.url_join(base_url, MollieController._webhook_url)
decimal_places = CURRENCY_MINOR_UNITS.get(
self.currency_id.name, self.currency_id.decimal_places
return {
'description': self.reference,
'amount': {
'currency': self.currency_id.name,
'value': f"{self.amount:.{decimal_places}f}",
'locale': user_lang if user_lang in SUPPORTED_LOCALES else 'en_US',
# Since Mollie does not provide the transaction reference when returning from
# redirection, we include it in the redirect URL to be able to match the transaction.
'redirectUrl': f'{redirect_url}?ref={self.reference}',
'webhookUrl': f'{webhook_url}?ref={self.reference}',
def _get_tx_from_notification_data(self, provider_code, notification_data):
""" Override of payment to find the transaction based on Mollie data.
:param str provider_code: The code of the provider that handled the transaction
:param dict notification_data: The notification data sent by the provider
:return: The transaction if found
:rtype: recordset of `payment.transaction`
:raise: ValidationError if the data match no transaction
tx = super()._get_tx_from_notification_data(provider_code, notification_data)
if provider_code != 'mollie' or len(tx) == 1:
return tx
tx = self.search(
[('reference', '=', notification_data.get('ref')), ('provider_code', '=', 'mollie')]
if not tx:
raise ValidationError("Mollie: " + _(
"No transaction found matching reference %s.", notification_data.get('ref')
return tx
def _process_notification_data(self, notification_data):
""" Override of payment to process the transaction based on Mollie data.
Note: self.ensure_one()
:param dict notification_data: The notification data sent by the provider
:return: None
if self.provider_code != 'mollie':
payment_data = self.provider_id._mollie_make_request(
f'/payments/{self.provider_reference}', method="GET"
payment_status = payment_data.get('status')
if payment_status == 'pending':
elif payment_status == 'authorized':
elif payment_status == 'paid':
elif payment_status in ['expired', 'canceled', 'failed']:
self._set_canceled("Mollie: " + _("Canceled payment with status: %s", payment_status))
"received data with invalid payment status (%s) for transaction with reference %s",
payment_status, self.reference
"Mollie: " + _("Received data with invalid payment status: %s", payment_status)